Dear Prime Minister
by Franke James
“Dear Prime Minister” copyright 2008 Franke James
Photographs, illustrations and writing by Franke James, MFA (except tar sands photo by Andrew Penner)
Background Research & Resources:
Voters Guide to the Climate Crisis Election PDF Sierra Club of Canada []
China passes stringent green laws Business Green News
China considers pollution tax Business Green News
China to become world’s largest investor in green energy The Telegraph UK
Taking the Wheel PDF The Pembina Institute []
Survey of Albertans on Oil Sands PDF The Pembina Institute []
Carbon 2008 PDF Corporate Knights []
211 Responses: 97 Comments and 114 Tweets
Twitter: 80 (Showing 114)
- Franke James @frankejames
My new visual essay \"Dear Prime Minister, You say a pollution tax would wreak havoc on our economy 5992 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
@FabianPattberg Great inspiration! I posted it under my visual letter to our Prime Minister 5992 days ago)
- Aiden Abram @aidenabram
likes visual essays - 5992 days ago)
- Julien Smith @julien
pretty cool Canadian comic about the election here: 5990 days ago)
- WackyDog @wackydogrunner
I love this essay: 5840 days ago)
- yenners @yenners
Harper sucks. Franke James rocks 5838 days ago)
- alice @ecila - a bit old but still relevant.(about 5780 days ago)
- Ni Na @leighcheri3
My Green Conscious by Franke James, artist, writer, environmentalist: The truth is only you know...(about 5778 days ago)
- Josh Hudson @thelongshot
Really cool blog post to Harper. 5683 days ago)
- Todd Tyrtle @toddtyrtle
Dear Prime Minister: 5661 days ago)
- Martin Kumquat @k4m4
We need a new gov\'t before environment issues taken seriously. RT @toddtyrtle: Dear Prime Minister: 5661 days ago)
- Kyle Hodnett @balognaw 5526 days ago)
- AWooldridge (storyt) @storytellin
Franke James " Blog Archive " Dear Prime Minister: 5524 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
.@jimbobbysez Thnx for the tweet. Here's my "Dear Prime Minister" visual essay from 2008 about carbon tax. 5501 days ago)
- jimbobbysez @jimbobbysez
RT @frankejames: "Dear Prime Minister" visual essay from 2008 about carbon tax. #cdnpoli(about 5501 days ago)
- britesprite @britesprite
A great pictorial message to any Prime Minister (ignore the canadian bit ;) #green #ukelection #ge2010(about 5401 days ago)
- 조원식 @cws30
Great visual essay from @frankejames written in 2008 for canadian elections but relevant in Oz in 2010 5328 days ago)
- the silent ballet @thesilentballet via @CWS30 Great visual essay from's not economy v environment. Ignore the latter and it will catch up(about 5328 days ago)
- Joseph Sannicandro @thenewobjective
RT @TheSilentBallet: via @CWS30 Great visual essay from's not economy v environment. Ignore the lat ...(about 5328 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
@boydcohen He appears tough-minded but the word is he has a thin skin. Apparently he took offense to this: 5022 days ago)
- lapplando @lapplando
RT @frankejames: Harper appears tough-minded but the word is he has a thin skin. Apparently he took offense to this: 5022 days ago)
- lapplando @lapplando
From 2008, still relevant today (moreso?) @frankejames to @pmharper :why do we have to choose btn environment & economy 5022 days ago)
- CO2 IMPACT @co2impact
Very cool calling out of Mr. Harper by @frankejames: Why make us choose between the environment and the economy Canada(about 5022 days ago)
- boyd cohen @boydcohen
Very cool calling out of Mr. Harper by @frankejames: Why make us choose between the environment and the economy Canada(about 5022 days ago)
- Antonia Zerbisias @antoniaz
Franke James » Dear Prime Minister #cdnpoli #environment #climate #FF(about 4958 days ago)
- min reyes @min_reyes
RT @AntoniaZ: Franke James » Dear Prime Minister #cdnpoli #environment #climate #FF(about 4958 days ago)
- Herbert Pimlott @herbert_pimlott
Brill! 2 bad #Harper never listns 2 ppl or childrn! RT @AntoniaZ Franke James Dear Prime Minister #cdnpoli #climate #FF(about 4958 days ago)
- Beari8it @beari8it
Brill! 2 bad #Harper never listns 2 ppl or childrn! RT @AntoniaZ Franke James Dear Prime Minister #cdnpoli #climate #FF(about 4958 days ago)
- Kathryn Hall @kathrynhallpr
Go, @frankejames ! 4958 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
Thnx Kathryn! Yes, my Dear Prime Minister letter apparently irked the Harper Govt RT @KathrynHallPR Go, @frankejames ! 4958 days ago)
- Kay Z @kzarr
Thnx Kathryn! Yes, my Dear Prime Minister letter apparently irked the Harper Govt RT @KathrynHallPR Go, @frankejames ! 4958 days ago)
- wordwhacky @wordwhacky
Poignant and powerful visual essay: #FrankeJames #environment(about 4956 days ago)
- RKD @takebackthright
Franke James » Blog Archive » Dear Prime Minister: via @addthis(about 4955 days ago)
- Ian Stephen @ianstephen1
Franke James Euro show cancelled thnx to Harper gov I'm glad 'cause otherwise I wouldn't have seen 4947 days ago)
- Janet Webb @janetnorcal
Liked Mr. Smith Goes to Washington? Love @frankejames letter to Can PM Harper Learn why Harper wants James silenced RT(about 4945 days ago)
- Adeel Khamisa @anteyekon4myst
Dear Prime Minister, Why are you making us chose between the Economy and the environment: - Visual Essay(about 4939 days ago)
- EcoAdvocates @ecoadvocates
Harper Govt cites "Ethical Oil" while blacklisting ecoartist @FrankeJames. View her response Dear Prime Minister #nokxl 4885 days ago)
- boatsie @boatsie
Harper Govt cites "Ethical Oil" while blacklisting ecoartist @FrankeJames. View her response Dear Prime Minister #nokxl 4885 days ago)
- boatsie @boatsie
@UnseatHarper Govt OKs "Ethical Oil" BUT blacklists ecoartist. See @FrankeJames reply: Dear PM #nokxl @TarSandsAction(about 4885 days ago)
- boatsie @boatsie
@mashable @UnseatHarper Govt OKs "Ethical Oil" BUT blacklists ecoartist. See @FrankeJames response: Dear PM #nokxl 4885 days ago)
- boatsie @boatsie
@PeninsuPress @UnseatHarper Govt OKs "Ethical Oil" BUT blacklists ecoartist. See @FrankeJames response: Dear PM #nokxl 4885 days ago)
- boatsie @boatsie
@NewsHour @UnseatHarper Govt OKs "Ethical Oil" BUT blacklists ecoartist. See @FrankeJames response: Dear PM #nokxl 4885 days ago)
- boatsie @boatsie
@Nightline @UnseatHarper Govt OKs "Ethical Oil" BUT blacklists ecoartist. See @FrankeJames response: Dear PM #nokxl 4885 days ago)
- boatsie @boatsie
@USATODAY @UnseatHarper Govt OKs "Ethical Oil" BUT blacklists ecoartist. See @FrankeJames response: Dear PM #nokxl 4885 days ago)
- boatsie @boatsie
@CBSNews @UnseatHarper Govt OKs "Ethical Oil" BUT blacklists ecoartist. See @FrankeJames response: Dear PM #nokxl 4885 days ago)
- boatsie @boatsie
@msnbc_world @UnseatHarper Govt OKs "Ethical Oil" BUT blacklists ecoartist. See @FrankeJames response: Dear PM #nokxl 4885 days ago)
- boatsie @boatsie
@datelinenbc @UnseatHarper Govt OKs "Ethical Oil" BUT blacklists ecoartist. See @FrankeJames response: Dear PM #nokxl 4885 days ago)
- boatsie @boatsie
@meetthepress @UnseatHarper Govt OKs "Ethical Oil" BUT blacklists ecoartist. See @FrankeJames response: Dear PM #nokxl 4885 days ago)
- boatsie @boatsie
@climatebrad @UnseatHarper Govt OKs "Ethical Oil" BUT blacklists ecoartist. See @FrankeJames response: Dear PM #nokxl 4885 days ago)
- boatsie @boatsie
@Revkin @UnseatHarper Govt OKs "Ethical Oil" BUT blacklists ecoartist. See @FrankeJames response: Dear PM #nokxl 4885 days ago)
- boatsie @boatsie
@sciencecomedian @UnseatHarper Govt OKs "Ethical Oil" BUT blacklists ecoartist. @FrankeJames response: Dear PM #nokxl 4885 days ago)
- boatsie @boatsie
@jeremyeosborn @UnseatHarper Govt OKs "Ethical Oil" BUT blacklists ecoartist. See @FrankeJames response: Dear PM #nokxl 4885 days ago)
- boatsie @boatsie
@350USA @UnseatHarper Govt OKs "Ethical Oil" BUT blacklists ecoartist. See @FrankeJames response: Dear PM #nokxl Pls RT(about 4885 days ago)
- boatsie @boatsie
@jskowalski @UnseatHarper Govt OKs "Ethical Oil" BUT blacklists ecoartist. See @FrankeJames response: Dear PM #nokxl RT(about 4885 days ago)
- boatsie @boatsie
@billmckibben @UnseatHarper Govt OKs "Ethical Oil" BUT blacklists ecoartist. See @FrankeJames response: Dear PM #nokxl 4885 days ago)
- boatsie @boatsie
@WiserEarth @UnseatHarper Govt OKs "Ethical Oil" BUT blacklists ecoartist. See @FrankeJames response: Dear PM #nokxl RT(about 4885 days ago)
- boatsie @boatsie
@ottawaaction Govt OKs "Ethical Oil"BUT blacklists ecoartist. See @FrankeJames response: Dear PM #nokxl RT(about 4885 days ago)
- boatsie @boatsie
@EricPooley @UnseatHarper Govt OKs "Ethical Oil" BUT blacklists ecoartist. See @FrankeJames response: Dear PM #nokxl RT(about 4885 days ago)
- boatsie @boatsie
@ColorOfChange Harper Govt OKs "Ethical Oil" BUT blacklists ecoartist. See @FrankeJames response: Dear PM #nokxl Pls RT(about 4885 days ago)
- boatsie @boatsie
@CornelWest Harper Govt OKs "Ethical Oil" BUT blacklists ecoartist. See @FrankeJames response: Dear PM #nokxl Pls RT(about 4885 days ago)
- boatsie @boatsie
@KatrinaNation Harper Govt OKs "Ethical Oil" BUT blacklists ecoartist. See @FrankeJames response: Dear PM #nokxl Pls RT(about 4885 days ago)
- boatsie @boatsie
@tomphilpott Harper Govt OKs "Ethical Oil" BUT blacklists ecoartist. See @FrankeJames response: Dear PM #nokxl Pls RT(about 4885 days ago)
- boatsie @boatsie
@majoracarter Harper Govt OKs "Ethical Oil" BUT blacklists ecoartist. See @FrankeJames response: Dear PM #nokxl Pls RT(about 4885 days ago)
- boatsie @boatsie
@TheOnion Harper Govt OKs "Ethical Oil" BUT blacklists ecoartist. @FrankeJames response: Dear PM #nokxl Pls RT(about 4885 days ago)
- boatsie @boatsie
@NickKristof Harper Govt OKs "Ethical Oil" BUT blacklists ecoartist. See @FrankeJames response: Dear PM #nokxl Pls RT(about 4885 days ago)
- boatsie @boatsie
@tcktcktck Harper Govt OKs "Ethical Oil" BUT blacklists ecoartist. See @FrankeJames response: Dear PM #nokxl Pls RT(about 4885 days ago)
- boatsie @boatsie
@USUncut Harper Govt OKs "Ethical Oil" BUT blacklists ecoartist. See @FrankeJames response: Dear PM #nokxl Pls RT(about 4885 days ago)
- boatsie @boatsie
@bryanrwalsh Harper Govt OKs "Ethical Oil" BUT blacklists ecoartist. See @FrankeJames response: Dear PM #nokxl Pls RT(about 4885 days ago)
- boatsie @boatsie
@TaraLohan Harper Govt OKs "Ethical Oil" BUT blacklists ecoartist. See @FrankeJames response: Dear PM #nokxl Pls RT(about 4885 days ago)
- boatsie @boatsie
@BenWessel Harper Govt OKs "Ethical Oil" BUT blacklists ecoartist. See @FrankeJames response: Dear PM #nokxl Pls RT(about 4885 days ago)
- boatsie @boatsie
@emmacaroline_ Harper Govt OKs "Ethical Oil" BUT blacklists ecoartist. See @FrankeJames response: Dear PM #nokxl Pls RT(about 4885 days ago)
- boatsie @boatsie
@NaomiAKlein Harper Govt OKs "Ethical Oil" BUT blacklists ecoartist. See @FrankeJames response: Dear PM #nokxl Pls RT(about 4885 days ago)
- boatsie @boatsie
@drgrist Harper Govt OKs "Ethical Oil" BUT blacklists ecoartist. See @FrankeJames response: Dear PM #nokxl Pls RT(about 4885 days ago)
- boatsie @boatsie
@350eARTh Harper Govt OKs "Ethical Oil" BUT blacklists ecoartist. See @FrankeJames response: Dear PM #nokxl Pls RT(about 4885 days ago)
- boatsie @boatsie
@TreeHugger Harper Govt OKs "Ethical Oil" BUT blacklists ecoartist. See @FrankeJames response: Dear PM #nokxl Pls RT(about 4885 days ago)
- boatsie @boatsie
@IGHIH Harper Govt OKs "Ethical Oil" BUT blacklists ecoartist. See @FrankeJames response: Dear PM #nokxl Pls RT(about 4885 days ago)
- boatsie @boatsie
@kuminaidoo Harper Govt OKs "Ethical Oil" BUT blacklists ecoartist. See @FrankeJames response: Dear PM #nokxl Pls RT(about 4885 days ago)
- boatsie @boatsie
@bruneski Harper Govt OKs "Ethical Oil" BUT blacklists ecoartist. See @FrankeJames response: Dear PM #nokxl Pls RT(about 4885 days ago)
- boatsie @boatsie
@amandaravenhill Harper Govt OKs"Ethical Oil"BUT blacklists ecoartist. See @FrankeJames response: Dear PM #nokxl Pls RT(about 4885 days ago)
- boatsie @boatsie
@VanJones68 Harper Govt OKs "Ethical Oil" BUT blacklists ecoartist. See @FrankeJames response: Dear PM #nokxl Pls RT(about 4885 days ago)
- boatsie @boatsie
@frannyarmstrong Harper Govt OKs"Ethical Oil"BUT blacklists ecoartist. See @FrankeJames response: Dear PM #nokxl Pls RT(about 4885 days ago)
- boatsie @boatsie
@Jason350ppm Harper Govt OKs "Ethical Oil" BUT blacklists ecoartist. See @FrankeJames response: Dear PM #nokxl Pls RT(about 4885 days ago)
- boatsie @boatsie
@energyaction Harper Govt OKs "Ethical Oil" BUT blacklists ecoartist. See @FrankeJames response: Dear PM #nokxl Pls RT(about 4885 days ago)
- boatsie @boatsie
@JohnstonEllie Harper Govt OKs "Ethical Oil" BUT blacklists ecoartist. See @FrankeJames response: Dear PM #nokxl Pls RT(about 4885 days ago)
- boatsie @boatsie
@kate_sheppard Harper Govt OKs "Ethical Oil" BUT blacklists ecoartist. See @FrankeJames response: Dear PM #nokxl Pls RT(about 4885 days ago)
- boatsie @boatsie
@engagejoe Harper Govt OKs "Ethical Oil" BUT blacklists ecoartist. See @FrankeJames response: Dear PM #nokxl Pls RT(about 4885 days ago)
- boatsie @boatsie
@jwarnow Harper Govt OKs "Ethical Oil" BUT blacklists ecoartist. See @FrankeJames response: Dear PM #nokxl Pls RT(about 4885 days ago)
- boatsie @boatsie
@mayboeve Harper Govt OKs "Ethical Oil" BUT blacklists ecoartist. See @FrankeJames response: Dear PM #nokxl Pls RT(about 4885 days ago)
- boatsie @boatsie
@Phil_Radford Harper Govt OKs "Ethical Oil" BUT blacklists ecoartist. See @FrankeJames response: Dear PM #nokxl Pls RT(about 4885 days ago)
- boatsie @boatsie
@ejgertz Harper Govt OKs "Ethical Oil" BUT blacklists ecoartist. See @FrankeJames response: Dear PM #nokxl Pls RT(about 4885 days ago)
- boatsie @boatsie
@oxfamgb Harper Govt OKs "Ethical Oil" BUT blacklists ecoartist. See @FrankeJames response: Dear PM #nokxl Pls RT(about 4885 days ago)
- boatsie @boatsie
@350buzz Harper Govt OKs "Ethical Oil" BUT blacklists ecoartist. See @FrankeJames response: Dear PM #nokxl Pls RT(about 4885 days ago)
- boatsie @boatsie
@JaredDuval Harper Govt OKs "Ethical Oil" BUT blacklists ecoartist. See @FrankeJames response: Dear PM #nokxl Pls RT(about 4885 days ago)
- Laurie @detous
@Phil_Radford Harper Govt OKs "Ethical Oil" BUT blacklists ecoartist. See @FrankeJames response: Dear PM #nokxl Pls RT(about 4885 days ago)
- @wiserearth
Govt OKs "Ethical Oil" BUT blacklists ecoartist. See @FrankeJames response: Dear PM #nokxl 4885 days ago)
- Barb Macholz @barbmach
Govt OKs "Ethical Oil" BUT blacklists ecoartist. See @FrankeJames response: Dear PM #nokxl 4885 days ago)
- Laura Lamond @lemonadebylaura
Govt OKs "Ethical Oil" BUT blacklists ecoartist. See @FrankeJames response: Dear PM #nokxl 4885 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
Accept? @ParetoEnergy Nope. See my visual letter to Dear Prime Minister in 2008 asking the same polar bear question: 4866 days ago)
- Danielle Vallee @daniellevallee
This makes us THINK... We always vote AGAINST a candidate in Canada, we know what to do comes the next election 4783 days ago)
- Monique Veselovsky @_monibean
take a minute to read and be inspired: visual essay by Franke James(about 4759 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
@AdamskiPeter Yep. My letter to PM Harper asking for a price on carbon (during 2008 election campaign) #cdnpoli(about 4572 days ago)
- Bergg69 @bergg69
@AdamskiPeter Yep. My letter to PM Harper asking for a price on carbon (during 2008 election campaign) #cdnpoli(about 4572 days ago)
- Michael Marsh @etenebrislux
@AdamskiPeter Yep. My letter to PM Harper asking for a price on carbon (during 2008 election campaign) #cdnpoli(about 4572 days ago)
- Norma G @nojgr
@AdamskiPeter Yep. My letter to PM Harper asking for a price on carbon (during 2008 election campaign) #cdnpoli(about 4572 days ago)
- Kay Vee @kayvee1000
@AdamskiPeter Yep. My letter to PM Harper asking for a price on carbon (during 2008 election campaign) #cdnpoli(about 4570 days ago)
- Carol Dunk @caroldunk
@AdamskiPeter Yep. My letter to PM Harper asking for a price on carbon (during 2008 election campaign) #cdnpoli(about 4570 days ago)
- Morgen @kootsac
Dear Prime Minister - \"#cndpoli(about 4444 days ago)
- Peter Adamski @adamskipeter
@frankejames sums up what the Harper party is doing about the environment: zilch. #yeg #ableg #cdnpoli(about 4369 days ago)
- Not Given @can_ada
RT @AdamskiPeter: @frankejames sums up what the Harper party is doing about the environment: zilch. #yeg #ableg ...(about 4369 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
TY! mt @AdamskiPeter @frankejames sums up what Harper is doing about the environment: zilch. … #yeg #ableg #cdnpoli(about 4369 days ago)
- karl knox @knoxkp
RT @frankejames: TY! mt @AdamskiPeter @frankejames sums up what Harper is doing about the environment: zilch. … # ...(about 4369 days ago)
- Stephen Leahy @stephenleahy
RT @frankejames: TY! mt @AdamskiPeter @frankejames sums up what Harper is doing about the environment: zilch. … # ...(about 4369 days ago)
- Chris Harris @twocentscanada
Dear Prime Minister - 4363 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
@gregsdouglas Provinces are taking steps on pricing carbon. Canada is not. We need to make polluters pay. 2008 letter 4195 days ago)
Another amazingly powerful visual essay. The message is so clear with excellent research to back up your statements. The reference to China is especially poignant because it proves that the problem can be remedied – it’s not too late. The weeping tree towards the end of the essay is brilliant. I will also cast my vote for the candidate who believes that it is an inherent obligation to care for the environment for the sake of future generations.
Well done!!!
A brilliant visual essay. Perhaps you want to share it on David Suzuki’s VoteEnvironment site
Tara Joyce
It’s scary that countries are only interested in cleaning up pollution when the rest of the World is watching them. Perhaps when the Olympics come to Vancouver, the politicians here in Canada will be more motivated to fix our environment as well.
This is an incredible visual essay. Each illustration is so powerful! I too will be voting for the party with the best plan for the environment. Keep up the good work in getting this message out – it is so important to educate people about the consequences of pollution.
These are not taxes, they are investments in the future. Politicians won’t support initiatives that are far-reaching and global in effect because their time frame is the immediate future. Until this changes, nothing will change.
The problem is that we cannot afford not to change.
Proof that Canada has some catching up to do:
Chicago Outlines Climate Plan to Cut Greenhouse Gases
“When I became mayor, ‘climate change’ wasn’t on the radar for most cities, states and nations around the world – or even for most people,” Daley said in a news release. “But I believed then and believe even more deeply today that when you do such things as planting trees and creating open space, when you invest resources to remove pollution from the air and encourage the construction of buildings that are smart for the environment, then you enhance quality of life for all the residents of the city.”
Great. An amazing visual essay you have there. Top quality.
Fabian Pattberg
Another good one, Franke. (Good as in scary.)
You got Harper’s Perry Como cardigan down pat. But I think if Perry Como were alive today, he’d be horrified at our prime minister’s lack of soul.
“I’m not in politics to be loved,” says our prime minister. Well, sir, you’re doing a good job making sure nobody loves you but your oil baron buddies.
But wouldn’t it be wonderful to know that all the decisions he makes ON OUR BEHALF are because he loves his children? Which he clearly doesn’t or else he would give a damn about their health and their future. He simply will not admit that we can’t eat money. He flatly refuses to see the global climate change planetary emergency we’re in. He obviously isn’t smart enough to grasp the importance of biodiversity, or the connection between global average temperature increases, failing agriculture and the downfall of human civilization.
Scary times. Where is Churchill when we need him?
Thanks again, Franke.
Julie Johnston
GreenHeart Education
Brilliant Franke! Something is very upside down indeed…
I especially love the way the visual themes are carried on from your other essays and on into this one. My favourite frame is Alice in front of the oil derrick.
Thanks so much for sharing your vision!
…….polar bears can only be found on toonie. great line.
Wonderful visual letter to Harper on economics and the environment in Canada by @frankejames!
Mike Soron
Hey, Canadian voters, read Franke James’s *wow* piece: “Dear Prime Minister” (Great illustrations, too!)…
This is brilliant, Franke – sooooooo well done!! Insightful & smart & thought-provoking. I love the Alice in Wonderland image……
I’m going to forward it to my various lists of contacts & some young people I know & ask them to forward it on too.
Good onya!!
Dear Prime Minister – New Franke James Essay
Franke James has posted a brilliant new visual essay, “Dear Prime Minister” to coincide with Canada’s upcoming federal election. Franke is one of our favourite environmental artists, and this thought-provoking essay is another powerful addition to her collection.
We are excited to be publishing a selection of Franke’s visual essays in our upcoming Spring season – we’ll bring you more information on the project as it unfolds!
I laughed!
Thanks for your support!
P.S. Check out our non-partisan election game, Whack the PM. I’ve whacked too many politicians to ever be one!
Brilliant. Get it on FB!
This is fantastic; Thank you!
I’ll be adding a link to our Facebook page and our web site.
This is a brilliant depiction of the state of our environmental politics. More Canadians need to see this, Get it on TV or on a really big billboard!
Another great one Franke. Thanks for speaking the truth.
Great visual essay from @frankejames on pollution tax in Canada
Sabina Podjed
@frankejames: best post yet such a refreshing medium. deserves a blogging Emmy for this one. please retweet.
max gladwell
As an American, I admit ignorance about Canada-specific environmental initiatives but I’m aware of the global warming implications via the G-8 and other groups if things are not fixed now.
I’m haunted by your depiction (and warning) of polar bears on currency and not in the wild…and will be sharing this essay with like-minded individuals.
Thank you Franke for succintly pointing out the absolute silliness of politicians pitting the environment against the economy. As long as the powers that be think that the only progress is MORE, MORE, MORE of everything material, the world is at risk.
I had found the 12,000 sitting ducks post a few days back and really enjoyed the creative way of putting across a story.
But this one hits close to home …its not just a problem with Canadian politicians, its a general malaise that affects powers-that-be everywhere (for the most part!)
Anyways, you have a unique blog here. Using art to send your message across is so much more effective than preaching, which is a lot of green blogs indulge in (which is fine; only that it is usually to the already converted!)
Love the blog…hope to come back here often!
just saw that Times (UK) has an enviro-blog. This article there is relevant to your point about economy vs. environment; why the choice?
No hope for the planet unless we reform economy
Thanks very much for your wonderful comments and the link to the Times Online. It is very relevant.
Like the White Rabbit in Alice in Wonderland, Canada is “late for a very important date” with the truth.
Keep speaking truth to those who distort it to “spin” their way to power.
[…] In her most recent blog she takes on the Prime Minister in a way that only Franke could. The essay, entitled Dear Prime Minister, “You say a pollution tax would wreak havoc on our economy”, touches on a number of major issues facing Canadians today. The essay by no means tells you who to vote for, but it will make you think! And that’s the point, especially during this election and especially in these hard times.
Climate change is a reality, period! And as Franke notes in her essay, why are we being forced to choose between the economy and the environment? We tend to forget that without an environment we would not have an economy, as everything we consume and I mean everything comes from our environment. Food for thought — hopefully.
To read Franke’s essay click here:, and before you cast your vote — THINK. […]
Franke – you have done the job Dion is trying to do. I just wish he could see this. Perhaps it would help him simplify his message so the electorate can understand his Green Shift plan a little better. There’s still time.
Your visual essays are: Powerful. Stunning. Succinct. I think the sales handle is right there: Why are we being forced to choose between the economy and the environment? It doesn’t have to be that way.
Thanks Franke for giving us a unique way to look at the issues.
You are a modern hero!
I love your style – and your substance, of course.
Where can I order my limited edition hard copy?!
Well that’s a bright idea! It would be cool to have the essay printed as a short-run book
Thanks very much for your support (and compliment)!
I am having a small book of my essays published in the spring by New Society. This one won’t be in it but it’s a very good idea.
Listen up Mr. Prime Minister!!
Wowzers! This is FANTASTIC. Thanks so much for sharing it.
It so clearly articulates the risks of NOT acting. Policy analysts struggle to convey what you have so clearly expressed.
Thank you.
Elijah van der Giessen
Environmental website encourages strategic voting to stop Tories aims to avoid vote-splitting among left-of-centre voters, suggesting the divided opposition could help push the Conservatives to another election win. Read CBC article…
Perfect! How do I send this to Stephen Harper?
Good question! I’ve been tweeting ( but I don’t know if he’s listening…
Thanks for your support!
A great way to educate all the ‘kids’ and ‘bullies’ in Parliament!
Unfortunately all political parties appear to follow the growth model.
The word ‘sustainable’ has been made meaningless with all the interpretations!
I am voting for the lessor evil and in my riding (North Vancouver Island) that is ABC and trying not to split the less evil vote!
p.s. I used the ‘only polar bear future generations will see is on a coin’ phrase years ago, and I am sure many others have too!, but kudos for the art!
Here in BC rather than a carbon tax that is revenue neutral, we need a tax that will be used to ‘rehab’ our way of life, to one that can live off the ‘interest’ rather than the ‘principle’ of our ‘earth’ bank account!
Why are we ‘soiling’ our spaceship earth, when we don’t have another one!?
Follow the money!
Thanks for your very positive comment on my Dear Prime Minister letter — wouldn’t it be great if we could educate the ‘kids’ and ‘bullies’ in Parliament? Glad to hear you’re voting ABC.
I didn’t realize that the polar bear on a toonie was an ‘old’ saying! (What coin is the polar bear on other than the toonie?) But it’s obviously so good, it makes perfect ‘cents’ and we must circulate it more. When I thought of it, I literally ‘hit my forehead’ and felt stupid for not connecting the two ideas before! (Lateral thinking: an idea which appears obvious in hindsight)
Here is an image from an essay I did in Jan 2007 when the toonie (twoonie) first dropped — you’ll also spot other Canadian icons in A Green Winter: Will Global Warming be Good for Canada?
Just noticed my Dear Prime Minister letter got ‘Dugg”!
Please Digg if you agree with my message!
An Open Letter on Climate Change Science to all Canadian Elected Government Leaders (June 2008)
Twenty years ago, Canada, as a leader in international environmental issues, hosted a conference in Toronto entitled “Our Changing Atmosphere: Implications for Global Security” The participants concluded that: “Humanity is conducting an unintended, uncontrolled, globally pervasive experiment, whose ultimate consequences are second only to global nuclear war.”
Signed by 130 Canadian climate science leaders from the academic, public and private sectors across the country: Canadian Climate Science Leaders
Read the full story and letter
Surprisingly, even though Canada is a net oil exporter, Canada imports almost half our daily oil needs from Iraq, Algeria and other far away countries. World production will soon stop growing. The design of our pipeline and refinery system means that millions of Eastern Canadians cannot access Canadian oil no matter what the circumstances. This leaves millions of Canadians exposed to disruptions on the world oil market.
The carbon tax is about protecting the economy, not just about pollution. It’s a kick-the-oil-dependency tax that will help us adapt now to rising fuel prices and insecure supplies. Do it now by choice, or later by the market….
Thanks for another thoughtful and beautiful essay.
Our world is too precious to trash. There are alternatives, and I know that if I have to live in a shack and have no electricity so that my children can breathe clean air and drink river water straight from the river, then that is what I will do.
We need to redefine wealth. It is a fool who sells off their inheritance for a few cheap toys.
Hi Franke,
I just checked out your Visual Essays and I’m blown away by your art, the clarity and personality of your writing, your directness, and your green-conscious actions. I’m a Visual Recorder and I just started blogging, and I’d love it if you’d look at my blog and give me any feedback, even a pat of the back, or some back talk for that matter.
You inspired me to think about how my art can be connected with my yearning for environmental action.
Thank you.
Vote for the Green Economy
“Toronto artist Franke James has another brilliant and insightful visual essay about why voting for the environment IS a vote for the economy. There will be no economy in future without a major change of direction to an energy-efficient green economy….”
Stephen Leahy Environmental Journalist
lamarguerite @frankejames just dugg your visual Dear Prime Minister letter; as usual awesome stuff – you should get into animation
frankejames @lamarguerite Thank you! I’ve animated one essay:
Lots of fun (& lot of work). Plan to do more!
You have ‘given birth’ again Franke. This one equally as significant… I wonder what our world leaders actually see, or what rose colored glasses they are wearing, perhaps they are wearing blinders ?
[…] TORONTO, September 30 — Concerned that one day polar bears may only be found on Toonies, and that Canadian voters are wrongly being asked to choose between the economy and the environment on October 14th, Canadian artist Franke James has created a visual letter to Stephen Harper. “Dear Prime Minister, You say a pollution tax would wreak havoc on our economy” See the visual letter […]
I dugg it too. Hope this helps.
As I stated on Marguerite’s blog I really love your drawings and perspective. I wrote an article on my blog on tar sands and so on. The data is scary.
Keep up the good work Franke ! :)
Thanks for your comment and ‘digging‘ my letter.
Your site is a wealth of information with excellent articles referenced to back up the validity of concerns about climate change. I encourage people who want a deeper understanding of global warming to read your analysis and the facts you have assembled.
GO, Franke!!! And thank you
In the Globe and Mail today, Gary Mason wrote a column encouraging politicians to rally their green courage before it’s too late. He wrote,
The irony I see is that the meltdown on Wall Street is causing extreme panic. While the melting of the polar ice caps is largely ignored.
But Mother Nature cannot be ‘regulated’ or ‘bailed out’. We must help Canadians to see that the consequences of global warming are having real economic impact now — and will have far more serious impact in the future if we do not act.
I sent out a press release today that I hope will help politicians to rally their courage.
“Will our children inherit a Canada where polar bears can only be found on Toonies?”
Canada Newswire link:
Or you can read it on my site with visuals:
Please spread the message that the economy and the environment are inseparable. Both Canadians and American are going to the polls shortly. That is our opportunity to vote for politicians who will take real action on climate change and move us towards a robust green economy.
~ Franke
Wow! Very creative and compelling work! I’m sending this around to everyone I know!
This visual essay is fantastic. I am sending it to my daughter’s teachers so that it can be part of their daily discussions. It is important that our kids know what is going on… The quality of your web site and obvious passion is inspirational.
Thank you so much for everything.
I recommend Minqi Li’s article from Monthly Review on the relationship between the economy and environment and solving the climate crisis; it is a text-essay. He examines parameters that connect the economy to the environment (in terms of CO2 production) and what we need to do to bring down CO2.
Thanks! I hope my visual essays whet people’s appetites for more information. Sir Nicholas Stern’s “Review on the Economics of Climate Change” report from October 2006, recommends taking action on climate change. One recommendation of the Stern Report is to tax carbon pollution. To refrain from taxing — as Canada is doing — is unethical and irresponsible. It merely “passes the trash” onto the next generation — with potentially catastrophic results.
See: Stern Review on the Economics of Climate Change
Here is an excellent article on taxing pollution — and how effective it can be in changing behavior:
Toronto Star article “The green shift: Buyer beware.” Reporter Mitch Potter quotes Martin Lidegaard, “Green taxes have one problem — they work. And the more effective they are, the less the government gets.” Lidegaard is chair of the Copenhagen-based think tank Concito.
Potter concludes, “When you tax income, people have nowhere to hide. But when you tax habits, people tend to change — so much so that eventually, there is no habit left to tax.”
If our goal is to end our addiction to fossil fuels and provide a healthy environment for our children and grandchildren, carbon pollution taxes are the best way to go.
Canada will impose carbon taxes eventually. It is the way of the future and is happening around the world. The only question is ‘when’ — and how much damage will have been done in the interim.
2008 Health Canada report on climate change
Although the Conservative government has argued that a critical Health Canada report on climate change impacts is “too large” to be made available online, the DeSmogBlog has sourced a copy that you can now access through these links….
… The report warns of forest fires, drought, and increased deaths from smog, heat and disease – a grim scenario against which the Conservative government is taking virtually no action. In fact, the Harper government’s principal reaction was to try to suppress the report, now available only by snail mail, with delivery in “two to four weeks.”
The 500 page “Human Health in a Changing Climate study” was supposed to be released early in 2008, with a coast-to-coast public engagement exercise. Instead the Harper government quietly revealed the document’s existence this summer, canceled the publicity exercise and provided no on-line downloads.
230 Economists write Open Letter to leaders of Canada’s federal political parties
OTTAWA, Oct. 6 – More than 230 economists teaching in Canadian universities have signed an open letter to federal political leaders calling for economically coherent action on climate change. Among the signatories are some of Canada’s top economists, including current and past presidents of the Canadian Economics Association, and holders of Canada Research Chairs and the Order of Canada.
“Economists disagree on many things, but on what needs to be done about climate change there is considerable agreement,” explains Ross Finnie, one of the three authors of the letter and an Associate Professor in the Graduate School of Public and International Affairs at the University of Ottawa. “The signatories come from a wide range of political persuasions and will vote for different parties, but we all agree that effective policies for addressing climate change must be based on sound economic principles. Our goal is to help inform public debate on climate change at a time when people are really paying attention to this issue — during the federal election. Our hope is that whichever party forms the next government will act on these principles.”
“It’s remarkable how much agreement there is among economists on this key point — the best climate change policy is to put a price on carbon,” says Nancy Olewiler, another of the authors and director of SFU’s Public Policy Program. David Green, the third author and professor at UBC, adds “We also want people to be clear that all policies that alter carbon emissions will affect the prices they face — some more than others.”
Read more…
Vote for the environment, top scientists urge
Canadian Press
October 7, 2008 at 12:21 PM EDT
VANCOUVER More than 120 of Canada’s top climate scientists have signed an open letter urging Canadians to vote strategically for the environment in next week’s federal election.
Andrew Weaver, a lead author with last year’s Nobel Peace Prize-winning Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, says global warming is the defining issue of our time.
But Dr. Weaver says the Conservative government of Stephen Harper has not addressed the “innovative and urgent policies” needed to significantly reduce greenhouse-gas emissions.
The group’s John Stone says this is shaping up to be “the rare election in which the environment is the issue.”
Read more…
Great piece! Important message. I will make sure to forward it around!
That’s super. I shared it with a prof in Fine Art who just happened to be at a meeting today. She was very impressed!
The message is thought provoking and powerful. These messages that you have addressed are on our minds on a daily basis. We cannot understand why this is not the key election issue this year. The destruction of our environment affects all of us, but as thirteen year olds it has far more reaching consequences on us than the Prime Minister thinks and believes.
The art is amazing which helps get the message across much better than a two page essay.
Thanks to David Stevenson’s Grade 8 class for the great message and wonderful support! It is very touching for me to read your concerns — I too am mystified that the environment has not emerged as the dominant issue.
The irony is that the meltdown on Wall Street has caused a global panic. While the melting of the polar ice caps is largely ignored. But Mother Nature cannot be ‘regulated’ or ‘bailed out’. We must help Canadians to see that the economic consequences of global warming will be devastating — and that we must take action now.
But there is still hope. The race is changing daily — and I think there are many people who will vote for the environment and the economy on October 14th. They are inseparable.
Yesterday I heard Stephane Dion speak at the Canadian Club. He said that he hopes that every voter will look into a child’s eyes after casting their vote and think, “I voted for myself — but I also voted so that you will have a healthy greener future.”
Again, thanks to all of you for helping spread the word on the importance of the environment to YOU in this election!
I am puzzled by the Globe’s endorsement of Stephen Harper.
As an artist, an environmentalist, and a mother, I have three strikes against me in the eyes of the Harper Government.
As an artist, I am disrespected. Harper has sent me a strong message that the Arts are frivolous and elitist (despite the fact that the cultural sector contributed $46 billion to our GDP in 2007).
As an environmentalist, I am dismissed. Harper’s inaction on climate change is dangerous and derided around the world. At a time when we should be reducing our reliance on fossil fuels, Harper makes diesel fuel more affordable. The Tar Sands is Canada’s largest and fastest growing source of greenhouse gas pollution.
But as a mother, Harper has most dramatically and sadly let me down. He has steadfastly said that a pollution tax would wreak havoc on the economy. But if we don’t tax pollution who is going to pay to clean up the mess? It won’t be the oil industry because Harper is letting them have a free ride. It will be our children and grandchildren who will pay. That is wrong.
Stephen Harper does not represent my values and he does not have my best interests at heart. Does the Globe?
See my visual letter to Stephen Harper: “Dear Prime Minister, Why are making us choose between the economy and the environment?”
Franke James, MFA
You’ve outdone yourself! Wow! This may be your best yet!
Enjoy the Thanksgiving weekend!
Hi Franke
Absolutely loved it!
Your “Green Conscience” is a powerful and influential voice against environmental excesses, stupidities, and cowardice.
From a “Franke Reader Forever!”
I loved the visual essay. You put into pictures what I’ve been thinking. Why should we have to choose between the environment and the economy? We shouldn’t. If Harper wants my vote, he needs to be more responsible.
@frankejames you’ve done it again – excellent visual essay that could closely fit the US election perspectives as well
LaDonna Coy
We voted for the environment.
“One day after the federal election, it’s clear: Canadians voted for the environment. An overwhelming 62 percent of voters cast their ballots for parties that pledged to reduce greenhouse gases in Canada and combat global warming.
However, due to Canada’s unusual electoral system, the Conservative party has another minority in the next parliament.
It is now more important than ever for Sierra Club Canada to be a strong and effective voice for the millions of Canadians who voted for the environment by continuing to push the federal government to take serious action on issues like climate change, water, wild species and spaces, and environmental rights….”
[…] could be one of the clean energy leaders, but currently we lack the political will. (See my recent Dear Prime Minister essay to understand what we’re up against. The Conservatives won the recent election, despite […]
The Prime Minister is in DeNile about climate change, in order to support his oil buddy friends in Alberta. The tar sands are a terrible investment backed by the oil companies that want to keep oil on the market. I could do without the pollution and damage to the environment that oil production causes. Harper is a political patsy and nothing more. If he had any brains, courage or foresight he would be supporting green energy. In comparison President Obama who is more educated, smarter, and is on the right track when it comes to Green Energy. In the long run Obama’s plan will be the future, will produce jobs and a cleaner environment. Our Prime Minister is behind the times, and economically cleaning up the environment and strengthening the economy can be done together. I love this visual essay very much and I hope that Canada can boot out this dummy for someone who has evolved from their own political interests which does harm to the Canadian economy and the health of Canadians and get a Prime Minister that supports the people of Canada – instead of the Oil Companies.
[…] Dear Prime Minister… (2008) […]
[…] the truth about Canada’s footdragging on climate action. And having the audacity to advocate pollution taxes and tougher environmental policies on Alberta’s Tar Sands! (recommendations which are in line […]
The mix of ethics, science and art presented in your work is very interesting. It certainly helps in spreading the message that ecology and economy go hand in hand to build a prosperous society. Should you be around Montreal on Septembre 23rd, try to come to the Science & Policy Exchange 2011 ( – we will discuss environmental ethics in the biodiversity panel.
[…] […]
I am your newest, biggest fan…OMG i will show this to everyone I know. Your work is amazing!
Great photo essay for people running after the almighty $$ to get it before they fill up their gas tank.
Fat asses need to get off their car seats and on to the lean and mean bike seat to lose their fat ass, save some gas $$, environment and OHIP.
Are gas companies are getting a free ride? In reality, they are getting B$ in subsidies. Our taxes are used to violate Kyoto and damage the environment. HA! for apathetic Canadians!
What we need is PROGRESSIVE GAS TAX like we have progressive Income tax [It has been flattened by the conservative & Liberal governments for a while]. Why not?
Bigger cars consume & pollute more, cause road damage and fatal personal injuries and so should be taxed more. If smart car pays 10% gas tax, then let HUMMERS pay say 100% gas tax. Let progressive gas tax pay for badly needed public transit and bike lanes etc.
If you are serious email me at
Maybe someone can explain to me how Libertarians can align themselves with the Christian Right when this kind of thing happens. Harper belongs to a fundamentalist church – see, Statement of Faith #4. Statement of Faith #11 would explain why Harper is apathetic about the environment.
[…] blacklisted. That’s when I decided I better live up to my reputation and throw Fat Cat Canada and Dear Prime Minister into the mix – and show the full range of issues that I care about as a Canadian citizen. […]
[…] Dear Prime Minister, by Franke […]
All together we can protect the planet. People want the incentives to reduce pollution.
[…] as he used to be Minister of the Environment, coincidentally at the same time my now contentious Dear Prime Minister visual essay was published). “The Writers’ Union of Canada has an interest in ensuring the […]
[…] below are three canvases from Fat Cat Canada’s Giant Litter Box and my 2008 Dear Prime Minister essay. Who knew that asking for polluters to pay would get the Harper Government in such a fury?? […]
[…] you know this lady speaks against the Canadian Government?” The proof given was my Dear Prime Minister essay. The Cultural Officer went on to say that when a senior official Ottawa found out about my […]
[…] “Don’t you know this lady speaks against the Canadian Government?” The proof given was my Dear Prime Minister essay. The Cultural Officer went on to say that when a senior official Ottawa found out about my […]
[…] out the Prime Minister has thin skin. In one of her visual essays, Franke took him to task for Canada’s abysmal environmental record. He was not amused. An invitation to exhibit her work in Croatia was pulled, and she went from […]
[…] Take a look at her art and decide for yourself why the Canadian Government felt it had to “ban” this artist. […]
[…] Dear Prime Minister: Why are you making us choose between the economy and the environment? […]
[…] Loudsauce, in front of “Alice in Hell: The Dirtiest Oil on Earth” from Franke’s Dear Prime Minister visual […]
China did not spend $15 billion to clean up the environment. They used it to whitewash the skies during the Olympics just to trick people into thinking they are “clean.”
The Chinese did not do that out of concern for the environment. They just wanted to look good while the world was watching.
Putting that as an example of “green” seriously erodes the integrity of the message you are trying to send out.
[…] Franke James: Dear Prime Minister […]
[…] creating my stuff. I’d done “Whack the PM,” the online election game, and I’d written a letter to the prime minister, but I had no idea that they’d even noticed my work. So I was shocked to hear that they were […]
[…] the past few years, this is a great way to have several of the back-story essays (including “Dear Prime Minister,” “Fat Cat Canada” and “What Can One Person Do?”) as well as the […]
[…] out the Prime Minister has thin skin. In one of her visual essays, Franke took him to task for Canada’s abysmal environmental record. He was not amused. An invitation to exhibit her work in Croatia was pulled, and she went from […]
[…] […]
[…] James wrote about the attacks on her blog and depicted them in her artwork. She also wrote an illustrated letter to Harper berating him for not charging fossil fuel companies to emit greenhouse gases and pollute the […]