Visual Essays
My Green Conscience
The Inuit Doll and Our Melting Arctic
WANTED: Green Collar Workers
Is ‘Hope’ the new hot button?
Turn off that light, dummy!
6 Tools to Make Climate Change Art
How to Build a Green Driveway in a Long Weekend
Green Driveway: Playing with Perception and Reality
Don’t eat fish on Friday! Or any other day of the week…
It’s time for a holiday
Destroy to Create
Save the planet or sleep?
How my Eco-friendly Driveway got the Green Light from City Hall
Revenge of the Trees
Will grass lose ground?
It is a struggle to be green…
The Chicken and the Trash dilemma
Is global warming the challenge for our generation?
If you pollute do not drive
Will you call us crazy for filling up swimming pools with drinking water?
My Green Conscience: Why is the sky like a sewer?
My Green Conscience: Hindsight is 2020