Video: Banned on the Hill (and in Europe!)

by Franke James

See the visual essay: Banned on the Hill


Want to help? Please sign the Care2 petition:

PEN Canada and the Writers’ Union of Canada have expressed their concern over the Government censorship.

“The government of Canada has no right to determine what is an acceptable opinion for an individual citizen, on climate change or any matter of public interest,” said Charlie Foran, President of PEN Canada, “To do so is clearly not in the spirit of the Charter and the long history of freedom of expression in Canada.”

Greg Hollingshead, Chair of The Writers’ Union of Canada, “The right to freedom of expression includes freedom from official disapproval, including the sort of bureaucratic interference encountered by Franke James.”

Read more about the blacklisting, including the internal government documents released through an ATIP request.

See the visual essay: Banned on the Hill

Creative Commons License
The Video “Banned on the Hill (and in Europe!)” by Franke James and Billiam James is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. Based on a work at Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at

82 Responses: 12 Comments and 70 Tweets

  • […] gives an overview of my blacklisting and how I fought back by mounting a protest artshow in Ottawa: Banned on the Hill (and in Europe!)Here’s the visual essay version (with research links).Please visit my site to see my protest […]

  • Marshall says:

    Go green! it is the only way to make our world a better place to live!

  • tugce Tugran says:

    This only shows the lengths people would go to hold on to the existing energy system…It is really sad, a country like Canada can not tolerate voices of people who want some change….We are all very lucky because people like Franke produce such nice, accessible and important work on such pressing issues…thank you

  • […] “Banned on the Hill” artshow was opening in Ottawa and I needed help on the ground… I spotted a post by […]

  • Thanes says:

    Go Green is nice, but a carbon tax is the only thing that will save us. God bless Australia!
    Said as a moderately informed person in a very benighted USA cracker-state.

  • Paul says:

    Good for you Franke! You may find yourself in years to come feeling a sense of pride being on this frightened government’s blacklist, much the same as the ‘communists’ who were blacklisted during the McCarthy era in the US in the 50’s.
    I like your work and don’t feel that you deserve this treatment from this petty, vindictive government…it’s our own little incipient Taliban in the works.

  • […] climate change office was secretly working to kill my support,” James said in a visual essay posted on her […]

  • AW says:

    I just saw your video on the web (Yahoo News). Glad to see that you’re fighting this injustice and that you’ve garnered a lot of global attention. Too bad that your European tour was stopped. Prior to writing my first book, I was told that I had numerous funding opportunities from the federal and provincial governments. Too make a long story short, it wasn’t true, especially not in Quebec. So, I was sponsored myself and published my book through my own publishing company.

    Where there’s a will… you know the rest. ;) Keep the passion alive! AW

  • GFB says:

    Great video! Signed the petition and thanks for posting this!

  • Portfolio says:

    […] faced behind-the-scenes interference by the Canadian Government. Created with Franke James. See: […]

  • Angelie says:

    Great project!!! Nations should approach this topic globally rather than left on making their own decisions. Keep the spirit flaming! Go for Green!

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