Dinner with a Stranger
by Franke James
Writing, illustrations and photos by Franke James
Dinner with a Stranger © 2009 Franke James, MFA
The donation was made to The Yonge Street Mission which has been around for 113 years.
CBC does “Dinner with a Stranger”
The National and CBC radio’s The Spark shared Franke’s story of “Dinner with a Stranger” with their audiences.
Related Posts
CBC National TV: “Stranger for Christmas” by CBC video-journalist, Peter Wall.
CBC Radio: “Dinner with a Stranger” with Spark host, Nora Young.
Franke’s post: Just look where “Dinner with a Stranger” has led…
307 Responses: 155 Comments and 152 Tweets
Twitter: 84 (Showing 152)
- Franke James @frankejames
Dinner with a Stranger. A stranger emailed me & said they\'d donate $200 if I had them to dinner.. http://www.frankejames.com/debate/?p=118(about 5861 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
@moneycoach Thank you! Dinner with a Stranger was a unique experience and fun to write about. http://www.frankejames.com/debate/?p=118(about 5861 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
@Edouard_Stenger Thanks for your comment on my new visual essay \"Dinner with a Stranger!\" Cheers! http://www.frankejames.com/debate/?p=118(about 5861 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
@KarenHanrahan Thanks Karen! I appreciate your rave review. You\'re coming to dinner aren\'t you? http://www.frankejames.com/debate/?p=118(about 5861 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
@coyenator Thnx so much for your wonderful comment on my \"Dinner with a Stranger\" visual essay. http://www.frankejames.com/debate/?p=118(about 5860 days ago)
- Christine Egger @cdegger
Another fantastic visual essay from @frankejames: http://www.frankejames.com/debate/?p=118(about 5860 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
The Stranger\'s Mom said our Dinner with a Stranger injected intrigue & excitement into Xmas gifts http://www.frankejames.com/debate/?p=118(about 5859 days ago)
- MartinEdic @martinedic
@frankejames: Dinner with a stranger: http://www.frankejames.com/debate/?p=118 Franke nails it again(about 5857 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
@MartinEdic Thnx Martin! All that appreciation coming from a dinner with a stranger. How fun! http://www.frankejames.com/debate/?p=118(about 5857 days ago)
- Sabina @enjoyecoliving
\"Dinner with a Stranger\" - great photo essay by Franke James http://www.frankejames.com/debate/?p=118(about 5857 days ago)
- Sabina @enjoyecoliving
Ups! So embarrassing. Visual essay and not photo essay http://www.frankejames.com/debate/?p=118(about 5857 days ago)
- ⌘ Matt Dewey ⌘ @mattfromseattle
Cool story: http://www.frankejames.com/debate/?p=118(about 5857 days ago)
- Jeremy Sandy @jeremy_sandy
would you have dinner with a stranger? what if it was for a great cause? http://www.frankejames.com/debate/?p=118(about 5857 days ago)
- PERR0_HUNTER @perrohunter
muy interesante filosofia http://www.frankejames.com/debate/?p=118(about 5857 days ago)
- Nazia @naziasayed
I Had Dinner With a Stranger. Here\'s What Happened..?? http://www.frankejames.com/debate/?p=118(about 5857 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
@sw0rdfish The Digg effect forced us to move to a cloud computing server. Much better performance. http://www.frankejames.com/debate/?p=118(about 5856 days ago)
- slightlyfamous @slightlyfamous
Dinner with a stranger - http://www.frankejames.com/debate/?p=118(about 5853 days ago)
- Silver Adept @silver_adept
Think this might be a viable idea? http://www.frankejames.com/debate/?p=118(about 5853 days ago)
- Cheng Wang @chengwang
RT: @Silver_Adept re: http://www.frankejames.com/debate/?p=118 I love cooking too much but I\'d be willing to host for all and sundry...(about 5852 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
Wow! Go-Giver follower from Australia inspired by fundraising idea in Dinner with a Stranger http://www.frankejames.com/debate/?p=118(about 5852 days ago)
- Suzy Bauter @szyhomemaker
This was so cool I am RTing- Dinner with a stranger: http://www.frankejames.com/debate/?p=118(about 5851 days ago)
- joellafferty @joellafferty
http://www.frankejames.com/debate/?p=118(about 5850 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
@wadesmom Thnx! There is humor to it. I inserted my photo into the sucker to avoid gender mixup! http://www.frankejames.com/debate/?p=118(about 5849 days ago)
- FirstGiving @firstgiving
Reading. . . er, viewing \"Dinner with a stranger\": http://www.frankejames.com/debate/?p=118(about 5844 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
@musiccitycat Nice to meet you! Thanks for the RT on Dinner with a Stranger. http://www.frankejames.com/debate/?p=118(about 5842 days ago)
- Aneel @aneel
dinner with a stranger -http://www.frankejames.com/debate/?p=118(about 5842 days ago)
- Dominic Scheirlinck @nzdominic
Dinner with a stranger - really cool idea: http://www.frankejames.com/debate/?p=118(about 5842 days ago)
- Brandie Heinel @icyfrance
This is a beautiful idea http://www.frankejames.com/debate/?p=118(about 5842 days ago)
- Lester Nelson @ferdinandcc
What a great way to raise money for a charity! Dinner with a stranger! http://www.frankejames.com/debate/?p=118(about 5841 days ago)
- fpschulte @fpschulte
loves the idea of \"Diner with a Stranger\": http://www.frankejames.com/debate/?p=118(about 5841 days ago)
- robarov @robarov
Prachtig verhaal en dito uitwerking! http://www.frankejames.com/debate/?p=118(about 5841 days ago)
- Dirk Bonhomme @dirkbonhomme
RT @robarov Prachtig verhaal en dito uitwerking! http://www.frankejames.com/debate/?p=118(about 5841 days ago)
- bruce turner @bruceturner
Dinner with a stranger. Would you? http://www.frankejames.com/debate/?p=118(about 5841 days ago)
- Benny Simon @bjs256
I like this idea. Except that it sounds a bit dangerous. http://www.frankejames.com/debate/?p=118(about 5841 days ago)
- Tracey Rissik 【ツ】☮ @traceyrissik
In this world where we so often ignore strangers... I LOVED reading this post!! http://www.frankejames.com/debate/?p=118(about 5841 days ago)
- Mark Kizelshteyn @kizel
Dinner with a stranger: http://www.frankejames.com/debate/?p=118(about 5840 days ago)
- Maaike de Laat @maaike
Dinner with a stranger: http://www.frankejames.com/debate/?p=118(about 5840 days ago)
- george lewis @schvin
this is really cool - http://www.frankejames.com/debate/?p=118 - courtesy @kottke(about 5840 days ago)
- Katie Chatfield @katiechatfield
would you cook dinner for a stranger if they donated $200 to charity? http://www.frankejames.com/debate/?p=118 HT @mikearauz(about 5840 days ago)
- sam whiteman @blanchomme
RT @katiechatfield: would u cook dinner for a stranger if they donated $200 to charity? http://www.frankejames.com/debate/?p=118 @mikearauz(about 5840 days ago)
- Greg Jones @gjones
This is a nice story, with lovely illustrations: http://www.frankejames.com/debate/?p=118 I think I would have been less trusting.(about 5839 days ago)
- Kids on Computers @kidsoncomputers
Wondering if Dinner with a Stranger would be a good fund raising technique http://www.frankejames.com/debate/?p=118(about 5839 days ago)
- Miranda @themoirai
From @althefierce http://www.frankejames.com/debate/?p=118 This is the coolest thing I\'ve read in a long time. I\'m full of warm fuzzies.(about 5839 days ago)
- Stormy @storming
Would you donate $200 to @gnome or @kidsoncomputers for dinner at my house? http://www.frankejames.com/debate/?p=118(about 5839 days ago)
- Vince d'Eon @vincedeon
This is very interesting http://www.frankejames.com/debate/?p=118\nWhat else can we do with this sort of idea?(about 5839 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
@Claire231 in Sydney. Thnx for tweet on Dinner with a Stranger! http://www.frankejames.com/debate/?p=118(about 5838 days ago)
- erik hansen @erikorama
always wanted to stop by a stranger\'s house w/bottle of scotch to see if they\'d invite you in, but this idea is better: http://is.gd/iws4(about 5838 days ago)
- Grandin Hammell @grandinj
This is a great blog post I found through kottke. Dinner with a Stranger: http://bit.ly/12svzG(about 5838 days ago)
- elllveee @elllveee
Via Kottke, this is fantastic: http://www.frankejames.com/debate/?p=118 Lovely story and darling art(about 5837 days ago)
- kelly nahman @kellymn
\"I want to tell you about three things that happened in the last 27 minutes\" http://www.frankejames.com/debate/?p=118(about 5836 days ago)
- Bob Skidmore @bobskid
this is very cool... http://www.frankejames.com/debate/?p=118(about 5836 days ago)
- GreenWerks @greenwerks
Would you have dinner with a complete stranger if they offered to donate $200 to your favorite charity? http://tinyurl.com/bj8kbf(about 5836 days ago)
- Andrew McDonald @andrewmcdonald
Would you have dinner with a stranger if they donated $200 to charity? A very cool story. http://www.frankejames.com/debate/?p=118(about 5836 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
@Bayleria Thnx for tweeting Dinner with a Stranger. Nice to meet you. http://www.frankejames.com/debate/?p=118(about 5835 days ago)
- Tamie Pereira @tamiepereira
dinner with a stranger: http://www.frankejames.com/debate/?p=118 muito legal isso!(about 5835 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
@bobskid Thnx for tweet about Dinner with a Stranger! http://www.frankejames.com/debate/?p=118(about 5834 days ago)
- Jennifer Hyrkin @doulamama
Very cool idea.... from http://www.frankejames.com/debate/?p=118(about 5833 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
@Doulamama 1st doula I\'ve met on Twitter! My niece is midwife. Thnx 4 Dinner with a Stranger tweet http://www.frankejames.com/debate/?p=118(about 5833 days ago)
- RonaMaynard @ronamaynard
RT@Doulamama We have something in common: we both like Franke James\' idea. http://www.frankejames.com/debate/?p=118(about 5833 days ago)
- Adri Munier @pixites
koffie (senseo) mogguh, amsterdam! coolstory in feed: http://www.frankejames.com/debate/?p=118(about 5832 days ago)
- TwitLinksRSS @twitlinksrss
Franke James » Blog Archive » Dinner with a Stranger: Writing, illustrations and photos by Franke Ja.. http://tinyurl.com/bj8kbf(about 5832 days ago)
- prisfoggiato @prisfoggiato
Um jeito muito legal de contar uma história: http://www.frankejames.com/debate/?p=118(about 5825 days ago)
- postit guy @thingsvforget
dinner with strangers? yup. http://tinyurl.com/bj8kbf(about 5821 days ago)
- jenmcox @jenmcox
No, really, I mean: http://www.frankejames.com/debate/?p=118(about 5816 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
Just got an email that TO couple are hosting a Dinner with a Stranger to benefit charity. Yeah! http://www.frankejames.com/debate/?p=118(about 5815 days ago)
- Brenda Carus @brendacarus
Would you have a stranger over for dinner? For a $200 donation to your fav charity? http://bit.ly/12svzG(about 5815 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
@brendacarus Thnx! Ideal if charity picked it up b/c they could vet the strangers: hosts & guests. http://www.frankejames.com/debate/?p=118(about 5814 days ago)
- j @hihack
http://www.frankejames.com/debate/?p=118(about 5807 days ago)
- Vimal @vimal
must read blog ... RT @jenishkottaram: http://www.frankejames.com/debate/?p=118(about 5807 days ago)
- Lijeesh Majeed @lijeesh
Nice way of blogging http://www.hurl.ws/1h4u via @vimal(about 5807 days ago)
- Mark Helgestad @mjhel
Would you do this? > Dinner with a stranger... http://twurl.nl/ho8igw(about 5806 days ago)
- Tim Fehlman @dcot
Dinner with a Stranger http://ow.ly/1Fiu(about 5804 days ago)
- Dawn T @grasswren
wow, and mega wow. can you hear the random crick in my brain twitching? inspired but not sure how http://www.frankejames.com/debate/?p=118(about 5789 days ago)
- MaXsiM @maxsim
Dinner with a stranger: http://www.frankejames.com/debate/?p=118(about 5789 days ago)
- Lisa Roberson @lisamariemary
Seriously - read this wonderful blog post - \"Dinner with a Stranger\" http://bit.ly/n9w3 You will love it! :-)(about 5788 days ago)
- Pam Fox Rollin @pamfr
Beautiful post - \"Dinner with a Stranger\". Wouldn\'t invite to home, but picnic in park? YES http://bit.ly/n9w3 via @lisamariemary(about 5788 days ago)
- Nicole Reiber @snickerdoodle85
Simply awesome story: http://www.frankejames.com/debate/?p=118(about 5788 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
Thnx for Dinner with a Stranger tweets! @snickerdoodle85 @grasswren @MaXsiM @lisamariemary @DCoT http://www.frankejames.com/debate/?p=118(about 5787 days ago)
- AWooldridge (storyt) @storytellin
Franke James \" Blog Archive \" Dinner with a Stranger http://tr.im/je3P(about 5783 days ago)
- Rasmus @rasmusjohanson
Dinner with a Stranger http://www.frankejames.com/debate/?p=118(about 5783 days ago)
- Catherine @musiccitycat
RT @frankejames Very cool! Suzuki\'s Living Room Challenge [http://twurl.nl/f160k3] \"inspired by Dinner w/ a Stranger\" http://twurl.nl/3e1yfr(about 5780 days ago)
- ella+elliot @ellaandelliot
Loving this post http://tinyurl.com/bj8kbf by @frankejames .(about 5779 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
@MyPe4nut Thx! Suzuki\'s Living Room Challenge [http://twurl.nl/f160k3] \"drew inspiration from Dinner with a Stranger\" http://twurl.nl/3e1yfr(about 5778 days ago)
- wedschild @wedschild
Would you have dinner with a stranger? http://www.frankejames.com/debate/?p=118(about 5775 days ago)
- RichWagon @richwagon
Dinner with a Stranger. http://www.frankejames.com/debate/?p=118(about 5771 days ago)
- Meredith @merejames
Would you invite yourself to a strangers house for dinner? http://www.frankejames.com/debate/?p=118(about 5770 days ago)
- Liz Galloway @lotuseffects
RT@frankejames Opening up Dinner with a Stranger here in BCN. http://www.frankejames.com/debate/?p=118 Apply it to your spa/resort too.(about 5659 days ago)
- keiki @angelicism
Dinner with a stranger? [ http://www.frankejames.com/debate/?p=118 ]. I'm intrigued. Boo @ vegetarian request.(about 5578 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
@robertwakulat Wow! Sounds like my Dinner with a Stranger: http://bit.ly/3t2O6J How do I find out more about New Life Copenhagen? #COP15(about 5577 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
Do you have friends in Copenhagen? I'll be at #COP15, Dec 13-20. Need place to stay. See my 'Dinner with a Stranger' http://bit.ly/3t2O6J(about 5565 days ago)
- Annette @silverbeet
RT @frankejames Do u hv friends in Copnhgn? I'll be at #COP15, Dec13-20. Need place 2 stay. See my Dinner w/ a Stranger http://bit.ly/3t2O6J(about 5565 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
@JanetNorCal Thnx Janet! Today I'll be interviewing @elizabethmay + having a Swedish version of 'Dinner with a Stranger' http://bit.ly/3tqV(about 5544 days ago)
- EJ Hurst @nspgreengal
RT @frankejames Today I'll be interviewing @elizabethmay + having a Swedish version of 'Dinner with a Stranger' http://bit.ly/3tqV(about 5541 days ago)
- Vince d'Eon @vincedeon
RT @frankejames: CBC News has an interview with me on my 'Dinner with a Stranger' experience 10:36pm EST for 6 mins http://bit.ly/4Ax6XZ(about 5539 days ago)
- Camille Maydonik @ibike78
just saw this on #cbc #thenational http://tinyurl.com/bj8kbf what a fantastic idea!(about 5539 days ago)
- Delicious Over 50 @delicious50
Franke James » Blog Archive » Dinner with a Stranger http://bit.ly/8PxsWe dinner stranger blog art charity social activism cbc inspiration(about 5539 days ago)
- AWooldridge (storyt) @storytellin
Franke James » Blog Archive » Dinner with a Stranger: http://bit.ly/85fIKI(about 5539 days ago)
- Mark Bunnell @markcsc
This will create a great conversation! http://ow.ly/O1dJ Well, would you?(about 5538 days ago)
- LeAnne Bunnell @ellestudio
RT @markCSC: This will create a great conversation! http://ow.ly/O1dJ Well, would you? {yes I would... how cool is this!}(about 5537 days ago)
- Esmeralda Tijhoff @esmoves
I love this! Diner with a stranger! http://www.frankejames.com/debate/?p=118(about 5522 days ago)
- CelinaAgaton @celinaagaton
Missed this in the news, but what a great story on #community #charity and being #neighbourly http://ow.ly/119DQ(about 5500 days ago)
- Celina Agaton @filmsthatmove
Missed this in the news, but what a great story on #community #charity and being #neighbourly http://ow.ly/119Gu(about 5500 days ago)
- HorsieTalk @horsietalk
Missed this in the news, but what a great story on community and being neighbourly http://ow.ly/119Gu(about 5500 days ago)
- BasketCase2 @basketcase2
Missed this in the news, but what a great story on community and being neighbourly http://ow.ly/119Gu(about 5500 days ago)
- DonnasBoutique @donnasboutique
Missed this in the news, but what a great story on community and being neighbourly http://ow.ly/119Gu(about 5500 days ago)
- BasketCase2 @basketcase2
Missed this in the news, but what a great story on community and being neighbourly http://ow.ly/119DQ(about 5500 days ago)
- DonnasBoutique @donnasboutique
Missed this in the news, but what a great story on community and being neighbourly http://ow.ly/119DQ(about 5500 days ago)
- BrendasAntiques @brendasantiques
Missed this in the news, but what a great story on community and being neighbourly http://ow.ly/119Gu(about 5500 days ago)
- TheRenaissance2 @therenaissance2
Missed this in the news, but what a great story on community and being neighbourly http://ow.ly/119Gu(about 5500 days ago)
- TheRenaissance2 @therenaissance2
Missed this in the news, but what a great story on community and being neighbourly http://ow.ly/119DQ(about 5500 days ago)
- Mojan @mojanj
@CelinaAgaton She's a pretty awesome lady! http://ow.ly/119DQ(about 5500 days ago)
- Delicious Popular @deliciouspb
Franke James » Blog Archive » Dinner with a Stranger http://bit.ly/bWL8Ct(about 5489 days ago)
- news_tokyo_jp @newstokyojp
Franke James » Blog Archive » Dinner with a Stranger: http://bit.ly/dqS3yo(about 5489 days ago)
- Pico Seno @pico
Dinner with a Stranger (@frankejames) http://bit.ly/940VVc(about 5429 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
Thnx @pico for tweet on Dinner with a Stranger http://bit.ly/940VVc It's a neat fundraising concept that is fun for the host + the guest.(about 5429 days ago)
- Robert Wakulat @robertwakulat
Interesting dinner w Clayton Ruby story-http://tinyurl.com/y2w2alb-but not quite @frankejames Stranger Dinner http://tinyurl.com/bj8kbf(about 5424 days ago)
- Franke James @dearop
@keithferrazzi Love 'Never Eat Alone' Ch. 21. See my "Dinner with a Stranger." http://bit.ly/3t2O6J And 1 year later: http://bit.ly/cbV5bI(about 5418 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
@keithferrazzi Love 'Never Eat Alone' Ch. 21. See my "Dinner with a Stranger." http://bit.ly/3t2O6J And 1 yr later: http://bit.ly/cbV5bI(about 5418 days ago)
- Joel Luks @joel_luks
"If people can be convinced to pick up dog shit, who knows what social change is possible" - @frankejames http://ow.ly/1FYc5 BRILLIANT!(about 5406 days ago)
- Cathryn Wellner @storyroute
If a stranger e-mailed & invited himself to dinner, would you say yes? @frankejames did. http://bit.ly/12svzG(about 5318 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
Thx for Dinner w/a Stranger tweet! R @StoryRoute If a stranger e-mailed & invited himself to dinner, would you say yes? http://bit.ly/12svzG(about 5318 days ago)
- Cathryn Wellner @storyroute
@frankejames 's visual essays are amazing. "Dinner w/a Stranger" is a fave. http://bit.ly/12svzG(about 5304 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
Thnx @StoryRoute for that great tweet! That little email from "the stranger" was quite a surprise! http://bit.ly/12svzG(about 5303 days ago)
- Cathryn Wellner @storyroute
Put a huge smile in my heart! RT @frankejames: That little email from "the stranger" was quite a surprise! http://bit.ly/12svzG(about 5303 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
Thnx! @SleepingGrizzly I laughed at your #FF... see this: http://bit.ly/DinnerStranger(about 5247 days ago)
- Andrew Frenette @sleepinggrizzly
MT @frankejames http://bit.ly/DinnerStranger [Glad to amuse you. Interesting post with a great concept.](about 5247 days ago)
- Relish Magazine @relishmagazine
While noodling around for a story (on dinners with strangers coming up in December) I just ran across the most... http://fb.me/sS1v2OR0(about 5247 days ago)
- Relish Magazine @relishmagazine
While noodling around for a story (on dinners with strangers coming up in December) I just ran across the most... http://fb.me/zh0MFaJL(about 5247 days ago)
- Cathryn Wellner @storyroute
If you haven't read "Dinner with a Stranger" from @frankejames , you're in for a treat http://bit.ly/12svzG(about 5225 days ago)
- Robert Wakulat @robertwakulat
@JoshuaLenon - you may appreciate @frankejames "Dinner with a Stranger" story - http://www.frankejames.com/debate/?p=118(about 5212 days ago)
- Joshua Lenon @joshualenon
Reading it now. RT: @robertwakulat: @JoshuaLenon - you may appreciate @frankejames "Dinner with a Stranger" story - http://bit.ly/dvwWwv(about 5212 days ago)
- Sven Eberlein @ecomuse
okay, I'm really enjoying Franke James. I'll definitely cook her dinner when she's in SF - http://bit.ly/3tqV(about 5192 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
Thnx Sven. I'll bring my camera to capture it all! R: @ecomuse ...I'll definitely cook her dinner when she's in SF - http://bit.ly/3tqV(about 5192 days ago)
- Cathryn Wellner @storyroute
I love the visual essays of @frankejames Dinner w/a Stranger is a favorite http://bit.ly/12svzG(about 5165 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
@michaelanschel Thnx! That's so nice. let me know when you're in Toronto. http://www.frankejames.com/debate/?p=118(about 5094 days ago)
- Patrick AuCoin @johnnynucks
Dinner with a stranger? http://t.co/9zvLk5m(about 4959 days ago)
- scott olson @njhighlands
@sojerseygreen Check these out: http://t.co/THD3aMb & http://t.co/KWipju1 & follow @frankejames - Inspiring & talented!(about 4956 days ago)
- martina @peppermint_tee
dinner with a stranger is a great idea. i'd start with my internet friends i've never met http://t.co/gRgLDCvP(about 4843 days ago)
- christiegeorge @christiegeorge
Who ARE YOU, @frankejames ?!?! As ALWAYS you continue to inspire with Dinner with a Stranger http://t.co/NWWrGqMB(about 4808 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
RT @christiegeorge: Who ARE YOU, @frankejames ?!?! As ALWAYS you continue to inspire with Dinner with a Stranger http://t.co/NWWrGqMB(about 4808 days ago)
- mayboeve @mayboeve
YES! RT @christiegeorge @frankejames As ALWAYS you continue to inspire with Dinner with a Stranger http://t.co/Hnjc46qQ(about 4808 days ago)
- susan hodges @suedhodges
Dinner with a Stranger http://t.co/DXmbhY6E via @frankejames fantastic concept-(about 4808 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
@daveheidi Excellent! Let me know your dates -- maybe we can have dinner? No donation required. ;-) http://t.co/bW9ofNGh(about 4625 days ago)
- Corinna Baldauf @findingmarbles
If a total stranger invited himself to dinner in exchange for 200$ to your fav charity, would you accept? http://t.co/vuU8T8pi(about 4539 days ago)
- OnlineTaxPros.com @onlinetaxpros
#Dinner with a #Stranger by #Franke #James Awesome story! http://t.co/2KLLnFrl(about 4530 days ago)
- captin caution @captincaution
Dinner with a Stranger - http://t.co/SruieQAq\nI love this story(about 4527 days ago)
- Robert Wakulat @robertwakulat
@lindsayzv On that note, I figured you might enjoy @frankejames Dinner with a Stranger: http://t.co/XRGzM6Vw(about 4522 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
TY! RT @robertwakulat .@lindsayzv On that note, I figured you might enjoy @frankejames Dinner with a Stranger: http://t.co/bW9ofNGh(about 4522 days ago)
- Lindsay Zier-Vogel @lindsayzv
This is amazing!! Truly. LOVE! RT @robertwakulat I figured you might enjoy @frankejames Dinner with a Stranger: http://t.co/OnJAuZIu(about 4522 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
Dinner with a Stranger - http://t.co/bW9ofNGh Sharing with @benitamatofska(about 4447 days ago)
- Benita Matofska @benitamatofska
RT @frankejames: Dinner with a Stranger - http://t.co/bW9ofNGh Sharing with @benitamatofska(about 4442 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
@Barnfeline Would have loved to! Also saw this stranger: http://t.co/8MBRxIWZ I met one of the @ccp_ocadu I\'m going to write a post on it.(about 4393 days ago)
Yes! Dinner with a Stranger could certainly work at a restaurant. And for many people they’d be more comfortable in a public place rather than opening up their home.
The key points are the donation to a worthy cause and the opportunity to spend some time with someone you want to meet. There are lots of ways to tune this Dinner with a Stranger concept to make it work.
What a amazing way of tell a story! Congratulations!
Question is: would someone pay 200us$ to eat something I cook?! :-)
I would obviously accept if they did.
That sounds like so much fun, Franke!
You are like fine red wine….you just get better with every sip.
Love it.
I heard about your Dinner with a Stranger from the stranger’s guest and was immediately in awe of the beautiful idea.
I am grateful for my introduction to you, your drawings and documentary way, and your inspirational life conscience. The strangers are super-swell and their story will no doubt motivate more Dinners with Strangers.
In health and happiness,
[…] även av tanken att låta främmande människor få vara med om det här, efter att ha läst denna hemsida. Så alla som känner sig uppmanade av att prova något helt spontant och halvgalet, är välkomna […]
Dinner with a Stranger / The Swedish Version
Franke, as always, you blow fresh air into the crannies of my skull. I have shared your link on a political blog today to try and elicit some awareness that we don’t have to be nasty to be smart!!! And we don’t have to be angry to be active!!! I’m so glad I bumbled onto your blog, it makes me remember why we are artists. Enjoy!
what an awesome idea. thats just amazing. Read the post about the drive way as well – great idea.
so, how was Bill’s eggplant?
We will be over next month if it was any good.
Very cool! Suzuki’s Living Room Challenge [http://twurl.nl/f160k3] “drew inspiration from Dinner with a Stranger” http://twurl.nl/3e1yfr
RT @ellaandelliot Loving this post http://tinyurl.com/bj8kbf by @frankejames. I have a feeling she will now be bombarded with dinner requests.
At first I thought No, to the question Would I have dinner with a stranger. And then I read this amazing post. This is the first time I have come across your site and I will be checking it out further.
P.S. I also have a green blog
P.S.S. I would consider saying yes after your story
This was one of the most charming stories I’ve read in a while. Awesome graphics.
Amazing story, stumbled upon it, very nice to see there are still nice/quality people in the world. Every day we see so much on the news about terrible things. It brightened my day to finally hear news about great people doing tremendous things.
Might just invite myself to a stranger’s house :)
Great story, I enjoyed reading it, I think that your picture art definitely adds to the story and makes it a more interesting read. Thank you.
That was SO great! Go you for having the guts to do that!!!
MMMMMMM….u made my day!!!!!!! *big HUGZ*
Wonderful posting!
Communities In Schools (a national, private nonprofit dropout-prevention initiative) hosts an annual “Lunch with a Leader” where people bid for lunch with various celebrities with the proceeds going to help CIS:
Thanks for the posting!
Totally brilliant!
Beautiful!! Wish it would happen to me!
[…] over for dinner with an offer of $200 to the charity of her choice. She had a fun experience and illustrated a blog post about the evening. What’s really interesting about it is that she thinks it could be scaled […]
That is awesome. I think I’m going to include a mention of this on http://notnegativenews.com
[…] with a stranger?” Mark Shouldice of Toronto did exactly that—not by chance, but by identifying Franke James (author, artist, and photographer) as someone he thought would be interesting to get to […]
Fantastic story – wish it would happen to me but no-one has had the idea that I’m that interesting a stranger! Having said that, would I do it? Maybe not. I would assume spammers were trying to get me to reply!
I’m positively speechless….what a warm and fuzzy feeling I got reading this. Thank you so very much, Franke, for sharing your incredible experience!
Absolutely loved this story. You are all remarkable one-of-a-kind people.
This is wonderful, Franke. Great on you for taking part, and better for sharing the story so masterfully.
[…] the one being written about (if you know my work, I often interview friends, family, pundits, and strangers for my essays). But I’m very grateful they decided to write the article, and totally honored […]
Nice story, fun and creative page. :) Amazing and why not?
very creative and vivid
What a fantastic concept! Helping other… while enjoing a night out… with a stranger!
I’ll do my utmost to spread this thought!
How lovely! Both the Dinner with a Stranger and your totally entertaining website. I just thought you should know I almost never, maybe only once before, comment. I’m more of a lurker, skulker, in the most positive sense of the words, if there is one.
How did I know about this? Doing my August year-end taxes while listening to the CBC and was so intrigued by the story I just had to search you out.
What a pleasure. Happy holidays!
What a great idea with an even better cause! Your creative flow is inspiring and heart warming not to mention hilarious!
Just caught it on CBC News and found myself totally absorbed by the report. I guess I’ll keep this in mind for my next big surprise to my partner.
Thank you!
Happy Festive Season!
Was surprised and pleased to see this story on the News tonight. I too am a friend of Mark’s mom and we discussed it last year at our book club. Have sent this information to my son who knows Mark from working at Right to Play.
Hopefully this will inspire some people to get with it and use this unique way to give to their favourite charity and with care meet a stranger.
Admire the creativity of Mark and Franke.
Saw your story on CBC last night and *had* to look it up! What fun, and a much better gift for Hilary than another sweater or kitchen gadget! Everybody wins; Hilary, Mark, Franke, Bill, AND the Yonge Street Mission! We win too; I love the picture essay! Thanks to all involved for participating and sharing your experience. This will have me thinking of ways to use the ideas here in my own life.
[…] I never expected that by saying “yes” to one dinner with a stranger last Christmas, that I’d still be talking about it one year later. The dinner took place last January and benefited the Yonge Street Mission. I created a visual essay about it called “Dinner with a Stranger.” […]
Great story. Thanks for this!
Very cool … but … I have dinner with Strangers kinda often …
Have you ever heard of couchsurfing.org?
It makes making strangers less strange a lifestyle choice.
Dave :)
Thanks! Yes, I’ve heard of http://www.couchsurfing.org . Wonderful initiative and certainly related to the hospitality of this concept.
Dinner with a Stranger is an idea that organizations could pick up on for fundraising. We’ll have to see what transpires for 2010!
[…] James has Dinner with a Stranger named Mark […]
Hi, Franke ~
This is the first time I’ve encountered your site, and I’m absolutely blown away! First, by the amazing story of allowing self-invited strangers into your home, and second, because of the amazing visual way you told this story.
I hope to see a web site/service spring up from your story that would allow others to experience such an out-of-the-box encounter!
In awe,
I was so moved by your ‘dinner with a stranger’ experience. I want to pay it forward myself. Tell me how me and my girlfriend can make a difference like this? This is awesome!
Wow! I must thank stumbleupon for bringing me here! I had never been to your site before. What a fun, witty, and touching story! It was just so fun to read. Kudos to Mark for his very generous idea, and to you for not just deleting his email like most of us probably would have. I hope this catches on like you said. I have shared this with everyone who I think will appreciate it. :)
What a great way to make this planet cozier, friendlier, more caring and definitely more fun! Maybe we should have a central web site that matches dining donors with happy hosts!
I will endeavor to develop this idea in my community… thank you for sharing this!
i think this is awesome. and your visual essays are magnificent
That’s really creative! I love this story :)
OMG this is the best blog entry ever. And I love this idea of Dinner with Strangers. I am the editor of a food magazine called Relish that’s distributed in newspapers–over 800 nationwide. This has motivated me to start such a program. I know this is just a post for you (and not your business) but I would love any thoughts you have. Great art……..Thanks Best, Jill
[…] author of the award-winning graphic novel, Bothered By My Green Conscience, and the visual essay, Dinner with a Stranger. This book will entertain – and may just inspire you to “do the hardest thing […]
You had me there dinner with a stranger its so inspiring but myself i would not accept now with all the crime its to difficult to make a commitment like you dont know who people are ! but another very good essay!!!!!!!!!!;)
Hi Franke,
I love this story and how you present it here. I love the idea of having dinner with strangers so much I’ve turned it into my MFA project in performance (the basis being that the dinner table is the most important performance venue we have as a society). My blog isn’t pretty and it doesn’t have cool drawings but it might interest you.
Happy eating!
That’s fabulous! The concept of ‘Dinner with a Stranger’ totally lends itself to performance art. You’ve raised the bar!
Congrats and best wishes!
[…] although I’ve read and re-read Dinner with a Stranger, I’m still amazed by the story of Franke’s response to a cheeky e-mail from a […]
[…] So stay tuned, I know I will! In the meantime, check out Franke’s fun and inspiring Christmas story, Dinner With A Stranger. […]
Franke, you continue to amaze and inspire me.
It is people like you who truly make a difference in the world.
Thanks for contributing such insightful ideas through your visual essays!