Fat Cat Canada’s Giant Litter Box
by Franke James
Prime Minister Stephen Harper
PMO’s Ottawa Office: (+1) (613) 992-4211
Toll-free: 1 (866) 599-4999
Calgary office: (+1) (403) 253-7990
Twitter: @PMharper
e-mail: pm@pm.gc.ca
fax: 613-941-6900
What Canadians Can Do
If you’re a Canadian reading this, here’s the action plan from CLIMATE ACTION NETWORK CANADA:
- Take action to make sure your federal elected official:
a) Signs the Kyoto Plus Pledge For Elected Officials
b) Supports and implements the Climate Change Accountability ActThe Climate Change Accountability Act is currently moving through Parliament. The bill asks Canada to commit to reducing its greenhouse gas emissions by 80% by 2050 and define Canada’s approach to climate change moving into the climate treaty negotiations in Copenhagen.
Contact Your Federal MP:
You can find your Member of Parliament using your postal code - Educate your friends, colleagues and co-workers about the need to take action on climate change NOW!
- Attend events in your area hosted by CAN member groups. Also check out The World Wants a Real Deal
- Contact CAN members to find out more ways to get involved
- Sign the petition at kyotoplus.ca
Visual Essay Credits:
“Fat Cat Canada’s Giant Litter Box” © 2009 Franke James
Photographs, illustrations and writing by Franke James, MFA, except as noted below in order of appearance:
Tailing Ponds illustration features: photo © 2005 The Pembina Institute, Dan Woynillowicz OilSandsWatch.org Pembina Institute
“Big as England” illustration features: Syncrude Oil Sands photo © 2006 David Dodge, Pembina Institute
Grand Vision illustration by Franke James features: Suncor upgrader complex adjacent to the Athabasca River © 2002 Chris Evans, Pembina Institute
“Sewer Sky” illustration features: Syncrude upgrader and complex with Hwy 63 and tailings ponds in the background. Photo © 2006 David Dodge, Pembina Institute
Scaling Parliament Buildings in Ottawa: December 7, 2009 ©Greenpeace Canada
“Fat Cat Litter Box” illustration features: Syncrude 2007 -12 Photo © 2007 David Dodge, CPAWS.
Background Research & Resources:
My thanks to the following people and organizations who helped with research reports and photographs for this essay: Andrew Nikiforuk, Gavin Dew at desmogblog, Greenpeace Canada and Pembina Institute.
Shared Values: Canadians & Sustainability national study by Hoggan & Associates, 2006-2009
Building on a comprehensive national study that began five years ago, this new 2009 survey examines the views of 4,368 Canadians as well as 1,000 of the country’s “thought leaders”senior-level individuals in business, academia, government, non-government organizations, and media. The study explores their beliefs and attitudes about sustainability, global warming and a wide range of social and environmental issues.
Dirty Oil: How the tar sands are fueling the global climate crisis by Andrew Nikiforuk for Greenpeace, September 2009
Health Canada Report: Harper Government Suppresses Climate Report Now Available Here
Does the Alberta Tar Sands Industry Pollute? The Scientific Evidence
Kevin P. Timoney, and Peter Lee
Cattle statistic: Page 10: “At the Mildred Lake Settling Basin (MLSB), 60-80% of the gas flux across the pond’s surface is due to methane; the pond produces the equivalent methane of 0.5 million cattle/day [11].”
Climate Leadership, Economic Prosperity: Final Report on an Economic Study of Greenhouse Gas Targets and Policies for Canada; The Pembina Institute, October 2009
Taking the Wheel PDF The Pembina Institute [www.oilsandswatch.org]
Survey of Albertans on Oil Sands PDF The Pembina Institute [http://www.oilsandswatch.org]
Carbon 2008 PDF Corporate Knights [www.corporateknights.ca]
11 Million Litres: the Tar Sands’ Leaking Legacy
CBC News – Millions of litres leak each day from oilsands tailings ponds: report by Environmental Defence
2012 Update: Oilsands tailings leaking into groundwater, Joe Oliver told in memo
In May 2013, Franke James published this essay, and seven others, in Banned on the Hill. Read more here and buy it below at Amazon.com.
Buy Banned on the Hill at Amazon.com
Help support Franke James’ work by donating below…
368 Responses: 67 Comments and 301 Tweets
Twitter: 77 (Showing 301)
- Franke James @frankejames
My visual essay is live: Fat Cat Canada’s Giant Litter Box: http://bit.ly/7ILWoJ (Let me know what you think!)(about 5547 days ago)
- Gloria Reyes @sharlena
RT @frankejames: My visual essay is live: Fat Cat Canada’s Giant Litter Box: http://bit.ly/7ILWoJ (Let me know what you think!)(about 5547 days ago)
- Anne Sauve @annesauve
RT @frankejames: My visual essay is live: Fat Cat Canada’s Giant Litter Box: http://bit.ly/7ILWoJ - makes you think when you "see".(about 5547 days ago)
- Environment @graystoneenv
RT @ frankejames My visual essay is live: Fat Cat Canada’s Giant Litter Box: http://bit.ly/7ILWoJ (Let me know what you think!)(about 5547 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
@annesauve Thnx for the tweet and the comment! Fat Cat Canada’s Giant Litter Box: http://bit.ly/7ILWoJ(about 5547 days ago)
- CO2Now @co2now
The holy-crap, inconvenient truth about Canada & CO2 by Canadian climate change artist Franke James http://www.frankejames.com/debate/?p=964(about 5547 days ago)
- Haydee @macdade
Superb! RT @CO2Now: The holy-crap, inconvenient truth about Canada & CO2 by Canadian climate change artist Franke James http://bit.ly/8Ca1vT(about 5547 days ago)
- Annette @silverbeet
Woohoo! another Visual Essay Supreme @frankejames: Fat Cat Canada’s Giant Litter Box: http://bit.ly/7ILWoJ(about 5547 days ago)
- UncaDoug @doug350
RT @CO2Now The holy-crap, inconvenient truth about Canada & CO2 by Canadian #climate change artist @frankejames http://j.mp/CanadaOilSand(about 5547 days ago)
- Erik van Erne @milieunet
RT @CO2Now: Very inconvenient truth about Canada & CO2 by Canadian climate change artist Franke James http://tinyurl.com/yhtu53d(about 5547 days ago)
- Pradeep K.Verma MBBS @cuddlendance
RT @Milieunet Very inconvenient truth about #Canada #CO2 by #Canadian #climatechange artist Franke James http://tinyurl.com/yhtu53d #CO2 Ѿ(about 5547 days ago)
- Pradeep K.Verma MBBS @cuddlendance
One #Canadian #Tarsand tailing pond produces enough #mathane to exceed #GHG emitted by 500,000 cows http://tr.im/Hc6M #COP15 #CO2 Ѿ(about 5547 days ago)
- AnalPoet @analpoet
RT @frankejames: My visual essay is live: Fat Cat Canada’s Giant Litter Box: http://bit.ly/7ILWoJ (Let me know what you think!)(about 5547 days ago)
- stunetii @stunetii
RT @cuddlendance: 1 Canadian Tarsand tailing pond produces more methane than #GHG emitted by 500,000 cows http://tr.im/Hc6M #COP15 #tarsands(about 5547 days ago)
- Robert Wakulat @robertwakulat
RT @frankejames - My visual essay is live: Fat Cat Canada’s Giant Litter Box: http://bit.ly/7ILWoJ(about 5547 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
@robertwakulat Thnx Rob for RT on my Fat Cat Canada’s Giant Litter Box: http://bit.ly/7ILWoJ Look forward to seeing you at #cop15(about 5547 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
Thnx! RT @CO2Now The holy-crap, inconvenient truth abt Canada & CO2 by Cdn artist Franke James http://www.frankejames.com/debate/?p=964(about 5547 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
@Doug350 Yeah Doug! Thnx for RT on Fat Cat Canada http://j.mp/CanadaOilSand(about 5547 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
Super! Now onto COP15 RT @silverbeet Woohoo! another Visual Essay Supreme @frankejames Fat Cat Canadas Giant Litter Box http://bit.ly/7ILWoJ(about 5547 days ago)
- Rebecca Altman @rebecca_altman
@frankejames Check out latest, striking visual essay re: Canada's role in climate change, oil/energy & tar sands http://bit.ly/6rMr1E(about 5547 days ago)
- Janet Webb @janetnorcal
@frankejames is the best! RT My visual essay is live: Fat Cat Canada’s Giant Litter Box: http://bit.ly/7ILWoJ (Let me know what you think!)(about 5546 days ago)
- lapplando @lapplando
Great visual essay by Franke James about Canada as Carbon fat cat: http://www.frankejames.com/debate/?p=964(about 5546 days ago)
- Shakeup Wakeup @carolaik
Love it! RT @frankejames Super! Now onto #COP15 RT @silverbeet Woohoo! @frankejames Fat Cat Canadas Giant Litter Box http://bit.ly/7ILWoJ(about 5546 days ago)
- Eco-Make @pwipes
@PMHarperFat Cat Canadas Giant Litter Box http://bit.ly/7ILWoJ(about 5546 days ago)
- Laura Lamond @lemonadebylaura
Canada is a fat cat--must see this one! http://www.frankejames.com/debate/?p=964 #copenhagen(about 5546 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
Thnx for RTs on Fat Cat Canada! Reach out to Canadians & tell them what U think @JanetNorCal @rebecca_altman @carolaIk http://bit.ly/7ILWoJ(about 5546 days ago)
- Jaymini Bhikha @jaymini
RT @frankejames My visual essay is live: Fat Cat Canada’s Giant Litter Box: http://bit.ly/7ILWoJ (Let me know what you think!)(about 5546 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
@Bookorama Thanks for the "Wow" on Fat Cat Canada essay! http://bit.ly/7ILWoJ #cop15(about 5546 days ago)
- Percy Monteiro @wiredal
RT @frankejames: My visual essay is live: Fat Cat Canada’s Giant Litter Box: http://bit.ly/7ILWoJ (Let me know what you think!)(about 5546 days ago)
- Percy Monteiro @wiredal
Franke James' latest visual essay is a terrific read: Fat Cat Canada’s Giant Litter Box: http://bit.ly/7ILWoJ . Powerful, potent stuff.(about 5546 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
Thanks! RT @LemonadebyLaura Canada is a fat cat--must see this one! http://www.frankejames.com/debate/?p=964 #copenhagen #COP15(about 5546 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
Thnx 4 Fat Cat Canada RTs @CO2Now @Doug350 @lapplando @finkyhead @cuddlendance @sandraantonovic @Vicky_Parmar @macdade http://bit.ly/7ILWoJ(about 5546 days ago)
- Mike Soron @mikesoron
"Fat Cat Canada" Our climate shame, illustrated and told beautifully by @frankejames - http://bit.ly/7GzRV7 #cdnpoli #tarsands(about 5546 days ago)
- Antonia Zerbisias @antoniaz
RT @MikeSoron "Fat Cat Canada" Our climate shame, illustrated & told beautifully by @frankejames - http://bit.ly/7GzRV7 #cdnpoli #cop15(about 5546 days ago)
- Dominique Rodier @dominiquerdr
RT @AntoniaZ: RT @MikeSoron; "Fat Cat Canada" Our climate shame, illustrated & told by @frankejames - http://bit.ly/7GzRV7 #cdnpoli #cop15(about 5546 days ago)
- Cindy @thegreenpagesbc
RT @MikeSoron: "Fat Cat Canada" Our climate shame, illustrated and told beautifully by @frankejames - http://bit.ly/7GzRV7 #cdnpoli #ta ...(about 5546 days ago)
- Hope Anger Courage @hopeangrcourage
RT @AntoniaZ: RT @MikeSoron "Fat Cat Canada" Our climate shame, illustrated & told by @frankejames - http://bit.ly/7GzRV7 #cdnpoli #cop15(about 5546 days ago)
- Karen E McKelvey @mygreenbean
RT @frankejames: My visual essay is live: Fat Cat Canada’s Giant Litter Box: http://bit.ly/7ILWoJ (Let me know what you think!)(about 5543 days ago)
- Risovic Liliana @risovic
RT @frankejames: My visual essay is live: Fat Cat Canada’s Giant Litter Box: http://bit.ly/7ILWoJ (Let me know what you think!)(about 5543 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
Thx for RTs on Fat Cat & good wishes for #COP15 @JanetNorCal @risovic @mygreenbean @DebbyDonnelly @christindal @CDEgger http://bit.ly/7ILWoJ(about 5543 days ago)
- Bharat @oliveridley
Franke James » Blog Archive » Fat Cat Canada’s Giant Litter Box http://bit.ly/5Ce0gv Stunning visuals on Canada's environmental performance(about 5543 days ago)
- Quad @chikuwa4649
RT @risovic RT @frankejames: My visual essay is live: Fat Cat Canada’s Giant Litter Box: http://bit.ly/7ILWoJ (Let me know what you think!)(about 5543 days ago)
- Munnaontherun @earthontherun
All about Canada from the inimitable @frankejames http://bit.ly/6rMr1E #COP15 #climate #climatechange(about 5543 days ago)
- Environment @indiasalecop15
All about Canada from the inimitable @frankejames http://bit.ly/6rMr1E #COP15 #climate #climatechange(about 5543 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
Thnx! I went to UVic. RT @oliveridley Fat Cat Canada’s... http://bit.ly/5Ce0gv Stunning visuals on Canada's environmental performance(about 5542 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
Maclean's: Suddenly the world hates Canada: Global villain? http://bit.ly/721fgd (see my Fat Cat Canada: http://bit.ly/7ILWoJ )(about 5541 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
.@guardian You inspired drawing of PM Harper as Dirty Old Man of Tar Sands: http://bit.ly/6QrN5q (See Fat Cat Canada: http://bit.ly/7ILWoJ )(about 5539 days ago)
- hedgesociety @hedgesociety
RT @frankejames: .@guardian You inspired drawing of PM Harper as Dirty Old Man of Tar Sands: (See Fat Cat Canada: http://bit.ly/7ILWoJ )(about 5539 days ago)
- FS Michaels @girlinthehedge
O Canada, we can do better than this on climate change - RT @hedgesociety: RT @frankejames http://bit.ly/7ILWoJ(about 5539 days ago)
- Red Clover @redcloverstudio
O Canada, we can do better than this on climate change - RT @hedgesociety: RT @frankejames http://bit.ly/7ILWoJ(about 5539 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
Canada wins Colossal Fossil award for worst behavior in negotiations http://bit.ly/5FXTVP (includes fossil from Fat Cat http://bit.ly/7ILWoJ(about 5538 days ago)
- Cory Morningstar @elleprovocateur
"Canada is a fat cat & it's not just our leader" ... | http://bit.ly/6UtUNp | #cop15(about 5536 days ago)
- renewablesathome.com @renewableshome
Excellent intro to Canada's filthy (and utterly selfish) tar sand oil http://su.pr/7o0nBV #climate #energy @pmharper(about 5535 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
Harper is betting on oil sands "Harper looked like cat that had swallowed the canary" http://bit.ly/6S53az (See also http://bit.ly/7ILWoJ)(about 5534 days ago)
- Candice Batista @ecocandy
RT@frankejames BRILLIANT BRILLIANT BRILLIANT \nhttp://www.frankejames.com/debate/?p=964(about 5534 days ago)
- SUGARMOON @sugarmoonsalon
Wow @frankejames has done it again. This is a MUST read. Amazing visual essay: http://bit.ly/8GDmGY #climatechange(about 5534 days ago)
- Kelly Drennan @ecofashionista
Wow @frankejames has done it again. This is a MUST read. Amazing visual essay: http://bit.ly/8GDmGY #climatechange(about 5534 days ago)
- Pico Seno @pico
Impressive Franke James Work » Canadian on #ClimateChange http://bit.ly/7Ae1dk(about 5534 days ago)
- Whelena Sainsbury @whelena
RT @ecofashionista: Wow @frankejames has done it again. This is a MUST read. Amazing visual essay: http://bit.ly/8GDmGY #climatechange(about 5533 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
.@ecofashionista Thnx for your "must-read" tweet & comment on Fat Cat Canada! http://bit.ly/8GDmGY Best wishes for the holidays!(about 5533 days ago)
- Joseph Henry Steig @jsteig
RT @ecofashionista Wow @frankejames has done it again. This is a MUST read Amazing visual essay http://bit.ly/8GDmGY #climatechange(about 5533 days ago)
- Solar Sister @solarafrica
O No Canada! @frankejames awesome visual essay. http://bit.ly/8GDmGY via @jsteig @ecofashionista(about 5533 days ago)
- Noah Siegel @noahpdxworld
RT @solarafrica: O No Canada! @frankejames awesome visual essay. http://bit.ly/8GDmGY via @jsteig @ecofashionista(about 5533 days ago)
- Thieves Boutique @thievesboutique
RT @ecofashionista: Wow @frankejames has done it again. This is a MUST read. Amazing visual essay: http://bit.ly/8GDmGY #climatechange(about 5533 days ago)
- Kelly Drennan @ecofashionista
@frankejames you are so welcome! your work is so important! !http://bit.ly/8GDmGY - MUST READ! Happy Holidays to you as well!(about 5533 days ago)
- Pure Theory @puretheory
O No Canada! @frankejames awesome visual essay. http://bit.ly/8GDmGY via @jsteig @ecofashionista (via @solarafrica)(about 5533 days ago)
- D.D. @dystopiandesign
O No Canada! @frankejames awesome visual essay. http://bit.ly/8GDmGY via @jsteig @ecofashionista (via @solarafrica) (via @puretheory)(about 5533 days ago)
- Eco-Living In-Style @ecolivinginstyl
RT @ecofashionista: Wow @frankejames has done it again. This is a MUST read. Amazing visual essay: http://bit.ly/8GDmGY #climatechange(about 5530 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
Fat Cat Canada Grins http://bit.ly/6Czce9 RT @globepolitics PM Harper to shut down Parliament for 2-month break http://tgam.ca/Fph(about 5526 days ago)
- Grant Neufeld @grant
RT @frankejames Fat Cat Canada Grins http://bit.ly/6Czce9 @globepolitics Harper shut down Parliament for 2-month http://tgam.ca/Fph #cdnpoli(about 5526 days ago)
- Pradeep K.Verma MBBS @cuddlendance
Too tempting to #Demonize PM #StephenHarper inconvenient truth about Canada - Franke James http://cli.gs/LvQEBQ #GHG #CO2 Ѽ(about 5524 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
Thnx! RT @cuddlendance Too tempting to #Demonize PM #StephenHarper inconvenient truth about Canada - Franke James http://cli.gs/LvQEBQ(about 5523 days ago)
- 350 dot org @350
If the climate mvmnt had an illustrator, it would be @frankejames. Latest piece does a great job rallying Canadians 2 act http://j.mp/6ntAgj(about 5523 days ago)
- Martin Kumquat @k4m4
RT @350: If the climate mvmnt had an illustrator, it wld B @frankejames. Latest piece does a gr8 job rallying Cdns 2 act http://j.mp/6ntAgj(about 5523 days ago)
- Rumon Carter @rumon
RT @350: If climate mvmnt had an illustrator, it would be @frankejames. Latest does great job rallying Canadians 2 act http://j.mp/6ntAgj(about 5523 days ago)
- Jason Yip @jchyip
"Canada is a fat cat sitting on vast riches" reminds me of chunky bacon, http://www.frankejames.com/debate/?p=964(about 5523 days ago)
- Lisa Borden @lisaborden
This is another most brilliant visual essay @frankejames\nhttp://tinyurl.com/yhtu53d <--read/look!(about 5523 days ago)
- Brenda @funkyplates
Illustrator @frankejames really opened my eyes to the role canada plays in global warming http://j.mp/6ntAgj (via @rumon @350)(about 5523 days ago)
- Dr. Susan Rubin @drsuru
We get most of our oil from Canada. Nice visual essay on the impact of that oil on life on earth http://www.frankejames.com/debate/?p=964(about 5523 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
Yeah! Thnx! RT @350 If climate mvmnt had an illustrator, it would be @frankejames. Latest piece does a great job... http://j.mp/6ntAgj(about 5523 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
.@funkyplates @rumon @K4M4 Thnx for RT's and great comments on Fat Cat Canada! Much appreciated! http://j.mp/6ntAgj(about 5523 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
Happy 2010! Thnx for gr8t review! RT @lisaborden This is another brilliant visual essay @frankejames http://tinyurl.com/yhtu53d <-read/look!(about 5523 days ago)
- Christine Ottery @christineottery
RT @frankejames: .@funkyplates @rumon @K4M4 Thnx for RT's and great comments on Fat Cat Canada! Much appreciated! http://j.mp/6ntAgj(about 5523 days ago)
- Stephen Serjeant @stephenserjeant
RT @frankejames: .@funkyplates @rumon @K4M4 Thnx for RT's and great comments on Fat Cat Canada! Much appreciated! http://j.mp/6ntAgj(about 5523 days ago)
- Adela @lepoque
RT @350: If climate mvmnt had an illustrator, he'd be @frankejames. Latest piece does great job rallying Canadians 2 act http://j.mp/6ntAgj(about 5523 days ago)
- Rhiya Trivedi @rhiyatrivedi
canada's lack of eco ambition is even more heartbreaking, surprising & angering when you see it in art form: http://bit.ly/6rMr1E via @350(about 5523 days ago)
- CYD to Copenhagen @cydcopenhagen
canada's lack of eco ambition is even more heartbreaking, surprising & angering when you see it in art form: http://bit.ly/6rMr1E via @350(about 5523 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
Thank you! RT @DrSuRu We get most of our oil from Canada. Nice visual essay on the impact of that oil on life on earth http://j.mp/6ntAgj(about 5523 days ago)
- Ben West @benwest
Fantastic #climate cartoon by @frankejames . "Fat Cat #Canada" http://j.mp/6ntAgj why the Tar Sands are immoral via @350 it's our job to act(about 5523 days ago)
- Caroline Fernandez @caro2point0
Climate change & #Canada via @lisaborden This is another brilliant visual essay @frankejames http://tinyurl.com/yhtu53d <-read/look!(about 5523 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
Good to learn of U RT @BenWest Fantastic #climate cartoon by @frankejames "Fat Cat Canada" http://j.mp/6ntAgj why TarSands R immoral HT @350(about 5523 days ago)
- Maryannaville @maryannaville
Franke James & Blog Archive & Fat Cat Canada's Giant Litter Box http://ff.im/-dHvVG(about 5523 days ago)
- Kerri Atwood @kerriatwood
The sky is a sewer RT @ecosphericblog Fat Cat Canada’s Giant Litter Box [cartoon] http://bit.ly/6rMr1E(about 5523 days ago)
- Mário Teixeira @mariomtteixeira
RT @KerriAtwood: The sky is a sewer RT @ecosphericblog Fat Cat Canada’s Giant Litter Box [cartoon] http://bit.ly/6rMr1E(about 5523 days ago)
- Hugh Byrne @greenbiztweets
Fat Cat Canada’s Giant Litter Box http://bit.ly/4YreUi(about 5523 days ago)
- Rosie Emery @rosieemery
Lets hope we can change this! RT @greenbiztweets Fat Cat Canada’s Giant Litter Box http://bit.ly/4YreUi(about 5523 days ago)
- Kyle Richtig @kylerichtig
RT @greenbiztweets: Fat Cat Canada’s Giant Litter Box http://bit.ly/4YreUi(about 5523 days ago)
- Alexa Kernan @naturesweetie
RT @greenbiztweets: Fat Cat Canada’s Giant Litter Box http://bit.ly/4YreUi(about 5523 days ago)
- Susan Kraemer @dotcommodity
@PMharper Alberta tar sands - a shame what happened to Canada http://www.frankejames.com/debate/?p=964(about 5523 days ago)
- Susan Kraemer @dotcommodity
cannot recommend highly enough this hardhitting http://www.frankejames.com/debate/?p=964 on Canada's resource curse + no trolls in comments!(about 5523 days ago)
- George Hoberg @ghoberg
Detailed cartoon slags Canada's record on #oilsands, climate RT @greenbiztweets: Fat Cat Canada’s Giant Litter Box http://bit.ly/4YreUi(about 5523 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
Many thnx! RT @dotcommodity cannot recommend highly enough this hardhitting visual essay [http://j.mp/6ntAgj] on Canada's resource curse(about 5523 days ago)
- pickles @pickledpolitics
Excellent cartoon essay by @frankejames urges Canadians on global warming: http://bit.ly/8V6QS5 (via laurenivory)(about 5523 days ago)
- Ed Gunther @edgunther
RT @dotcommodity: cannot recommend highly enough this hardhitting http://www.frankejames.com/debate/?p=964 on Canada's resource curse + ...(about 5523 days ago)
- Joel Sport @joelsport
@PMharper I assume you've seen this: http://tinyurl.com/yhtu53d ? Really eye-opening to me, a non-Canadian.(about 5523 days ago)
- Lobby Canada @lobbycanada
RT @JoelSport: @PMharper I assume you've seen this: http://tinyurl.com/yhtu53d ? Really eye-opening to me, a non-Canadian.(about 5523 days ago)
- Dan Pagan @danpagan
RT @MikeSoron “Fat Cat Canada” Our climate shame, illustrated and told beautifully by @frankejames – http://bit.ly/7GzRV7 #cdnpoli #tarsands(about 5523 days ago)
- Kim Leaman @twainshallmeet
RT @JoelSport: @PMharper I assume you've seen this: http://tinyurl.com/yhtu53d ? Really eye-opening to me, a non-Canadian.(about 5523 days ago)
- Jeremy Girard @jeregirard
RT @DanPagan: RT @MikeSoron “Fat Cat Canada” Our climate shame, illustrated and told beautifully by @frankejames – http://bit.ly/7GzRV7 ...(about 5523 days ago)
- Luc Rensonnet @lucrensonnet
RT @BenWest: Fantastic #climate cartoon by @frankejames "Fat Cat #Canada" http://j.mp/6ntAgj why Tar Sands are immoral - why we must act!(about 5523 days ago)
- coco @wild_turkey_
Don't speak ill of cats!\nhttp://bit.ly/8Ca1vT\n\nBlame #Canada! Seriously, blame us all... Get organized!\n#climate #environment #activism(about 5523 days ago)
- David Jones @cloudsoup
RT: @pickledpolitics: thinks this is good: http://bit.ly/8V6QS5. Weird. Perhaps he can't draw either.(about 5523 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
Thx for sending to PM RT @JoelSport @PMharper I assume you've seen this http://tinyurl.com/yhtu53d ? Really eye-opening to me,a non-Canadian(about 5523 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
Thnx for tweets + RT's on Fat Cat Canada! @BenWest @iconicearth @LucRensonnet @DanPagan @pickledpolitics @dotcommodity http://j.mp/6ntAgj(about 5523 days ago)
- Agnieszka Tokarska @agnieszkat
RT @frankejames: Thx for sending to PM RT @JoelSport @PMharper I assume you've seen this http://tinyurl.com/yhtu53d ? Really eye-opening ...(about 5523 days ago)
- Shakeup Wakeup @carolaik
??? ?? for http://tinyurl.com/yhtu53d @frankejames(about 5522 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
Wow! Thnx for the 5 star review! RT @carolaIk ??? ?? for http://tinyurl.com/yhtu53d @frankejames(about 5522 days ago)
- Risovic Liliana @risovic
RT @frankejames: Wow! Thnx for the 5 star review! RT @carolaIk ??? ?? for http://tinyurl.com/yhtu53d @frankejames(about 5522 days ago)
- HitTheRoad.ca ☮ @hittheroadca
http://www.frankejames.com/debate/?p=964\nsee this now.(about 5522 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
@HitTheRoadCa Thnx for tweeting Fat Cat Canada + your gr8t comment on Canada's contribution to environmental problems! http://bit.ly/6Czce9(about 5522 days ago)
- Janice @j_nice
powerful stuff RT @shannon_m_h 'visual essay' on tar sands - interesting summary and kind of a cool format to convey info http://ow.ly/SmYJ(about 5522 days ago)
- amyrvancouver @amyrvancouver
Brilliant visual essay on Canada\'s climate inaction....http://www.frankejames.com/debate/?p=964(about 5522 days ago)
- Philippe Kiener @pkiener
Belle illustration sur le thme du chgmt climatique par @frankejames en rapport avec le Canada.Quelqu'un en Suisse? http://bit.ly/60kKmR(about 5521 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
@pkiener Merci beaucoup pour Fat Cat Canada tweet! http://bit.ly/60kKmR(about 5521 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
Yeah! Thnx for your "call-to-action" in Fat Cat essay! RT @CANRACCanada http://j.mp/6ntAgj Fat Cat Canadas Giant Litter Box @frankejames(about 5520 days ago)
- CB @djbally
A visual essay on Canada's failure to stand up for reduced pollution http://bit.ly/6rMr1E I am trying to do my part. You?(about 5520 days ago)
- Kat West @greenkatct
@RAN @Greenpeace see this cartoon yet? http://www.frankejames.com/debate/?p=964 Canadian tar sands, fat cat(about 5520 days ago)
- Katie Stuart @dundagirl
Really great visual essays by Franke James - http://bit.ly/6Czce9(about 5520 days ago)
- Greenpeace @greenpeace
Thank you! Great cartoon RT @GreenKatCT @Greenpeace see this cartoon yet? http://bit.ly/6rMr1E Canadian tar sands, fat cat(about 5520 days ago)
- FrenteAmplioOpositor @faoantimsx
RT @Greenpeace: Thank you! Great cartoon RT @GreenKatCT @Greenpeace see this cartoon yet? http://bit.ly/6rMr1E Canadian tar sands, fat cat(about 5520 days ago)
- Steve Clark @steevc
Impressive cartoon on Canada as climate villain by @frankejames http://is.gd/5NMyN. I hope Canadians take action to change this(about 5520 days ago)
- Irina Raspopa @irinaraspopa
RT @Greenpeace: Thank you! Great cartoon RT @GreenKatCT @Greenpeace see this cartoon yet? http://bit.ly/6rMr1E Canadian tar sands, fat cat(about 5520 days ago)
- Fermin Rodriguez @ferminrodriguez
RT @Greenpeace: Thank you! Great cartoon RT @GreenKatCT @Greenpeace see this cartoon yet? http://bit.ly/6rMr1E Canadian tar sands, fat cat(about 5520 days ago)
- HenriqueSimoes @henriquesimoes
RT @Greenpeace Thank you! Great cartoon RT @GreenKatCT @Greenpeace see this cartoon yet? http://bit.ly/6rMr1E Canadian tar sands, fat cat(about 5520 days ago)
- Public Eye Awards @peawards
What has a fat cat to do with canadian #tarsands? Check this cartoon http://bit.ly/8Jq0Qv #publiceyeawards #davos(about 5520 days ago)
- Sérgio Bessa @sbsbessa
RT @Greenpeace: Thank you! Great cartoon RT @GreenKatCT @Greenpeace see this cartoon yet? http://bit.ly/6rMr1E Canadian tar sands, fat cat(about 5520 days ago)
- Greenpeace Nederland @gpn
Great cartoon on Canada's "Hell on Earth", the Alberta Tar Sands: http://bit.ly/6rMr1E (scroll down the page)(about 5520 days ago)
- Dainis Kreilis @nekijs
RT @Greenpeace: Thank you! Great cartoon RT @GreenKatCT @Greenpeace see this cartoon yet? http://bit.ly/6rMr1E Canadian tar sands, fat cat(about 5520 days ago)
- Wetlands Int. @wetlandsint
RT @GPN: Great cartoon on Canada's "Hell on Earth", the Alberta Tar Sands: http://bit.ly/6rMr1E (scroll down the page)(about 5520 days ago)
- BankTrack @banktrack
RT @GPN: Great cartoon on Canada's "Hell on Earth", the Alberta Tar Sands: http://bit.ly/6rMr1E (scroll down the page)(about 5520 days ago)
- Esmeralda Tijhoff @esmoves
Canada is a Fat Cat using the world as its Giant Litter Box! http://bit.ly/6rMr1E (via @GPN)(about 5520 days ago)
- Metin Gümüş @metin_gumus
RT @Greenpeace: Thank you! Great cartoon RT @GreenKatCT @Greenpeace see this cartoon yet? http://bit.ly/6rMr1E Canadian tar sands, fat cat(about 5520 days ago)
- Lavinia Warnars @laviniawarnars
RT @GPN: Great cartoon on Canada's "Hell on Earth", the Alberta Tar Sands: http://bit.ly/6rMr1E (scroll down the page)(about 5520 days ago)
- melroy mascarenhas @melroym
RT @Greenpeace: Thank you! Great cartoon RT @GreenKatCT @Greenpeace see this cartoon yet? http://bit.ly/6rMr1E Canadian tar sands, fat cat(about 5520 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
Colossal Fossil RT @Greenpeace Thnx! Great cartoon RT @GreenKatCT @Greenpeace see this...? http://bit.ly/6rMr1E Canadian tar sands, fat cat(about 5520 days ago)
- hapa powamoku @pludk
RT @Greenpeace: Thank you! Great cartoon RT @GreenKatCT @Greenpeace see this cartoon yet? http://bit.ly/6rMr1E Canadian tar sands, fat cat(about 5519 days ago)
- Ruby Ali @rubymcrubypants
http://www.frankejames.com/debate/?p=964(about 5519 days ago)
- RAN @ran
RT @GreenKatCT: @RAN @Greenpeace see this cartoon yet? http://www.frankejames.com/debate/?p=964 Canadian tar sands, fat cat(about 5519 days ago)
- tetoroa @tetoroa
RT @GreenKatCT: @RAN @Greenpeace see this cartoon yet? http://www.frankejames.com/debate/?p=964 Canadian tar sands, fat cat(about 5519 days ago)
- ARDENCE Dumitru @bextherocker
RT @Greenpeace: Thank you! Great cartoon RT @GreenKatCT @Greenpeace see this cartoon yet? http://bit.ly/6rMr1E Canadian tar sands, fat cat(about 5519 days ago)
- Eryn Wheatley @erynwheatley
RT: @RAN: RT @GreenKatCT: @RAN @Greenpeace see this cartoon yet? http://www.frankejames.com/debate/?p=964 Canadian tar sands, fat cat(about 5519 days ago)
- Kim Schoppink @dekimster
Great one on the Canadian tarsands: Fat Cat Canadas Giant Litter Box http://bit.ly/8Fq8Ip(about 5519 days ago)
- Kim Schoppink @kimtox
Great one on the Canadian tarsands: Fat Cat Canadas Giant Litter Box http://bit.ly/8Fq8Ip(about 5519 days ago)
- Jessica @flying_j
Thanks, @FerminRodriguez for sharing. Yes, Canadian politics r in a dark place. What is our PM doing 2 Canada's rep?? http://bit.ly/6rMr1E(about 5518 days ago)
- Jessica @flying_j
Fellow Canadians, if u find this (http://bit.ly/6rMr1E) rattles ur cage, let @PMharper know! What will the Canadian flag mean if we don't?(about 5518 days ago)
- Jessica @flying_j
Thanks @frankejames 4 helping 2 draw attention 2 this issue. This is a great blog. http://bit.ly/6rMr1E @PMharper needs to do better! #kyoto(about 5518 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
Thanks! RT @flying_J Thanks @frankejames 4 helping 2 draw attention 2 this issue.. http://bit.ly/6rMr1E @PMharper needs to do better! #kyoto(about 5518 days ago)
- mgifford @mgifford
RT @frankejames @flying_J Thanks 4 helping 2 draw att 2 this issue. http://bit.ly/6rMr1E @PMharper needs to do better!(about 5518 days ago)
- Fermin Rodriguez @ferminrodriguez
RT @frankejames: Thanks! RT @flying_J Thanks @frankejames 4 helping 2 draw attention 2 this issue.. http://bit.ly/6rMr1E @PMharper needs ...(about 5518 days ago)
- Enviro PostDoc @thecaplab
i love this combo of art and important information/context from @frankejames http://www.frankejames.com/debate/?p=964(about 5518 days ago)
- anna gurney @annagbcn
RT @GPN: Great cartoon on Canada's "Hell on Earth", the Alberta Tar Sands: http://bit.ly/6rMr1E (scroll down the page)(about 5518 days ago)
- seejaysmokeit @analienateit
Ace page on Canadian Tar Sands:Why they're happening+why they're so bad http://www.frankejames.com/debate/?p=964 Follow Friday @frankejames(about 5517 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
Yeah! Thx! RT @EnviroPostDoc i love this combo of art + important information/context from @frankejames http://frankejames.com/debate/?p=964(about 5517 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
.@DonWritersTrust Great to speak with you! Here's the Fat Cat Canada essay I'll present at private boys' school in Feb http://bit.ly/7ILWoJ(about 5517 days ago)
- Chelsey Barker @cbarker6
http://www.frankejames.com/debate/?p=964(about 5511 days ago)
- Yael Harlap @yaelharlap
Canada is the fat cat (hm, I don't like that expression, but I like the link) when it comes to climate change... http://bit.ly/6rMr1E(about 5506 days ago)
- Charlene Dy @charlenedy
Canadians, cats, climate change: http://www.frankejames.com/debate/?p=964(about 5506 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
RT @corporateknight Editorial warns oil sands not to wait for trouble http://tinyurl.com/ykdaapm Also Fat Cat Canada: http://bit.ly/7ILWoJ(about 5480 days ago)
- Fermin Rodriguez @ferminrodriguez
RT @frankejames: RT @corporateknight Editorial warns oil sands not to wait for trouble http://tinyurl.com/ykdaapm Also Fat Cat Canada: http://bit.ly/7ILWoJ(about 5480 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
RT @corporateknight Editorial warns oil sands not to wait for trouble http://tinyurl.com/ykdaapm (Also Fat Cat Canada http://bit.ly/7ILWoJ )(about 5480 days ago)
- ZEROCO2 @zero_co2
Just discovered @frankejames visual essay Fat Cat Canadas Giant Litter Box. Beautiful and straight to the point http://ow.ly/1mXRQ(about 5450 days ago)
- ecowalkthetalk @ecowalkthetalk
RT @CO2Now: The holy-crap, inconvenient truth about Canada & CO2 by Canadian climate change artist Franke James http://www.frankejames.com/debate/?p=964(about 5450 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
Thnx!! RT @ZERO_CO2 Just discovered @frankejames' Fat Cat Canadas Giant Litter Box. Beautiful + straight to the point http://ow.ly/1mXRQ(about 5450 days ago)
- Rosemary Vaughan @ottambassador
RT @ZERO_CO2: Just discovered @frankejames visual essay Fat Cat Canadas Giant Litter Box. Beautiful and straight to the point http://ow.ly/1mXRQ(about 5450 days ago)
- RayBeckerman @raybeckerman
"Fat Cat Canadas Giant Litter Box" by our @frankejames http://is.gd/bFgdQ #canada #eco #pollution #oil #tarsands(about 5412 days ago)
- Rosie Emery @rosieemery
RT @RayBeckerman "Fat Cat Canadas Giant Litter Box" by our @frankejames http://is.gd/bFgdQ #canada #eco #pollution #oil #tarsands(about 5412 days ago)
- Jennifer @capistrano99
RT @RayBeckerman "Fat Cat Canadas Giant Litter Box" by our @frankejames http://is.gd/bFgdQ #canada #eco #pollution #oil #tarsands #FF(about 5412 days ago)
- Billie Perry @billieperry
"Fat Cat Canadas Giant Litter Box" by our @frankejames http://is.gd/bFgdQ #canada #eco #pollution #oil #tarsands (via @RayBeckerman)(about 5412 days ago)
- blondetwit @blondetwit
RT @RayBeckerman "Fat Cat Canadas Giant Litter Box" by our @frankejames http://is.gd/bFgdQ #canada #eco #pollution #oil #tarsands(about 5412 days ago)
- Jody Bibeau @foundmywings06
RT @BilliePerry: "Fat Cat Canadas Giant Litter Box" by our @frankejames http://is.gd/bFgdQ #canada #eco #pollution #oil #tarsands (via ...(about 5412 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
Thnx @RayBeckerman for "Fat Cat Canada" tweet + @RosieEmery @BilliePerry @blondetwit @capistrano99 for spreading word! http://is.gd/bFgdQ(about 5412 days ago)
- Action Alert @action_alert
RT @capistrano99: RT @RayBeckerman "Fat Cat Canadas Giant Litter Box" by our @frankejames http://is.gd/bFgdQ #pollution #oil #tarsands(about 5411 days ago)
- murmur55 @murmur55
RT @CO2Now: The holy-crap, inconvenient truth about Canada & CO2 by Canadian climate change artist Franke James http://www.frankejames.com/debate/?p=964(about 5386 days ago)
- Nancy White @nancywhite
Another fabulous visual thinker, Franke James http://bit.ly/6rMr1E and all her "visual essays" http://bit.ly/2gsx5W(about 5374 days ago)
- Chahira Nouira @cosmocat
RT @NancyWhite: Another fabulous visual thinker, Franke James http://bit.ly/6rMr1E and all her "visual essays" http://bit.ly/2gsx5W(about 5374 days ago)
- UNU ViE @unu_scientia
RT @NancyWhite: Another fabulous visual thinker, Franke James http://bit.ly/6rMr1E and all her "visual essays" http://bit.ly/2gsx5W(about 5374 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
Great! @RL_Miller That's why I picked you to follow. See my visual essay on the Tar Sands: http://bit.ly/FatCatCanada(about 5345 days ago)
- Bill Nigh @billnigh
RT @RL_Miller That's why I picked you to follow. See @frankejames visual essay on the Tar Sands: http://bit.ly/FatCatCanada(about 5345 days ago)
- Oil and Mining Watch @oil_leaks
RT @frankejames: Great! @RL_Miller That's why I picked you to follow. See my visual essay on the Tar Sands: http://bit.ly/FatCatCanada(about 5345 days ago)
- Deliberate Slick @tarsandsslick
That's why I picked you to follow. See my visual essay on the Tar Sands: http://bit.ly/FatCatCanada via @RL_Miller(about 5345 days ago)
- vdl @vdl
Cool visual essay on the Tar Sands in Canada: http://bit.ly/FatCatCanada #oilsands #tarsands via @TarsandsSlick(about 5345 days ago)
- Raincoast Images @raincoastimages
Pictorial essay on the tar sands, tailing ponds, water & more. Recommended! #oil #tarsands #canada http://bit.ly/8Ca1vT(about 5345 days ago)
- Tracy Seeley @tracy_seeley
The US needs a @frankejames http://ow.ly/24YTP "Fat Cat Canada's Giant Litter Box"(about 5344 days ago)
- Annie Q. Syed @so_you_know
RT @tracy_seeley: The US needs a @frankejames http://ow.ly/24YTP "Fat Cat Canada's Giant Litter Box"(about 5344 days ago)
- Tracy Seeley @tracy_seeley
Thanks for the RT, @so_you_know. See @frankejames http://ow.ly/24YTP "Fat Cat Canada's Giant Litter Box." She's doing a US version!(about 5344 days ago)
- Adela Sculean @adelasculean
cute little enviro blog\nhttp://www.frankejames.com/debate/?p=964(about 5338 days ago)
- SoccerDad @_soccerdad_
This is so cool...our (Canada) environmental place in the world (and it's kinda grim): http://bit.ly/6rMr1E (via @LauraMarkus)(about 5336 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
Thnx! @rick_harp High praise from you! "Fat Cat Canada's Giant Litter Box" may resonate: http://www.bit.ly/FatCatCanada #tarsands #cdnpoli(about 5314 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
UCLA scientist predicts Canada will be global power thx to climate change @adw_tweets http://bit.ly/c3NWfg Reply: http://bit.ly/FatCatCanada(about 5266 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
@phoenixkev Take a look at my Fat Cat Canada essay about the tar sands and water: http://www.bit.ly/FatCatCanada(about 5262 days ago)
- Kevin Patterson @phoenixkev
@frankejames Far worse than I guessed, can't believe what we do to our own environment http://www.bit.ly/FatCatCanada Everyone needs to read(about 5262 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
RT @phoenixkev: @frankejames Far worse than I guessed, can't believe what we do to our own environment http://www.bit.ly/FatCatCanada Ev ...(about 5262 days ago)
- Victoria Kamsler @carbonmarket
RT @phoenixkev: @frankejames Far worse than I guessed, can't believe what we do to our own environment http://www.bit.ly/FatCatCanada(about 5262 days ago)
- Ray Moodie @n_pac_o_cleanup
RT @carbonmarket: RT @phoenixkev: @frankejames Far worse than I guessed, can't believe what we do to our own environment http://www.bit.ly/FatCatCanada(about 5262 days ago)
- jelena stankovic @jelena_33
Fat Cat Canada Giant Litter Box http://su.pr/1MwZeQ(about 5201 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
Thnx @Cacodepaula for RT on "Canada is the Dirty Old Man..." The drawing is from my Fat Cat Canada essay: http://bit.ly/FatCatCanada(about 5193 days ago)
- Keleigh Annau @keleigha
Amazed by the cold in Den Haag, SO MUCH SNOW! Also, interesting read: http://www.frankejames.com/debate/?p=964. Ok, back to paper-writing.(about 5187 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
Fat Cat Canada: my visual essay on the #tarsands http://bit.ly/FatCatCanada(about 5133 days ago)
- Laura Lamond @lemonadebylaura
RT @frankejames: Fat Cat Canada: my visual essay on the #tarsands http://bit.ly/FatCatCanada(about 5133 days ago)
- Lisa Borden @lisaborden
Brilliant (like all of Franke's work!) --> RT @frankejames: Fat Cat Canada: my visual essay on the #tarsands http://ow.ly/3LHJB(about 5133 days ago)
- Leslie Garrett @virtuousconsumr
Indeed! RT @LisaBorden: Brilliant --> RT @frankejames: Fat Cat Canada: my visual essay on the #tarsands http://ow.ly/3LHJB(about 5133 days ago)
- Andrea C @andreas2c
The ugly truth we turn a blind eye to. RT @frankejames Fat Cat Canada: my visual essay on the #tarsands http://bit.ly/FatCatCanada(about 5133 days ago)
- hedgesociety @hedgesociety
Love her stuff. RT @frankejames Fat Cat Canada: my visual essay on the #tarsands http://bit.ly/FatCatCanada(about 5133 days ago)
- KR Wolfe @kr_wolfe
Love her stuff. RT @frankejames Fat Cat Canada: my visual essay on the #tarsands http://bit.ly/FatCatCanada(about 5133 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
Thnx very much @andreas2c @hedgesociety @KR_Wolfe for tweets on Fat Cat Canada essay! #tarsands http://bit.ly/FatCatCanada(about 5132 days ago)
- Clayton ThomasMuller @claytonien
Franke James Blog Archive Fat Cat Canadas Giant Litter Box: http://www.frankejames.com/debate/?p=964 via @addthis(about 5102 days ago)
- UK Tar Sands Network @notarsands
Tar Sands Fat Cats http://bit.ly/6Czce9(about 5101 days ago)
- Robert van Waarden @rvanwaarden
RT @NoTarSands: Tar Sands Fat Cats http://bit.ly/6Czce9(about 5101 days ago)
- Louise Hazan @greenhaze
Fantastic illustrations as always RT @NoTarSands: Tar Sands Fat Cats http://bit.ly/6Czce9 #tarsands(about 5101 days ago)
- Vicki Strelioff @vicki_strelioff
Franke James Blog Archive Fat Cat Canadas Giant Litter Box http://t.co/3vuiRcq via @frankejames Fat Cat Canada(about 5013 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
.@sacmtl Methinks @CamilleLabchuk was being tongue in cheek. See my story on Fat Cat Canada http://bit.ly/FatCatCanada #dirtyoil #cdnpoli(about 5001 days ago)
- Eren Celik @tchelik
Franke James & Blog Archive & Fat Cat Canada's Giant Litter Box http://su.pr/35kTN1(about 4997 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
@NJHighlands @sojerseygreen Thnx! Here is 1 of the 5 stories for the European art show: http://t.co/6qsJpyw(about 4953 days ago)
- scott olson @njhighlands
@NJHighlands @sojerseygreen Thnx! Here is 1 of the 5 stories for the European art show: http://t.co/6qsJpyw(about 4953 days ago)
- Simone @recycledrats
Franke James Fat Cat Canadas Giant Litter Box http://t.co/TN04nqC via @frankejames(about 4952 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
Thnx @recycledrats "Fat Cat Canada" is 1 story that will be in the show. Banned for asking for tougher regs on #tarsands http://t.co/6qsJpyw(about 4952 days ago)
- Joshua Chalifour @phy
Great illustration of the tar sands problem http://t.co/pifmNiC even if the feds want to silence it http://t.co/JNZXAvH(about 4952 days ago)
- Cynthia Wesley @cynthiawesley
Franke James Blog Archive Fat Cat Canadas Giant Litter Box http://t.co/4OLsBDq via @frankejames Fat Cat Canada(about 4951 days ago)
- Norma G @nojgr
Franke James Blog Archive Fat Cat Canadas Giant Litter Box http://t.co/LsdG4mK via @frankejames Fat Cat Canada(about 4951 days ago)
- Catherine Cornell @ccornell29
Franke James Blog Archive Fat Cat Canadas Giant Litter Box http://t.co/WYJ0lsU via @frankejames Fat Cat Canada(about 4951 days ago)
- Cher Hanusiak @cheriak
A Visual Essay by artist Franke James Blog Archive Fat Cat Canadas Giant Litter Box http://t.co/mWYY06K via @frankejames Fat Cat Canada(about 4950 days ago)
- susan hodges @suedhodges
@Franke James Fat Cat #Canadas Giant Litter Box http://t.co/WuvCOZ8 via @frankejames Fat #Cat Canada -Cdn James art too real for @Harper.(about 4949 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
@kkrisfalusi We're very fortunate. See my visual essay Fat Cat Canada: http://t.co/6qsJpyw(about 4949 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
TY! We are the Fat Cat of the World. MT @cheriak Visual Essay by artist Franke James: Fat Cat Canadas Giant Litter Box http://t.co/6qsJpyw(about 4949 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
@Beari8it That's a Fat Cat on Harper's head: http://t.co/6qsJpyw #cdnpoli(about 4946 days ago)
- sanjeev @sanjeevn
Can #art provoke a debate on issues in a democratic nation? http://t.co/pnofoUEq Yes! Can it provoke retribution from the government? {1/2}(about 4887 days ago)
- Michael Boyce @mjboyce
Fat Cat Canada’s Giant Litter Box http://t.co/oEG2zCnP(about 4810 days ago)
- Jill Schroder @jillsbecoming
@frankejames really opened my eyes to the role canada plays in global warming and other disasters http://t.co/tRzLWl75(about 4810 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
RT @jillsbecoming: @frankejames really opened my eyes to the role canada plays in global warming and other disasters http://t.co/tRzLWl75(about 4810 days ago)
- Dennis @brit_newsman
RT @jillsbecoming: @frankejames really opened my eyes to the role canada plays in global warming and other disasters http://t.co/tRzLWl75(about 4810 days ago)
- Daniela Aum @daniela_aum
http://t.co/jpOuTz88 Canada has become a fat & evil cat(about 4810 days ago)
- Aaron Mauro @onthename
@frankejames really opened my eyes to the role canada plays in global warming and other disasters http://t.co/1AGqfNoN #funny + #sad(about 4810 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
RT @onthename: @frankejames really opened my eyes to the role canada plays in global warming and other disasters http://t.co/1AGqfNoN #f ...(about 4809 days ago)
- Tomas Wyns @tomaswyns
RT @onthename: @frankejames really opened my eyes to the role canada plays in global warming and other disasters http://t.co/PoSIeiQT(about 4809 days ago)
- BSantos @arbitraryword
#climate Canada\'s Approach to Inconvenient #Art: http://t.co/WIpWOV5r or to see more artwork: http://t.co/I234tf8C(about 4809 days ago)
- tita larasati @larasatita
A great way to explain about #Canada and its inaction on #ClimateChange http://t.co/GlMfCQ0x by @frankejames, a brilliant artist(about 4809 days ago)
- Ania Stypulkowski @aniastypul
Franke James » Fat Cat Canada’s Giant Litter Box http://t.co/OR6yDN0I via @frankejames Fat Cat Canada(about 4808 days ago)
- jenkatan @jenkatan
#Canadians if you haven't already seen @FrankeJames' protest art, do! http://t.co/IkH2V7J2 & here in the NYT http://t.co/qkjs24ZI #oilsands(about 4808 days ago)
- Christena Copeland @christenacope
How can we let t his happen?! Franke James » Fat Cat Canada’s Giant Litter Box http://t.co/7i42Q24T via @frankejames Fat Cat Canada(about 4808 days ago)
- Ken Peterson @aquaken
The Fiddling Neros: Australia (coal) http://t.co/34rnvvDO; Russia (Arctic oil) http://t.co/34rnvvDO; Canada (tar sands) http://t.co/c4RCSHyo(about 4807 days ago)
- Riki Beck @rlbocean
The Fiddling Neros: Australia (coal) http://t.co/34rnvvDO; Russia (Arctic oil) http://t.co/34rnvvDO; Canada (tar sands) http://t.co/c4RCSHyo(about 4807 days ago)
- V. Jobson @softgrasswalker
Franke James » Fat Cat Canada’s Giant Litter Box http://t.co/u0J5km5p via @frankejames Fat Cat Canada(about 4807 days ago)
- Nicole Rampersaud @nclrmprsd
http://t.co/9WtOUm14(about 4807 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
TY! mt @abausee Is Canada a Fat Cat? @nitrogentech @iConleth @OpPinkPower @TaigaCompany @JusJane53 @lynx55 http://t.co/SV2BS2E0 pass it on(about 4807 days ago)
- Capital Squirrel @capitalsquirrel
"Fat Cat #Canadas Giant Litter Box" @frankejames \nhttp://t.co/OxbQpOrT (thx to @abausee) #climate #environment #TarSands #CSR #cdnpoli #p2(about 4807 days ago)
- Black Spruce @blackspruce47
RT @CapitalSquirrel: \"Fat Cat #Canada’s Giant Litter Box\" @frankejames \nhttp://t.co/OxbQpOrT (thx to @abausee) #climate #environment #Ta ...(about 4807 days ago)
- AbaK @abausee
RT @CapitalSquirrel: \"Fat Cat #Canada’s Giant Litter Box\" @frankejames \nhttp://t.co/OxbQpOrT (thx to @abausee) #climate #environment #Ta ...(about 4807 days ago)
- Stuart Scott @stuartgaia
Shame on Canada! Franke James\' cartoon commentary on Fat Cat Canada’s Giant Litter Box http://t.co/eY8ETJST via @frankejames Fat Cat Canada(about 4804 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
TY! Canada could be a Fit Cat MT @StuartGaia Shame on Canada! Franke James\' story: Fat Cat Canada’s Giant Litter Box http://t.co/SV2BS2E0(about 4804 days ago)
- Fran @saffronfran
Per day one tar sands tailing pond = 500000 cow farts of methane "Fat Cat Canada's Giant Litter Box" via @frankejames http://t.co/gW7x2PA8(about 4754 days ago)
- Leslie Wolfe @leslie_wolfe
Per day one tar sands tailing pond = 500000 cow farts of methane "Fat Cat Canada's Giant Litter Box" via @frankejames http://t.co/gW7x2PA8(about 4754 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
Per day one tar sands tailing pond = 500000 cow farts of methane "Fat Cat Canada's Giant Litter Box" via @frankejames http://t.co/gW7x2PA8(about 4754 days ago)
- Farmer Dan @grasshappy99
Per day one tar sands tailing pond = 500000 cow farts of methane "Fat Cat Canada's Giant Litter Box" via @frankejames http://t.co/gW7x2PA8(about 4754 days ago)
- Nancy Essebag @nanceess
"Canada is a dirty old man" Fat Cat Canada's Giant Litter Box via @frankejames http://t.co/WeRztCTh #tarsands cc/ @GreenpeaceCA(about 4754 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
"Canada is a dirty old man" Fat Cat Canada's Giant Litter Box via @frankejames http://t.co/WeRztCTh #tarsands cc/ @GreenpeaceCA(about 4754 days ago)
- Evsdropping @evsdropping
"Canada is a dirty old man" Fat Cat Canada's Giant Litter Box via @frankejames http://t.co/WeRztCTh #tarsands cc/ @GreenpeaceCA(about 4754 days ago)
- Ian Stephen @ianstephen1
Per day one tar sands tailing pond = 500000 cow farts of methane "Fat Cat Canada's Giant Litter Box" via @frankejames http://t.co/gW7x2PA8(about 4753 days ago)
- Der Kanadier @der_kanadier
One tailing pond releases the same amount of methane at 500,000 cows. Daily. http://t.co/1BFp5Kj3 #environment @pmharper(about 4753 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
@kevinrns Harper's vision is to make Canada into an Energy Superpower, by using the Sky as a Sewer: http://t.co/SV2BS2E0 #350ppm #tarsands(about 4753 days ago)
- Bill McKinnon @billmckinnon875
@kevinrns Harper's vision is to make Canada into an Energy Superpower, by using the Sky as a Sewer: http://t.co/SV2BS2E0 #350ppm #tarsands(about 4752 days ago)
- Robert Jensen @robertjensen2
@kevinrns Harper's vision is to make Canada into an Energy Superpower, by using the Sky as a Sewer: http://t.co/SV2BS2E0 #350ppm #tarsands(about 4752 days ago)
- Bill McKinnon @billmckinnon875
"Canada is a dirty old man" Fat Cat Canada's Giant Litter Box via @frankejames http://t.co/WeRztCTh #tarsands cc/ @GreenpeaceCA(about 4752 days ago)
- Bill McKinnon @billmckinnon875
Per day one tar sands tailing pond = 500000 cow farts of methane "Fat Cat Canada's Giant Litter Box" via @frankejames http://t.co/gW7x2PA8(about 4752 days ago)
- Robert Jensen @robertjensen2
"Canada is a dirty old man" Fat Cat Canada's Giant Litter Box via @frankejames http://t.co/WeRztCTh #tarsands cc/ @GreenpeaceCA(about 4752 days ago)
- ZiaMP @ziamp
"Canada is a dirty old man" Fat Cat Canada's Giant Litter Box via @frankejames http://t.co/WeRztCTh #tarsands cc/ @GreenpeaceCA(about 4752 days ago)
- megan van buskirk @m_cvb
The FAT CAT needs to clean up its ACT! - @frankejames http://t.co/OTwSg7Y0 #cdnpoli #climatechange #kyoto #tarsands (got it, @pmharper?)(about 4720 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
@damienclarkson TY for spreading the word in the UK! The EU #FQD adds pressure on Fat Cat Canada to clean up its act. http://t.co/SV2xksuQ(about 4645 days ago)
- samanta bennett @samantabennett
http://www.frankejames.com/debate/?p=964(about 4643 days ago)
- Michelle Haslehurst @myhasle
Franke James Fat Cat Canadas Giant Litter Box http://t.co/yTTX57Vh(about 4642 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
@tersestuff I wonder if they took offense at my Fat Cat? http://t.co/SV2xksuQ(about 4635 days ago)
- Michael Marsh @etenebrislux
GGDavidJohnston is this the Canada that we want our grand children to inherit?#cdnpoli http://t.co/IoK2SIMH(about 4630 days ago)
- K Fry @kenpusha
http://www.frankejames.com/debate/?p=964(about 4630 days ago)
- newo cam @owenmaco
@chloemaxmin @janekleeb Another great visual essay. Enjoy &pass on please. Thx. \nhttp://t.co/mlTronhQ(about 4630 days ago)
- Chloe Maxmin @chloemaxmin
MT @owenmaco visual essay on Canada, #TarSands, and we need to act NOW. @frankejames http://t.co/vU94N2QX(about 4630 days ago)
- Stuart Henderson @henderstu
Proof that @pmharper blacklists artist for environmentalism. Want funding? You have to agree with him. #smh http://t.co/RzLQPdls(about 4629 days ago)
- Dave Jaffer @combatdavey
Proof that @pmharper blacklists artist for environmentalism. Want funding? You have to agree with him. #smh http://t.co/RzLQPdls(about 4629 days ago)
- carin makuz @matildamagtree
"Canada is a dirty old man." ~ @frankejames http://t.co/n553NIgA(about 4628 days ago)
- sharlene @mutzy306
Have to love this lady!\nhttp://t.co/AXqdwntn(about 4626 days ago)
- Annie Girard @spacec4t
@DanBigras Franke James Fat Cat Canadas Giant Litter Box http://t.co/JHznKMEM via @frankejames Fat Cat Canada #polca(about 4626 days ago)
- Annie Girard @spacec4t
@steveProvenche1 @DanBigras @LHubich Franke James Fat Cat Canadas Giant Litter Box http://t.co/JHznKMEM via @frankejames Fat Cat Canada(about 4626 days ago)
- tobyfour @tobyfour
I love Canada so this is why I want everyone to see this essay from Franke James, albeit from 2009: http://t.co/EC6hlIv1(about 4613 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
@damienclarkson @sandyd68 #lushfest TY! My latest: http://t.co/T4lhSSsx Here's my Fat Cat Canada from 2009: http://t.co/SV2xksuQ #TarSands(about 4604 days ago)
- engelmaus humperdink @sandyd68
@damienclarkson @sandyd68 #lushfest TY! My latest: http://t.co/T4lhSSsx Here's my Fat Cat Canada from 2009: http://t.co/SV2xksuQ #TarSands(about 4604 days ago)
- yobaba @yoyobaba
Next time I hear someone bitching about China's pollution I will smile gently and tell them to look north. http://t.co/i0metgGP(about 4576 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
@AdamskiPeter Careful! My Dear PM letter is what got me blacklisted. Though Ambassador Heatherington decried this one: http://t.co/SV2xksuQ(about 4571 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
@phirephoenix Actually we have our own homegrown demon. Not imported from China. http://t.co/B1YSo0q0(about 4495 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
@phirephoenix Let’s do biz w/ China – but make it in Canada’s best interests Fat Cat Canada http://t.co/B1YSo0q0 … And: http://t.co/idrqb7uo(about 4495 days ago)
- Morgen @kootsac
Thank-you @frankejames for your amazing and brave art: Fat Cat Canada’s Giant Litter Box - http://t.co/nhNy1v8N(about 4468 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
Oilsands tailings leaking into groundwater, Joe Oliver told in memo: http://t.co/6GR6U78k See my Fat Cat Canada: http://t.co/B1YSo0q0(about 4381 days ago)
- Doug Jamieson @geezeronline
MT @frankejames: Oilsands tailings leak into groundwater, Joe Oliver told. http://t.co/a26sgP0c See: http://t.co/lC00M2Hh(about 4381 days ago)
- Rob Burton @oakvillemayor
RT @frankejames: Oilsands tailings leaking into groundwater, Joe Oliver told in memo: http://t.co/6GR6U78k See my Fat Cat Canada: http:/ ...(about 4381 days ago)
@CO2Now The holy-crap, inconvenient truth about Canada & CO2 by Canadian climate change artist Franke James http://www.frankejames.com/debate/?p=964
Very powerful…as usual!
@silverbeet Woohoo! another Visual Essay Supreme @frankejames: Fat Cat Canada’s Giant Litter Box: http://bit.ly/7ILWoJ
Wow, nice work and you are so right: we should stop destroying our world. It’s going on for a long time: http://tinyurl.com/lwskqc
I will put some info on my blog about this post en indeed very powerful message and of course link to it. Great work, Thanks.
Sorry, i forget that Canada has something to be proud ????? The Olympics http://tinyurl.com/ybwwrur
Well done Franke! I’ve shared this on Facebook. The scale and magnitude of the tar sands and their resulting negative impact are almost too enormous to conceive but you’ve done an amazing job of putting them into perpective!
@MikeSoron “Fat Cat Canada” Our climate shame, illustrated and told beautifully by @frankejames – http://bit.ly/7GzRV7 #cdnpoli #tarsands
I’ve also shared this on Facebook and Twitter. Thank you for creating a wonderful visual guide that is easy to share! It is good to know some of us Canadians still care.
@rebecca_altman: @frankejames Check out latest, striking visual essay re: Canada’s role in climate change, oil/energy & tar sands http://bit.ly/6rMr1E
Franke, Thank you SO much! As usual – your work is AMAZING & Inspiring & always so very timely!! I’m sharing everywhere, with everyone!! You have expressed all of my concerns & feelings – but so much more beautifully than I could do. Again – THANK YOU!!
Hi Franke,
Yup, this is a good one, for sure! We here in Canada have been very blessed for a long, long time. We’ve even managed a generation or two of parents who didn’t have to worry about their children’s future.
Those days are gone, and it’s hard to give them up. If parents don’t become activists, they are kissing their child/ren’s future goodbye. Once the Arctic summer sea ice disappears (which could happen as early as 2013), agriculture in the northern hemisphere will lose its “air conditioning” and we (but especially our children) will start facing crop failures and famines. Yup, right here in good old Fat Cat Canada.
Dudes, quit whining and step away from the tar sands. Leave the bitumen in the ground where it can act as a vital carbon sink. When and if carbon sequestration technology is ever perfected, you can always go back and try again.
Meantime, we have a future to safeguard, for the children of all species.
Have a great trip, Franke!
Simply Awesome thank you so much for this.
Your best yet- a real call to action. I had no idea that our wimpy neighbors to the north were such evil polluters ;-). When I think of Canada I think of pristine lakes, wilderness, snow-capped mountain and gleaming cities- at least I used to. You’ve put me straight.
Great essay Franke (as always)! I have blogged about it here http://newsociety.com/blogs/index.php. There’s also another fantastic article on the tar sands here http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/g/a/2009/10/07/notes100709.DTL. When will everyone that argues that we need the tar sands for the sake of a strong economy realize that a strong economy is no use at all on a dying planet?
[…] I wish I was artistic, sometimes the medium used conveys a message better than words. Franke James has said it better than I could. Check out the visual essay here. […]
[…] I tell him about Fat Cat Canada…. […]
wow – what alarming statistics, and what a tragic statement about canada – who knew?? How cool that you share what folks can do to move a call to action forward – i love your work franke and have been following you in copenhagen
I am your addicted customer!
I live in the Twin Cities in the heartland of the US and I am told that 70% of my gasoline comes from the tar sands (ACK!!), according to officials at Flint Hill oil refinery who wholesale most of the gasoline to gas stations in my town. Wow. I am a tar sands drug addict. A junkie.
If this is the oil that’s left for me and my family, it sure doesn’t make any sense to look for a gas station with gasoline from oil from the rest of the world: Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Iran, Kuwait, etc.
I guess it really IS time to get off oil altogether. If you are like me, a tar sands junkie, here’s what you can do to wean yourself, depending on your interest (and income!). Cold turkey just isn’t an option.
Scrap your car and buy a 50 mpg car; support transit and push leaders to build more rail in your city and to big cities nearby; choose where you live based on public transport access; bicycle everywhere like the Danes I saw in Copenhagen; buy biofuel to push industry to next-gen bio-based fuels; be the early adopter to buy an electric car, or plug-in hybrid.
Yet another brilliant and inspiring piece, Franke! This one really moved me.
Also, I heard you on Spark this weekend: Great show. I loved hearing about your dinner with a stranger again.
Keep it up. This is exactly what we need to get Canadians on board with changing our collective habits.
All the best
You did it again. Bring our attention to environmental realities through your art and unparalleled creativity. Very good topic as it is very relevant and everyone should read this. It’s informative and attention grabbing.
Thank you for this!
@ecofashionista Wow @frankejames has done it again. This is a MUST read. Amazing visual essay: http://bit.ly/8GDmGY #climatechange
Thank you Franke for your creative and relevant perspective on important environmental issues!! What a fun and interesting way to raise awareness.
You are truly unique, and I think, a Canadian treasure :)
@cuddlendance Too tempting to #Demonize PM #StephenHarper inconvenient truth about Canada – Franke James http://cli.gs/LvQEBQ #GHG #CO2
@350.org If the climate mvmnt had an illustrator, it would be @frankejames. Latest piece does a great job rallying Canadians 2 act: http://j.mp/6ntAgj
@lisaborden This is another most brilliant visual essay @frankejames http://tinyurl.com/yhtu53d <–read/look!
@funkyplates Illustrator @frankejames really opened my eyes to the role canada plays in global warming http://j.mp/6ntAgj (via @rumon @350)
@BenWest Fantastic #climate cartoon by @frankejames . “Fat Cat #Canada” http://j.mp/6ntAgj why the Tar Sands are immoral via @350 it’s our job to act
Thank you :)
Your work is wonderful!
I get sick to my stomach when I hear fellow Canadians blame people from other countries … ‘those countries …. for environmental problems….
[…] Franke James draws Canada’s problems with greenhouse gases. (via facebook friend Amy Robinson) […]
Can you please make one of these about the United States? This is so powerful with so few words, really!
[…] illustrated visual essays on her website. Thanks to 350.org for tweeting her excellent piece on Fat Cat Canada, which is how I found her […]
I just read this now.
Good visual presentation Franke. The real culprits in this free market economy are the consumers who purchase the cars, the furnaces etc that consume fossil fuels that poison the air,the soil, the water,etc. Of course we can blame Harper and every other leader in the free world who are constantly under pressure to create jobs,jobs, jobs, when in all fairness we the voters put them in a this no win situation in the first place. Will the opposition do any better? I think not. The problem will not go away until every consumer quits buying the product. If the producers of gasoline quit buying oil from the tar sands, the developers would quickly fold and go home. When the developer/producers of tar sands oil and the largest buyer/consumer of its products are one and the same. Who is to blame? The consumers of said products of course. Get with it Americans and Canadians, lets be realistic and blame each other, then change our consuming habits. This is a direct challenge in a high stakes game of chicken. The producers will get the message.
Brilliant…thank you for this eye-opening visual impact piece. I will participate and spread the message. BTW…if you have not seen it – the documentary movie ‘The Age of Stupid’ is equally brilliant. Cheers!
Wow – this is outstanding. Thank you to @raybeckerman for sharing it, which is how I got it, and now I’m following you!
I look forward to taking time to thoroughly go through your work this weekend. I am impressed Franke.
I have already, and will share this again =^..^=~~
What is the main idea of the visual essay fat cat canada’s giant litter box?
My teacher is making us read, and do questions about your essays. I think that they’re awesome! :-)
This was very powerful. I will post about it on facebook. Everyone walks around taking things for granted. We are clearly in Denial. Education is key. I know that I will make the efforts to educate myself.
[…] Change Art What Can One Person Do, When 6.8 Billion are Frying the Planet? Ending the Climate War Fat Cat Canada’s Giant Litter Box Visual Essays Franke James’ Green Conscience Workshops This entry was posted on Saturday, […]
[…] Franke James’s Fat Cat Canada […]
[…] Fat Cat Canada’s Litter Box (2009) […]
[…] Franke isn’t afraid to tackle controversy. She’s taken on climate change (Ending the Climate War), an explosion in a nearby propane plant (12,000 Sitting Ducks), and Canada’s sorry environmental record (Fat Cat Canada’s Giant Litter Box). […]
[…] I’ve ignited the Harper Government’s fury by telling the truth about Canada’s footdragging on climate action. And having the audacity to advocate pollution taxes and tougher environmental policies on […]
We citizens of the world use to admire Canada for it´’s social system; for it’s caring for the environment, but it’s incredible that a single man and it’s group can harm such a beautiful country and the world for that matter, just for greed and lust for power. Canadians do something!!! You are your democracy (freedom of speech) Having this brave artist on a hit list ???? That’s a mob action, not of decent people.
Caught your issue on Care2 Causes today. Your work is great. You do explain the issue so well. This is typical of Harper. You are right where is democracy.
Being a native citizen and resident of the USA, I am in no position to throw rocks at Canada until we first cleanup our own act. I do believe that Franke James is on the right path and that the censorship of the Harper Administration sounds as arbitrary and fulsome as the actions of our own administration.
[…] Environmental recklessness trumps democracy
It seems Canada is not about to let one of its artists draw attention to the country’s miserable record on environmental issues. The official response to Nektarina’s refusal to cancel James’s show was delivered verbally: “She speaks against the Canadian Government”.
The intimidation did not stop there. Here’s another quote from the Nektarina Web site: “In the past few months we have encountered many difficulties in organizing the exhibitions, usually connected to interventions of the Canadian Government or institutions under Canadian governmental control. We continued to look for ways to collaborate with the home land of the artist, although at times we felt patronized and even intimidated, as a small NGO trying to reach an understanding with a powerful state.”
Apparently the Harper Government is unwilling to allow an artist to be welcomed abroad if that private citizen dares call into question any of its policies. This is totally unacceptable censorship, and it is time for Canadians, and anyone else who believes in free speech, to speak out.
Read more: http://www.care2.com/causes/harper-government-trying-to-silence-canadian-artist.html#ixzz1TWM8IUUp […]
awesome eye opener
[…] The world is imploding for multiple reasons, so here is one more.
Today in the Toronto Star is a story about an environmentally minded artist who had a project about the oil sands that was due to be on display in Croatia. The story goes that Ottawa pulled financial support (that was being funnelled through embassies).
As the story goes, ” ‘Who was the idiot who approved an art show by that woman, Franke James [the artist]?’ a senior Canadian official was quoted as saying by Antonovic’s [the organizer in Croatia] contacts in the Zagreb embassy.”
The organizer then lined up a private sponsor that later “notified Antonovic that a Canadian official had contacted it directly, leading it to yank its sponsorship funds to avoid ‘further damage for our company.’” […]
I would call this government black mail. The Company had no choice but to back out! This is also denying the Artist’s freedom of speech.
You don’t have to go to the Middle East or China or North Korea to find a dictator..we have one right here in Canada. PM Harper is a bully and a tyrant who cannot stand to be criticized and has been steadily eroding our Canadian democracy and values since he came into power. He and his goons have destroyed Canada’s reputation as an international peacemaker and a world leader in democracy.
All he’s interested in is peddling his ‘ethical’ oil… no matter what it does to the environment. I can’t believe people voted for him again and gave him a majority government. We’re all going to pay for that dearly over the next 3+ years and the Canada that we know and love will be destroyed.
The Harper government has no right to stop you from exhibiting your art and blackmailing the sponsor you had in place. This goes directly against our democratic right to free speech. What you are doing is so important to raising awareness about climate change and environmental destruction. I hope that you will not be discouraged from achieving your goal and will continue to do your wonderful work. Go Franke!!
Saw this on Care2 Causes today and have been reading about Canada’s growing reputation for choosing profits over the environment. I thought the U.S. was never going to get knocked off of its infamous pedestal, but I didn’t think Canada would take a bulldozer and plow us off of it. What a shame. At a time when we should all be working to restore habitats and find alternatives to dirty energy, it is disturbing to hear that leaders are destroying the environment for short-term gain. Fight on, Franke, and take us all with you.
Ms. James. I believe you’re brave for publishing your true and living with a conscience.
Canada’s environment is in much better condition than Venezuela’s, and yet you have so much to tell!
Thank you for being a living example.
[…] I heard I had been blacklisted. That’s when I decided I better live up to my reputation and throw Fat Cat Canada and Dear Prime Minister into the mix – and show the full range of issues that I care about as a […]
Thank you so much for this info told in such a clever way. I, too, thought we (the US) were the worst perpetrators of planet degradation. But if we are not, we must run a close second.
Go get ’em!
[…] below are three canvases from Fat Cat Canada’s Giant Litter Box and my 2008 Dear Prime Minister essay. Who knew that asking for polluters to pay would get the […]
[…] could use a little global warming because the hard truths have been played down” from my 2009 Fat Cat Canada’s Giant Litter Box visual […]
[…] climate change. Today, as the 17th round of climate change talks open in Durban, South Africa, my fat cat country is banding together with other rich nations to ensure that no significant global treaty on climate […]
[…] accumulation of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Check her scrolling artwork titled “Fat Cat Canada’s Giant Litter Box” for an example.She’s lucky to live in a nation that, like many countries in Europe, […]
Fabulous piece!
[…] Fat Cat Canada’s Giant Litter Box […]
Thanks. This was great.
Big-money Canadian corporations trying to cross the United Sates northern border seem to be a bigger threat to our land than do the illegal immigrants who try to cross the southern border.
The Augusta Resource Corporation, a Canadian corporation, is currently trying to destroy one of our southern Arizona mountain ranges by bringing in bags of corporate money, attempting to push approval of a huge open pit mine in the Santa Rita Mountains.
[…] will recall the story of Franke James, an environmental advocate who, over the years, has created provocative visual essays challenging the Canadian government over its inaction on climate […]
[…] Mr. Heatherington sharing his disapproval of my visual essays, and specifically Fat Cat Canada, he is doing two […]
This is very powerful. Thank you for open my eyes even wider. I will send it on to everyone I know.
[…] The Fat Cat […]
[…] approach we here at Grist admire.) Her illustrated essays call out individuals, corporations, and governments for their inadequate responses to environmental threats, but in an unfailingly good-natured way […]