Visual Essays
I love my freedom to read whatever I want!
Megaphone Interview: “The fine art of shaking things up”
Join Me as We Pull Together to Defend Canada’s Air, Water and Land
Art that is not afraid to speak up: The Real Poop on Social Change
“Stephen Harper’s favourite ‘banned’ artist” returns to Victoria!
ART EVENT Oct 9: Franke James: The Real Poop on Social Change, The Dock, Victoria, BC
Wowee! Banned on the Hill Goes to Beijing!
BC Civil Liberties: Franke James wins 2014 Liberty Award for Excellence in the Arts
True-Life Story about Government Censorship and Dirty Oil wins Gold
Rock On! Teresa Power Walks for her Freedom
Franke James “Oh No Canada!” poster art at 50th Anniversary CCLA Gala Event May 3rd
My sister, Teresa’s story: Human Rights Should Be For Everybody
The Green Interview: From Conscience to Censorship, Silver Donald Cameron talks with Franke James
Look what these ‘Anybodies’ told Obama about the Keystone XL
How a ‘Somebody’ in DC got my ‘Anybody’ #NoKXL book for Obama
5 Canadian artists who rocked in 2013
‘Oh No Canada!’ Anti-Tar Sands Art Show in DC to Dec 23
What Bothers College Students Green Consciences?
Do Not Talk about Climate Change in Calgary, Alberta
“Oh No Canada!” Show Makes News in Washington, DC
‘Canada is The Dirty Old Man’ Poster in Washington, DC
TORONTO STAR: Franke James goes to Washington
4 Warning Signs that Free Expression is at Risk In Canada
Franke James speaks at Georgetown University in Washington, DC
“Banned on the Hill” Goes to Halifax!