Care2 Petition: Support Franke James and Free Speech
by Franke James
Care2 Letter and petition by Cathryn Wellner
You just can’t keep a good woman down, at least not permanently. Canadian artist Franke James was invited to tour Europe to inspire youth with her approach to climate change art. (See Harper Government Trying to Silence Canadian Artist.) In a move reminiscent of the quote often attributed (probably incorrectly) to Queen Victoria, the Canadian government was not amused.
With pressure heavy on her Croatian sponsor and embassies backing away as if she were contagious, Franke ended up canceling the tour. Anyone with less backbone might have quietly tucked her tail between her legs and slunk back to the studio.
Franke is made of sterner stuff. She has the kind of integrity and grit that are needed to fend off threats to democracy. So she has teamed up with LoudSauce to take her environmental message to Ottawa. Her canvas will be billboards and bus shelters in the nation’s capital.
As a new member of “The Harper Blacklisted Club,” she joins other artists and scientists [see Harper’s Humiliating Muzzle on Scientists] whose work has incurred the Conservative government’s displeasure. Fortunately, now there is another way to let the government know they are not the only ones displeased. We can sign the petition below and donate whatever we can to fund the billboard and bus-shelter messages.
Let’s help Franke James be the mosquito buzzing in the government’s ears.
How can you help? Here are a few ways:
- Sign the Care2 Free Speech Petition
- Make a pledge to support Franke’s Ottawa Billboard with LoudSauce.
- Or pledge for the Ottawa Billboard with any major credit card using PayPal
- Share this on Twitter, Facebook or Google Plus
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New @frankejames : Care2 Petition: Support Franke James and Free Speech: Tweet Care2 Letter and petition by Cath... (about 4905 days ago)
@tracy_seeley Thnx Tracy! Care2 is now aiming for 5000 signatures... gotta get the word out. (about 4905 days ago)
Care2 Petition: Please sign it and support Franke James and Free Speech (about 4901 days ago)