What’s Harper Afraid of? (Video)
by Franke James
See this story as an illustrated essay.
See this story as an illustrated essay.
The Green Party of Canada: Sign the Petition to Stop Bill C-38
Lead Now: Tell Finance Minister Jim Flaherty: Stop the Budget Bill from Selling Out Canada’s Natural Heritage and Economy
Dogwood Initiative: Sign the No Tankers Petition
Avaaz Petition: No Enbridge Tankers/Pipeline in BC Great Bear Rainforest!
Pacific Wild’s Action Tips: Writing Letters to Local and National Newspapers
Direct Link: Mail Your MP.
Animated Video Credits
“What’s Harper Afraid Of?” video © 2012 Franke James
Writing and illustration by Franke James
Animation and programming: Billiam James
Music composition and score: Jordan O’Connor
All Great Bear Rainforest photos © Ian McAllister, Pacific Wild
Tar Sands Mining Photo: © David Dodge, Pembina Institute
Photo: Suncor upgrader complex adjacent to Athabasca River © 2002 Chris Evans, Pembina Institute
Living Oceans Society for map, photos.
Member of Parliament “look up” API technology: How did they vote?
Transcript: Features quotes from Franke James’ March 3, 2012 interview with Joe Oliver, Federal Minister of Natural Resources.
For detailed credits and background research please see the illustrated essay.
Comment Policy: To be considered for publication, all comments must include the writer’s full name, address and telephone number for verification purposes. Please include your company affiliation if it is relevant. Only your name and the city/town where you live will be published. We reserve the right to edit comments for length. Comments which are abusive or factually incorrect will not be published.
235 Responses: 6 Comments and 229 Tweets
Twitter: 126 (Showing 229)
- Franke James @frankejames
My new animated video --> What's Harper Afraid of? #cdnpoli Music by Jordan O'Connor http://t.co/RNUVHT4D #c38 #tarsands #ngp(about 4641 days ago)
- Bill Hillier @billhillier
My new animated video --> What's Harper Afraid of? #cdnpoli Music by Jordan O'Connor http://t.co/RNUVHT4D #c38 #tarsands #ngp(about 4641 days ago)
- Scott @scott451
My new animated video --> What's Harper Afraid of? #cdnpoli Music by Jordan O'Connor http://t.co/RNUVHT4D #c38 #tarsands #ngp(about 4641 days ago)
- Robert Jensen @robertjensen2
My new animated video --> What's Harper Afraid of? #cdnpoli Music by Jordan O'Connor http://t.co/RNUVHT4D #c38 #tarsands #ngp(about 4641 days ago)
- Kate Wahl @katejwahl
@g_mclaugh @Michael_A_Scott you might enjoy this http://t.co/y6x0Meuh #BLACKOUTSPEAKOUT(about 4641 days ago)
- Laura Feeney @dalejr288
My new animated video --> What's Harper Afraid of? #cdnpoli Music by Jordan O'Connor http://t.co/RNUVHT4D #c38 #tarsands #ngp(about 4641 days ago)
- April Evans @aprile1959
My new animated video --> What's Harper Afraid of? #cdnpoli Music by Jordan O'Connor http://t.co/RNUVHT4D #c38 #tarsands #ngp(about 4641 days ago)
- Luke Mayba @lukemayba
My new animated video --> What's Harper Afraid of? #cdnpoli Music by Jordan O'Connor http://t.co/RNUVHT4D #c38 #tarsands #ngp(about 4641 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
@cynthiamaude TY for tweet on "What is Harper afraid of?" The animated video just launched. Let me know what you think! http://t.co/RNUVHT4D(about 4641 days ago)
- Lisa Horvat @lisahorvat
RT @frankejames: My new animated video --> What's Harper Afraid of? #cdnpoli Music by Jordan O'Connor http://t.co/0TiGCblj #c38 #tarsands(about 4641 days ago)
- Olena Russell @olenanina
My new animated video --> What's Harper Afraid of? #cdnpoli Music by Jordan O'Connor http://t.co/RNUVHT4D #c38 #tarsands #ngp(about 4641 days ago)
- Jeff Davidson @iamjeffdavidson
My new animated video --> What's Harper Afraid of? #cdnpoli Music by Jordan O'Connor http://t.co/RNUVHT4D #c38 #tarsands #ngp(about 4641 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
Feds suggest U.S. EPA could replace Canadian pollution team http://t.co/vJPjNgws #cdnpoli Mad? Send a letter to your MP http://t.co/RNUVHT4D(about 4641 days ago)
- Claudio Ghirardo @cghirardo
I thought this video was interesting and thought I would share it, http://t.co/0XZtHXNE(about 4641 days ago)
- KarenHanrahan @karenhanrahan
video @frankejames style urging canadiens to vote against Budget Bill-C38 http://t.co/cW6t8tm0(about 4641 days ago)
- rita wong @rrrwong
Feds suggest U.S. EPA could replace Canadian pollution team http://t.co/vJPjNgws #cdnpoli Mad? Send a letter to your MP http://t.co/RNUVHT4D(about 4641 days ago)
- ingrid drexler @ingriddecorator
Feds suggest U.S. EPA could replace Canadian pollution team http://t.co/vJPjNgws #cdnpoli Mad? Send a letter to your MP http://t.co/RNUVHT4D(about 4641 days ago)
- V. Jobson @softgrasswalker
Feds suggest U.S. EPA could replace Canadian pollution team http://t.co/vJPjNgws #cdnpoli Mad? Send a letter to your MP http://t.co/RNUVHT4D(about 4641 days ago)
- karl knox @knoxkp
The animated video version of Franke James' "What's Harper Afraid Of?" http://t.co/unmkfOzK #transparency #accountability #cdnpoli(about 4641 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
@arbitraryword Thnx! Here's the post with the MP letter built in: http://t.co/RNUVHT4D(about 4641 days ago)
- BSantos @arbitraryword
Care what happens in Canada? Fight #tarsand, sign #petition: RT @frankejames The post with MP letter built in: http://t.co/gMUNrsUd #350ppm(about 4641 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
TY! mt @arbitraryword Care what happens in Canada? Fight #tarsand, sign #petition: The post with MP letter... http://t.co/RNUVHT4D #350ppm(about 4641 days ago)
- Cat West @catawu
The animated video version of Franke James' "What's Harper Afraid Of?" http://t.co/unmkfOzK #transparency #accountability #cdnpoli(about 4641 days ago)
- pencanada @pencanada
Worried about the environmental impact of Bill-C38? So is @frankejames, read her animated letter to the PM here: http://t.co/csdaMibF(about 4641 days ago)
- Kimberly Gerson @kimberly_gerson
Worried about the environmental impact of Bill-C38? So is @frankejames, read her animated letter to the PM here: http://t.co/csdaMibF(about 4641 days ago)
- Renee Saviour @rensaviour
Worried about the environmental impact of Bill-C38? So is @frankejames, read her animated letter to the PM here: http://t.co/csdaMibF(about 4641 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
TY! mt @PENCanada Worried about environmental impact of Bill-C38? So is @frankejames, see her animated letter to the PM http://t.co/hWWR5spJ(about 4641 days ago)
- Penny Mills @pennyvane10
TY! mt @PENCanada Worried about environmental impact of Bill-C38? So is @frankejames, see her animated letter to the PM http://t.co/hWWR5spJ(about 4641 days ago)
- Mrs.N.M.H @truthlives4ever
TY! mt @PENCanada Worried about environmental impact of Bill-C38? So is @frankejames, see her animated letter to the PM http://t.co/hWWR5spJ(about 4641 days ago)
- Another Solar Mama @solarmaandpa
TY! mt @PENCanada Worried about environmental impact of Bill-C38? So is @frankejames, see her animated letter to the PM http://t.co/hWWR5spJ(about 4641 days ago)
- Joanne Haskins @joeditweet
Worried about the environmental impact of Bill-C38? So is @frankejames, read her animated letter to the PM here: http://t.co/csdaMibF(about 4641 days ago)
- Writers\' Coalition @writerinsurance
Worried about the environmental impact of Bill-C38? So is @frankejames, read her animated letter to the PM here: http://t.co/csdaMibF(about 4641 days ago)
- Franko_Forward @franko_forward
TY! mt @PENCanada Worried about environmental impact of Bill-C38? So is @frankejames, see her animated letter to the PM http://t.co/hWWR5spJ(about 4641 days ago)
- Bear_Code @webwildink
Great Video...Must see... http://t.co/zQjh4Qti(about 4641 days ago)
- Bear_Code @webwildink
What’s Harper Afraid of? [animated video] http://t.co/zQjh4Qti(about 4641 days ago)
- Bear_Code @webwildink
What’s Harper Afraid of? [animated video] http://t.co/zQjh4Qti...(about 4641 days ago)
- P.R. @plrstweet
Great Video...Must see... http://t.co/zQjh4Qti(about 4641 days ago)
- Louis @h2lou
What’s Harper Afraid of? [animated video] http://t.co/zQjh4Qti...(about 4641 days ago)
- Jools Andres @bluemoonpublish
What is Harper afraid of? Another gem from @frankejames http://t.co/Olq7c3jS(about 4640 days ago)
- WindShare @windshare
New @frankejames : What’s Harper Afraid of? [animated video]: Tweet See this story as an illustrated essay. TAKE... http://t.co/r9IuE7LY(about 4640 days ago)
- Larry Oliver @tweetingdonal
MT @frankejames: My new animated video> What's Harper Afraid of? #cdnpoli Music by Jordan O'Connor http://t.co/rakiiZ1p #c38 #tarsands #ngp(about 4640 days ago)
- Bill Hillier @billhillier
MT @frankejames: My new animated video> What's Harper Afraid of? #cdnpoli Music by Jordan O'Connor http://t.co/rakiiZ1p #c38 #tarsands #ngp(about 4640 days ago)
- Rouge Menace @rougemenace
Brilliant work of @frankejames: What is #PMHarper afraid of? #Canada #environment #ClimateChange #canpoli #tarsands http://t.co/kkHl8k0Q(about 4640 days ago)
- Bear_Code @webwildink
What's Harper afraid of?? http://t.co/zQjh4Qti(about 4640 days ago)
- James M. @j34baller
What's Harper afraid of?? http://t.co/zQjh4Qti(about 4640 days ago)
- Bear_Code @webwildink
@Johnnyjesus What's Harper afraid of?? http://t.co/zQjh4Qti(about 4640 days ago)
- Bear_Code @webwildink
@SheilaGunnReid What's Harper afraid of?? http://t.co/zQjh4Qti(about 4640 days ago)
- Bear_Code @webwildink
What's Harper afraid of?? http://t.co/zQjh4Qti,,,(about 4640 days ago)
- Bear_Code @webwildink
@MMFlint What's Harper afraid of?? http://t.co/zQjh4Qti(about 4640 days ago)
- Louis @h2lou
@MMFlint What's Harper afraid of?? http://t.co/zQjh4Qti(about 4640 days ago)
- Seldom Seen @seldomsmith
RT "@webwildink: What's Harper afraid of?? http://t.co/cEOv5cmA"(about 4640 days ago)
- Bear_Code @webwildink
What’s Harper Afraid of? [animated video] http://t.co/zQjh4Qti(about 4640 days ago)
- AReasonableGal @areasonablegal
What’s Harper Afraid of? [animated video] http://t.co/zQjh4Qti(about 4640 days ago)
- Bear_Code @webwildink
What’s Harper Afraid of? [animated video] http://t.co/zQjh4Qti(about 4639 days ago)
- Robert Jensen @robertjensen2
What is #Harper afraid of? @frankejames' video is great http://t.co/Jcfa50XL(about 4639 days ago)
- Nickie @muskokamoneybag
What is #Harper afraid of? @frankejames' video is great http://t.co/Jcfa50XL(about 4639 days ago)
- ntozubod @ntozubod
What is #Harper afraid of? @frankejames' video is great http://t.co/Jcfa50XL(about 4639 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
@RayBeckerman @dougsymington TY! I updated it. "What is Harper Afraid Of?" http://t.co/RNUVHT4D #cdnpoli(about 4639 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
@RobertJensen2 Thnx! I updated it. What is #Harper afraid of? http://t.co/RNUVHT4D #cdnpoli(about 4639 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
TY! Over 5,000 letters sent to MPs! @katrinashannon @ZdenekNiederle @StephenLeahy "What is Harper Afraid Of?" http://t.co/RNUVHT4D #cdnpoli(about 4639 days ago)
- Danno @___danno
TY! Over 5,000 letters sent to MPs! @katrinashannon @ZdenekNiederle @StephenLeahy "What is Harper Afraid Of?" http://t.co/RNUVHT4D #cdnpoli(about 4639 days ago)
- Seedy Roads @seedyroads
TY! Over 5,000 letters sent to MPs! @katrinashannon @ZdenekNiederle @StephenLeahy "What is Harper Afraid Of?" http://t.co/RNUVHT4D #cdnpoli(about 4639 days ago)
- Robert Jensen @robertjensen2
TY! Over 5,000 letters sent to MPs! @katrinashannon @ZdenekNiederle @StephenLeahy "What is Harper Afraid Of?" http://t.co/RNUVHT4D #cdnpoli(about 4639 days ago)
- Judgement Daye @dangerousfrank
TY! Over 5,000 letters sent to MPs! @katrinashannon @ZdenekNiederle @StephenLeahy "What is Harper Afraid Of?" http://t.co/RNUVHT4D #cdnpoli(about 4639 days ago)
- RayBeckerman @raybeckerman
RT @frankejames updated it. "What is Harper Afraid Of?" http://t.co/dunmp1rz #cdnpoli(about 4639 days ago)
- Robert Phillips @caperspark
TY! Over 5,000 letters sent to MPs! @katrinashannon @ZdenekNiederle @StephenLeahy "What is Harper Afraid Of?" http://t.co/RNUVHT4D #cdnpoli(about 4639 days ago)
- Action Alert @action_alert
"What is Harper Afraid Of?" http://t.co/sHg5Lr22 #cdnpoli(about 4639 days ago)
- Talisman Belgraves @belgraves
RT @frankejames updated it. "What is Harper Afraid Of?" http://t.co/dunmp1rz #cdnpoli(about 4639 days ago)
- Anti Corruption @samadino
What's Harper Afraid of? [animated video] #cdnpoli http://t.co/UcY0bt3L via @FrankeJames(about 4639 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
@our_budget @TheTyee TY! I just updated my animated vid "What's Harper afraid of?" http://t.co/RNUVHT4D Over 5,000 people have sent letters!(about 4639 days ago)
- RayBeckerman @raybeckerman
"What is Harper Afraid Of?" http://t.co/bhFv40B6 #cdnpoli(about 4639 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
@ElisabethJane @damienclarkson TY!! Any leads on UK sites who may be interested in running my video? http://t.co/RNUVHT4D Or the essay. #FQD(about 4638 days ago)
- Damien Clarkson @damienclarkson
@dothegreenthing have you seen this video by @frankejames on Tar Sands. I think it is great. http://t.co/SzJX6UE1(about 4638 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
TYVM! rt @damienclarkson @dothegreenthing have you seen this video by @frankejames on #TarSands. I think it is great. http://t.co/RNUVHT4D(about 4638 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
@greenpeaceusa What's Harper afraid of? http://t.co/RNUVHT4D Over 5,300 letters sent to MPs and climbing. #notankers #oilspill(about 4638 days ago)
- Norma G @nojgr
What\'s Harper Afraid of? [animated video] #cdnpoli http://t.co/sewz6r2d via @FrankeJames(about 4638 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
Woohoo! Over 5,452 letters sent to MPs! RT @nojgr What's Harper Afraid of? [animated video] #cdnpoli http://t.co/RNUVHT4D #ngp #oilspill(about 4638 days ago)
- Bear_Code @webwildink
Woohoo! Over 5,452 letters sent to MPs! RT @nojgr What's Harper Afraid of? [animated video] #cdnpoli http://t.co/RNUVHT4D #ngp #oilspill(about 4638 days ago)
- Christine Cameron @life_lite
Woohoo! Over 5,452 letters sent to MPs! RT @nojgr What's Harper Afraid of? [animated video] #cdnpoli http://t.co/RNUVHT4D #ngp #oilspill(about 4638 days ago)
- P.R. @plrstweet
Woohoo! Over 5,452 letters sent to MPs! RT @nojgr What's Harper Afraid of? [animated video] #cdnpoli http://t.co/RNUVHT4D #ngp #oilspill(about 4638 days ago)
- Franko_Forward @franko_forward
Woohoo! Over 5,452 letters sent to MPs! RT @nojgr What's Harper Afraid of? [animated video] #cdnpoli http://t.co/RNUVHT4D #ngp #oilspill(about 4638 days ago)
- PD Iachetti @pdiachetti
Woohoo! Over 5,452 letters sent to MPs! RT @nojgr What's Harper Afraid of? [animated video] #cdnpoli http://t.co/RNUVHT4D #ngp #oilspill(about 4638 days ago)
- Carolyn Bennett @carolyn_bennett
Woohoo! Over 5,452 letters sent to MPs! RT @nojgr What's Harper Afraid of? [animated video] #cdnpoli http://t.co/RNUVHT4D #ngp #oilspill(about 4638 days ago)
- Michelle Matthews @tymlee
Woohoo! Over 5,452 letters sent to MPs! RT @nojgr What's Harper Afraid of? [animated video] #cdnpoli http://t.co/RNUVHT4D #ngp #oilspill(about 4638 days ago)
- Sue McGregor-Hunter @ptbogreenvoice
Woohoo! Over 5,452 letters sent to MPs! RT @nojgr What's Harper Afraid of? [animated video] #cdnpoli http://t.co/RNUVHT4D #ngp #oilspill(about 4638 days ago)
- bev mcintosh-johnson @bevmcintoshjohn
What's Harper Afraid of? [animated video] #cdnpoli http://t.co/9KyMnEJc via @FrankeJames(about 4638 days ago)
- CdnCrone @canadiancrone
@MMFlint What's Harper afraid of?? http://t.co/zQjh4Qti(about 4638 days ago)
- ʎpɐן uɐıpɐuɐɔ @thevillagegreen
What's Harper Afraid of? [animated video] #cdnpoli http://t.co/IYXHedJK via @FrankeJames <++ TY 4 doing such a gr8 job!(about 4637 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
.@thevillagegreen TY for sharing the vid "What's Harper Afraid of?" http://t.co/RNUVHT4D #cdnpoli We're almost at 6,000 letters sent to MPs!(about 4637 days ago)
- jimbobbysez @jimbobbysez
My new animated video --> What's Harper Afraid of? #cdnpoli Music by Jordan O'Connor http://t.co/RNUVHT4D #c38 #tarsands #ngp(about 4637 days ago)
- Bear_Code @webwildink
My new animated video --> What's Harper Afraid of? #cdnpoli Music by Jordan O'Connor http://t.co/RNUVHT4D #c38 #tarsands #ngp(about 4637 days ago)
- Julie @juicexlx
My new animated video --> What's Harper Afraid of? #cdnpoli Music by Jordan O'Connor http://t.co/RNUVHT4D #c38 #tarsands #ngp(about 4637 days ago)
- CdnCrone @canadiancrone
My new animated video --> What's Harper Afraid of? #cdnpoli Music by Jordan O'Connor http://t.co/RNUVHT4D #c38 #tarsands #ngp(about 4637 days ago)
- Laura Lamond @lemonadebylaura
.@thevillagegreen TY for sharing the vid "What's Harper Afraid of?" http://t.co/RNUVHT4D #cdnpoli We're almost at 6,000 letters sent to MPs!(about 4637 days ago)
- Fran @saffronfran
My new animated video --> What's Harper Afraid of? #cdnpoli Music by Jordan O'Connor http://t.co/RNUVHT4D #c38 #tarsands #ngp(about 4637 days ago)
- Su @urban_su
My new animated video --> What's Harper Afraid of? #cdnpoli Music by Jordan O'Connor http://t.co/RNUVHT4D #c38 #tarsands #ngp(about 4637 days ago)
- V. Jobson @softgrasswalker
My new animated video --> What's Harper Afraid of? #cdnpoli Music by Jordan O'Connor http://t.co/RNUVHT4D #c38 #tarsands #ngp(about 4637 days ago)
- Pipe Up Network @pipeupnetwork
Montreal Gazette: “Toronto artist Franke James delivers a fun read on climate change” » What’s Harper Afraid of? video http://t.co/T8LpWqBQ(about 4637 days ago)
- WillAnon @b0rkedpsyche
What's Harper Afraid of? [animated video] #cdnpoli http://t.co/SEEXiq9B via @FrankeJames(about 4637 days ago)
- Dani B @uthanized_dream
http://www.frankejames.com/debate/?p=12247(about 4637 days ago)
- MINT FESTIVAL 2013 @mintfilmfest
What's Harper Afraid of? [animated video] #cdnpoli http://t.co/ZSt1FuSW via @FrankeJames(about 4637 days ago)
- MichelesWebDesign @michelesweb
What's Harper Afraid of? [animated video] #cdnpoli http://t.co/ZSt1FuSW via @FrankeJames(about 4637 days ago)
- Rebecca Baxter @rebeccabax
What's Harper Afraid of? [animated video] #cdnpoli http://t.co/txMUY73k via @FrankeJames(about 4636 days ago)
- Christopher Mackay @cbmackay
What's Harper Afraid of? [animated video] #cdnpoli http://t.co/txMUY73k via @FrankeJames(about 4636 days ago)
- Ian Stephen @ianstephen1
What's Harper Afraid of? [animated video] #cdnpoli http://t.co/5M5nHmbe via @FrankeJames(about 4636 days ago)
- Fraser Valley Greens @fvgreens
What's Harper Afraid of? [animated video] #cdnpoli http://t.co/fGo3an9t via @FrankeJames(about 4636 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
What's Harper Afraid of? [animated video] #cdnpoli http://t.co/fGo3an9t via @FrankeJames(about 4636 days ago)
- Reverend Blair @reverendblair
What's Harper Afraid of? [animated video] #cdnpoli http://t.co/fGo3an9t via @FrankeJames(about 4636 days ago)
- Beth @nsvalley
What's Harper Afraid of? [animated video] #cdnpoli http://t.co/D3aeeEbR via @FrankeJames(about 4636 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
TY! We're over 6,000 letters now to MPs! rt @NSValley What's Harper Afraid of? [animated video] #cdnpoli http://t.co/RNUVHT4D(about 4636 days ago)
- Jeremy Leroux @bcwolf303
What's Harper Afraid of? [animated video] #cdnpoli http://t.co/B4sWJs9e via @FrankeJames watch and let your voice be heard(about 4636 days ago)
- Sabrina Ali @thewitchofbliss
Witty & artistic campaign against oil tanker/pipelines. I sent my letter. http://t.co/IxDlLKjW(about 4635 days ago)
- Louise Peacock @fathappyandblue
What's Harper Afraid of? [animated video] #cdnpoli http://t.co/Y4YntQF8 via @FrankeJames #tarsands #environment #health(about 4635 days ago)
- Bill Hillier @billhillier
What's Harper Afraid of? [animated video] #cdnpoli http://t.co/Y4YntQF8 via @FrankeJames #tarsands #environment #health(about 4635 days ago)
- Teresa Medeiros @salvagedearth
What's Harper Afraid of? [animated video] #cdnpoli http://t.co/dsecpB3h via @FrankeJames(about 4635 days ago)
- Save ELA @savetheela
Franke James » What’s Harper Afraid of? [animated video] http://t.co/kkjKjFQj(about 4634 days ago)
- Jacqueline Milner @iimagemaker
Suggestion: Sit down with your children, have a look at this short 7 minute video, then..........ask them "what do you…http://t.co/WKDoH46p(about 4634 days ago)
- Cindy Olsen @cindyolsenndp
With Bill C-38 being pushed through now this is really important to follow through on TODAY! http://t.co/8WhNLf12(about 4634 days ago)
- Florbela @flo_bela
WATCH THIS! Clever Animation on TRUE FACTS What's Harper Afraid of? #ethicaloil #video #cdnpoli #notankers @FrankeJames http://t.co/W8U2lXS7(about 4633 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
TYVM! mt @flo_bela WATCH THIS! Clever Animation on TRUE FACTS What's Harper Afraid of? #ethicaloil #cdnpoli #notankers http://t.co/nurwVjbc(about 4633 days ago)
- Brandon Laraby @bclaraby
TYVM! mt @flo_bela WATCH THIS! Clever Animation on TRUE FACTS What's Harper Afraid of? #ethicaloil #cdnpoli #notankers http://t.co/nurwVjbc(about 4633 days ago)
- Gerri Schmidt @gerrischmidt1
TYVM! mt @flo_bela WATCH THIS! Clever Animation on TRUE FACTS What's Harper Afraid of? #ethicaloil #cdnpoli #notankers http://t.co/nurwVjbc(about 4633 days ago)
- Schnee Wolfe @old_schneewolfe
TYVM! mt @flo_bela WATCH THIS! Clever Animation on TRUE FACTS What's Harper Afraid of? #ethicaloil #cdnpoli #notankers http://t.co/nurwVjbc(about 4633 days ago)
- Natalie @na_tay_tay
What's Harper Afraid of? [animated video] #cdnpoli http://t.co/VtBpHlTb via @FrankeJames(about 4632 days ago)
- Natalie Kim @natomika
What's Harper Afraid of? [animated video] #cdnpoli http://t.co/aiNMoQbX via @FrankeJames(about 4632 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
What do you think Harper is afraid of? mt @natomika What's Harper Afraid of? [video] #cdnpoli http://t.co/RNUVHT4D #cdnpoli(about 4631 days ago)
- Bear_Code @webwildink
What do you think Harper is afraid of? mt @natomika What's Harper Afraid of? [video] #cdnpoli http://t.co/RNUVHT4D #cdnpoli(about 4631 days ago)
- Su @urban_su
What do you think Harper is afraid of? mt @natomika What's Harper Afraid of? [video] #cdnpoli http://t.co/RNUVHT4D #cdnpoli(about 4631 days ago)
- Cheryl Burr @findantruth
What do you think Harper is afraid of? mt @natomika What's Harper Afraid of? [video] #cdnpoli http://t.co/RNUVHT4D #cdnpoli(about 4631 days ago)
- dear pm @dearpm
@pmharper “Don’t you know this lady speaks against the Canadian government?"#cdnpoli http://t.co/rdGagBCf via @FrankeJames(about 4631 days ago)
- Stephanie Merrill @stephemerrill
This video got the artist @FrankeJames on a list of Foreign Affairs Hot Issues: What's Harper Afraid of? #cdnpoli #C38 http://t.co/wboozZK2(about 4631 days ago)
- A Goode @aegoode11
This video got the artist @FrankeJames on a list of Foreign Affairs Hot Issues: What's Harper Afraid of? #cdnpoli #C38 http://t.co/wboozZK2(about 4631 days ago)
- R. P. @joyfulsceptic
This video got the artist @FrankeJames on a list of Foreign Affairs Hot Issues: What's Harper Afraid of? #cdnpoli #C38 http://t.co/wboozZK2(about 4631 days ago)
- Michael Anthony @mike_eh_52
'@damienclarkson '@dothegreenthing have you seen this video by '@frankejames on #TarSands. I think it is great.\nhttp://t.co/0DUEfQWL(about 4628 days ago)
- Daniel Boughen @daniel_boughen
Franke James » What’s Harper Afraid of? [animated video] http://t.co/JNCLrNX8(about 4628 days ago)
- Daniel Boughen @daniel_boughen
What's Harper Afraid of? [animated video] #cdnpoli http://t.co/jImUMECq via @FrankeJames(about 4628 days ago)
- Daniel Boughen @daniel_boughen
Franke James » What’s Harper Afraid of? [animated video] http://t.co/LnlJppz6(about 4628 days ago)
- jimbobbysez @jimbobbysez
What's Harper Afraid of? [animated video] #cdnpoli http://t.co/jImUMECq via @FrankeJames(about 4628 days ago)
- Brandon Laraby @bclaraby
What's Harper Afraid of? [animated video] #cdnpoli http://t.co/jImUMECq via @FrankeJames(about 4628 days ago)
- Danno @___danno
Bravo Franke James! Bravo! RT @daniel_boughen: What's Harper Afraid of? [animated video] #cdnpoli http://t.co/6RZCJrL4 via @FrankeJames(about 4628 days ago)
- Pearce @pearceman
Bravo Franke James! Bravo! RT @daniel_boughen: What's Harper Afraid of? [animated video] #cdnpoli http://t.co/6RZCJrL4 via @FrankeJames(about 4628 days ago)
- Danno @___danno
@evansolomon You should view Franke James' video "What's Harper Afraid of?" It exposes Harper's hypocrisy http://t.co/bKIk8zNR #PnP #cdnpoli(about 4628 days ago)
- P.A.C.E - Al Graham @pace_ag
@evansolomon You should view Franke James' video "What's Harper Afraid of?" It exposes Harper's hypocrisy http://t.co/bKIk8zNR #PnP #cdnpoli(about 4628 days ago)
- Chris Greer @cwgreer
Great vid! Check it out: What's Harper Afraid of? #cdnpoli http://t.co/A2aGWAM5 via @FrankeJames Thanks for sharing @___Danno(about 4628 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
@daniel_boughen Thnx for sharing What's Harper Afraid of? http://t.co/RNUVHT4D #cdnpoli(about 4628 days ago)
- GBR Youth Paddle @gbryouthpaddle
http://t.co/7KGgRNwW http://t.co/oLPNpXny(about 4627 days ago)
- Ryan Clark @__ryanclark
What's Harper Afraid of? [animated video] #cdnpoli http://t.co/jImUMECq via @FrankeJames(about 4627 days ago)
- Bear_Code @webwildink
What\'s Harper Afraid of? [animated video] #cdnpoli http://t.co/zQjh4Qti via @FrankeJames(about 4627 days ago)
- Melaney G Lyall @melaneyglyall
What's Harper Afraid of? [animated video] #cdnpoli http://t.co/gs0ovH4G via @FrankeJames\nBC #NoTankers(about 4626 days ago)
- Bear_Code @webwildink
What\'s Harper Afraid of? [animated video] #cdnpoli http://t.co/zQjh4Qti via @FrankeJames(about 4626 days ago)
- Bear_Code @webwildink
What's Harper Afraid of? [animated video] #cdnpoli http://t.co/zQjh4Qti via @FrankeJames....(about 4626 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
TY @webwildink Six Thousand Eight Hundred Forty-Eight 'What's Harper Afraid Of?' letters sent to Harper & MPs! http://t.co/RNUVHT4D #cdnpoli(about 4626 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
TY @somecanuckchick Six Thousand Eight Hundred Forty-Eight 'What's Harper Afraid Of?' letters to Harper & MPs! http://t.co/RNUVHT4D #cdnpoli(about 4626 days ago)
- Graham Chivers @deepgreendesign
TY @webwildink Six Thousand Eight Hundred Forty-Eight 'What's Harper Afraid Of?' letters sent to Harper & MPs! http://t.co/RNUVHT4D #cdnpoli(about 4626 days ago)
- Alice Schipper @alice_schipp
TY @webwildink Six Thousand Eight Hundred Forty-Eight 'What's Harper Afraid Of?' letters sent to Harper & MPs! http://t.co/RNUVHT4D #cdnpoli(about 4626 days ago)
- Kay Vee @kayvee1000
TY @webwildink Six Thousand Eight Hundred Forty-Eight 'What's Harper Afraid Of?' letters sent to Harper & MPs! http://t.co/RNUVHT4D #cdnpoli(about 4626 days ago)
- Bear_Code @webwildink
TY @webwildink Six Thousand Eight Hundred Forty-Eight 'What's Harper Afraid Of?' letters sent to Harper & MPs! http://t.co/RNUVHT4D #cdnpoli(about 4626 days ago)
- Norma G @nojgr
What's Harper Afraid of? [animated video] #cdnpoli http://t.co/sewz6r2d via @FrankeJames(about 4626 days ago)
- Oemissions @oemissions
TY @webwildink Six Thousand Eight Hundred Forty-Eight 'What's Harper Afraid Of?' letters sent to Harper & MPs! http://t.co/RNUVHT4D #cdnpoli(about 4626 days ago)
- Bear_Code @webwildink
What\'s Harper Afraid of? [animated video] #cdnpoli http://t.co/zQjh4Qti via @FrankeJames(about 4626 days ago)
- Louis @h2lou
What's Harper Afraid of? [animated video] #cdnpoli http://t.co/zQjh4Qti via @FrankeJames(about 4626 days ago)
- Bear_Code @webwildink
What's Harper Afraid of? [animated video] #cdnpoli http://t.co/zQjh4Qti via @FrankeJames(about 4626 days ago)
- James M. @j34baller
What's Harper Afraid of? [animated video] #cdnpoli http://t.co/zQjh4Qti via @FrankeJames(about 4626 days ago)
- Bear_Code @webwildink
What's Harper Afraid of? [animated video] #cdnpoli http://t.co/zQjh4Qti via @FrankeJames,,,,(about 4626 days ago)
- Louis @h2lou
What's Harper Afraid of? [animated video] #cdnpoli http://t.co/zQjh4Qti via @FrankeJames,,,,(about 4626 days ago)
- Judyth Mermelstein @gadflyquebec
RT @webwildink What's Harper Afraid of? [animated video] #cdnpoli http://t.co/2bWHNLbs via @FrankeJames,,,, #tellVicEverything(about 4626 days ago)
- Shannon M Houle @smhoule
What's Harper Afraid of? [animated video] #cdnpoli http://t.co/YkG0JMls via @FrankeJames(about 4626 days ago)
- clicks n' whistles @oceancries
In case you missed it the first, second, third...time http://t.co/orL3rbPh Canadian residents - get on this & write your letter; so easy!(about 4625 days ago)
- Bear_Code @webwildink
What’s Harper Afraid of? [animated video] http://t.co/FNJNY13k(about 4623 days ago)
- Marian Locksley @lynnibinny
What’s Harper Afraid of? [animated video] http://t.co/FNJNY13k(about 4623 days ago)
- Penny Mills @pennyvane10
TY @webwildink Six Thousand Eight Hundred Forty-Eight 'What's Harper Afraid Of?' letters sent to Harper & MPs! http://t.co/RNUVHT4D #cdnpoli(about 4622 days ago)
- CdnCrone @canadiancrone
TY @webwildink Six Thousand Eight Hundred Forty-Eight 'What's Harper Afraid Of?' letters sent to Harper & MPs! http://t.co/RNUVHT4D #cdnpoli(about 4622 days ago)
- Bear_Code @webwildink
What’s Harper Afraid of? [animated video]: http://t.co/uD3JSDFa #FrankeJames(about 4622 days ago)
- Rachael @rachaelage
What's Harper Afraid of? [animated video] #cdnpoli http://t.co/N75a8aRG via @FrankeJames(about 4620 days ago)
- Generation Alpha @generationalpha
Check this out, especially if you are North American. http://t.co/eQ6hPing(about 4620 days ago)
- Louise P Reynolds @louisereynolds4
What's Harper Afraid of? [animated video] #cdnpoli http://t.co/YIg9THas via @FrankeJames(about 4620 days ago)
- Debs @debsf319
What's Harper Afraid of? [animated video] #cdnpoli http://t.co/BWgUvgtx via @FrankeJames(about 4619 days ago)
- clicks n' whistles @oceancries
@MeganLeslieMP I'm sure you've seen @frankejames' great visual essay on Harper's fears. http://t.co/orL3rbPh Yes, a national protest!!!!!!!(about 4618 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
TY @FinDonnelly for the DM. About 30 people have sent you letters from my Harper story. http://t.co/RNUVHT4D #pipeline #tarsands #cdnpoli(about 4617 days ago)
- Valerie Hearder @africanthreads
What's Harper Afraid of? [animated video] #cdnpoli http://t.co/uKTY3usZ via @FrankeJames(about 4617 days ago)
- Jordan @geonerd27
amazing video! What's Harper Afraid of? [animated video] #cdnpoli http://t.co/MhEd9PHB via @FrankeJames(about 4617 days ago)
- boiler rat @boilerrat
amazing video! What's Harper Afraid of? [animated video] #cdnpoli http://t.co/MhEd9PHB via @FrankeJames(about 4617 days ago)
- linda montgomery @lindamontgomeri
What's Harper Afraid of? [animated video] #cdnpoli http://t.co/81ea3uEp via @FrankeJames(about 4617 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
Glad we're following each other! mt @geonerd27 amazing video! What's Harper Afraid of? [animated] #cdnpoli http://t.co/RNUVHT4D #tarsands(about 4616 days ago)
- Mark McCaw @bigpicguy
Glad we're following each other! mt @geonerd27 amazing video! What's Harper Afraid of? [animated] #cdnpoli http://t.co/RNUVHT4D #tarsands(about 4616 days ago)
- Jordan @geonerd27
Glad we're following each other! mt @geonerd27 amazing video! What's Harper Afraid of? [animated] #cdnpoli http://t.co/RNUVHT4D #tarsands(about 4616 days ago)
- Ugottabekiddin(Kim) @ugottabekiddin
Great video > http://t.co/yluZ57dx #cdnpoli(about 4616 days ago)
- Anti Corruption @samadino
What's Harper Afraid of? [animated video] #cdnpoli He is afraid of us the 99% We r powerful wr Canada http://t.co/UcY0bt3L via @FrankeJames(about 4616 days ago)
- Anti Corruption @samadino
Great video > http://t.co/yluZ57dx #cdnpoli(about 4616 days ago)
- Louis @h2lou
What's Harper Afraid of? [animated video] #cdnpoli He is afraid of us the 99% We r powerful wr Canada http://t.co/UcY0bt3L via @FrankeJames(about 4616 days ago)
- Louis @h2lou
Great video > http://t.co/yluZ57dx #cdnpoli(about 4616 days ago)
- Gerri Schmidt @gerrischmidt1
Glad we're following each other! mt @geonerd27 amazing video! What's Harper Afraid of? [animated] #cdnpoli http://t.co/RNUVHT4D #tarsands(about 4616 days ago)
- GeoWatchNet @geowatchnet
amazing video! What's Harper Afraid of? [animated video] #cdnpoli http://t.co/MhEd9PHB via @FrankeJames(about 4616 days ago)
- Carreh Rouge @swissguy5
Glad we're following each other! mt @geonerd27 amazing video! What's Harper Afraid of? [animated] #cdnpoli http://t.co/RNUVHT4D #tarsands(about 4616 days ago)
- Carreh Rouge @swissguy5
I signed this letter and I'd like you to as well: http://t.co/NnFmRSpg #gpc #environmental #tarsands #cdnpoli(about 4616 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
Happy Canada Day! 7,154 'What Is Harper Afraid Of?' letters sent to PM Harper and MPs; July 1, 2012 http://t.co/RNUVHT4D #cdnpoli(about 4615 days ago)
- Mark McCaw @bigpicguy
Happy Canada Day! 7,154 'What Is Harper Afraid Of?' letters sent to PM Harper and MPs; July 1, 2012 http://t.co/RNUVHT4D #cdnpoli(about 4615 days ago)
- First Power SunDrum @first_power
Happy Canada Day! 7,154 'What Is Harper Afraid Of?' letters sent to PM Harper and MPs; July 1, 2012 http://t.co/RNUVHT4D #cdnpoli(about 4615 days ago)
- Louis @h2lou
Happy Canada Day! 7,154 'What Is Harper Afraid Of?' letters sent to PM Harper and MPs; July 1, 2012 http://t.co/RNUVHT4D #cdnpoli(about 4615 days ago)
- Gerri Schmidt @gerrischmidt1
Happy Canada Day! 7,154 'What Is Harper Afraid Of?' letters sent to PM Harper and MPs; July 1, 2012 http://t.co/RNUVHT4D #cdnpoli(about 4615 days ago)
- Game Over @vansopinion8ted
Happy Canada Day! 7,154 'What Is Harper Afraid Of?' letters sent to PM Harper and MPs; July 1, 2012 http://t.co/RNUVHT4D #cdnpoli(about 4615 days ago)
- CK as in Chris K @solsticecat
What's Harper Afraid of? [animated video] #cdnpoli http://t.co/dnEnS7EA via @FrankeJames(about 4615 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
@canimbill Here's the direct link to 'What is Harper afraid of?' http://t.co/RNUVHT4D(about 4614 days ago)
- Melanie @singmelanie
Seriously. Everyone should watch this. MT 'What is Harper afraid of?' http://t.co/Q0x198XV @frankejames(about 4614 days ago)
- Melanie @singmelanie
@MargaretAtwood have you seen this? #cdnpoli">http://t.co/2QwYdiCP\n#cdnpoli #notankers(about 4613 days ago)
- Atheist Outlet @atheistoutlet
What's harper Afraid Of? [animated video] #cdnpoli #denounceharper #c38 http://t.co/8Nm9fles via @FrankeJames(about 4613 days ago)
- Danno @___danno
What's harper Afraid Of? [animated video] #cdnpoli #denounceharper #c38 http://t.co/8Nm9fles via @FrankeJames(about 4613 days ago)
- gordidawg @gordidawg
What's Harper Afraid of? [animated video] #cdnpoli http://t.co/E7dD7Lx4 via @FrankeJames #cdnpoli(about 4613 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
@AtheistOutlet @gordidawg TYVM for sharing What's Harper Afraid Of? 7,177 letters sent to MPs & PM http://t.co/RNUVHT4D #cdnpoli #c38(about 4613 days ago)
- Rob Sieniuc @enviroarchitect
"Hey Mr. Prime Minister [Harper], what are you afraid of ?" Tar sands oil labelled DIRTY? I am afraid of ~ Franke James http://t.co/jUAkM1jR(about 4611 days ago)
- David Hendrickson @davidjhen
great video on what things may come http://t.co/xZ72fsXK(about 4605 days ago)
- Janice Tanton @jantanton
I quite admire Canadian artist and activist, @FrankeJames. Here's her newest video, on topical information to all... http://t.co/NpX0Fysl(about 4605 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
@TransientMind Have you seen my latest essay about the NGP pipeline and the oil sands? http://t.co/RNUVHT4D(about 4605 days ago)
- Sandra @saysandra
Franke James » What’s Harper Afraid of? [animated video] - http://t.co/1rsnbzYH #cdnpoli #canpoli #CPC #LPC #GPC #CNDP(about 4591 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
@mundomundo_com 7,349 letters sent to Harper & MPs via: What’s Harper Afraid of? http://t.co/RNUVHT4D #cdnpoli #ngp #tarsands(about 4590 days ago)
- C.Richards-Green @crichardsgreen
What’s Harper Afraid of? [animated video] - http://t.co/jNhjFVTx(about 4528 days ago)
- Kelowna Green Party @kelownagreens
What's #Harper Afraid of? http://t.co/kpDY2tbV via @frankejames #cdnpoli #environment #Enbridge #tarsands #noNGP #GPC(about 4506 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
What's #Harper Afraid of? http://t.co/kpDY2tbV via @frankejames #cdnpoli #environment #Enbridge #tarsands #noNGP #GPC(about 4506 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
@Coteter I\'d say call your MP... but I tried that. http://t.co/Cgtv7bsN #cdnpoli(about 4460 days ago)
- Hache Arlene, C.M. @arlenehache
What’s Harper Afraid of? (Video) - http://t.co/Qq1fmXEH(about 4385 days ago)
- Beautiful Red @beautifulred7
What’s Harper Afraid of? (Video) - http://t.co/3nvaw3bI This is wonderful, pls share #idlenomore #cdnpoli #skpoli @blueskycbc #skcbc(about 4385 days ago)
- Protect Civilians @nonanon_anon
RT @BeautifulRed7: What’s Harper Afraid of? (Video) - http://t.co/3nvaw3bI This is wonderful, pls share #idlenomore #cdnpoli #skpoli @b ...(about 4385 days ago)
- Ikwew Manitobah @ikwew_iii
RT @BeautifulRed7: What’s Harper Afraid of? (Video) - http://t.co/3nvaw3bI This is wonderful, pls share #idlenomore #cdnpoli #skpoli @b ...(about 4385 days ago)
- Cara Mumford @caramumfordfilm
RT @BeautifulRed7: What’s Harper Afraid of? (Video) - http://t.co/3nvaw3bI This is wonderful, pls share #idlenomore #cdnpoli #skpoli @b ...(about 4385 days ago)
- cheena1 @cheena1
What’s Harper Afraid of? (Video) - http://t.co/cbubBr4y(about 4385 days ago)
- Weave-Snatcher NDN @nanticokendn
RT @BeautifulRed7: What’s Harper Afraid of? (Video) - http://t.co/3nvaw3bI This is wonderful, pls share #idlenomore #cdnpoli #skpoli @b ...(about 4383 days ago)
- Richard A. Paquette @happyp63
What’s Harper Afraid of? (Video) - http://t.co/YrGz37dS(about 4382 days ago)
- Brigitte Hayes @brigittehayes
Art marries activism. So purposeful and so cool. http://t.co/eHfCUUUC7N(about 4375 days ago)
- Claudia Julien @cjcaraquet
What’s Harper Afraid of? (Video) - http://t.co/VejDRzXy8j(about 4278 days ago)
[…] http://www.frankejames.com/debate/?p=12247 […]
Read the 229 comments for “What is Harper afraid of?” [illustrated essay]
[…] And yet it’s happening right now, a Parliament all eager willingness to bulldoze and deceive. Something wicked this way comes… […]
Beautiful and brilliant. True Patriot Beavers – what a great image!
Thanks for making this inspiring work.
Vanessa Compton
Franke this is simply fantastic. If an illustrated essay broken down so succinctly cannot get Canadians to recognize the atrocities that are being perpetrated then I have absolutely no idea what will. All I know is we need to protect our delicate ecosystem from corrupt people like Harper and foster a better tomorrow.
Ecos minds think alike. My friend Doug (60th birthday party) says I should get in touch with you. Love the illustrated essays!
Yours outdoors,