What Can One Person Do, When Billions Are Frying The Planet?
by Franke James
This visual essay was first published in 2010 as “What Can One Person Do, When 6.8 Billion Are Frying The Planet?” when I lived in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Now, eight years later we have over 7.7 billion on the planet. I moved to the West Coast to Vancouver, B.C. and I just released a song about breaking up with gasoline because the world’s aflame!). Indeed, climate change isn’t going away… the latest U.N. climate report shows civilization is at stake if we don’t act now. Each one of us needs to take action.
How can YOU take action? What’s YOUR plan?
1. DOES YOUR CITY HAVE A PLAN? Use Google to find out if your region has a Mitigation and Adaptation Plan for climate change, like Toronto and New York have. (And if they don’t, then press your local politicians to develop one!)
2. MAKE YOUR OWN PLAN. Develop your own personal Mitigation and Adaptation Plan. There are many actions each of us can take to protect ourselves and our property from floods, heat waves, power shortages, water shortages… etc. See the Resources below for ideas such as this one from the Institute for Catastrophic Loss Reduction: Handbook for Reducing Basement Flooding.
3. TAP INTO ENVIRONMENTAL NETWORKS: Get the ball rolling by participating in environmental action, or financially supporting, these environmental organizations and others:
![]() |
![]() NRDC |
![]() greenpeaceusa |
![]() grist |
![]() 1Sky |
![]() Sierra_Club |
– Take action in your community to build the future you want (not the one you fear).
– Connect with like-minded people. (Twitter can help to connect you.)
Franke James merges science, art and storytelling to inspire people to take action and “do the hardest thing first” for the planet. Franke uses her skills as an artist, photographer and writer to create visual essays on environmental and social issues. She is the author of two award-winning books, Bothered By My Green Conscience and Dear Office-Politics, the game everyone plays.
What Can One Person Do, When 6.8 Billion Are Frying The Planet? © 2010 Franke James
Photographs, illustrations and writing by Franke James, MFA, except as noted below:
“Cruel Irony” illustration features: Tar sands photo by © Greenpeace
Finch Avenue on August 2005: Photos courtesy Jane-Finch.com
Cover: “Ahead of the Storm” City of Toronto climate change brochure
Woolly Mammoth on Road photo-illustration by Franke James, using antique mammoth engraving © istockphotos.
Heat Island graphic by Clean Air Partnership
Franke’s Original Slideshow for 10/10/10 Event:
Download the slide presentation (Adobe Acrobat pdf):
Eaarth: Making a Life on a Tough New Planet by Bill McKibben
The Weather of the Future: Heat Waves, Extreme Storms, and Other Scenes from a Climate-Changed Planet by Heidi Cullen.
TUCCN: Toronto Urban Climate Change Network
Ahead of the Storm: City of Toronto highlights from climate change report
Environment Canada’s Climate Change Hazards by geographic region
Institute for Catastrophic Loss Reduction:
Handbook for Reducing Basement Flooding (2009)
ICLR Home Builder’s Guide (2009)
New York City Plan for Climate Change
In May 2013, Franke James published this essay, and seven others, in Banned on the Hill. Read more here and buy it below at Amazon.com.
Buy Banned on the Hill at Amazon.com
Help support Franke James’ work by donating below…
595 Responses: 70 Comments and 525 Tweets
Twitter: 103 (Showing 525)
- Franke James @frankejames
My new essay: "What Can One Person Do, When 6.8 Billion Are Frying The Planet?" http://bit.ly/1persondo Pls leave a comment or tweet!(about 5251 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
.@windshare Thnx for tweet on my new essay! "What Can One Person Do, When 6.8 Billion Are Frying The Planet?" http://bit.ly/1persondo(about 5251 days ago)
- Julie Sperling @jmsperling
Important msg, accessibly told RT @frankejames: What Can One Person Do, When 6.8 Billion Are Frying The Planet? http://bit.ly/1persondo(about 5251 days ago)
- TheGreenMerrie @thegreenmerrie
Dear @frankejames, you are a rather clever. I really loved your 'frying the planet' post. great visuals. check it out! http://bit.ly/d45HSj(about 5251 days ago)
- Jamie Andrews @jamieandrews
RT @frankejames: My new essay: "What Can One Person Do, When 6.8 Billion Are Frying The Planet?" http://bit.ly/1persondo Pls leave a comment or tweet!(about 5251 days ago)
- SoccerDad @_soccerdad_
RT @frankejames: My new essay: "What Can One Person Do, When 6.8 Billion Are Frying The Planet?" http://bit.ly/1persondo(about 5251 days ago)
- J-P Stacey @jpstacey
RT @frankejames: My new essay: "What Can One Person Do, When 6.8 Billion Are Frying The Planet?" http://bit.ly/1persondo Pls leave a com ...(about 5251 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
Good to know of you and Loco2! Thnx @jamieandrews for rt + comment on "What Can One Person Do..." http://bit.ly/1persondo @350(about 5251 days ago)
- NE-MW Institute @nemwiuppermiss
Highly recommended art-essay: "What Can One Person Do, When 6.8 Billion Are Frying The Planet?" http://bit.ly/1persondo (from @frankejames)(about 5251 days ago)
- Mark Gorman @gormanme
Highly recommended art-essay: "What Can One Person Do, When 6.8 Billion Are Frying The Planet?" http://bit.ly/1persondo (from @frankejames)(about 5251 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
Thx! R @NEMWIUpperMiss Highly recommended art-essay: What Can One Person Do, When 6.8 Billion Are Frying The Planet? http://bit.ly/1persondo(about 5251 days ago)
- Neil Dymond-Green @neilrdg
What Can One Person Do, When 6.8 Billion Are Frying The Planet? http://goo.gl/Sdb0(about 5251 days ago)
- CAN-Rac Canada @canraccanada
Check out Franke James' newest photo essay: What Can One Person Do, When 6.8 Billion Are Frying The Planet?... http://fb.me/Gj0FZIPS(about 5251 days ago)
- agsharma @agsharma
RT @frankejames: My new essay: "What Can One Person Do, When 6.8 Billion Are Frying The Planet?" http://bit.ly/1persondo Pls leave a com ...(about 5251 days ago)
- Krista R. Carnes @bookingauthors
Great example of action catalyst @FrankeJames at work: What Can 1 Person Do, When 6.8 Billion Are Frying The Planet? http://bit.ly/1persondo(about 5251 days ago)
- Jim Jenal @jjenal
Our friend, Franke James, has published her latest visual essay - What Can One Person Do, When 6.8 Billion Are... http://fb.me/I2VC1hwl(about 5251 days ago)
- AFreeMansLife @afreemanslife
always brilliant! RT @frankejames My new essay: "What Can One Person Do, When 6.8 Billion Are Frying The Planet?" http://bit.ly/1persondo(about 5251 days ago)
- Anurag Sharma @anurag_sharma
What can one person do when 6.8 Billion are frying the planet http://www.frankejames.com/debate/?p=1896(about 5251 days ago)
- Edouard Stenger @edouard_stenger
RT @frankejames: My new essay: "What Can One Person Do, When 6.8 Billion Are Frying The Planet?" http://bit.ly/1persondo Pls leave a com ...(about 5251 days ago)
- Edouard Stenger @edouard_stenger
If you got to read one thing today, go and read @frankejames latest essay's : http://bit.ly/1persondo Please RT ! (as usual it's awesome)(about 5251 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
Thank you! R: @Edouard_Stenger If you got to read one thing today, go and read @frankejames latest essay: http://bit.ly/1persondo Please RT!(about 5251 days ago)
- Lisa Borden @lisaborden
What Can One Person Do, When 6.8 Billion Are Frying The Planet? http://ht.ly/2O3N1 <-- just INCREDIBLE @frankejames (again)(about 5251 days ago)
- BordenTeam @bordenteam
MUST read + RT! RT @LisaBorden: What Can 1 Person Do, When 6.8 Billion Are Frying The Planet? http://ht.ly/2O3N1 <- INCREDIBLE @frankejames!(about 5251 days ago)
- Ann Armbrecht @numenfilm
This is great!: What Can One Person Do, When 6.8 Billion Are Frying The Planet? http://ht.ly/2O3N1 @frankejames (again) via @LisaBorden(about 5251 days ago)
- Ann Armbrecht @annarmbrecht
This is great!: What Can One Person Do, When 6.8 Billion Are Frying The Planet? http://ht.ly/2O3N1 @frankejames (again) via @LisaBorden(about 5251 days ago)
- Ann Armbrecht @annarmbrecht
RT @Edouard_Stenger If you got to read one thing today, go and read @frankejames latest essay: http://bit.ly/1persondo Please RT!(about 5251 days ago)
- Michael Noble @noblefreshenerg
New essay by @frankejames: What Can One Person Do, When 6.8 Billion Are Frying The Planet? http://bit.ly/1persondo(about 5251 days ago)
- Peter Kobel @theecoist
Terrific new art-essay by @frankejames: What Can One Person Do, When 6.8 Billion Are Frying The Planet? http://bit.ly/1persondo #climate(about 5251 days ago)
- Risovic Liliana @risovic
RT @TheEcoist: Terrific new art-essay by @frankejames: What Can ~ When 6.8 Billion Are Frying The Planet? http://bit.ly/1persondo #climate(about 5251 days ago)
- Shakeup Wakeup @carolaik
R @TheEcoist Terrific art-essay by @frankejames: What Can One Person Do, When 6.8 Billion Are Frying The Planet? http://bit.ly/1persondo(about 5251 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
Thnx for spreading the word! @TheEcoist @carolaik @risovic @NobleFreshEnerg @AnnArmbrecht @BordenTeam @LisaBorden http://bit.ly/1persondo(about 5251 days ago)
- Alex Alvarez @alvarez_alex
RT @theecoist New art-essay @frankejames: What Can One Person Do, When 6.8 Billion Are Frying The Planet? http://bit.ly/1persondo #climate(about 5251 days ago)
- Cathryn Wellner @storyroute
What Can One Person Do, When 6.8 Billion Are Frying The Planet?: http://bit.ly/9mgKYx(about 5251 days ago)
- Cathryn Wellner @storyroute
Celebration day! Franke James has posted a fantastic new #climatechange visual essay http://bit.ly/9mgKYx(about 5251 days ago)
- Connie Handscomb @peepsqueak
What Can One Person Do, When 6.8 Billion Are Frying The Planet?: http://bit.ly/9mgKYx /via @StoryRoute(about 5251 days ago)
- Katy Love @ktlove
RT @TheEcoist Terrific art-essay by @frankejames What Can 1 Person Do When 6.8 Billion Are Frying The Planet? http://bit.ly/1persondo(about 5251 days ago)
- Evolution Green @evolutiongreen
Great way to tell the story of global warming http://ow.ly/2OazT #EVOG #101010(about 5251 days ago)
- KarenHanrahan @karenhanrahan
is our community prepared for climate catastrophe? visual essayist frank james worries http://bit.ly/aYaqqF #fb #blono(about 5251 days ago)
- Michael Noble @noblefreshenerg
I love @frankejames cartoon essay dealing with the warming world in Toronto, in her yard, and in her brain. http://bit.ly/1persondo(about 5251 days ago)
- Green Marketing TV @greenmarkettv
What Can One Person Do, When 6.8 Billion Are Frying The Planet? http://ow.ly/2OchH(about 5251 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
Chris, Thnx for tweet + your blog comment! R: @evolutiongreen Great way to tell the story of global warming http://ow.ly/2OazT #EVOG #101010(about 5251 days ago)
- Cultivating Capital @cultivatingcap
Great #sustainability post! RT @greenmarketTV: What Can One Person Do, When 6.8 Billion Are Frying The Planet? http://bit.ly/dpc1dj #green(about 5251 days ago)
- Carolina Miranda @greenbizconsult
RT @CultivatingCap Great #susty post! RT @greenmarketTV What Can 1 Person Do, When 6.8 Billion Are Frying The Planet? http://bit.ly/dpc1dj(about 5251 days ago)
- Gary Zee @gaz2002
Creative blog from @frankejames: What Can One Person Do When 6.8 Billion Are Frying The Planet? http://bit.ly/1persondo #climatechange(about 5251 days ago)
- Sarah Newman @sarahnow
What Can One Person Do, When 6.8 Billion Are Frying The Planet? http://t.co/g1XLrsM via @frankejames #climate(about 5251 days ago)
- Daniel Sieradski @repair_dan
RT @SarahNow: What Can One Person Do, When 6.8 Billion Are Frying The Planet? http://t.co/g1XLrsM via @frankejames(about 5251 days ago)
- Haydee @macdade
Question from @frankejames "What Can One Person Do, When 6.8 Billion Are Frying The Planet?" http://bit.ly/a2GC5C(about 5251 days ago)
- Arthur Davies @stuff2say
RT @macdade: Question from @frankejames "What Can One Person Do, When 6.8 Billion Are Frying The Planet?" http://bit.ly/a2GC5C(about 5251 days ago)
- Lisa Thomas @clearlyess
RT @TheEcoist: Terrific new art-essay by @frankejames: What Can One Person Do, When 6.8 Billion Are Frying The Planet? http://bit.ly/1persondo #climate(about 5251 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
Thnx for sharing "What Can One Person Do, when..." @SarahNow @Repair_Dan @macdade @stuff2say @gaz2002 http://bit.ly/1persondo #101010 #350(about 5251 days ago)
- GRAY @oceanshaman
MY FAVORITE #ECOMonday tweet of the day posted by @TheEcoist http://bit.ly/1persondo <#Art #Essay (about 5251 days ago)
- angela spicer @synergy_makeup
RT @oceanshaman: MY FAVORITE #ECOMonday tweet of the day posted by @TheEcoist http://bit.ly/1persondo <#Art #Essay (about 5251 days ago)
- GRAY @oceanshaman
WHAT CAN ONE PERSON DO? http://bit.ly/1persondo V @TheEcoist #art #essay - YOU WILL LIKE THIS on #ECOMonday!(about 5251 days ago)
- GRAY @oceanshaman
BRAVO!! @frankejames 4 WHAT 1 PERSON CAN DO! #Art #Essay (mammoth on the asphalt is priceless) http://bit.ly/1persondo(about 5251 days ago)
- GRAY @oceanshaman
#ECOMonday Fabulous Follow Franke! @frankejames ~ WHY follow? http://bit.ly/1persondo #Green #Art #eco #climate(about 5251 days ago)
- GRAY @oceanshaman
> @BarackObama >> #ECOMonday MUST READ: http://bit.ly/1persondo < What One Person Can Do... #Art #Essay(about 5251 days ago)
- kjhass @kjhass
"What Can One Person Do, When 6.8 Billion Are Frying The Planet?", by Franke James: http://t.co/aCoNYe8 via @frankejames Brilliant!(about 5251 days ago)
- Rosedale House @rosedalehouse
Thank you @frankejames your drawings are amazing. there are many things one person can do! http://bit.ly/1persondo(about 5251 days ago)
- Glen Gilmore @glengilmore
Global Warming Illustrated: What U Can Do http://bit.ly/1persondo by @TheEcoist RT @oceanshaman #1010Global(about 5251 days ago)
- GRAY @oceanshaman
RT @GlenGilmore: Global Warming Illustrated: What U Can Do http://bit.ly/1persondo by @TheEcoist RT @oceanshaman #1010Global(about 5251 days ago)
- Robin Couch @jonchan02
RT @GlenGilmore: Global Warming Illustrated: What U Can Do http://bit.ly/1persondo by @TheEcoist RT @oceanshaman #1010Global(about 5251 days ago)
- Rahel Aforki @reportergirleri
RT @GlenGilmore: Global Warming Illustrated: What U Can Do http://bit.ly/1persondo by @TheEcoist RT @oceanshaman #1010Global(about 5251 days ago)
- GRAY @oceanshaman
R @GlenGilmore:Global Warming Illustrated:What U Can Do http://bit.ly/1persondo by @TheEcoist RT @oceanshaman #1010Global(about 5251 days ago)
- Dr Wallace J Nichols @wallacejnichols
Franke James: What Can 1 Person Do, When 6.8 Billion R Frying The Planet? 10/10/10 http://bit.ly/b6XjIR(about 5251 days ago)
- Gordon J Millar @theglobalwe
RT @wallacejnichols: Franke James: What Can 1 Person Do, When 6.8 Billion R Frying The Planet? 10/10/10 http://bit.ly/b6XjIR(about 5251 days ago)
- Lee M @ensabahnur78
RT @GlenGilmore Global Warming Illustrated: What U Can Do http://bit.ly/1persondo by @TheEcoist RT @oceanshaman #1010Global(about 5251 days ago)
- DianeN56 @dianen56
Franke James: What Can 1 Person Do, When 6.8 Billion R Frying The Planet? 10/10/10 http://bit.ly/b6XjIR RT @TheGlobalWe RT @wallacejnichols(about 5251 days ago)
- Kate Martin @groovygrapevine
#EcoMonday >> RT @wallacejnichols Franke James: What Can 1 Person Do, When 6.8 Billion R Frying The Planet? 10/10/10 http://bit.ly/b6XjIR(about 5251 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
Thnx for sharing "What Can One Person Do, When..." #101010 R: @GlenGilmore Global Warming Illustrated: What U Can Do http://bit.ly/1persondo(about 5251 days ago)
- A Sea Change @aseachange
RT @DianeN56 Franke James: What Can 1 Person Do, When 6.8 Billion Fry Planet? 10/10/10 http://bit.ly/b6XjIR RT @TheGlobalWe @wallacejnichols(about 5251 days ago)
- Women in the Dirt @womeninthedirt
RT @DianeN56 Franke James: What Can 1 Person Do, When 6.8 Billion Fry Planet? 10/10/10 http://bit.ly/b6XjIR RT @TheGlobalWe @wallacejnichols(about 5251 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
Wow! Thnx! R: @StoryRoute Celebration day! Franke James has posted a fantastic new #climatechange visual essay http://bit.ly/9mgKYx(about 5251 days ago)
- Gordon J Millar @theglobalwe
RT @DianeN56: Franke James: What Can 1 Person Do, When 6.8 Billion R Frying The Planet? 10/10/10 http://bit.ly/b6XjIR RT @TheGlobalWe RT ...(about 5251 days ago)
- Gordon J Millar @theglobalwe
RT @aseachange: RT @DianeN56 Franke James: What Can 1 Person Do, When 6.8 Billion Fry Planet? 10/10/10 http://bit.ly/b6XjIR RT @TheGloba ...(about 5251 days ago)
- Gordon J Millar @theglobalwe
RT @WomenintheDirt: RT @DianeN56 Franke James: What Can 1 Person Do, When 6.8 Billion Fry Planet? 10/10/10 http://bit.ly/b6XjIR RT @TheG ...(about 5251 days ago)
- Donna Frith @donnafrith
RT @frankejames: My new essay: "What Can One Person Do, When 6.8 Billion Are Frying The Planet?" http://bit.ly/1persondo Pls leave a com ...(about 5251 days ago)
- Green Energy 绿色能源 @bpgulfleak
RT @wallacejnichols: Franke James: What Can 1 Person Do, When 6.8 Billion R Frying The Planet? 10/10/10 http://bit.ly/b6XjIR(about 5251 days ago)
- Andrea C @andreas2c
Find out what you can do when 6.8 billion people are frying the planet on @frankejames new art-essay http://bit.ly/1persondo(about 5251 days ago)
- chonghyeso @chonghyeso
RT @frankejames: My new essay: "What Can One Person Do, When 6.8 Billion Are Frying The Planet?" http://bit.ly/1persondo Pls leave a com ...(about 5251 days ago)
- Martin Aelred @martinaelred
RT @wallacejnichols: Franke James: What Can 1 Person Do, When 6.8 Billion R Frying The Planet? 10/10/10 http://bit.ly/b6XjIR(about 5251 days ago)
- Haydee @macdade
What Can 1 Person Do, When 6.8 Billion Are Frying The Planet? from @frankejames http://bit.ly/a2GC5C\nRT-SVP.(about 5251 days ago)
- GRAY @oceanshaman
MY FAVE #ECOMonday #ART http://bit.ly/1persondo Thx @FrankeJames 4: What Can One Person Do? #eco #climate #green(about 5251 days ago)
- Xoxocita @xoxocita
RT @wallacejnichols: Franke James: What Can 1 Person Do, When 6.8 Billion R Frying The Planet? 10/10/10 http://bit.ly/b6XjIR(about 5250 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
Thnx for sharing it! @pdjmoo @adapt2climate "What Can One Person Do, When 6.8 Billion Are Frying The Planet?" http://bit.ly/1persondo(about 5250 days ago)
- Charles Edouard @argus27
RT @frankejames: Thnx for sharing it! "What Can One Person Do, When 6.8 Billion Are Frying The Planet?" http://bit.ly/1persondo(about 5250 days ago)
- dusty gedge @greenroofsuk
RT @argus27: RT @frankejames: Thnx for sharing it! "What Can 1 Person Do, When 6.8 Billion Are Frying The Planet?" http://bit.ly/1persondo(about 5250 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
Thnx @MartinAelred @Xoxocita @BPGulfLeak for sharing: "What Can One Person Do, When 6.8 B Are Frying The Planet?" http://bit.ly/1persondo(about 5250 days ago)
- Jeff Wiedner @jeffwiedner
Nice visual blog post: What Can One Person Do, When 6.8 Billion Are Frying The Planet? http://ht.ly/2ON5p via @frankejames(about 5250 days ago)
- IHE @humaneeducation
RT via @jeffwiedner @frankejames What can 1 person do when 6.8 billion are frying the planet? http://bit.ly/aXH6cX(about 5250 days ago)
- Gus Outdoors @gusoutdoors
RT @jeffwiedner: Nice visual blog post: What Can One Person Do, When 6.8 Billion Are Frying The Planet? http://ht.ly/2ON5p via @frankejames(about 5250 days ago)
- Gordon J Millar @theglobalwe
RT @frankejames: Thnx @MartinAelred @Xoxocita @BPGulfLeak for sharing: "What Can One Person Do, When 6.8 B Are Frying The Planet?" http://bit.ly/1persondo(about 5250 days ago)
- Martin Aelred @martinaelred
RT @frankejames: Thnx @MartinAelred @Xoxocita @BPGulfLeak for sharing: "What Can One Person Do, When 6.8 B Are Frying The Planet?" http://bit.ly/1persondo(about 5250 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
Thank you! R: @jeffwiedner Nice visual blog post: What Can One Person Do, When 6.8 Billion Are Frying The Planet? http://ht.ly/2ON5p(about 5250 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
Thnx @HumaneEducation for the follow and the tweet on my new visual essay. Much appreciated! http://bit.ly/aXH6cX #101010 #350(about 5250 days ago)
- Howie Chong @howiechong
Another fantastic visual essay by the always wonderful @frankejames -- http://www.frankejames.com/debate/?p=1896(about 5250 days ago)
- Howie Chong @howiechong
Another fantastic visual essay by the always wonderful @frankejames -- http://ht.ly/2OVYX(about 5250 days ago)
- 350 dot org @350
"What can 1 person do when 6.8 billion are frying the planet?" http://j.mp/bE9XZG // brilliant new piece by @frankejames(about 5250 days ago)
- 7iber Dot Com @7iber
RT @350: "What can 1 person do when 6.8 billion are frying the planet?" http://j.mp/bE9XZG // brilliant new piece by @frankejames(about 5250 days ago)
- Antonio E. Gonzalez @reflex76
RT @350: "What can 1 person do when 6.8 billion are frying the planet?" http://j.mp/bE9XZG // brilliant new piece by @frankejames(about 5250 days ago)
- DiadaTerra @ruisaldanha
RT @350 "What can 1 person do when 6.8 billion are frying the planet?" http://j.mp/bE9XZG // brilliant new piece by @frankejames(about 5250 days ago)
- DiadaTerra @ruisaldanha
>> RT @350 "What can 1 person do when 6.8 billion are frying the planet?" http://j.mp/bE9XZG // brilliant new piece by @frankejames(about 5250 days ago)
- Anna Brones @annabrones
this is awesome RT @350: "What can 1 person do when 6.8 billion are frying the planet?" http://j.mp/bE9XZG brilliant piece by @frankejames(about 5250 days ago)
- DiadaTerra @ruisaldanha
>>> RT @350 "What can 1 person do when 6.8 billion are frying the planet?" http://j.mp/bE9XZG // brilliant new piece by @frankejames(about 5250 days ago)
- Manny Hernandez @askmanny
RT @350: "What can 1 person do when 6.8 billion are frying the planet?" http://j.mp/bE9XZG // brilliant new piece by @frankejames(about 5250 days ago)
- peterweeme @peterweeme
cool visual about what you can do to address climate change: http://www.frankejames.com/debate/?p=1896(about 5250 days ago)
- Madina Sharipova @dintu
RT @350: "What can 1 person do when 6.8 billion are frying the planet?" http://j.mp/bE9XZG // brilliant new piece by @frankejames(about 5250 days ago)
- Matthew Noe @noethematt
RT @350: "What can 1 person do when 6.8 billion are frying the planet?" http://j.mp/bE9XZG // brilliant new piece by @frankejames(about 5250 days ago)
- Karen Zabawa @karenzabawa
Well done!! RT @350 http://j.mp/bE9XZG // brilliant new piece by @frankejames what can one person do . . .climate?(about 5250 days ago)
- Ken Greenwood @ken_greenwood
“@350: "What can 1 person do when 6.8 billion are frying the planet?" http://j.mp/bE9XZG // new piece by @frankejames”. Now you know.(about 5250 days ago)
- PlantandoConsciencia @plantando
O que uma pessoa pode fazer enquanto 6,8 bilhões fritam o planeta?? http://is.gd/fMQep (em inglês)(about 5250 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
Hope it helps!! R: @350 "What can 1 person do when 6.8 billion are frying the planet?" http://j.mp/bE9XZG //brilliant piece by @frankejames(about 5250 days ago)
- Sophia Bush @sophiabush
RT @350: "What can 1 person do when 6.8 billion are frying the planet?" http://j.mp/bE9XZG // brilliant new piece by @frankejames(about 5250 days ago)
- cBuoy 晨星 @talkingaloudbru
RT @350: "What can 1 person do when 6.8 billion are frying the planet?" http://j.mp/bE9XZG // brilliant new piece by @frankejames(about 5250 days ago)
- Jeroen Brink @_filesoof_
RT @350: "What can 1 person do when 6.8 billion are frying the planet?" http://j.mp/bE9XZG // brilliant new piece by @frankejames(about 5250 days ago)
- Adriano Vilas Bôas @adrianovboas
RT @plantando: O que uma pessoa pode fazer enquanto 6,8 bilhões fritam o planeta?? http://is.gd/fMQep (em inglês)(about 5250 days ago)
- Danielle Davis @writesinla
RT @350: "What can 1 person do when 6.8 billion are frying the planet?" http://j.mp/bE9XZG // brilliant new piece by @frankejames(about 5250 days ago)
- NWF Alaska @nwfalaska
RT @350: "What can 1 person do when 6.8 billion are frying the planet?" http://j.mp/bE9XZG // brilliant new piece by @frankejames(about 5250 days ago)
- Arno Neumann @arnoneumann
RT @frankejames: Hope it helps!! R: @350 "What can 1 person do when 6.8 billion are frying the planet?" http://j.mp/bE9XZG //brilliant p ...(about 5250 days ago)
- sanna @sannaeo
RT @350: "What can 1 person do when 6.8 billion are frying the planet?" http://j.mp/bE9XZG // brilliant new piece by @frankejames(about 5250 days ago)
- Francheska @francheska28
RT @350 "What can 1 person do when 6.8 billion are frying the planet?" http://j.mp/bE9XZG // brilliant new piece by @frankejames(about 5250 days ago)
- Michael @micaros
RT @350: "What can 1 person do when 6.8 billion are frying the planet?" http://j.mp/bE9XZG // brilliant new piece by @frankejames(about 5250 days ago)
- Natalie McCann @better_thn_life
RT @350: "What can 1 person do when 6.8 billion are frying the planet?" http://j.mp/bE9XZG // brilliant new piece by @frankejames(about 5250 days ago)
- CIETUNESCO @cietunesco
RT @350: "What can 1 person do when 6.8 billion are frying the planet?" http://j.mp/bE9XZG // brilliant new piece by @frankejames(about 5250 days ago)
- John Young @johnfrankiej
RT @350 "What can 1 person do when 6.8 billion are frying the planet?" http://j.mp/bE9XZG // brilliant new piece by @frankejames(about 5250 days ago)
- Yannet Ortega @nanism
RT @350: "What can 1 person do when 6.8 billion are frying the planet?" http://j.mp/bE9XZG // brilliant new piece by @frankejames(about 5250 days ago)
- Alex D @the_napkin
RT @frankejames: Hope it helps!! R: @350 "What can 1 person do when 6.8 billion are frying the planet?" http://j.mp/bE9XZG //brilliant piece by @frankejames(about 5250 days ago)
- D @ladyrooh
RT @350: "What can 1 person do when 6.8 billion are frying the planet?" http://j.mp/bE9XZG // brilliant new piece by @frankejames(about 5250 days ago)
- Mariana Espinosa @m_espinosae
RT @350: "What can 1 person do when 6.8 billion are frying the planet?" http://j.mp/bE9XZG // brilliant new piece by @frankejames(about 5250 days ago)
- Vicvic Montenegro @vicvic02251981
RT @350: "What can 1 person do when 6.8 billion are frying the planet?" http://j.mp/bE9XZG // brilliant new piece by @frankejames(about 5250 days ago)
- DiadaTerra @ruisaldanha
RT @frankejames Hope it helps!! R: @350 "What can 1 person do when 6.8 billion are frying the planet?" http://j.mp/bE9XZG //brilliant piece(about 5250 days ago)
- groundsearow @groundsearow
Franke James » Blog Archive » What Can One Person Do, When 6.8 Billion Are Frying The Planet? http://t.co/6mD11oz via @frankejames(about 5250 days ago)
- Daniela Montiel @danielamontiel
RT @350: "What can 1 person do when 6.8 billion are frying the planet?" http://j.mp/bE9XZG // brilliant new piece by @frankejames(about 5250 days ago)
- DiadaTerra @ruisaldanha
RT @frankejames: Hope it helps!! R: @350 "What can 1 person do when 6.8 billion are frying the planet?" http://j.mp/bE9XZG //brilliant p ...(about 5250 days ago)
- Virginia DeBolt @vdebolt
Franke James » Blog Archive » What Can One Person Do, When 6.8 Billion Are Frying The Planet? http://t.co/zgh57Nj via @frankejames(about 5250 days ago)
- Marie-Soleil @sunsgreenews
RT @350: "What can 1 person do when 6.8 billion are frying the planet?" http://j.mp/bE9XZG // brilliant new piece by @frankejames(about 5250 days ago)
- Gabs Van Der Viquez @gabyvikz
RT @350: "What can 1 person do when 6.8 billion are frying the planet?" http://j.mp/bE9XZG // brilliant new piece by @frankejames(about 5250 days ago)
- Nicole Fukunaga @nifukunaga
RT @350: "What can 1 person do when 6.8 billion are frying the planet?" http://j.mp/bE9XZG // brilliant new piece by @frankejames(about 5250 days ago)
- Barbara Diakos M.D. @barbaradiakosmd
RT @350: "What can 1 person do when 6.8 billion are frying the planet?" http://j.mp/bE9XZG // brilliant new piece by @frankejames(about 5250 days ago)
- Raúl Alva @alvagraul
RT @350: "What can 1 person do when 6.8 billion are frying the planet?" http://j.mp/bE9XZG // brilliant new piece by @frankejames(about 5250 days ago)
- Bella @isabellapirrone
RT @350: "What can 1 person do when 6.8 billion are frying the planet?" http://j.mp/bE9XZG // brilliant new piece by @frankejames(about 5250 days ago)
- Bianca Salive @biancasalive
RT @350: "What can 1 person do when 6.8 billion are frying the planet?" http://j.mp/bE9XZG // brilliant new piece by @frankejames(about 5250 days ago)
- Amy G Kozak @amygk
RT @350: "What can 1 person do when 6.8 billion are frying the planet?" http://j.mp/bE9XZG // brilliant new piece by @frankejames(about 5250 days ago)
- Camila Melhorança @camelhoranca
RT @350: "What can 1 person do when 6.8 billion are frying the planet?" http://j.mp/bE9XZG // brilliant new piece by @frankejames(about 5250 days ago)
- Mike Maravilla @unscenemedia
RT @350: "What can 1 person do when 6.8 billion are frying the planet?" http://j.mp/bE9XZG // brilliant new piece by @frankejames(about 5250 days ago)
- Isaac Robles @darkatreides
RT @350: "What can 1 person do when 6.8 billion are frying the planet?" http://j.mp/bE9XZG // brilliant new piece by @frankejames(about 5250 days ago)
- 조원식 @cws30
What Can One Person Do, When 6.8 Billion Are Frying The Planet? http://t.co/brtfZUU via @frankejames - good bit of story telling(about 5250 days ago)
- Kester Low @kesterize
"Science, art & storytelling" All you need! RT @350: "What can 1 do when 6.8 billion are frying d planet?" http://j.mp/bE9XZG @frankejames(about 5250 days ago)
- StephAlexxia Mancini @stefthestar
RT @350: "What can 1 person do when 6.8 billion are frying the planet?" http://j.mp/bE9XZG // brilliant new piece by @frankejames(about 5250 days ago)
- Ana @anita_1982
RT @350: "What can 1 person do when 6.8 billion are frying the planet?" http://j.mp/bE9XZG // brilliant new piece by @frankejames(about 5250 days ago)
- Quozza @quozza
RT @groundsearow: What Can One Person Do, When 6.8 Billion Are Frying The Planet? http://t.co/6mD11oz via @frankejames(about 5250 days ago)
- Niki Whitecow @niki_dawn
RT @350: "What can 1 person do when 6.8 billion are frying the planet?" http://j.mp/bE9XZG // brilliant new piece by @frankejames(about 5250 days ago)
- nisha pradhan @nisha_p43
http://www.frankejames.com/debate/?p=1896(about 5250 days ago)
- DiadaTerra @ruisaldanha
>RT @frankejames R: @350 "What can 1 person do when 6.8 billion are frying the planet?" http://j.mp/bE9XZG //brilliant piece by @frankejames(about 5250 days ago)
- Diane Flynn @dianeflynn21
RT @350: "What can 1 person do when 6.8 billion are frying the planet?" http://j.mp/bE9XZG // brilliant new piece by @frankejames(about 5250 days ago)
- sindarnoscuenta♥ @vampdreamer
Franke James » Blog Archive » What Can One Person Do, When 6.8 Billion Are Frying The Planet? http://t.co/q16GZ9E via @frankejames(about 5250 days ago)
- Seattle City Council @ghgfreeseattle
RT @350: "What can 1 person do when 6.8 billion are frying the planet?" http://j.mp/bE9XZG // brilliant new piece by @frankejames(about 5250 days ago)
- Peace Seeker @valerieforpeace
Franke James » Blog Archive » What Can One Person Do, When 6.8 Billion Are Frying The Planet? http://t.co/0LKfzN4 via @frankejames(about 5250 days ago)
- Adam Welz @adamwelz
"What can 1 person do when 6.8 billion are frying the planet?" Beautiful answer by Franke James http://j.mp/bE9XZG(about 5250 days ago)
- S♏akshi @smakshi
RT @350: "What can 1 person do when 6.8 billion are frying the planet?" http://j.mp/bE9XZG // brilliant new piece by @frankejames(about 5250 days ago)
- H.L @23onetreehill
RT @350: "What can 1 person do when 6.8 billion are frying the planet?" http://j.mp/bE9XZG // brilliant new piece by @frankejames(about 5250 days ago)
- Kim Sayuri Wilson @labruna
RT @350: "What can 1 person do when 6.8 billion are frying the planet?" http://j.mp/bE9XZG // brilliant new piece by @frankejames(about 5250 days ago)
- Andrésia Megneng @andresiatrip
RT @350: "What can 1 person do when 6.8 billion are frying the planet?" http://j.mp/bE9XZG // brilliant new piece by @frankejames(about 5250 days ago)
- Brian Landon @brianlandon2
Franke James » Blog Archive » What Can One Person Do, When 6.8 Billion Are Frying The Planet? http://t.co/qHXEoh6 via @frankejames(about 5250 days ago)
- Siti Aziz @sittiee
RT @350: "What can 1 person do when 6.8 billion are frying the planet?" http://j.mp/bE9XZG // brilliant new piece by @frankejames(about 5250 days ago)
- Anaëwella Amestoy @anaewella
Franke James » Blog Archive » What Can One Person Do, When 6.8 Billion Are Frying The Planet? http://t.co/ikp8HEy via @frankejames(about 5250 days ago)
- laneglare @laneglare
RT @350: "What can 1 person do when 6.8 billion are frying the planet?" http://j.mp/bE9XZG // brilliant new piece by @frankejames(about 5250 days ago)
- Douglas A. Baker @franklinmayor
RT @350: "What can 1 person do when 6.8 billion are frying the planet?" http://j.mp/bE9XZG // brilliant new piece by @frankejames(about 5250 days ago)
- Raúl Alva @alvagraul
Franke James » Blog Archive » What Can One Person Do, When 6.8 Billion Are Frying The Planet? http://t.co/UNZA2Hf via @frankejames(about 5250 days ago)
- Caroline Bush @carobush
RT @350: "What can 1 person do when 6.8 billion are frying the planet?" http://j.mp/bE9XZG // brilliant new piece by @frankejames(about 5250 days ago)
- Katherine Mackenzie @manitoukat
Highly recommended art-essay: “What Can One Person Do, When 6.8 Billion Are Frying The Planet?” http://bit.ly/1persondo (from @frankejames)(about 5250 days ago)
- Fairware @fairwarepromo
This is awesome» What Can One Person Do, When 6.8 Billion Are Frying The Planet? http://t.co/PY9CdjB via @frankejames(about 5250 days ago)
- Laara WilliamSen @laarawilliamsen
RT @350: "What can 1 person do when 6.8 billion are frying the planet?" http://j.mp/bE9XZG // brilliant new piece by @frankejames(about 5250 days ago)
- Run on Sun @runonsun
RT @350: "What can 1 person do when 6.8 billion are frying the planet?" http://j.mp/bE9XZG // brilliant new piece by @frankejames Word!(about 5250 days ago)
- Lee Cruz @leecruz
RT @350: "What can 1 person do when 6.8 billion are frying the planet?" http://j.mp/bE9XZG // brilliant new piece by @frankejames(about 5250 days ago)
- Free Public Transit @freepublictrans
RT @frankejames: My new essay: "What Can One Person Do, When 6.8 Billion Are Frying The Planet?" http://bit.ly/1persondo Pls leave a com ...(about 5250 days ago)
- Pau Vega @paulinitav
RT @350: "What can 1 person do when 6.8 billion are frying the planet?" http://j.mp/bE9XZG // brilliant new piece by @frankejames(about 5250 days ago)
- Phil Jeffery @gadget23
Franke James » Blog Archive » What Can One Person Do, When 6.8 Billion Are Frying The Planet?: http://bit.ly/awIbiw great read(about 5250 days ago)
- Karl Richard @karlrichard
RT @350: "What can 1 person do when 6.8 billion are frying the planet?" http://j.mp/bE9XZG // brilliant new piece by @frankejames(about 5250 days ago)
- Herbert A Samuel @welectricity
Awesome. RT @350 "What can 1 person do when 6.8 billion are frying the planet?" http://j.mp/bE9XZG Brilliant new piece by @frankejames(about 5250 days ago)
- ramsey tesdell @ramseytesdell
RT @7iber: RT @350: "What can 1 person do when 6.8 billion are frying the planet?" http://j.mp/bE9XZG // brilliant new piece by @frankejames(about 5250 days ago)
- unintentional @unintentional
RT @ramseytesdell: RT @7iber: RT @350: "What can 1 person do when 6.8 billion are frying the planet?" http://j.mp/bE9XZG // brilliant ne ...(about 5250 days ago)
- The Window Man @imwindowman
RT @350 "What can 1 person do when 6.8 billion are frying the planet?" http://j.mp/bE9XZG // brilliant new piece by @ frankejames(about 5250 days ago)
- Sarah @yems28
RT @350: "What can 1 person do when 6.8 billion are frying the planet?" http://j.mp/bE9XZG // brilliant new piece by @frankejames(about 5250 days ago)
- Chichili @chichinad
RT @350: "What can 1 person do when 6.8 billion are frying the planet?" http://j.mp/bE9XZG // brilliant new piece by @frankejames(about 5250 days ago)
- La La @lalaandlove
RT @350: "What can 1 person do when 6.8 billion are frying the planet?" http://j.mp/bE9XZG // brilliant new piece by @frankejames(about 5250 days ago)
- Chichili @chichinad
“@350: "What can 1 person do when 6.8 billion r frying the planet?" http://j.mp/bE9XZG / brilliant new piece by @frankejames” @RanaDaggubati(about 5250 days ago)
- ET phone home @gutobrasil
Franke James » Blog Archive » What Can One Person Do, When 6.8 Billion Are Frying The Planet? http://t.co/ewG7DUX via @frankejames(about 5250 days ago)
- A. Schwalb @boigrl
RT @350: "What can 1 person do when 6.8 billion are frying the planet?" http://j.mp/bE9XZG // brilliant new piece by @frankejames(about 5250 days ago)
- Amelia McMahon @ameliamcmahon
RT @350: "What can 1 person do when 6.8 billion are frying the planet?" http://j.mp/bE9XZG // brilliant new piece by @frankejames(about 5250 days ago)
- Luley RAWR Salvatore @missyhoneyheart
RT @350: "What can 1 person do when 6.8 billion are frying the planet?" http://j.mp/bE9XZG // brilliant new piece by @frankejames(about 5250 days ago)
- Susanne Fessler @susufessler
RT @350: "What can 1 person do when 6.8 billion are frying the planet?" http://j.mp/bE9XZG // brilliant new piece by @frankejames(about 5250 days ago)
- EarthIslandInstitute @earthisland
RT @350: "What can 1 person do when 6.8 billion are frying the planet?" http://j.mp/bE9XZG // brilliant new piece by @frankejames(about 5250 days ago)
- Jamie Harkins @jamieharkins
RT @350: "What can 1 person do when 6.8 billion are frying the planet?" http://j.mp/bE9XZG // brilliant new piece by @frankejames(about 5250 days ago)
- Michelle Fairchild @othermichelle
RT @RunOnSun: RT @350: "What can 1 person do when 6.8 billion are frying the planet?" http://j.mp/bE9XZG // brilliant new piece by @fran ...(about 5250 days ago)
- Brittany Ingalls @brittingalls
RT @350: "What can 1 person do when 6.8 billion are frying the planet?" http://j.mp/bE9XZG // brilliant new piece by @frankejames(about 5249 days ago)
- Louise Hazan @greenhaze
I love this! RT @350: "What can 1 person do when 6.8 billion are frying the planet?" http://j.mp/bE9XZG brilliant piece by @frankejames(about 5249 days ago)
- Javi González @jagonfer7
RT @350: "What can 1 person do when 6.8 billion are frying the planet?" http://j.mp/bE9XZG // brilliant new piece by @frankejames(about 5249 days ago)
- Mollie Bloudoff-Inde @mbloudoff
What Can One Person Do, When 6.8 Billion Are Frying The Planet? http://t.co/UlohDxw via @frankejames #lovethis!(about 5249 days ago)
- Michael Smith @veshengro
RT @greenhaze: I love this! RT @350: "What can 1 person do when 6.8 billion are frying the planet?" http://j.mp/bE9XZG brilliant piece b ...(about 5249 days ago)
- People & Planet @transitionunis
"What can 1 person do when 6.8 billion are frying the planet?" http://j.mp/bE9XZG great graphic story by @frankejames #transition #101010(about 5249 days ago)
- Elaine Hill @crikymate
Franke James » Blog Archive » What Can One Person Do, When 6.8 Billion Are Frying The Planet? http://t.co/dWtuy95 via @frankejames(about 5249 days ago)
- Teri Kruger @terifique
RT @350: "What can 1 person do when 6.8 billion are frying the planet?" http://j.mp/bE9XZG // brilliant new piece by @frankejames(about 5249 days ago)
- OteshaUK @oteshauk
RT @350: "What can 1 person do when 6.8 billion are frying the planet?" http://j.mp/bE9XZG // brilliant new piece by @frankejames(about 5249 days ago)
- Adizah Tejani @adizah_tejani
RT @350: "What can 1 person do when 6.8 billion are frying the planet?" http://j.mp/bE9XZG // brilliant new piece by @frankejames(about 5249 days ago)
- Juliette H. @juliettelucie
A great post by @frankejames "What can one person do when 6.8 billion are frying the planet?" http://bit.ly/d45HSj Great job Franke!(about 5249 days ago)
- Joseph Sannicandro @thenewobjective
RT @frankejames: Hope it helps!! R: @350 "What can 1 person do when 6.8 billion are frying the planet?" http://j.mp/bE9XZG //brilliant p ...(about 5249 days ago)
- Maren Emm @mssheeep
RT @350: "What can 1 person do when 6.8 billion are frying the planet?" http://j.mp/bE9XZG // brilliant new piece by @frankejames(about 5249 days ago)
- Katja Wenk @katjazwitschert
RT @350: "What can 1 person do when 6.8 billion are frying the planet?" http://j.mp/bE9XZG // brilliant new piece by @frankejames(about 5249 days ago)
- Karin Öberg @makeitchange
RT @350: "What can 1 person do when 6.8 billion are frying the planet?" http://j.mp/bE9XZG // brilliant new piece by @frankejames(about 5249 days ago)
- Jon Collins @joncollins
@andy_lulham 1010 should get this lady to do the next ad... http://www.frankejames.com/debate/?p=1896(about 5249 days ago)
- Greenpeace Pilipinas @gpph
What Can One Person Do, When 6.8 Billion Are Frying The Planet? http://t.co/OGp3Cp2 (via @frankejames)(about 5249 days ago)
- Kim Quilinguing @ellobofilipino
RT @gpph: What Can One Person Do, When 6.8 Billion Are Frying The Planet? http://t.co/OGp3Cp2 (via @frankejames)(about 5249 days ago)
- Eco Wood @eco__wood
What Can One Person Do, When 6.8 Billion Are Frying The Planet?\n\nGreat story, told in simple way. http://fb.me/H8ZDwUKA(about 5249 days ago)
- Cheryll Rose @violilac8747
RT @gpph: What Can One Person Do, When 6.8 Billion Are Frying The Planet? http://t.co/OGp3Cp2 (via @frankejames)(about 5249 days ago)
- harold forbes @haroldforbes
RT @350: "What can 1 person do when 6.8 billion are frying the planet?" http://j.mp/bE9XZG // brilliant new piece by @frankejames(about 5249 days ago)
- Go Ask Mama @goaskmama
RT @350: "What can 1 person do when 6.8 billion are frying the planet?" http://j.mp/bE9XZG // brilliant new piece by @frankejames(about 5249 days ago)
- Paula Freeman @paula_freeman
This is brilliant and "fun" --> RT @350 "What can 1 person do when 6.8 billion are frying the planet?" http://j.mp/bE9XZG(about 5249 days ago)
- Zai Mendez @agirlnamedzai
RT @gpph: What Can One Person Do, When 6.8 Billion Are Frying The Planet? http://t.co/OGp3Cp2 (via @frankejames)(about 5249 days ago)
- Lizzie of Earth @lizzieofearth
Franke James » Blog Archive » What Can One Person Do, When 6.8 Billion Are Frying The Planet? http://t.co/0aoh8ds via @frankejames(about 5249 days ago)
- Christopher Leonetti @cleonett
Franke James » Blog Archive » What Can One Person Do, When 6.8 Billion Are Frying The Planet? http://t.co/HMQjrz3 via @frankejames(about 5249 days ago)
- RayBeckerman @raybeckerman
What Can One Person Do, When 6.8 Billion Are Frying The Planet? ~ our @frankejames http://bit.ly/bvY4ww #climate #eco(about 5249 days ago)
- David Bailey @davidbtwit
RT @RayBeckerman: What Can One Person Do, When 6.8 Billion Are Frying The Planet? ~ our @frankejames http://bit.ly/bvY4ww #climate #eco(about 5249 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
You're awesome! Thx! R @RayBeckerman What Can One Person Do, When 6.8 Billion Are Frying The Planet? ~ our @frankejames http://bit.ly/bvY4ww(about 5249 days ago)
- Wes Hopper @weshopper
I loved this! Great visuals, great message. What can one person do? http://bit.ly/d45HSj(about 5249 days ago)
- David Stember @biz_in_vermont
RT @350: "What can 1 person do when 6.8 billion are frying the planet?" http://j.mp/bE9XZG // brilliant new piece by @frankejames(about 5249 days ago)
- Envinity @envinitypa
RT @350: "What can 1 person do when 6.8 billion are frying the planet?" http://j.mp/bE9XZG // brilliant new piece by @frankejames(about 5249 days ago)
- Kirsty @mccrayon
RT @350: "What can 1 person do when 6.8 billion are frying the planet?" http://j.mp/bE9XZG // brilliant new piece by @frankejames(about 5249 days ago)
- charmaineviljoen @napland
http://www.frankejames.com/debate/?p=1896(about 5249 days ago)
- Larry Oliver @tweetingdonal
Franke James » Blog Archive » What Can One Person Do, When 6.8 Billion Are Frying The Planet? http://t.co/VNDD7ZF via @frankejames(about 5249 days ago)
- Anna Siitam @siitam
RT @350: "What can 1 person do when 6.8 billion are frying the planet?" http://j.mp/bE9XZG // brilliant new piece by @frankejames(about 5249 days ago)
- André Filippe @_andref
What Can One Person Do, When 6.8 Billion Are Frying The Planet? http://bit.ly/d45HSj(about 5249 days ago)
- davidhodgson @davidhodgson
RT: @1Sky What 1 person can do when 6.8 billion are frying the planet - a visual essay by @frankejames http://tinyurl.com/2fz7pfv(about 5249 days ago)
- Avary Kent @avaket
RT @davidhodgson: RT: @1Sky What 1 person can do when 6.8 billion are frying the planet - a visual essay by @frankejames http://tinyurl.com/2fz7pfv(about 5249 days ago)
- Vesna Gornjec @vesnagornjec
Zanimivo: kaj lahko posameznik naredi proti #klimatskim spremembam:\nhttp://www.frankejames.com/debate/?p=1896(about 5248 days ago)
- Aby @abigail_ht
RT @350: "What can 1 person do when 6.8 billion are frying the planet?" http://j.mp/bE9XZG // brilliant new piece by @frankejames(about 5248 days ago)
- Tamara Gomes @tatamedmogi39
RT @350: "What can 1 person do when 6.8 billion are frying the planet?" http://j.mp/bE9XZG // brilliant new piece by @frankejames(about 5248 days ago)
- A Watershed Council @salmoncreekwsc
Franke James merges science, art and storytelling to inspire local, individual action. Not "political loafing" http://bit.ly/d0a7II #101010(about 5248 days ago)
- Andy Arthur @andyarthur
RT @350: "What can 1 person do when 6.8 billion are frying the planet?" http://j.mp/bE9XZG // brilliant new piece by @frankejames(about 5248 days ago)
- Bill Nigh @billnigh
@frankejames always has interesting content about our planet: http://ht.ly/2Pm0N(about 5248 days ago)
- EarthShare @earthshare
Things We Love: #FrankeJames' use of science, art & storytelling to inspire people to take action - must see: http://ow.ly/2QasT(about 5248 days ago)
- Thea Leonard @prof_thea
Franke James » Blog Archive » What Can One Person Do, When 6.8 Billion Are Frying The Planet? http://t.co/9kcSWkx via @frankejames(about 5248 days ago)
- Haydee @macdade
What Can One Person Do, When 6.8 Billion Are Frying The Planet? - @frankejames http://bit.ly/a2GC5C\n\n10/10/10 = this coming Sunday! #101010(about 5248 days ago)
- Aslihan Tumer @aslihantumer
What can one person do, when 6,8 billion is frying the planet? http://www.frankejames.com/debate/?p=1896 follow @frankejames #climate(about 5247 days ago)
- Run on Sun @runonsun
New visual essay from @frankejames, check it out - What Can One Person Do, When 6.8 Bln are Frying The Planet? http://tinyurl.com/2fz7pfv(about 5247 days ago)
- DiadaTerra @ruisaldanha
@frankejames R: @350 "What can 1 person do when 6.8 billion are frying the planet?" http://j.mp/bE9XZG //brilliant piece by @frankejames(about 5247 days ago)
- TckTckTck @tcktcktck
We really <3 this: What one person can do (when 6.8 billion are frying the planet) http://ht.ly/2QSaO A great call-to-action for #101010!(about 5247 days ago)
- HitTheRoad.ca ☮ @hittheroadca
@tcktcktck: We really <3 this: What one person can do (when 6.8 billion are frying the planet) http://ht.ly/2QSaO A great call-to-action(about 5247 days ago)
- Antje Bormann @f2point4
RT @tcktcktck: We really <3 this: What one person can do (when 6.8 billion are frying the planet) http://ht.ly/2QSaO A great call-to- ...(about 5247 days ago)
- Jennifer Atkinson @jen_atkinson
RT @tcktcktck: We really <3 this: What one person can do (when 6.8 billion are frying the planet) http://ht.ly/2QSaO A great call-to- ...(about 5247 days ago)
- the slow co2ach @carboncoach
Franke James » Blog Archive » What Can One Person Do, When 6.8 Billion Are Frying The Planet? http://t.co/x3acF54 via @frankejames > superb(about 5247 days ago)
- Rita M. Hudetz @ritamhudetz
What one person can do (when 6.8 billion are frying the planet) http://ht.ly/2QSaO #climate(about 5247 days ago)
- Mike Nodding @mnods
What Can One Person Do, When 6.8 Billion Are Frying The Planet? http://www.frankejames.com/debate/?p=1896 by @frankejames(about 5247 days ago)
- Nana Soedarmadji @astrobabes
What Can One Person Do, When 6.8 Billion Are Frying The Planet? http://bit.ly/d45HSj(about 5247 days ago)
- sheila kartika @sheilakartika
RT @AstroBabes: What Can One Person Do, When 6.8 Billion Are Frying The Planet? http://bit.ly/d45HSj(about 5247 days ago)
- jessy ismoyo @jessyismoyo
@windyysantoso What Can One Person Do, When 6.8 Billion Are Frying The Planet? http://bit.ly/d45HSj (via:@sheilakartika)(about 5247 days ago)
- Zashnain Zainal @stratenmalaysia
RT @AstroBabes: What Can One Person Do, When 6.8 Billion Are Frying The Planet? http://bit.ly/d45HSj(about 5246 days ago)
- Liz Aspden @lizaspden
RT @carboncoach: Franke James » Blog Archive » What Can One Person Do, When 6.8 Billion Are Frying The Planet? http://t.co/x3acF54 via @frankejames > superb(about 5246 days ago)
- Kelly Rigg @kellyrigg
RT @tcktcktck: What one person can do (when 6.8 billion are frying the planet) http://ht.ly/2QSaO A great call-to-action for #101010!(about 5246 days ago)
- gwyn @gwynnn
Franke James » Blog Archive » What Can One Person Do, When 6.8 Billion Are Frying The Planet? http://t.co/eYYdsdX via @frankejames(about 5246 days ago)
- Robin Timmons @javagirl4ever
@wallacejnichols:Franke James:What Can 1 Person Do, When 6.8 Billion R Frying The Planet?10/10/10 http://bit.ly/b6XjIR” ~God hears1&answers!(about 5246 days ago)
- Kirsten Brown @snowkirsten
What Can One Person Do, When 6.8 Billion Are Frying The Planet?: http://bit.ly/9mgKYx(about 5246 days ago)
- Neil Parry @flashparry
A cartoon! What Can One Person Do, When 6.8 Billion Are Frying The Planet? http://bit.ly/dlftkQ(about 5246 days ago)
- DiadaTerra @ruisaldanha
RT @frankejames R: @350 "What can 1 person do when 6.8 billion are frying the planet?" http://j.mp/bE9XZG //brilliant piece by @frankejames(about 5246 days ago)
- Mary Burns @burnmary
RT @350: "What can 1 person do when 6.8 billion are frying the planet?" http://j.mp/bE9XZG // brilliant new piece by @frankejames(about 5245 days ago)
- Mary Burns @burnmary
"O que uma pessoa pode fazer qndo 6.8bilhões estão fritando o planeta?" Tá em inglês mas é um texto super legal. http://j.mp/bE9XZG(about 5245 days ago)
- SVP Seattle @svpseattle
A great montage on what one person can do to affect their #environment when it comes to #climatechange. http://bit.ly/aUgCag(about 5244 days ago)
- Fabrizia Navarro @fabryzya
RT @350: "What can 1 person do when 6.8 billion are frying the planet?" http://j.mp/bE9XZG // brilliant new piece by @frankejames(about 5243 days ago)
- Fabrizia Navarro @fabryzya
@iansomerhalder "What can 1 person do when 6.8 billion are frying the planet?" http://j.mp/bE9XZG(about 5243 days ago)
- Fabrizia Navarro @fabryzya
@iansomerhalder have u seen this? "What can 1 person do when 6.8 billion are frying the planet?" http://j.mp/bE9XZG(about 5242 days ago)
- Fabrizia Navarro @fabryzya
@iansomerhalder seen this sir? "What can 1 person do when 6.8 billion are frying the planet?" http://j.mp/bE9XZG(about 5242 days ago)
- Percy Monteiro @wiredal
I'm late, but this is brilliant from @frankejames: What Can One Person Do, When 6.8 Billion Are Frying The Planet? http://bit.ly/9OAzDr(about 5232 days ago)
- wordwhacky @wordwhacky
RT @wiredal: I'm late, but this is brilliant from @frankejames: What Can One Person Do, When 6.8 Billion Are Frying The Planet? http://bit.ly/9OAzDr(about 5232 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
@wiredal I updated the end. Let me know what you think: What Can One Person Do, When 6.8 Billion Are Frying The Planet? http://bit.ly/9OAzDr(about 5231 days ago)
- 350 dot org @350
.@frankejames updated "What Can 1 Person Do, When 6.8 Billion Are Frying The Planet?" http://bit.ly/1persondo check it out!(about 5231 days ago)
- Jesus Mora @suserjarom
RT @350: .@frankejames updated "What Can 1 Person Do, When 6.8 Billion Are Frying The Planet?" http://bit.ly/1persondo check it out!(about 5231 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
Thanks! RT: @350 @frankejames updated "What Can 1 Person Do, When 6.8 Billion Are Frying The Planet?" http://bit.ly/1persondo check it out!(about 5231 days ago)
- Greenpeace NZ @greenpeacenz
RT @350: .@frankejames updated "What Can 1 Person Do, When 6.8 Billion Are Frying The Planet?" http://bit.ly/1persondo check it out!(about 5231 days ago)
- helloholistic @helloholistic
RT @350: .@frankejames updated "What Can 1 Person Do, When 6.8 Billion Are Frying The Planet?" http://bit.ly/1persondo check it out!(about 5231 days ago)
- tita larasati @esdurent
Check it out! RT @350 @frankejames "What Can 1 Person Do, When 6.8 Billion Are Frying The Planet?" http://bit.ly/1persondo(about 5231 days ago)
- Maeed M. Zahir @maeed
RT @350: .@frankejames updated "What Can 1 Person Do, When 6.8 Billion Are Frying The Planet?" http://bit.ly/1persondo check it out!(about 5231 days ago)
- Jerry James Stone @jerryjamesstone
RT @350: .@frankejames updated "What Can 1 Person Do, When 6.8 Billion Are Frying The Planet?" http://bit.ly/1persondo check it out!(about 5231 days ago)
- Bruno Sarda @bruno68
RT @jerryjamesstone: RT @350: .@frankejames updated "What Can 1 Person Do, When 6.8 Billion Are Frying The Planet?" http://bit.ly/1persondo check it out!(about 5231 days ago)
- arquitectura basica @lab_mx
RT @350: "What Can 1 Person Do, When 6.8 Billion Are Frying The Planet?" http://bit.ly/1persondo check it out!(about 5231 days ago)
- juan m casillas @juan_m_casillas
RT @350: "What Can 1 Person Do, When 6.8 Billion Are Frying The Planet?" http://bit.ly/1persondo check it out!(about 5231 days ago)
- helloholistic @helloholistic
HelloHolistic.com is a developing social network for people interested in connecting with others in their... http://fb.me/AcyYeVHd(about 5231 days ago)
- lasnotas verdes @lasnotasverdes
RT @350: .@frankejames updated "What Can 1 Person Do, When 6.8 Billion Are Frying The Planet?" http://bit.ly/1persondo check it out!(about 5231 days ago)
- Antonio E. Gonzalez @reflex76
RT @350: .@frankejames updated "What Can 1 Person Do, When 6.8 Billion Are Frying The Planet?" http://bit.ly/1persondo check it out!(about 5231 days ago)
- Felipe Jimenez Cano @jimenezcano
RT @350: .@frankejames updated "What Can 1 Person Do, When 6.8 Billion Are Frying The Planet?" http://bit.ly/1persondo check it out!(about 5231 days ago)
- Mark Ward @marksward
RT @350: .@frankejames updated "What Can 1 Person Do, When 6.8 Billion Are Frying The Planet?" http://bit.ly/1persondo check it out!(about 5231 days ago)
- Mark Ward @marksward
RT @350: .@frankejames updated "What Can 1 Person Do, When 6.8 Billion Are Frying The Planet?" http://bit.ly/1persondo check it out! #fb(about 5231 days ago)
- Patricia Cerban @pcerban85
RT @350: .@frankejames updated "What Can 1 Person Do, When 6.8 Billion Are Frying The Planet?" http://bit.ly/1persondo check it out!(about 5231 days ago)
- I don\'t give a shit. @skyyyblue
RT @350: .@frankejames updated "What Can 1 Person Do, When 6.8 Billion Are Frying The Planet?" http://bit.ly/1persondo check it out!(about 5231 days ago)
- Kim @kimhar09
RT @350: .@frankejames updated "What Can 1 Person Do, When 6.8 Billion Are Frying The Planet?" http://bit.ly/1persondo check it out!(about 5231 days ago)
- daniel opheim @twitdan2010
RT @350: .@frankejames updated "What Can 1 Person Do, When 6.8 Billion Are Frying The Planet?" http://bit.ly/1persondo check it out!(about 5231 days ago)
- Greenerprinter @greenerprinter
RT @jerryjamesstone: RT @350: .@frankejames updated "What Can 1 Person Do, When 6.8 Billion Are Frying The Planet?" http://bit.ly/1persondo check it out!(about 5231 days ago)
- fj @gecko39
@EarthPolicy "What Can 1 Person Do, When 6.8 Billion Are Frying The Planet?" http://bit.ly/1persondo check it out!(about 5231 days ago)
- fj @gecko39
@earthinstitute "What Can 1 Person Do, When 6.8 Billion Are Frying The Planet?" http://bit.ly/1persondo check it out!(about 5231 days ago)
- Cathy Scott @kolombe
AMAZING ! Franke James » Blog Archive » What Can One Person Do, When 6.8 Billion Are Frying The Planet? http://t.co/bcjfVAv via @frankejames(about 5231 days ago)
- Ken Xie @kenkxie
It's never too late for inspiring messages from @frankejames on how we can all contribute to fighting climate change http://bit.ly/1persondo(about 5231 days ago)
- desc @desc
RT @350: "What Can 1 Person Do, When 6.8 Billion Are Frying The Planet?" http://bit.ly/1persondo check it out!(about 5231 days ago)
- Ben Again @unspunnews
RT @350 ".@frankejames updated "What Can 1 Person Do, When 6.8 Billion Are Frying The Planet?" http://bit.ly/1persondo check it out!"(about 5231 days ago)
- Praxibetel Ix @veronacodex
RT @350: .@frankejames updated "What Can 1 Person Do, When 6.8 Billion Are Frying The Planet?" http://bit.ly/1persondo check it out!(about 5231 days ago)
- Peter Rothberg @peterrothberg
RT @sarahelabance: RT @350: What Can One Person Do, When 6.8 Billion Are Frying The Planet? http://bit.ly/d45HSj #350ppm(about 5231 days ago)
- Kenji Miyajima @kenji_in_texas
Great graphic article about #climate change → "What Can One Person Do, When 6.8 Billion Are Frying The Planet?" http://bit.ly/bU3hsD(about 5231 days ago)
- Nadia Hadad @deelusionad
Have u seen this: "What Can 1 Person Do, When 6.8 Billion Are Frying The Planet?" http://bit.ly/1persondo \n@frankejames(about 5231 days ago)
- Tara Homodoor @tree_pot
RT @350: .@frankejames updated "What Can 1 Person Do, When 6.8 Billion Are Frying The Planet?" http://bit.ly/1persondo check it out!(about 5231 days ago)
- Kathleen McGregor @uugreenbeaner
RT @350 @frankejames updated "What Can 1 Person Do, When 6.8 Billion Are Frying The Planet?" http://bit.ly/1persondo check it out! #green(about 5231 days ago)
- Chelsea Winchester:) @lovinjmac
RT @350: .@frankejames updated "What Can 1 Person Do, When 6.8 Billion Are Frying The Planet?" http://bit.ly/1persondo check it out!(about 5231 days ago)
- Tait Rounsaville @taitr
RT @350: .@frankejames updated "What Can 1 Person Do, When 6.8 Billion Are Frying The Planet?" http://bit.ly/1persondo check it out!(about 5231 days ago)
- Laura @superminilau
un simpatico modo per dire che tutti possiamo fare qualcosa http://www.frankejames.com/debate/?p=1896(about 5230 days ago)
- Larry Oliver @tweetingdonal
RT @gecko39: @earthinstitute "What Can 1 Person Do, When 6.8 Billion Are Frying The Planet?" http://bit.ly/1persondo check it out!(about 5230 days ago)
- nan fischer @nan_fischer
Must read: What Can One Person Do, When 6.8 Billion Are Frying The Planet? http://ht.ly/2YAcB @frankejames(about 5230 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
Thnx Nan! R: @nan_fischer Must read: What Can One Person Do, When 6.8 Billion Are Frying The Planet? http://ht.ly/2YAcB @frankejames @350(about 5230 days ago)
- Kareem Arafat @kimo79
Amazing narrative! RT @350 "What Can 1 Person Do, When 6.8 Billion Are Frying The Planet?" http://bit.ly/1persondo(about 5230 days ago)
- katgarden @katgarden
RT @350: .@frankejames updated "What Can 1 Person Do, When 6.8 Billion Are Frying The Planet?" http://bit.ly/1persondo check it out!(about 5230 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
Nice to see you! @ariherzog Yes, here's my latest: "What Can 1 Person Do, When 6.8 Billion Are Frying The Planet?" http://bit.ly/1persondo(about 5230 days ago)
- Joan Gala @joan_gala
RT @350 .@frankejames updated "What Can 1 Person Do, When 6.8 Billion Are Frying The Planet?" http://bit.ly/1persondo check it out!(about 5230 days ago)
- Munnaontherun @earthontherun
Just in case you wondered 'what can 1 person do when 6.8 billion are frying the planet?' @frankejames has the answer: http://bit.ly/d45HSj(about 5230 days ago)
- Ari Herzog @ariherzog
RT @frankejames: What Can 1 Person Do, When 6.8 Billion Are Frying The Planet? http://bit.ly/1persondo(about 5230 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
Thnx @earthontherun @ariherzog @Joan_Gala for comments + RT's on What Can 1 Person Do... http://bit.ly/1persondo #350(about 5230 days ago)
- Bill Brooks @brookswoodworks
RT @nan_fischer: Must read: What Can One Person Do, When 6.8 Billion Are Frying The Planet? http://ht.ly/2YAcB @frankejames(about 5230 days ago)
- Eric Becker @beckrule
Brilliant! Franke James» What Can One Person Do, When 6.8 Billion Are Frying The Planet? http://t.co/Af4R1rw @frankejames #climate #350ppm(about 5230 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
Thank You! R: @beckrule Brilliant! Franke James» What Can One Person Do, When 6.8 Billion Are Frying The Planet? http://t.co/Af4R1rw #350ppm(about 5230 days ago)
- Sarah Emily Labance @sarahelabance
RT @350: What Can One Person Do, When 6.8 Billion Are Frying The Planet? http://bit.ly/d45HSj #350ppm #climatechange(about 5230 days ago)
- Kootenay Lake Living @kootenayliving
RT@frankejames:TQR:@beckrule Brilliant! Franke James»What Can 1 Person Do, When 6.8 Billion R Frying The Planet? http://t.co/Af4R1rw #350ppm(about 5230 days ago)
- D.A. (S.E.) McDonald @davidalexanderm
Franke James » Blog Archive » What Can One Person Do, When 6.8 Billion Are Frying The Planet?: http://bit.ly/9mgKYx via @addthis(about 5230 days ago)
- BluePlanetFoundation @blueplanetfound
Franke James » Blog Archive » What Can One Person Do, When 6.8 Billion Are Frying The Planet? http://t.co/BB9ztx0 via @frankejames(about 5230 days ago)
- Pujarini Sen @pujarini89
Food for thought. :) Good morning world. :)\n#SAYSoCC #ITCN #tcktcktck\n\nhttp://www.frankejames.com/debate/?p=1896(about 5230 days ago)
- Ian McLoughlin ॐ @ianmcl13
I think this is rather fine! http://bit.ly/9TMDzk ॐ(about 5229 days ago)
- Greenpop @greenpop_cpt
Check this out... http://fb.me/KOj3nSR5(about 5229 days ago)
- Hawaii Energy @myhawaiienergy
Franke James » Blog Archive » What Can One Person Do, When 6.8 Billion Are Frying The Planet? http://t.co/YDY9BLF via @frankejames(about 5229 days ago)
- Kelli Miura @kellimiura
RT @MyHawaiiEnergy What Can One Person Do, When 6.8 Billion Are Frying The Planet? http://t.co/YDY9BLF via @frankejames(about 5229 days ago)
- C Guntur Lebang @gugunlebang
Really inspiring : http://www.frankejames.com/debate/?p=1896(about 5229 days ago)
- john a. sweeney @aloha_futures
RT @MyHawaiiEnergy: Franke James What Can One Person Do, When 6.8 Billion Are Frying The Planet? http://www.frankejames.com/debate/?p=1896(about 5229 days ago)
- Tracy Frayne @tfrayne
MUST READ: What Can One Person Do, When 6.8 Billion Are Frying The Planet? http://digs.by/cSk5it(about 5229 days ago)
- shamus moore @famousshamus1
Franke James » Blog Archive » What Can One Person Do, When 6.8 Billion Are Frying The Planet? http://t.co/FGsm6X7 via @frankejames(about 5229 days ago)
- Giving A Tree @givingatree
@350: "What\n can 1 person do when 6.8 billion are frying the #planet?" Check out this\n brilliant visual piece by... http://fb.me/GBQeVHMG(about 5229 days ago)
- Riley Kellogg @rileykellogg
Franke James » Blog Archive » What Can One Person Do, When 6.8 Billion Are Frying The Planet? http://t.co/TGCLsZG via @frankejames(about 5229 days ago)
- Jeremy Kriegel @sonarc
What can 1 person do when 6.8B are frying the panet? http://bit.ly/d45HSj(about 5229 days ago)
- Communicopia @communicopia
We like this creative approach to digital storytelling done by an artist. It's creative, sometimes moving, and... http://fb.me/uEpN43YL(about 5229 days ago)
- Dr. Susan Rubin @drsuru
Cool graphic story: What Can One Person Do, When 6.8 Billion Are Frying The Planet? http://bit.ly/cvO8HE(about 5229 days ago)
- J. Perry Kelly @quantumfires
@beatprop23 @greencelebrity What can Californians do that woolly mammoths could NOT...vote "NO!" to Prop 23. http://www.bit.ly/1persondo(about 5229 days ago)
- L.P.B. @hathoresella
RT @lab_mx: RT @350: "What Can 1 Person Do, When 6.8 Billion Are Frying The Planet?" http://bit.ly/1persondo check it out!(about 5229 days ago)
- indohoy @indohoy
stop frying the planet. very nice illustrated! http://tinyurl.com/2fz7pfv(about 5228 days ago)
- vira indohoy @viraindohoy
RT @indohoy: stop frying the planet. very nice illustrated! http://tinyurl.com/2fz7pfv(about 5228 days ago)
- reGina @regina_mone
+1 RT @indohoy: stop frying the planet. very nice illustrated! http://tinyurl.com/2fz7pfv(about 5228 days ago)
- Lisa Glackin @lisaglackin
Franke James » Blog Archive » What Can One Person Do, When 6.8 Billion Are Frying The Planet? http://t.co/AtMikvk via @frankejames(about 5228 days ago)
- BleuZ00m @bleuz00m
MT .@NobleFreshEnerg: #MUSTSEE @frankejames 'cartoon essay:the warming world in Toronto, in her yard, in her brain. http://bit.ly/1persondo(about 5228 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
Thnx! R: @BleuZ00m MT @NobleFreshEnerg: #MUSTSEE @frankejames' cartoon essay: warming world in TO, in her yard... http://bit.ly/1persondo(about 5228 days ago)
- TreeHugginVamp @treehugginvamp
RT @350: .@frankejames updated "What Can 1 Person Do, When 6.8 Billion Are Frying The Planet?" http://bit.ly/1persondo check it out!(about 5227 days ago)
- A Watershed Council @salmoncreekwsc
RT @350: @frankejames updated "What Can 1 Person Do, When 6.8 Billion Are Frying The Planet?" http://bit.ly/1persondo check it out!(about 5226 days ago)
- Julesrs007 @julesrs007
RT @350: .@frankejames updated "What Can 1 Person Do, When 6.8 Billion Are Frying The Planet?" http://bit.ly/1persondo check it out!(about 5226 days ago)
- Chelsea Luna @jetaimejmacbsb
RT @350: .@frankejames updated "What Can 1 Person Do, When 6.8 Billion Are Frying The Planet?" http://bit.ly/1persondo check it out!(about 5224 days ago)
- AainaA-Ridtz A R @aainaaridtz
Walk the talk, talk the talk, talk the walk or not at all when it comes to ecological changes http://bit.ly/bvXQ4h(about 5221 days ago)
- Mansoor Ali @theglobalist200
Franke James » Blog Archive » What Can One Person Do, When 6.8 Billion Are Frying The Planet? http://t.co/asEKHkf via @frankejames(about 5221 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
@harryrutter Thx! That's from 2006 - see my latest, "What Can One Person Do When 6.8 Billion are Frying the Planet?" http://bit.ly/1persondo(about 5214 days ago)
- harry rutter @harryrutter
great illustration of role of individual in global challenge of #climatechange http://bit.ly/aeMnz9 #adaptation #mitigation @frankejames(about 5214 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
Thnx! R: @harryrutter great illust of role of individual in global challenge of #climatechange http://bit.ly/aeMnz9 #adaptation #mitigation(about 5214 days ago)
- ARTEMIS @artemisherbmed
Have a look at this! Very inspirational and I had a good laugh too\nhttp://www.frankejames.com/debate/?p=1896 http://fb.me/M4sgEdW0(about 5212 days ago)
- AWooldridge (storyt) @storytellin
Franke James visual essays: Franke James merges science, art and storytelling to inspire people to take action a... http://bit.ly/czZOm5(about 5208 days ago)
- David Elfanbaum @daveelf
Awesome visual essay: What Can One Person Do, When 6.8 Billion Are Frying The Planet? http://bit.ly/avfEt0 /via @storytellin #vizthink(about 5208 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
Thnx @daveElf + @storytellin for tweets on my "What Can One Person Do..." story! http://bit.ly/avfEt0 #vizthink(about 5208 days ago)
RT @frankejames: Thnx @daveElf + @storytellin for tweets on my "What Can One Person Do..." story! http://bit.ly/avfEt0 #vizthink(about 5208 days ago)
- Rogier Pouw @rogierpouw
Interesting visual essays: Franke James merges science, art and storytelling to inspire people to take action a... http://bit.ly/czZOm5(about 5208 days ago)
- Samara McIlroy @samaramc
Franke James » Blog Archive » What Can One Person Do, When 6.8 Billion Are Frying The Planet? http://bit.ly/atdvfw(about 5207 days ago)
- herenow collective @heren0w
Franke James » Blog Archive » What Can One Person Do, When 6.8 Billion Are Frying The Planet? http://bit.ly/atdvfw(about 5207 days ago)
- herenow collective @heren0w
Franke James » Blog Archive » What Can One Person Do, When 6.8 Billion Are Frying The Planet? http://icio.us/fak5ly(about 5207 days ago)
- Sven Eberlein @ecomuse
What Can One Person Do When 6.8 Billion Are Frying The Planet? Amazing visual essay by Franke James - http://bit.ly/9OAzDr(about 5192 days ago)
- One Simple Act @onesimpleact
A visual essay on What Can One Person Do, When 6.8 Billion Are Frying The Planet? http://www.frankejames.com/debate/?p=1896 #fb(about 5108 days ago)
- One Simple Act @onesimpleact
A visual essay on What Can One Person Do, When 6.8 Billion Are Frying The Planet? http://www.frankejames.com/debate/?p=1896(about 5108 days ago)
- Korice Moir @waterpuppetry
On making our own plans RT @NorthSaskRiver RT @OneSimpleAct: Visual essay on What Can One Person Do... http://bit.ly/9OAzDr #climatechange(about 5107 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
@dMASS_net Thnx! If you discuss adaptation & mitigation measures for City-dwellers you may enjoy this: http://bit.ly/1persondo(about 5104 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
TY. We gotta take care R @mygreenbean What Can 1 Person Do, When 6.8 Billion Are Frying The Planet? http://bit.ly/d45HSj follow @frankejames(about 5099 days ago)
- SweetsFromTheEarth @sftebakery
What Can 1 Person Do, When 6.8 Billion Are Frying The Planet? http://ow.ly/48xbI(about 5099 days ago)
- nuttyvideo @nuttyvideo
RT @daniellelorenz: RT @SFTEBakery: What Can 1 Person Do, When 6.8 Billion Are Frying The Planet? http://ow.ly/48xbI(about 5099 days ago)
- shannon alberta @theveganomaly
RT @SFTEBakery: What Can 1 Person Do, When 6.8 Billion Are Frying The Planet? http://ow.ly/48xbI(about 5099 days ago)
- shannon alberta @theveganomaly
@torserda thought you'd like this: http://ow.ly/48xbI(about 5099 days ago)
- SweatEquityMag @sweatequitymag
RT @SFTEBakery: What Can 1 Person Do, When 6.8 Billion Are Frying The Planet? http://ow.ly/48xbI(about 5099 days ago)
- Stella Wiggins @stellawiggins
Franke James » Blog Archive » What Can One Person Do, When 6.8 Billion Are Frying The Planet? http://t.co/M9dwxfi via @frankejames(about 5099 days ago)
- Lesh Karan @mindfulfoodie
Brilliant visual essay by Franke James: What Can One Person Do, When 6.8 Billion Are Frying The Planet? http://t.co/sHbPkKG via @frankejames(about 5097 days ago)
- Gone Shopping @goneshopping
Love itRT @SFTEBakery: What Can 1 Person Do, When 6.8 Billion Are Frying The Planet? http://ow.ly/48xbI(about 5097 days ago)
- Laptop Lunches @laptoplunches
Amazing @frankejames! RT @goneshopping: Love! RT @SFTEBakery: What Can 1 Person Do, When 6.8 Billn Are Frying The Planet? http://ow.ly/48xbI(about 5097 days ago)
- Nikki @farmgirl_in
Brilliant! -> Franke James » Blog Archive » What Can One Person Do, When 6.8 Billion Are Frying The Planet? http://ow.ly/49OkH(about 5097 days ago)
- Brandie Weikle @bweikle
So cool. Thanks for sharing. RT @LisaBorden everything @frankejames does is inspiring to me! I love this one --> http://ow.ly/4a9v5(about 5096 days ago)
- Victoria Serda @torserda
RT @theveganomaly: @torserda thought you'd like this: http://ow.ly/48xbI(about 5078 days ago)
- Lisa Borden @lisaborden
What Can One Person Do, When 6.8 Billion Are Frying The Planet? http://ow.ly/4nYJA by @FrankeJames(about 5076 days ago)
- Melissa Allen Heath @melisheath
#green answer: plenty! RT @LisaBorden What Can 1 Person Do, When 6.8 Billion Are Frying The Planet? http://ow.ly/4nYJA by @FrankeJames(about 5076 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
RT @melisheath: #green answer: plenty! RT @LisaBorden What Can 1 Person Do, When 6.8 Billion Are Frying The Planet? http://ow.ly/4nYJA b ...(about 5076 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
Thnx @Sheril_ Did you read "What Can One Person Do, When 6.8 Billion Are Frying The Planet?" http://ow.ly/4nYJA(about 5076 days ago)
- Jessica Rodriguez @jessrod354
RT @frankejames: Thnx @Sheril_ Did you read "What Can One Person Do, When 6.8 Billion Are Frying The Planet?" http://ow.ly/4nYJA(about 5076 days ago)
- Janet Webb @janetnorcal
Agree w/notion that apathy is boring:"What Can One Person Do, When 6.8 Billion Are Frying The Planet?" http://ow.ly/4nYJA by @frankejames(about 5076 days ago)
- Stella Wiggins @stellawiggins
#Earthday incentive for individual action http://www.frankejames.com/debate/?p=1896 @frankejames(about 5052 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
Thnx @Stellawiggins Stella for your tweet about "What can one person do?" for #EarthDay :-) http://bit.ly/whatcan1persondo(about 5052 days ago)
- Vicki Strelioff @vicki_strelioff
Franke James » Blog Archive » What Can One Person Do, When 6.8 Billion Are Frying The Planet? http://t.co/6T5rLik via @frankejames(about 5016 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
RT @vicki_strelioff: Franke James » Blog Archive » What Can One Person Do, When 6.8 Billion Are Frying The Planet? http://t.co/6T5rLik v ...(about 5016 days ago)
- DeSmogBlog @desmogblog
What Can One Person Do, When 6.8 Billion Are Frying The Planet? http://t.co/6T5rLik via @frankejames(about 5016 days ago)
- Emma Pullman @emmacaroline_
What Can One Person Do, When 6.8 Billion Are Frying The Planet? http://t.co/6T5rLik via @frankejames(about 5016 days ago)
- Hengist McStone @hengistmcstone
What Can One Person Do, When 6.8 Billion Are Frying The Planet? http://t.co/6T5rLik via @frankejames(about 5016 days ago)
- Lis Duarte @lisduarte
What Can One Person Do, When 6.8 Billion Are Frying The Planet? by Franke James : http://bit.ly/d45HSj(about 5015 days ago)
- Derek Deighton @deldeighton
@lisduarte: wht cn 1 Person Do, When 6.8 Billion R Frying The Planet? http://bit.ly/d45HSj < try 2 make a difference with #Rotary(about 5015 days ago)
- Julie Rose Lemm @julieroselemm
What Can One Person Do, When 6.8 Billion Are Frying The Planet? http://t.co/6T5rLik via @frankejames(about 5015 days ago)
- Inkubate @inkubatedotcom
#Writers: early INKUBATE adapter @FrankeJames creates another powrful #graphic #essay! http://tinyurl.com/2fz7pfv @amwriting #writetip @350(about 4977 days ago)
- Lou Grinzo @thecostofenergy
What Can One Person Do, When 6.8 Billion Are Frying The Planet? http://bit.ly/pWuCPL(about 4966 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
TY! RT @TheCostOfEnergy What Can One Person Do, When 6.8 Billion Are Frying The Planet? http://t.co/sMd4GQI(about 4966 days ago)
- Kay Z @kzarr
TY! RT @TheCostOfEnergy What Can One Person Do, When 6.8 Billion Are Frying The Planet? http://t.co/sMd4GQI(about 4966 days ago)
- chaplinscourage @chaplinscourage
TY! RT @TheCostOfEnergy What Can One Person Do, When 6.8 Billion Are Frying The Planet? http://t.co/sMd4GQI(about 4964 days ago)
- Aaron Wouters @canadienguy
Franke James » Blog Archive » What Can One Person Do, When 6.8 Billion Are Frying The Planet? http://t.co/4nCw4ml via @frankejames(about 4957 days ago)
- Run on Sun @runonsun
Our fave enviro-activists - @frankejames - created this great illustrated essay on what 1 person can do: http://ow.ly/6RSKk Check it out!(about 4881 days ago)
- Holtvolts @holtvolts
Our fave enviro-activists - @frankejames - created this great illustrated essay on what 1 person can do: http://ow.ly/6RSKk Check it out!(about 4881 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
Our fave enviro-activists - @frankejames - created this great illustrated essay on what 1 person can do: http://ow.ly/6RSKk Check it out!(about 4881 days ago)
- Scott @scott451
Our fave enviro-activists - @frankejames - created this great illustrated essay on what 1 person can do: http://ow.ly/6RSKk Check it out!(about 4881 days ago)
- hapa sometimes @spylark
Our fave enviro-activists - @frankejames - created this great illustrated essay on what 1 person can do: http://ow.ly/6RSKk Check it out!(about 4881 days ago)
- Robin D. Cox @robintweets
I like the graphics. Franke James » What Can One Person Do, When 6.8 Billion Are Frying The Planet? http://t.co/hlDKqzsF via @frankejames(about 4881 days ago)
- Climate Mama @climatemama
RT MT @RunOnSun R fave enviro-activist @frankejames created this g8 graphic essay: What 1 person can do: http://t.co/nSdp8NSg R favorite 2!(about 4877 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
@laurelrusswurm Yes! @IamDavidMiller was a great green Mayor. I fit into their mitigation & adaptation plan. See: http://t.co/28W0kXRE(about 4851 days ago)
- iamdavidmiller @iamdavidmiller
Check out @frankejames re: climate change - http://t.co/vGLPMNSE(about 4851 days ago)
- Graham Chivers @deepgreendesign
RT @iamdavidmiller Check out @frankejames re: #climatechange - http://t.co/ChnES6QD #Toronto #COP17 #Science #Art(about 4851 days ago)
- CdnCrone @canadiancrone
RT @iamdavidmiller Check out @frankejames re: #climatechange - http://t.co/ChnES6QD #Toronto #COP17 #Science #Art(about 4851 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
Check out @frankejames re: climate change - http://t.co/vGLPMNSE(about 4851 days ago)
- Robb M. @astroboy
Check out @frankejames re: climate change - http://t.co/vGLPMNSE(about 4851 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
TY for help with Paradise Unpaved: http://t.co/4diRXFh8 RT @iamdavidmiller Check out @frankejames re: climate change - http://t.co/HUluwUhl(about 4851 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
RT @iamdavidmiller Check out @frankejames re: #climatechange - http://t.co/ChnES6QD #Toronto #COP17 #Science #Art(about 4851 days ago)
- Toronto Retweeter @toronto_rt
RT @frankejames RT @deepgreendesign: RT @iamdavidmiller Check out @frankejames re: #climatechange - http://t.co/o15GyGLO #COP17 #Science(about 4851 days ago)
- Laurel L. Russwurm @laurelrusswurm
#ENVIROart Franke James: What Can One Person Do, When 6.8 Billion Are Frying The Planet? http://t.co/XOmntcTf #CDNpoli(about 4851 days ago)
- Laurel L. Russwurm @laurelrusswurm
@craseng We should all do what we can. Guests should leave a place better than it was; earthlings ought to do the same http://t.co/XOmntcTf(about 4851 days ago)
- Alan Nogee @alannogee
Yes, do! RT @frankejames RT @iamdavidmiller: Check out @frankejames re: climate change - http://t.co/BxgBOGcR(about 4851 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
1 Small Step for the IPCC; 1 Giant Leap for Understanding Our Climate Risk http://t.co/0glLF9yI What Can One Person Do? http://t.co/28W0kXRE(about 4800 days ago)
- V. Jobson @softgrasswalker
Franke James » What Can One Person Do, When 6.8 Billion Are Frying The Planet? http://t.co/gwJDMhSL via @frankejames(about 4797 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
"What can one person do?" Mitigation & adaptation for city-dwellers | by @FrankeJames http://t.co/28W0kXRE @olavkjorven #rio2012(about 4678 days ago)
- ✖✖ أصلي ♚ @theonlypatman
@moronwatch>>Franke James » What Can One Person Do, When 6.8 Billion Are Frying The Planet? http://t.co/g8fA4QFp via @frankejames(about 4609 days ago)
- MoronWatch @moronwatch
@moronwatch>>Franke James » What Can One Person Do, When 6.8 Billion Are Frying The Planet? http://t.co/g8fA4QFp via @frankejames(about 4609 days ago)
- Poppy Cox @misspoppycox
@moronwatch>>Franke James » What Can One Person Do, When 6.8 Billion Are Frying The Planet? http://t.co/g8fA4QFp via @frankejames(about 4609 days ago)
- ✖✖ أصلي ♚ @theonlypatman
@Neoconair you need to read this ( creative, fun and educational-follow her on twitter) Enjoy:)\n<@moronwatch">http://t.co/g8fA4QFp>\n@moronwatch(about 4609 days ago)
- OccupyingTheReality @heavydemon2012
@moronwatch>>Franke James » What Can One Person Do, When 6.8 Billion Are Frying The Planet? http://t.co/g8fA4QFp via @frankejames(about 4608 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
What can one person do? http://t.co/28VVNnQK My mitigation & adaptation story @pedromacv @MichaelEMann #350ppm #climate(about 4579 days ago)
- GeoWatchNet @geowatchnet
What can one person do? http://t.co/28VVNnQK My mitigation & adaptation story @pedromacv @MichaelEMann #350ppm #climate(about 4579 days ago)
- chaplinscourage @chaplinscourage
What can one person do? http://t.co/28VVNnQK My mitigation & adaptation story @pedromacv @MichaelEMann #350ppm #climate(about 4579 days ago)
- Peter Macanas @pedromacv
What can one person do? http://t.co/28VVNnQK My mitigation & adaptation story @pedromacv @MichaelEMann #350ppm #climate(about 4579 days ago)
- Michael E. Mann @michaelemann
What can one person do? http://t.co/28VVNnQK My mitigation & adaptation story @pedromacv @MichaelEMann #350ppm #climate(about 4579 days ago)
- Mariaschnee @svukusic
What Can One Person Do, When 6.8 Billion Are Frying The Planet? by @frankejames #environment #climate http://t.co/oGCy7TZ6(about 4579 days ago)
- V. Jobson @softgrasswalker
What can one person do? http://t.co/28VVNnQK My mitigation & adaptation story @pedromacv @MichaelEMann #350ppm #climate(about 4578 days ago)
- Lisa Borden @lisaborden
What Can ONE Person Do, When 6.8 Billion Are Frying The Planet? http://t.co/ZbLxNuwr <--brilliant visual essay by @FrankeJames(about 4575 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
TYVM! mt @LisaBorden What Can ONE Person Do, When 6.8BN Are Frying The Planet? http://t.co/ziD6F9OI brilliant visual essay by @FrankeJames(about 4575 days ago)
- Thera Wise @therawise
RT @lisaborden: What Can ONE Person Do, When 6.8 B Are Frying The Planet? http://t.co/tuFUHLgr <--brilliant visual essay by @frankejames(about 4575 days ago)
- Kathryn Hall @kathrynhallpr
Franke James » What Can One Person Do, When 6.8 Billion Are Frying The Planet? http://t.co/hXcEMj8W via @frankejames(about 4575 days ago)
- Po-Zu @po_zu
RT @LisaBorden: What Can ONE Person Do, When 6.8 Billion Are Frying The Planet? http://t.co/3t6DQMWu brilliant visual essay by @FrankeJames(about 4575 days ago)
- Denyse Pez @coteter
Franke James » What Can One Person Do, When 6.8 Billion Are Frying The Planet? http://t.co/gRYv57au Awesome as usual~ please share.#cndpoli(about 4575 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
TY for sharing - now 7 billion! mt @KathrynHallPR What Can One Person Do, When 6.8BN Are Frying The Planet? http://t.co/28VVNnQK #climate(about 4575 days ago)
- Kathryn Hall @kathrynhallpr
TY for sharing - now 7 billion! mt @KathrynHallPR What Can One Person Do, When 6.8BN Are Frying The Planet? http://t.co/28VVNnQK #climate(about 4575 days ago)
- Michael E. Mann @michaelemann
TYVM! mt @LisaBorden What Can ONE Person Do, When 6.8BN Are Frying The Planet? http://t.co/ziD6F9OI brilliant visual essay by @FrankeJames(about 4575 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
Update: What Can One Person Do, When 7 Billion Are Frying The Planet? - http://t.co/28VVNnQK #climate #adaptation #mitigation(about 4575 days ago)
- George Klima @klimaz
Update: What Can One Person Do, When 7 Billion Are Frying The Planet? - http://t.co/28VVNnQK #climate #adaptation #mitigation(about 4575 days ago)
- company2keep @company2keepinc
What Can One Person Do, When #7Billion Are Frying The Planet? by @FrankeJames http://t.co/qAZIxwah(about 4575 days ago)
- Jay Thakkar @jdthakkar
Plug the gas pipe RT @company2keepinc: What Can One Person Do, When #7Billion Are Frying The Planet? by @FrankeJames http://t.co/DeH2NIzw(about 4575 days ago)
- company2keep @company2keepinc
+ some! RT @jdthakkar: Plug the gas pipe-What Can One Person Do, When #7Billion Are Frying The Planet? by @FrankeJames http://t.co/qAZIxwah(about 4575 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
Plug the gas pipe RT @company2keepinc: What Can One Person Do, When #7Billion Are Frying The Planet? by @FrankeJames http://t.co/DeH2NIzw(about 4575 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
+ some! RT @jdthakkar: Plug the gas pipe-What Can One Person Do, When #7Billion Are Frying The Planet? by @FrankeJames http://t.co/qAZIxwah(about 4575 days ago)
- Roger Davies @4589roger
TYVM! mt @LisaBorden What Can ONE Person Do, When 6.8BN Are Frying The Planet? http://t.co/ziD6F9OI brilliant visual essay by @FrankeJames(about 4575 days ago)
- Roger Davies @4589roger
What Can ONE Person Do, When 6.8 Billion Are Frying The Planet? http://t.co/ZbLxNuwr <--brilliant visual essay by @FrankeJames(about 4575 days ago)
- V. Jobson @softgrasswalker
Plug the gas pipe RT @company2keepinc: What Can One Person Do, When #7Billion Are Frying The Planet? by @FrankeJames http://t.co/DeH2NIzw(about 4575 days ago)
- Geoffrey Vincent @jeff_vers2_0
Imaginative, inspiring re #climate MT “@LisaBorden: What Can ONE Person Do? http://t.co/gmi8BChT <--brilliant visual essay by @FrankeJames”(about 4575 days ago)
- Predator Defense @predatordefense
Update: What Can One Person Do, When 7 Billion Are Frying The Planet? - http://t.co/28VVNnQK #climate #adaptation #mitigation(about 4575 days ago)
- Michelle Mainwaring @luvlaffen
Franke James » What Can One Person Do, When 6.8 Billion Are Frying The Planet? http://t.co/hXcEMj8W via @frankejames(about 4575 days ago)
- Enter your real name @vickersty
Franke James » What Can One Person Do, When 6.8 Billion Are Frying The Planet? http://t.co/hXcEMj8W via @frankejames(about 4575 days ago)
- Sexy Typewriter @sexytypewriter
What Can One Person Do, When 7 Billion Are Frying The Planet? - http://t.co/ZgTB1WNY(about 4575 days ago)
- Laura Kinnaman @aproustian
What Can One Person Do, When 7 Billion Are Frying The Planet? - http://t.co/ZgTB1WNY(about 4575 days ago)
- Julian Vardy @ceolandthegang
Not just doom & gloom, a good read:\n\n“@sexytypewriter: What Can One Person Do, When 7 Billion Are Frying The Planet? - http://t.co/fxGCEbyn”(about 4575 days ago)
- GregM @gregmaddeaux
What Can One Person Do, When 7 Billion Are Frying The Planet? - http://t.co/ZgTB1WNY(about 4574 days ago)
- Ftorrinhas @greentorrinhas
What Can One #Person Do, When 6.8 Billion Are #Frying The #Planet? - http://t.co/dP5agNFS @frankejames #education #environment #schools(about 4574 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
TYVM! mt @greentorrinhas What Can One #Person Do, When 7BN Are #Frying The #Planet? http://t.co/28VVNnQK #education #environment #schools(about 4574 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
Imaginative, inspiring re #climate MT “@LisaBorden: What Can ONE Person Do? http://t.co/gmi8BChT <--brilliant visual essay by @FrankeJames”(about 4574 days ago)
- Maiseach @maiseach
Imaginative, inspiring re #climate MT “@LisaBorden: What Can ONE Person Do? http://t.co/gmi8BChT <--brilliant visual essay by @FrankeJames”(about 4574 days ago)
- Denyse Pez @coteter
Imaginative, inspiring re #climate MT “@LisaBorden: What Can ONE Person Do? http://t.co/gmi8BChT <--brilliant visual essay by @FrankeJames”(about 4574 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
Global warming is depressing. Like Tories, why not ignore it? http://t.co/puuzTqsa What can one person do? http://t.co/28VVNnQK #cdnpoli(about 4573 days ago)
- Lise Latulippe @lise_latulippe
Global warming is depressing. Like Tories, why not ignore it? http://t.co/puuzTqsa What can one person do? http://t.co/28VVNnQK #cdnpoli(about 4573 days ago)
- Chris Spratt @icarus2009
Global warming is depressing. Like Tories, why not ignore it? http://t.co/puuzTqsa What can one person do? http://t.co/28VVNnQK #cdnpoli(about 4573 days ago)
- Bergg69 @bergg69
Global warming is depressing. Like Tories, why not ignore it? http://t.co/puuzTqsa What can one person do? http://t.co/28VVNnQK #cdnpoli(about 4573 days ago)
- Jane Kilthei @janekilthei
Global warming is depressing. Like Tories, why not ignore it? http://t.co/puuzTqsa What can one person do? http://t.co/28VVNnQK #cdnpoli(about 4573 days ago)
- Kelly Childs @kellychildslive
What Can One Person Do, When 7 Billion Are Frying The Planet? - http://t.co/sjmW8ivZ(about 4572 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
@K4M4 TY Martin! @SeventhGen is part of the solution for what we can each do: http://t.co/28VVNnQK(about 4572 days ago)
- Martin Kumquat @k4m4
@K4M4 TY Martin! @SeventhGen is part of the solution for what we can each do: http://t.co/28VVNnQK(about 4572 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
Climate change: How Toronto is adapting to scary new reality: http://t.co/G2bycOZL My 2010 visual essay on Aug19/05: http://t.co/28VVNnQK(about 4566 days ago)
- Tzeporah Berman @tzeporah
Climate change: How Toronto is adapting to scary new reality: http://t.co/G2bycOZL My 2010 visual essay on Aug19/05: http://t.co/28VVNnQK(about 4566 days ago)
- Donnochka @sotondonnochka
Climate change: How Toronto is adapting to scary new reality: http://t.co/G2bycOZL My 2010 visual essay on Aug19/05: http://t.co/28VVNnQK(about 4566 days ago)
- Joan Robb @h14eron15
Climate change: How Toronto is adapting to scary new reality: http://t.co/G2bycOZL My 2010 visual essay on Aug19/05: http://t.co/28VVNnQK(about 4566 days ago)
- V. Jobson @softgrasswalker
Climate change: How Toronto is adapting to scary new reality: http://t.co/G2bycOZL My 2010 visual essay on Aug19/05: http://t.co/28VVNnQK(about 4566 days ago)
- Trish Keilthy @degapette
What Can One Person Do, When 7 Billion Are Frying The Planet? - http://t.co/lZ7U6BYV(about 4564 days ago)
- Lisa Borden @lisaborden
What Can 1 Person Do, When 7 Billion Are Frying The Planet? http://t.co/cIBu4Qdr <-- brilliant visual essay(about 4564 days ago)
- Jewcology Team @jewcology
What Can 1 Person Do, When 7 Billion Are Frying The Planet? http://t.co/cIBu4Qdr <-- brilliant visual essay(about 4564 days ago)
- Clinic Air @getclinicair
You must click through on this link! RT @lisaborden: What Can 1 Person Do, When 7 Billion Are Frying The Planet? http://t.co/e9LE8DX3(about 4563 days ago)
- Whelena Sainsbury @whelena
What Can 1 Person Do, When 7 Billion Are Frying The Planet? http://t.co/cIBu4Qdr <-- brilliant visual essay(about 4563 days ago)
- Barry A. Martin @hypenoticbam
RT @LisaBorden: What Can 1 Person Do, When 7 Billion Are Frying The Planet? http://t.co/8t3lZx9G <-- brilliant visual essay(about 4563 days ago)
- Jamie Kennedy @chefjkennedy
RT @LisaBorden: What Can 1 Person Do, When 7 Billion Are Frying The Planet? http://t.co/8t3lZx9G <-- brilliant visual essay(about 4563 days ago)
- Meghan Telpner Inc. @meghaninc
Love this. RT @lisaborden: What Can 1 Person Do, When 7 Billion Are Frying The Planet? http://t.co/GehWllnf <-- brilliant visual essay(about 4563 days ago)
- Shannon Kadlovski @shannonkad
This is great! RT @lisaborden: What Can 1 Person Do, When 7 Billion Are Frying The Planet? http://t.co/RQ2mRt4I <-- brilliant visual essay(about 4563 days ago)
- Joel Wilcox @writersblanc
RT @LisaBorden: What Can 1 Person Do, When 7 Billion Are Frying The Planet? http://t.co/8t3lZx9G <-- brilliant visual essay(about 4563 days ago)
- Frida Restaurant @fridarestaurant
RT @LisaBorden: What Can 1 Person Do, When 7 Billion Are Frying The Planet? http://t.co/EF1DkGaR <-- brilliant visual essay(about 4563 days ago)
- Green Jobs Forum @greenjobsforum
RT @hypenoticbam: RT @LisaBorden: What Can 1 Person Do, When 7 Billion Are Frying The Planet? http://t.co/uI6mpY6a(about 4563 days ago)
- Jane Tanner @mamacuddles
Love this. RT @lisaborden: What Can 1 Person Do, When 7 Billion Are Frying The Planet? http://t.co/GehWllnf <-- brilliant visual essay(about 4563 days ago)
- miniOrganics @miniorganics
Great @frankejames RT @LisaBorden: What Can 1 Person Do, When 7 Billion R Frying The Planet? http://t.co/ESQYf0LS <-- brilliant visual essay(about 4563 days ago)
- Airon_B @haironmyface
RT What Can One Person Do, When 7 Billion Are Frying The Planet? - http://t.co/DRMuN71L(about 4563 days ago)
- Iain B @ianreadysetgo
RT @haironmyface: RT What Can One Person Do, When 7 Billion Are Frying The Planet? - http://t.co/I5YuijXt(about 4562 days ago)
- Cookin' Greens @cookingreens
RT @LisaBorden: What Can 1 Person Do, When 7 Billion Are Frying The Planet? http://t.co/ij855TJd <-- brilliant visual essay(about 4561 days ago)
- Monica Pianosi @monica_archi
What Can One Person Do, When 7 Billion Are Frying The Planet? - http://t.co/SKYAgpyX http://t.co/SDj1cVGb(about 4519 days ago)
- Duncan Noble @carbonexplorer
RT @EricRShoesmith: Quirky visual essay on what one person can do to combat #climatechange\nhttp://t.co/QaA5TpZN(about 4486 days ago)
- Alan Hayes @alanhayes_igd
RT @EricRShoesmith: Quirky visual essay on what one person can do to combat #climatechange\nhttp://t.co/QaA5TpZN(about 4486 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
Toronto ill-equipped for impending storms, experts warn | @torontostar http://t.co/uMRqk2Ib What can one person do? http://t.co/anxeFbop(about 4484 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
TYVM @wiredal \'To My Future Grandkids in 2020\' is in sync w/ @darkmtn http://t.co/9lqjHRLk Plus: What can 1 person do? http://t.co/anxeFbop(about 4479 days ago)
- Lisa Borden @lisaborden
What Can 1 Person Do, When 7 Billion Are Frying The Planet? http://t.co/QnHTsNwisx <-- brilliant visual essay by @FrankeJames(about 4348 days ago)
- HermitGirl @hermitgirrllife
RT @LisaBorden: What Can 1 Person Do, When 7 Billion Are Frying The Planet? http://t.co/QnHTsNwisx <-- brilliant visual essay by @Fra ...(about 4348 days ago)
- TakeOutWithOut -TOWO @takeoutwout
RT @lisaborden: What Can 1 Person Do, When 7 Billion Are Frying The Planet? http://t.co/SrfqnOOGor <- brilliant visual essay by @frankejames(about 4348 days ago)
- Michelle Aura @mickiegirl
What Can One Person Do, When 7 Billion Are Frying The Planet? - http://t.co/RxyYHMfugy via @frankejames(about 4348 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
RT @MickieGirl: What Can One Person Do, When 7 Billion Are Frying The Planet? - http://t.co/RxyYHMfugy via @frankejames(about 4348 days ago)
- Brad Zarnett @bradzarnett
RT @LisaBorden: What Can 1 Person Do, When 7 Billion Are Frying The Planet? http://t.co/QnHTsNwisx <-- brilliant visual essay by @Fra ...(about 4348 days ago)
- V. Jobson @softgrasswalker
RT @MickieGirl: What Can One Person Do, When 7 Billion Are Frying The Planet? - http://t.co/RxyYHMfugy via @frankejames(about 4348 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
TY @JimHarris My story on climate change + TO: What Can 1 Person Do? http://t.co/2i1FMcOagi #tssschat http://t.co/7uWn6qpcDq @iamdavidmiller(about 4346 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
@OurHorizonOrg @Jay_Wall Smart. Here\'s my local story - What can one person do? http://t.co/It9xM2vhh3(about 4303 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
@EduardoCBraga Old water infrastructure. We\'ve had flooding. What Can One Person Do, When 7BN Are Frying The Planet? http://t.co/IOqUcIkf6T(about 4242 days ago)
- Eduardo Braga @eduardocbraga
Just understand @frankejames Old water infrastructure … What Can One Person Do, When 7BN Are Frying The Planet? http://t.co/ejXI7kwnD9(about 4242 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
TY @faisal_moola Delighted to hear that. Loved your article. See this question I asked in 2010 http://t.co/It9xM2vhh3 http://t.co/OFgM5TwFlp(about 4238 days ago)
- faisal moola @faisal_moola
RT @frankejames: TY @faisal_moola Delighted to hear that. Loved your article. See this question I asked in 2010 http://t.co/It9xM2vhh3 http…(about 4238 days ago)
- Virginia DeBolt @vdebolt
What Can One Person Do, When 7 Billion Are Frying The Planet? - http://t.co/YmnP4sISiZ(about 4238 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
MT @mikedesouza Canada\'s cities #climate change is a #reality http://t.co/5zWAhcNhHC Questions about Toronto http://t.co/It9xM2vhh3 #cdnpoli(about 4228 days ago)
- Terrill Tailfeathers @terrilltf
RT @frankejames: MT @mikedesouza Canada\'s cities #climate change is a #reality http://t.co/5zWAhcNhHC Questions about Toronto http://t.co/I…(about 4228 days ago)
- Zashnain Zainal @bedlamfury
What Can One Person Do, When 7 Billion Are Frying The Planet? | Franke James http://t.co/KJNZEwGado(about 4177 days ago)
Great way of telling a story! And a good story it is too :)
@BookingAuthors: Great example of action catalyst @FrankeJames at work: What Can 1 Person Do, When 6.8 Billion Are Frying The Planet? http://bit.ly/1persondo
Thanks for sharing your insight, ideas and creative message!
This is terrific! 10/10/10 is less than a week away. Let’s get to work!
That was truly entertaining and quite a learning experience! I will show this to my family tonight!
@NEMWIUpperMiss: Highly recommended art-essay: “What Can One Person Do, When 6.8 Billion Are Frying The Planet?” http://bit.ly/1persondo (from @frankejames)
Interesting that local elected officials don’t have the luxury of being climate change deniers since they have to deal with what is in front of them. Maybe we need more of their ilk in national legislatures?
As always, your essay is thought provoking while still demonstrating a fine sense of humor. I will promote this far and wide and I hope lots of people hear what you have to say and take action – on 10/10/10 and thereafter! Nicely done!
You did it AGAIN ! Franke, your latest post is another smashing hit ! Thanks for that !
I will partake in 10/10/10 in Paris as well. First time I ever go to this kind of event. But time to act is now.
Last year at the same period of the year we were all over Copenhagen. Today, little (and even nothing) is said about Cancun.
I am seriously afraid we won’t solve the triple crisis… In any case, keep it UP ! :)
@AFreeMansLife: always brilliant! RT @frankejames My new essay: “What Can One Person Do, When 6.8 Billion Are Frying The Planet?” http://bit.ly/1persondo
@lisaborden: What Can One Person Do, When 6.8 Billion Are Frying The Planet? http://ht.ly/2O3N1 <– just INCREDIBLE @frankejames (again)
@TheEcoist: Terrific new art-essay by @frankejames: What Can One Person Do, When 6.8 Billion Are Frying The Planet? http://bit.ly/1persondo #climate
I use some of those Finch Avenue 2005 images in my Realtor Training!
Question for you is – yes we are transforming the city – but how can we influence Rob Ford supporters?
I have been pushing this messaging for years and there seems a cap – no bridges to unconverted and unaware. Franke – can you think of a way to take us there?
@NobleFreshEnerg: I love @frankejames cartoon essay dealing with the warming world in Toronto, in her yard, and in her brain. http://bit.ly/1persondo
Thanks for your comment on my visual essay!
Last week I spoke in Caledon at the Green T event. The eminent scientist (and Mayor), Don MacIver, spoke about the science of climate change — most particularly adaptation. He shared this amazing resource which shows the climate change hazards by neighbourhood…
Environment Canada’s Climate Change Hazards by geographic region:
Couple that environmental risk info with the Institute for Catastrophic Loss Reduction’s info and you have an economically persuasive argument. Fear of losing property/infrastructure to climate change is something most people can understand.
As always, thought provoking, factual and visually stimulating… not to mention just the bit of Franke that makes me smile ( the lightbulb ooops!)
Awesome job. OMG Founders Carter, and his sister Olivia, will be supporting the 10/10/10 initiative as well. They will be hosting a “Water Event” at the Fernbank Museum on Oct 10th, 2010 where we will be discussing the importance of water on all living things and also partnering with an organization called Ryan’s Well which helps build water wells to poor villages around the world to ensure everyone has access to clean drinking water.
Also on that same day, we will be participating in the celebration the unique date of 10/10/10 at our Sate Capital building (GA) by being part of “Uniting Voices”: An Interfaith Worship Service Calling for Climate Justice, which is an event that hopes to raise awareness to the problems with our climate do to pollution etc.
Both events will be videoed for inclusion in the “One Day On Earth” video.
I really love this and I think it’s such a neat form for social and artistic ideas!
I love your work, always interesting, engaging, inspiring, and keeps me scrolling for more. Darwin, mammoths, and mummies, great tie-together. Well done! Consider yourself tweeted and FB’d by 1Sky…. as soon as I ask Alex to mention this.
Absolutely wonderful – great job!!
Fantastic piece that I am showing my kids and emailing to all my friends. We started our plan years ago – and we tinker and improve it every week. Thanks for a further helping of inspiration!
The kind of thing Governing bodies should be broadcasting on TV’s globally. Simple yet brilliantly effective.
Excellent story telling Franke!
My friend Karen in Toronto just sent your link to me in Australia, and now I will forward it to my other friends around the globe.
One person CAN make a difference, and therfore your story-telling can reach many others.
Yes, we SHOULD be afraid – but we should also spring into action and each one of us can make a plan to start the change … one baby-step at a time, times a billion people, CAN make a difference!
Bravo Franke!
Teena in Sydney
Here is one thing you can do. Join the campaign for free public transport.
This is brilliant and inspiring, thanks!
Thank so much Franke – this is a great tool to get people thinking and acting!
Great work! Blair in Sydney
Franke, you are harnessing the enormous power of agreement. I am behind you 100% that we can make a difference. We need to work in congruent patterns to multiply our collective results. You go girl!
I just wanna thank you for this. It´s really inspiring and I´m gonna use this in my course with your permission. I have already linked to you (it´s from a swedish blog for my course). Once again thanks!
Best Regards/ Stefan from Stockholm
Well done Franke! It really does come down to the point that the federal government is failing us. We have made progress in understanding the science behind climate change and the fact that it is an issue, but there is still a huge gap between knowing and understanding the science and the action required to solve the problem. As long as governments continue to profit from the fossil fuel industry, no one will force ordinary citizens to compromise their lifestyle. It’s up to us to do it for ourselves. Thanks for making that point clear in this piece of work.
I was especially moved seeing the woolly mammoth skeleton image on the road. At the Pittsburgh, PA airport there is a reconstructed Tyrannosaurus Rex. It is sobering. Thank you for your imagination in service of the wake up call.
[…] är en global kampanj för att möta klimatkrisen, ledd av människor världen över. Kampanjen startades 2008 av ungdomar från olika platser i världen och […]
I love your visual essay Franke. It condenses what is in the mind of many and points to personal coping strategies.
We still need to find a way to make that ‘personal action’ more widely instituted and expected and stretch it further by looking at both small and more universal approaches – such as food production within cities, renegation of personal “anti-social” (read environmentally-unfriendly) transportation, within cities, and community assistance for those who are dependent on cars because of having disabilities, elderly parents or young children to care for.
We must encourage the ‘haves’ to think about the ‘have nots’ in their everyday behaviors so that the car becomes a luxury that is only used when there is REALLY no viable alternative – and not just to take little Sam to his football practice on Saturday or Samantha to her ballet lessons! Or, to pop down to the mall for shopping every other day…usually with only one or 2 persons in the SUV!
Very meaningful and succinct way of telling the story of our climate crisis. Our world leaders definitely need to sit/stand up and take notice of what’s going on rather than just make small talk.
[…] recommend it. If that’s too much of a commitment, at least check out this cool little illustration. Take the time to check it out, today is 10/10/10, Global Work Party for Climate Solutions, after […]
We are ONE
so I am another you
I want to help
me/ you/ them/ all
Wonderful! Karen Hanrahan linked to you for our green moms carnival on climate change and I found this post through her. Just wonderful. Thank you!
Franke, another amazing essay! And a great idea to slide show this on 101010. Looks like I’m 10 days late. Does that make it 10101010? Hmmm. Anyways, your book was talked about (and lent out) at the Victoria event I was part of. More to the point, I’m working at turning down my share of planet-frying gases. It’s painful thinking that I’m still an emitter.
Thanks for the rave review and news of my book being passed around! No, you’re not late… 10/10/10 was a good start, but just the beginning. I’ll be updating this essay with a new to-do plan for readers.
We’re all emitters — let’s try to do the hardest things first so we can feel a sense of accomplishment (and inspire others to do their own “hardest thing”).
A waterfall starts with one drop! Thank you
HelloHolistic.com is a developing social network for people interested in connecting with others in their neighborhoods around moving toward holistic, sustainable communities. Initial launch is in the Twin Cities & surrounding areas of Minnesota. All communities are welcome.
“Networking, we find each other easily. Together our voice are heard!”
Hi there, very impressive so I just linked it up to our Climate Change Australia – Clarence Valley Branch facebook page. It’s just started and I’m hoping seeing what others are doing will inspire our group. Many thanks. My own blog “Scrubby Bush”, is my way of inspiring others to care for the earth via understanding the needs of the animals out there, especially a very special group of kangaroos. Great to know so many are doing something, gives me hope!
Awesome! Awesome! Awesome! Awesome! AWESOME :) Really inspiring piece of work, truly remarkable :D
Delicious. A little masterpiece. Even working as Editor-In-Chief in an Italian network devoted to ecology, I’ve never seen a more intriguing set of rules, more inspiring handbook…
Artistic Innovative and Superb way to get it out!
[…] Check out the rest of the series at Franke James’ site […]
[…] Yes, it can seem overwhelming sometimes. But out of this mess, there is actually change coming. I see it everyday. It’s in the little things and the big things. There is no need to give up hope (just) yet. Some little things to spread hope around: Franke James: What Can One Person Do, When 6.8 Billion Are Frying The Planet? […]
All of us can take small steps, use a clothesline/drying rack – you don’t have to give up your gas/electric dryer completely – to dry as much of your laundry using free solar a possible. Switch to CFLs. Grow a little of your own food, maybe just a tomato in a planter or a pot of herbs for starters. Imagine if everyone in N. America just took these three steps now, the change would be noticeable. Take your own bag to the grocery store. Do not buy bottled water, buy a reusable metal water bottle. Small steps – one step every month can make a difference while we wait for our governments to act.
[…] http://www.frankejames.com/debate/?p=1896 Leave a Comment […]
thank you!
Thanks for the great message. I, too, am a worrier. So often I have struggled to understand my non-worrier friends who see the very subject of global climate change as too much of a downer to mention. Now I’ll take your advice and look for like-minded folks to organize for a local plan. Anyone out there in Albuquerque, NM ?
[…] (and not technical, confusing, or jargony) illustration would be over at Franke James blog “What Can One Person Do, When 6.8 Billion Are Frying The Planet?”
It’s like a picture book walking through the reasons why we should start to care, and […]
Greetings, Franke!
Great site! I love your content and art! I can’t wait to follow your tweets.
Cordially yours!
I like your message. I like the ‘can do’ attitude. I like the idea that change happens best at the local and neighborhood and personal level from now on. The more people a government is supposed to represent (state and national) the harder it is for it to act.
I also think of the phrase “be concerned with” instead of “worry about” because it’s more action oriented, I think.
I also want to thank everyone here for already doing good things, even if you don’t think it’s “enough” yet. After all, most of us were born after the car, the highway, the air conditioner, the electric stove, the plastic package, and other things were all invented and put into daily use. This was something we grew up with. We thought these things were “normal.” Now, surprise, they’re damaging the planet and damaging us. So, naturally, we’re struggling with tremendous change right now.
So, I apologize, on behalf of our fore bearers, who were doing their best at the time, struggling through wars, economic collapse, racism, etc. I apologize for not doing more myself. I’m struggling with all this change as well.
And finally, I invite you to forgive yourself and those around you for where you think you may be falling short. Look, this is hard stuff. You’re doing what you can to get through with it. I wish my house was much better insulated, but it’s expensive, the house was badly constructed for insulation in the first place (it’s 100 years old), and we don’t have enough money right now to do it. So, I’m doing what I can to have a life, make improvements where I can, and sharing thoughts with others.
[…] and author Franke James answers the question”What can one person do, when 6.8 billion people are frying the planet?” with a visual essay that was featured in Grist.org this week. Here are a few of striking images […]
Awesome job!!!
[…] The title of Franke’s post is — What can one person do when 6.8 billion are frying the planet?? […]
It starts with me to change
I think the essays you do are very eye opening and I wondered if you know what global dimming is.
[…] 350 eARTh TweetShare… Six Tools for Climate Change Art […]
Rise in flood claims tied to climate change
“Canadian insurance companies are facing unprecedented growth in claims and payouts for water-related home damage, and industry experts lay the blame squarely on climate change.
In 2009, insurance payouts nationwide totalled $5.3-billion, with more than half of claims being paid for extreme weather events. Heavy rainfall causing flooded basements was the main culprit, costing the insurance industry $1.3-billion in 2009. For many years, fire damage was the most expensive cost for companies, according to the Insurance Bureau of Canada. But 10 years ago, water damage claims started to increase, until 2005 when they surpassed fire costs. Today, the bureau reports that water damages account for more than half of all insurance claims.”
‘For most of the country, the infrastructure is not built for the climate that we are now starting to see.’—Brock Carlton, CEO, Federation of Canadian Municipalities
Read more:
[…] writing and visual essays. Her book, “Bothered by My Green Conscience” and her visual essay “What Can One Person Do, When 6.8 Billion are Frying the Planet?” have been read by people all over the […]
[…] What Can One Person Do? (2010) […]
This message is inspirational. It is a relief to see that we have such a committed intellectual who will address clearly the challenges our society faces. I hope this is the start of a new Canadian school of committed artists who will do in our generation what the Group of Seven did for the care of our forests in the early decades of the 20th century.
Just like the “faceless” individuals who hide behind and use private banks and corporations to impose policies that are destroying the planet; (those who are destroying the planet have names and addresses), likewise, it is heartening to know that there are increasingly more and more millions and millions of compassionate, caring people who are doing everything they can to show their love for Mother Earth; without the pomp and fan-fare of publicity, or broad public ackowledgement.
They know who they are…. I thank them, and recognise them in myself……
[…] Oh — and remember that artwork that was destined to go to Europe to tour 20 cities, but got banned? Well, banned art is the perfect backdrop for my Blacklisting Party! Here are two canvases from my story, ‘What can one person do?’ […]
[…] “Dear Prime Minister: CO2 keeps rising but our leaders keep loafing. Will you take action before we’re all toast?” from my 2010 visual essay, “What Can One Person Do?” […]
[…] Canadian artist and environmentalist Franke James’ visual essay was shown at Clark last Thursday, hosted by the Worcester Fair Share chapter of the Fair Share Alliance. The visual essay is titled “What Can One Person Do when 6.8 Billion are Frying the Planet?” […]
i like your essay, thanks.
the single most powerful thing we can all do everyday on behalf of the planet and all the beautiful and diverse live she supports, is to stop consuming animals and animal products.
[…] artist Franke James gives reign to her inner trickster to produce delightful visual essays that advocate for action to […]
[…] Franke James » What Can One Person Do, When 7 Billion Are Frying The Planet? This visual essay was first published in 2010 as “What Can One Person Do, When 6.8 Billion Are Frying The Planet?” Now, two years later we have 7 billion on the planet, and the issue of climate change… […]
Hey! Great site!!!!!!!
Have you seen the vídeo about Obama’s-Confronting the Growing Threat of Climate Change? After watching the vídeo I felt that some hope was spread in the air.The only thing I got confused with, was about Obama saying that he is doing this to protect this country. I don’t think he can do that, as he said himself that we indeed share the same planet, so the climate change effects is far away from his control. This leaded me to think about how a global goal is importante and how it should be the first big action! Fortunately, the United States is a country that has the power of influence, so that’s why we should still stay positive. Otherwise, we complain, put the guilty on the back of others, and do nothing!
Best Regards,