What is Harper Afraid Of?
by Franke James
Share this story as an animated video. 8,083 letters have been sent to Prime Minister Harper and MPs from this story:
The Green Party of Canada: Sign the Petition to Stop Bill C-38
Lead Now: Tell Finance Minister Jim Flaherty: Stop the Budget Bill from Selling Out Canada’s Natural Heritage and Economy
Dogwood Initiative: Sign the No Tankers Petition
Avaaz Petition: No Enbridge Tankers/Pipeline in BC Great Bear Rainforest!
Support Environmental Groups: Blackout Speakout on June 4th
Pacific Wild’s Action Tips: Writing Letters to Local and National Newspapers
Visual Essay Credits
“Hey Mister Prime Minister, What are You Afraid Of?” © 2012 Franke James
Writing and illustration by Franke James (see additional photo credits below).
Share this story as an animated video.
Transcript: Features quotes from Franke James’ March 3, 2012 interview with Joe Oliver, Federal Minister of Natural Resources.
Thank you to the following organizations for photos and resources:
Pacific Wild
All Great Bear Rainforest photos © Ian McAllister, Pacific Wild
How did they vote?
Member of Parliament “look up” API technology: How did they vote?
Living Oceans Society
Living Oceans photo: T-Shirt with “I have this Sinking Feeling about Enbridge”
Living Oceans photo of First Nations “We say no to Enbridge” protest
Living Oceans Map of Proposed Tanker Route to Kitimat
Pembina Institute
Tar Sands Mining Photo: © David Dodge, Pembina Institute
Photo: Suncor upgrader complex adjacent to Athabasca River © 2002 Chris Evans, Pembina
Dogwood Initiative: No-Tankers Loonie decal
Additional photos used with permission
Dr David Schindler photo: Ed Kaiser, Edmonton Journal
Syncrude 2007 -12 photo © 2007 David Dodge, CPAWS
Empire State Building photo © Daniel Schwen, 2008, Wikimedia
Oil Sheen From Valdez Spill photo Wikimedia © NOAA
Dead Oil Covered Birds Photo © Exxon Valdez Oil Spill Trustee Council; Wikimedia.
Selected Background Research:
Oil Sands Pollution, Pipelines and Tankers:
- Secret Environment Canada Report (ATIP request by Mike De Souza, PostMedia)
- The Tyee: Andrew Nikiforuk
What Those Who Killed the Tar Sands Report Don’t Want You to Know - Living Oceans: Who Pays? Fact sheet
- Living Oceans: Taxpayers on the hook for catastrophic oil spills from Enbridge Northern Gateway
- Raincoast: What’s at stake? The cost of oil on British Columbia’s priceless coast (See Exxon Valdez spill costs page 35)
- Dogwood Initiative: The Epic Struggle to protect B.C.’s coast
- Exclusive Map: The Tar Sands Pipeline Boom
Silencing the Scientists (The Shortlist)
- 2012 Toronto Star: Federal scientists say they’re being muzzled
- 2012 CBC: Muzzling of federal scientists targeted by campaign
- 2011 Canada.com: Ottawa silences scientist over West Coast salmon study
- 2010 Canada.com: Climate-change scientists feel ‘muzzled’ by Ottawa: Documents
- 2008 Kevin Grandia, DeSmogBlog: Harper Government Muzzling Environment Canada Scientists
Silencing Franke James
- 2012: Voices-Voix The Blacklisting of Franke James
- 201-2012: Franke James’ Fight Against the Harper Govt’s Censorship of her Climate Change Art
- Mike De Souza, PostMedia Feds to cut air pollution monitoring team
- Mike De Souza, PostMedia Federal government could be sued over fisheries reform, minister admits
- Robyn Allan,The TYEE Gateway Designed to Pump Far More Crude than Advertised
- Editorial, The Globe and Mail Ottawa should halt its smear campaign against pipeline detractors
- First Nations UN Complaint: Harper Government Racism on Pipelines Violates International Law
- BBC News article [re: Cree Lake Nation] EU to vote on oil sands pollution
- Andrew Nikiforuk, The TYEE Eleven Oily Questions for Every MP
- Andrew Nikiforuk, The TYEE The Expert’s Report that Damns the Northern Gateway Pipeline
- First Nations Press Release: Enbridge Review: First Nations Accuse Harper Government of Flouting Its Own Laws by Predetermining Outcome of Pipeline Review
- Globe and Mail Meet the ex-Bay Streeter leading Tory charge against oil-sands opponents
- Peter O’Neil, Calgary Herald Natural Resources minister blasts plan to block Northern Gateway pipeline
- Rebecca Penty, Calgary Herald Natural Resources Minister Joe Oliver defends regulatory overhaul (Revokes NEB’s power)
- UK Reuters: Jeffrey Jones, Calgary Enbridge’s Gateway pipeline still in legal swamp
- Toronto Star, Tim Harper: Pipeline politics in Canada and U.S. a peril for Stephen Harper
- CBC News Harper warns pipeline hearings could be ‘hijacked’
- Laura Payton, CBC News Radicals working against oilsands, Ottawa says Environment groups ‘threaten to hijack’ system, natural resources minister says
- The Globe and Mail An open letter from Natural Resources Minister Joe Oliver
2011 News:
- Mike De Souza, PostMedia ‘Secret’ Environment Canada presentation warns of tar sands’ impact on habitat
- Secret Environment Canada Report (ATIP documents obtained by Mike De Souza, PostMedia)
2010 News:
- Dr. David Schindler: Deformed fish found in lake downstream from oilsands
- Dianne Saxe Envirolaw: Syncrude pays $3M for dead ducks
- 350 or Bust: Canadian Politicians Quietly Cancel 18-Month Investigation Into Tar Sands Pollution, Tear Up Draft Report
Comment Policy: To be considered for publication, all comments must include the writer’s full name and a telephone number for verification purposes. Please include your company affiliation if it is relevant. Only your name and the city/town where you live will be published. We reserve the right to edit comments for length. Comments which are abusive or factually incorrect will not be published.
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823 Responses: 274 Comments and 549 Tweets
Twitter: 978 (Showing 549)
- Doug Symington @dougsymington
What is Harper Afraid Of? http://t.co/SYFhFuTP #cdnpoli(about 4646 days ago)
- rita wong @rrrwong
TY Paula! Over 3,000 have sent email letters to their MPs! mt @pboutis What is Harper Afraid Of? #cdnpoli http://t.co/T4lhSSsx #c38(about 4646 days ago)
- Citizen13 @thephotowagon
Recognize your country? Big Oil wins, you lose: Franke James What is Harper Afraid Of? http://t.co/7boxTHFP #cdnpoli #CPC #NDP #Harper(about 4646 days ago)
- Angela Kehler @angstk
What is Harper Afraid Of? #cdnpoli http://t.co/YraaB2mJ via @FrankeJames(about 4646 days ago)
- Johnny Blakeborough @bluefacedbeast
What is Stephen Harper afraid of? http://t.co/3RwlsLPD(about 4646 days ago)
- nahummer @nahummer
What is Harper Afraid Of? #cdnpoli http://t.co/fdQvhFma via @FrankeJames #tarsands #Harper #green #noKXL #Enbridge(about 4646 days ago)
- Steven Clark @stevenclark
What is Harper Afraid Of? #cdnpoli http://t.co/V1heXqDa via @FrankeJames(about 4646 days ago)
- kitconlib @kitconlib
What is Harper Afraid Of?\nhttp://t.co/IElhj4z2(about 4646 days ago)
- Heidi V @msxoxo65
The amazing @FrankeJames is back with another thought-provoking visual essay on oil, politics & Canada. http://t.co/UzEkTlpI Pls share!(about 4646 days ago)
- Caitlin Barratt @caitlinbarratt
What is Harper Afraid Of? #cdnpoli http://t.co/zwaLgpdz via @FrankeJames(about 4646 days ago)
- Grumpy Old Bastard @trousersquirrel
Brilliant! RT @Jennzebel: http://t.co/k5oRRi2Z(about 4646 days ago)
- tuxbeej @tuxbeej
What is Stephen Harper afraid of? http://t.co/3RwlsLPD(about 4646 days ago)
- Jessi Reitmeier @divinearth
A great way to have an impact! #socialchange #creative http://t.co/nhsURQmx(about 4646 days ago)
- Codys Winning @chaoticcanadian
What is Stephen Harper afraid of? http://t.co/3RwlsLPD(about 4646 days ago)
- Stephanie Bee @curly_mcgee
What is Harper Afraid Of? #cdnpoli http://t.co/W30Ltxij via @FrankeJames(about 4646 days ago)
- VermilionRiverStewar @vermilionrivers
What is Harper Afraid Of? #cdnpoli http://t.co/6g8gPttv via @FrankeJames(about 4646 days ago)
- Becca Morden @beccamorden
have a looksy. there's so much at stake. #stopthepipeline http://t.co/pHy6vE4p(about 4646 days ago)
- LindaHeron @lindaheron
Franke James What is Harper Afraid Of? http://t.co/ZnljwGj3(about 4646 days ago)
- Gloves Off! @tersestuff
What is Harper Afraid Of? #cdnpoli http://t.co/6g8gPttv via @FrankeJames(about 4646 days ago)
- Alison Heather @miss_kakish
RT @MargaretAtwood A pointed, poignant, and visually arresting critique of Harper's position on #TarSands. Please RT. http://t.co/lYsQaoxI(about 4646 days ago)
- Frederick Oliver @fredoliver245
shuld have millions of signatures! RT @pmagn: What is Harper Afraid Of? #cdnpoli http://t.co/wuwpUo6G via @FrankeJames(about 4646 days ago)
- Barb Murray @bearsmatter
What is Harper Afraid Of? #cdnpoli http://t.co/0xk1VlKr via @FrankeJames Brillant!(about 4646 days ago)
- James M. @j34baller
What is Harper Afraid Of? #cdnpoli http://t.co/0xk1VlKr via @FrankeJames Brillant!(about 4646 days ago)
- Anastasia Griffith @anastasiaglive
@MargaretAtwood A pointed, poignant, and visually arresting critique of Harper's position on #TarSands. Please RT. http://t.co/Dw3vgEqp(about 4646 days ago)
- Tina Loo @lootina
What is Harper Afraid Of? #cdnpoli http://t.co/aR8lslix via @FrankeJames(about 4646 days ago)
- Vancouver Observer @vanobserver
What is Harper Afraid Of? #cdnpoli http://t.co/NGeJUBBN via @FrankeJames(about 4646 days ago)
- Su @urban_su
What is Harper Afraid Of? #cdnpoli http://t.co/NGeJUBBN via @FrankeJames(about 4646 days ago)
- Eileen Lois Warren @warren_lois
What is Harper Afraid Of? #cdnpoli http://t.co/JwtYspI1 via @FrankeJames(about 4646 days ago)
- Massive Headwound @massivhedwound
What is Harper Afraid Of? #cdnpoli http://t.co/NGeJUBBN via @FrankeJames(about 4646 days ago)
- Taylor Johnson @taylorjohnson_1
Great piece on the state of environmental protection in Canada these days http://t.co/ud5bIS0t(about 4646 days ago)
- Kate Barron @kate_barron
What is Harper Afraid Of? #cdnpoli http://t.co/59dca8OU via @FrankeJames(about 4646 days ago)
- Michael Anthony @mike_eh_52
'@justinpjtrudeau: What is Stephen Harper afraid of? http://t.co/KBMpum3y of this, too:\nhttp://t.co/0VCRHUIR(about 4646 days ago)
- Heidi Siwak @heidisiwak
Nice use of visual media and text to send a message. #k12media #edchat http://t.co/qm1repuX(about 4646 days ago)
- Megs Douglas @megsdouglas
@MargaretAtwood A pointed, poignant, and visually arresting critique of Harper's position on #TarSands. Please RT. http://t.co/Dw3vgEqp(about 4646 days ago)
- Ayesha @justhuman1948
What is Harper Afraid Of? #cdnpoli http://t.co/g5CdDmPz via @FrankeJames(about 4646 days ago)
- Billiam James @billiamjames
Ahh.. @PMHarper is afraid of twitter! mt @justinpjtrudeau What is Stephen Harper afraid of? http://t.co/xu7rsLss @frankejames #cdnpoli #c38(about 4646 days ago)
- Green Elect @greenelect
RT @MargaretAtwood A pointed, poignant, and visually arresting critique of Harper's position on #TarSands. Please RT. http://t.co/lYsQaoxI(about 4646 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
TYVM! Over 3,500 letters to MPs sent by constituents #cdnpoli RT @justinpjtrudeau What is Stephen Harper afraid of? http://t.co/T4lhSSsx(about 4646 days ago)
- Robert Jensen @robertjensen2
TYVM! Over 3,500 letters to MPs sent by constituents #cdnpoli RT @justinpjtrudeau What is Stephen Harper afraid of? http://t.co/T4lhSSsx(about 4646 days ago)
- Billiam James @billiamjames
Pots! @PMHarper is afraid of pots! #casserole mt @justinpjtrudeau What is Stephen Harper afraid of? http://t.co/xu7rsLss @frankejames #c38(about 4646 days ago)
- agsharma @agsharma
TYVM! Over 3,500 letters to MPs sent by constituents #cdnpoli RT @justinpjtrudeau What is Stephen Harper afraid of? http://t.co/T4lhSSsx(about 4646 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
Russian rivers are clogged with frozen oil http://t.co/4cvzD6Bv ht @___Danno Rivers that turn black & run into the sea http://t.co/T4lhSSsx(about 4646 days ago)
- Gwyn Adam @gwynadam
Russian rivers are clogged with frozen oil http://t.co/4cvzD6Bv ht @___Danno Rivers that turn black & run into the sea http://t.co/T4lhSSsx(about 4646 days ago)
- Vesna Grandja @vgrandja
Lean on green? What is Harper Afraid Of? #cdnpoli http://t.co/SwIH3S82 via @FrankeJames(about 4646 days ago)
- Todd Augustus @toddaugustus
Worth taking a few minutes to read: http://t.co/SWBCamc1(about 4646 days ago)
- alan o'sullivan @alanzero
Read this: What is Harper Afraid Of? #cdnpoli http://t.co/XoloJVVt via @FrankeJames(about 4646 days ago)
- ? | ? April @vpeacesignv
Read this: What is Harper Afraid Of? #cdnpoli http://t.co/XoloJVVt via @FrankeJames(about 4646 days ago)
- Jeff C. @jeffcfl12
Read this: What is Harper Afraid Of? #cdnpoli http://t.co/XoloJVVt via @FrankeJames(about 4646 days ago)
- Wendie Webber @wendiewebber
Brilliant! If you're a Canuck, check this out! http://t.co/UUQ4orSG(about 4646 days ago)
- LongStone @longstone
@MargaretAtwood A pointed, poignant, and visually arresting critique of Harper's position on #TarSands. Please RT. http://t.co/Dw3vgEqp(about 4646 days ago)
- Abhi Saini @absaini85
What is Harper Afraid Of? #cdnpoli http://t.co/4jUJGtIl via @FrankeJames(about 4646 days ago)
- Kaitie Taylor @kaitietaylor
What is Harper Afraid Of? #cdnpoli http://t.co/rHVnAzFJ via @FrankeJames Everyone needs to read this!(about 4646 days ago)
- Eric Reder @ericreder
TYVM! Over 3,500 letters to MPs sent by constituents #cdnpoli RT @justinpjtrudeau What is Stephen Harper afraid of? http://t.co/T4lhSSsx(about 4646 days ago)
- David McGuigan @thefullmcguigan
What is Harper Afraid Of? #cdnpoli http://t.co/rHVnAzFJ via @FrankeJames Everyone needs to read this!(about 4646 days ago)
- Concerned Citizen ? @fizzbin88
Wake up Canada! The Canadian Government is ANTI-ENVIRONMENT Only thinks $$$$$$$$$$$$$$ http://t.co/StNKwB3d #cdnpoli #onpoli #abpoli #bcpoli(about 4646 days ago)
- Scott Harrison @sharrison5
Good graphical explanation: http://t.co/gEVuoyAC http://t.co/rkLp7ZGx(about 4646 days ago)
- Adam Houben @adamhouben
What is Harper Afraid Of? #cdnpoli http://t.co/OtAUsbsP via @FrankeJames(about 4646 days ago)
- Shery @sheharpe
What is Harper Afraid Of? #cdnpoli http://t.co/r0uEwi3N via @FrankeJames Very good!(about 4646 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
Please tweet: What is Harper Afraid Of? http://t.co/T4lhSSsx #cdnpoli #c38(about 4646 days ago)
- Robert Jensen @robertjensen2
Please tweet: What is Harper Afraid Of? http://t.co/T4lhSSsx #cdnpoli #c38(about 4646 days ago)
- Jay Ross @jayroc5000
Please tweet: What is Harper Afraid Of? http://t.co/T4lhSSsx #cdnpoli #c38(about 4646 days ago)
- I. Giraud @blueshoes55
Please tweet: What is Harper Afraid Of? http://t.co/T4lhSSsx #cdnpoli #c38(about 4646 days ago)
- Kay Vee @kayvee1000
Please tweet: What is Harper Afraid Of? http://t.co/T4lhSSsx #cdnpoli #c38(about 4646 days ago)
- Herbert Pimlott @herbert_pimlott
Please tweet: What is Harper Afraid Of? http://t.co/T4lhSSsx #cdnpoli #c38(about 4646 days ago)
- cheena1 @cheena1
Please tweet: What is Harper Afraid Of? http://t.co/T4lhSSsx #cdnpoli #c38(about 4646 days ago)
- Catherine Brandsma @catsagogo
Please tweet: What is Harper Afraid Of? http://t.co/T4lhSSsx #cdnpoli #c38(about 4646 days ago)
- Paul Darlaston @wascally7wabbit
Please tweet: What is Harper Afraid Of? http://t.co/T4lhSSsx #cdnpoli #c38(about 4646 days ago)
- Onyx Powers @barack_on_blast
Please tweet: What is Harper Afraid Of? http://t.co/T4lhSSsx #cdnpoli #c38(about 4646 days ago)
- michael parker @mishajpar
Please tweet: What is Harper Afraid Of? http://t.co/T4lhSSsx #cdnpoli #c38(about 4646 days ago)
- Abhi Saini @absaini85
Please tweet: What is Harper Afraid Of? http://t.co/T4lhSSsx #cdnpoli #c38(about 4646 days ago)
- lloyd smith @lloydrsmith
Please tweet: What is Harper Afraid Of? http://t.co/T4lhSSsx #cdnpoli #c38(about 4646 days ago)
- Katrina Shannon @katrinashannon
Please tweet: What is Harper Afraid Of? http://t.co/T4lhSSsx #cdnpoli #c38(about 4645 days ago)
- Edouard Stenger @edouardstenger
Please tweet: What is Harper Afraid Of? http://t.co/T4lhSSsx #cdnpoli #c38(about 4645 days ago)
- Sheila Genaille @sheila_info
Please tweet: What is Harper Afraid Of? http://t.co/T4lhSSsx #cdnpoli #c38(about 4645 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
Wow--> 3,765 constituents have sent "What is Harper Afraid Of?" letters to their MPs! http://t.co/T4lhSSsx #cdnpoli #c38(about 4645 days ago)
- Brandon Laraby @bclaraby
Wow--> 3,765 constituents have sent "What is Harper Afraid Of?" letters to their MPs! http://t.co/T4lhSSsx #cdnpoli #c38(about 4645 days ago)
- Antonia Zerbisias @antoniaz
Wow--> 3,765 constituents have sent "What is Harper Afraid Of?" letters to their MPs! http://t.co/T4lhSSsx #cdnpoli #c38(about 4645 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
@RobertJensen2 3,765 constituents have sent "What is Harper Afraid Of?" letters to their MPs! http://t.co/T4lhSSsx #cdnpoli #c38(about 4645 days ago)
- Jay Ross @jayroc5000
Wow--> 3,765 constituents have sent "What is Harper Afraid Of?" letters to their MPs! http://t.co/T4lhSSsx #cdnpoli #c38(about 4645 days ago)
- RobInVan @robinvan
Please tweet: What is Harper Afraid Of? http://t.co/T4lhSSsx #cdnpoli #c38(about 4645 days ago)
- Bill Hillier @billhillier
Wow--> 3,765 constituents have sent "What is Harper Afraid Of?" letters to their MPs! http://t.co/T4lhSSsx #cdnpoli #c38(about 4645 days ago)
- Cathy O'Neill Salki @twittwitcat
Wow--> 3,765 constituents have sent "What is Harper Afraid Of?" letters to their MPs! http://t.co/T4lhSSsx #cdnpoli #c38(about 4645 days ago)
- Lisa Maldonado @gypsylinguist
Wow--> 3,765 constituents have sent "What is Harper Afraid Of?" letters to their MPs! http://t.co/T4lhSSsx #cdnpoli #c38(about 4645 days ago)
- Louis Bertrand @louisbgreen
Wow--> 3,765 constituents have sent "What is Harper Afraid Of?" letters to their MPs! http://t.co/T4lhSSsx #cdnpoli #c38(about 4645 days ago)
- Rob Howard @robjhoward
RT @frankejames: Please tweet: What is Harper Afraid Of? http://t.co/TvoD7cCL #cdnpoli #c38(about 4645 days ago)
- Nicole Nepton @nnepton
Wow--> 3,765 constituents have sent "What is Harper Afraid Of?" letters to their MPs! http://t.co/T4lhSSsx #cdnpoli #c38(about 4645 days ago)
- Robert Jensen @robertjensen2
@RobertJensen2 3,765 constituents have sent "What is Harper Afraid Of?" letters to their MPs! http://t.co/T4lhSSsx #cdnpoli #c38(about 4645 days ago)
- Robert Jensen @robertjensen2
@frankejames Wow - that is incredible. Great work. http://t.co/2ZYQfG0A(about 4645 days ago)
- Bill Hillier @billhillier
RT @frankejames: Please tweet: What is Harper Afraid Of? http://t.co/TvoD7cCL #cdnpoli #c38(about 4645 days ago)
- margaret resin @margaretresin
RT @frankejames: Please tweet: What is Harper Afraid Of? http://t.co/TvoD7cCL #cdnpoli #c38(about 4645 days ago)
- Su @urban_su
RT @frankejames: Please tweet: What is Harper Afraid Of? http://t.co/TvoD7cCL #cdnpoli #c38(about 4645 days ago)
- Ugottabekiddin(Kim) @ugottabekiddin
@frankejames Wow - that is incredible. Great work. http://t.co/2ZYQfG0A(about 4645 days ago)
- cheena1 @cheena1
Wow--> 3,765 constituents have sent "What is Harper Afraid Of?" letters to their MPs! http://t.co/T4lhSSsx #cdnpoli #c38(about 4645 days ago)
- William Shiell @wshiell
What is Harper Afraid Of? #cdnpoli http://t.co/78Lm88RR via @FrankeJames(about 4645 days ago)
- Judyth Mermelstein @gadflyquebec
Please tweet: What is Harper Afraid Of? http://t.co/T4lhSSsx #cdnpoli #c38(about 4645 days ago)
- V. Jobson @softgrasswalker
@frankejames Wow - that is incredible. Great work. http://t.co/2ZYQfG0A(about 4645 days ago)
- Brandon Laraby @bclaraby
Franke asks 'What is Stephen Harper Afraid Of" - I tend to lean toward 'Truth' but this is also a great answer http://t.co/Cr2y5kHK #cdnpoli(about 4645 days ago)
- V. Jobson @softgrasswalker
@RobertJensen2 3,765 constituents have sent "What is Harper Afraid Of?" letters to their MPs! http://t.co/T4lhSSsx #cdnpoli #c38(about 4645 days ago)
- thelieisacake @thelieisacake
Franke asks 'What is Stephen Harper Afraid Of" - I tend to lean toward 'Truth' but this is also a great answer http://t.co/Cr2y5kHK #cdnpoli(about 4645 days ago)
- Stephen Leahy @stephenleahy
Please tweet: What is Harper Afraid Of? http://t.co/T4lhSSsx #cdnpoli #c38(about 4645 days ago)
- Badger Janzen @badger_janzen
@frankejames 3,766 http://t.co/JUY4I7YN #cdnpoli #c38(about 4645 days ago)
- Mark Adams @forever_free_bc
Wow--> 3,765 constituents have sent "What is Harper Afraid Of?" letters to their MPs! http://t.co/T4lhSSsx #cdnpoli #c38(about 4645 days ago)
- Danno @___danno
Wow--> 3,765 constituents have sent "What is Harper Afraid Of?" letters to their MPs! http://t.co/T4lhSSsx #cdnpoli #c38(about 4645 days ago)
- Michel Vanderby @mvanderby
Please tweet: What is Harper Afraid Of? http://t.co/T4lhSSsx #cdnpoli #c38(about 4645 days ago)
- jimbobbysez @jimbobbysez
RT @mvanderby: RT @frankejames: Please tweet: What is Harper Afraid Of? http://t.co/8JayTyuS #cdnpoli #c38(about 4645 days ago)
- Carolyn Walton @islandscribe
Wow--> 3,765 constituents have sent "What is Harper Afraid Of?" letters to their MPs! http://t.co/T4lhSSsx #cdnpoli #c38(about 4645 days ago)
- Mary Kosta @marygkosta
Join 1000s of Canadians and send "What is Harper Afraid Of?" letter to your MP! It only takes a second! http://t.co/eaWUSnHW #cdnpoli #c38(about 4645 days ago)
- Jenn Lutz @jennlutz
Canadians - read this. It even has pictures. Joe Oliver is a fool and Harper is a criminal. http://t.co/IR7KDnrt #cdnpoli #C38 #BillC38(about 4645 days ago)
- Kine Boisin @kineboisin
Canadians - read this. It even has pictures. Joe Oliver is a fool and Harper is a criminal. http://t.co/IR7KDnrt #cdnpoli #C38 #BillC38(about 4645 days ago)
- Jonathan Glover @jonathandglover
Canadians - read this. It even has pictures. Joe Oliver is a fool and Harper is a criminal. http://t.co/IR7KDnrt #cdnpoli #C38 #BillC38(about 4645 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
@evansolomoncbc See what Joe Oliver told me in my meeting about drinking & eating fish from Athabasca River: http://t.co/T4lhSSsx #cdnpoli(about 4645 days ago)
- Shane Mulligan @radicleenergy
Wow--> 3,765 constituents have sent "What is Harper Afraid Of?" letters to their MPs! http://t.co/T4lhSSsx #cdnpoli #c38(about 4645 days ago)
- Su @urban_su
Canadians - read this. It even has pictures. Joe Oliver is a fool and Harper is a criminal. http://t.co/IR7KDnrt #cdnpoli #C38 #BillC38(about 4645 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
http://t.co/T4lhSSsx MT @evansolomoncbc Min Oliver "tailing ponds are being cleaned..you'll be able 2 drink" http://t.co/I99RIeGi #cdnpoli(about 4645 days ago)
- Paige Kezima @paigekezima
Harper killing the environment, in picture form! http://t.co/Gu9hTXpC #cdnpoli(about 4645 days ago)
- NoEasyBrushOff @noeasybrushoff
Please tweet: What is Harper Afraid Of? http://t.co/T4lhSSsx #cdnpoli #c38(about 4645 days ago)
- V. Jobson @softgrasswalker
http://t.co/T4lhSSsx MT @evansolomoncbc Min Oliver "tailing ponds are being cleaned..you'll be able 2 drink" http://t.co/I99RIeGi #cdnpoli(about 4645 days ago)
- Peter @pdeppisch
Canadians - read this. It even has pictures. Joe Oliver is a fool and Harper is a criminal. http://t.co/IR7KDnrt #cdnpoli #C38 #BillC38(about 4645 days ago)
- Ugottabekiddin(Kim) @ugottabekiddin
Please tweet: What is Harper Afraid Of? http://t.co/T4lhSSsx #cdnpoli #c38(about 4645 days ago)
- Universenme Peter C @universenme
Please tweet: What is Harper Afraid Of? http://t.co/T4lhSSsx #cdnpoli #c38(about 4645 days ago)
- Danielle @danielle2671
Please tweet: What is Harper Afraid Of? http://t.co/T4lhSSsx #cdnpoli #c38(about 4645 days ago)
- Tug @tugthetether
Canadians - read this. It even has pictures. Joe Oliver is a fool and Harper is a criminal. http://t.co/IR7KDnrt #cdnpoli #C38 #BillC38(about 4645 days ago)
- Ryan Clark @__ryanclark
Franke asks 'What is Stephen Harper Afraid Of" - I tend to lean toward 'Truth' but this is also a great answer http://t.co/CRV8bp8G #cdnpoli(about 4645 days ago)
- diane wallrich @quaker_diane
Franke James What is Harper Afraid Of? http://t.co/YhslqITT(about 4645 days ago)
- pamela schoeman @pamillustration
What is Harper Afraid Of? #cdnpoli http://t.co/BsWLRm7z via @FrankeJames(about 4645 days ago)
- Livable4All @livable4all
Wow--> 3,765 constituents have sent "What is Harper Afraid Of?" letters to their MPs! http://t.co/T4lhSSsx #cdnpoli #c38(about 4645 days ago)
- Amber (Button) Marie @buttonmarie
Canadians - read this. It even has pictures. Joe Oliver is a fool and Harper is a criminal. http://t.co/IR7KDnrt #cdnpoli #C38 #BillC38(about 4645 days ago)
- Amber (Button) Marie @buttonmarie
A must read! "@JennLutz: Canadians - read this. It even has pictures. http://t.co/yW6oB0cd #cdnpoli #C38 #BillC38"(about 4645 days ago)
- Ken Walker @kenwalkerqb
RT @billhillier RT @robjhoward RT @frankejames: Please tweet: What is Harper Afraid Of? http://t.co/5HDafHuP #cdnpoli #c38(about 4645 days ago)
- Got Integrity? @litterof6
Please tweet: What is Harper Afraid Of? http://t.co/T4lhSSsx #cdnpoli #c38(about 4645 days ago)
- hafaez @hafaezb
http://t.co/exyphASY, I believe there room for strong oil development and environmental responcibility(about 4645 days ago)
- Bear Bottoms @bearbottoms__
A must read! "@JennLutz: Canadians - read this. It even has pictures. http://t.co/yW6oB0cd #cdnpoli #C38 #BillC38"(about 4645 days ago)
- Lisa Borden @lisaborden
I don't like politics. But I do like this visual essay by @frankejames about them --> http://t.co/Sm7smMop(about 4645 days ago)
- Judith Schutz @judithkto
Please tweet: What is Harper Afraid Of? http://t.co/T4lhSSsx #cdnpoli #c38(about 4645 days ago)
- David Liang @drliang
+1 RT @lisaborden: I don't like politics. But I do like this visual essay by @frankejames about them --> http://t.co/lUqbHmkk(about 4645 days ago)
- ann @mikoshoes17
@frankejames Wow - that is incredible. Great work. http://t.co/2ZYQfG0A(about 4645 days ago)
- Nels up North @solarsales
http://t.co/pTKQET36 CHECK THIS OUT! Awesome! FROM TARSAND TO OCEAN, black Salmon & more!(about 4645 days ago)
- Nels up North @solarsales
@frankejames Wow - that is incredible. Great work. http://t.co/2ZYQfG0A(about 4645 days ago)
- Munchie Bag @munchiebag
Please tweet: What is Harper Afraid Of? http://t.co/T4lhSSsx #cdnpoli #c38(about 4645 days ago)
- Russell Barth @russell_barth
Canadians - read this. It even has pictures. Joe Oliver is a fool and Harper is a criminal. http://t.co/IR7KDnrt #cdnpoli #C38 #BillC38(about 4645 days ago)
- David Oswald @davidoswald1
Wow--> 3,765 constituents have sent "What is Harper Afraid Of?" letters to their MPs! http://t.co/T4lhSSsx #cdnpoli #c38(about 4645 days ago)
- Eric Girouard @eric_girouard
This visual essay "is amazing, disturbing and beautiful all at the same time". \nAnd please share widely... http://t.co/fhM1tVVA #canada(about 4645 days ago)
- Melody Wawia @_wawia_
@WabKinew plz RT and email your MP: What is Harper Afraid Of? #cdnpoli http://t.co/jeyRYGeR via @FrankeJames(about 4645 days ago)
- Melody Wawia @_wawia_
@EcoManDan read, sign, and RT: What is Harper Afraid Of? #cdnpoli http://t.co/jeyRYGeR via @FrankeJames(about 4645 days ago)
- Ehoah @ehoah
Franke James What is Harper Afraid Of? http://t.co/R66AmkY4(about 4645 days ago)
- Clment Charest @bleunoirdesign
I wished environment was a real issue for Harper, not the environmentalists. http://t.co/FdLHwsek(about 4645 days ago)
- Cher Hanusiak @cheriak
NEW Visual Essay by @FrankeJames AND link to write your MP. What is Harper Afraid Of? #cdnpoli http://t.co/ho8HJ1mv(about 4645 days ago)
- Betsy Agar @ahem_mayispeak
What is @pmharper Afraid Of? #cdnpoli http://t.co/KJ2xcsFi via @FrankeJames(about 4645 days ago)
- jimbobbysez @jimbobbysez
RT @cheriak: NEW Visual Essay by @frankejames AND link to write your MP. What is Harper Afraid Of? #cdnpoli http://t.co/8JayTyuS(about 4645 days ago)
- Michelle Mainwaring @luvlaffen
RT @cheriak: NEW Visual Essay by @frankejames AND link to write your MP. What is Harper Afraid Of? #cdnpoli http://t.co/8JayTyuS(about 4645 days ago)
- Sandra Finley @xcorporatocracy
What is Harper Afraid Of? Franke James does it again! #cdnpoli http://t.co/EyPmqzbz via @FrankeJames(about 4645 days ago)
- Bianca ? Storm @reloveplanet
Fantastic! Please take a moment to read and sign! please please! ...What is Harper Afraid Of? #cdnpoli http://t.co/PV1laTYM via @FrankeJames(about 4645 days ago)
- Richard Hub Hughes @hubishere
What is Harper Afraid Of? #cdnpoli http://t.co/nap9EikN via @FrankeJames(about 4645 days ago)
- Cathy Burrell @cathycavern
Kind of scary. You can help. E-mail your local MP, and please RT http:http://t.co/1BB3rQ5D(about 4645 days ago)
- Ashley Courtney @ashleycarine
Hey Mr. Harper! What are you afraid of?? Innovative little message to our PM... http://t.co/JpcBTffr(about 4644 days ago)
- Tracy Lydiatt @greenfamilyguru
Love you Franke James - What is Harper afraid of!? http://t.co/TYVMsyQT http://t.co/9K4DmmoK(about 4644 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
@Xcorporatocracy Thnx Sandra! Great to see you on twitter! MT: What is Harper Afraid Of? #cdnpoli http://t.co/T4lhSSsx(about 4644 days ago)
- Kay Vee @kayvee1000
@Xcorporatocracy Thnx Sandra! Great to see you on twitter! MT: What is Harper Afraid Of? #cdnpoli http://t.co/T4lhSSsx(about 4644 days ago)
- CFNE @cfnebutterfly
What is Harper Afraid Of? #cdnpoli http://t.co/svVVaucE via @FrankeJames(about 4644 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
@cfnebutterfly Honoured by your tweet on "What is Harper afraid of?" http://t.co/T4lhSSsx(about 4644 days ago)
- George Klima @klimaz
#ff @FrankeJames for her brilliant visual "What is Harper Afraid Of?" http://t.co/qhXdEPTF and many more http://t.co/8h36qgBR(about 4644 days ago)
- Adam Greenblatt @adam_greenblatt
Franke James What is Harper Afraid Of? http://t.co/PJt5MDXb(about 4644 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
Yowzers! -> 4,360 constituents have sent "What is Harper Afraid Of?" letters to their MPs! http://t.co/T4lhSSsx #cdnpoli #c38 #tarsands #ngp(about 4644 days ago)
- Zdenek Niederle @zdenekniederle
Yowzers! -> 4,360 constituents have sent "What is Harper Afraid Of?" letters to their MPs! http://t.co/T4lhSSsx #cdnpoli #c38 #tarsands #ngp(about 4644 days ago)
- CdnCrone @canadiancrone
Yowzers! -> 4,360 constituents have sent "What is Harper Afraid Of?" letters to their MPs! http://t.co/T4lhSSsx #cdnpoli #c38 #tarsands #ngp(about 4644 days ago)
- First Power SunDrum @first_power
Yowzers! -> 4,360 constituents have sent "What is Harper Afraid Of?" letters to their MPs! http://t.co/T4lhSSsx #cdnpoli #c38 #tarsands #ngp(about 4644 days ago)
- Robert Jensen @robertjensen2
Yowzers! -> 4,360 constituents have sent "What is Harper Afraid Of?" letters to their MPs! http://t.co/T4lhSSsx #cdnpoli #c38 #tarsands #ngp(about 4644 days ago)
- Vicki Strelioff @vicki_strelioff
Yowzers! -> 4,360 constituents have sent "What is Harper Afraid Of?" letters to their MPs! http://t.co/T4lhSSsx #cdnpoli #c38 #tarsands #ngp(about 4644 days ago)
- Reclaim Democracy @colettestweeter
Yowzers! -> 4,360 constituents have sent "What is Harper Afraid Of?" letters to their MPs! http://t.co/T4lhSSsx #cdnpoli #c38 #tarsands #ngp(about 4644 days ago)
- John Johnston @ateabutnoe
Yowzers! -> 4,360 constituents have sent "What is Harper Afraid Of?" letters to their MPs! http://t.co/T4lhSSsx #cdnpoli #c38 #tarsands #ngp(about 4644 days ago)
- V. Jobson @softgrasswalker
Yowzers! -> 4,360 constituents have sent "What is Harper Afraid Of?" letters to their MPs! http://t.co/T4lhSSsx #cdnpoli #c38 #tarsands #ngp(about 4644 days ago)
- A. Rivers @ae_rivers
Yowzers! -> 4,360 constituents have sent "What is Harper Afraid Of?" letters to their MPs! http://t.co/T4lhSSsx #cdnpoli #c38 #tarsands #ngp(about 4644 days ago)
- David Oswald @davidoswald1
Yowzers! -> 4,360 constituents have sent "What is Harper Afraid Of?" letters to their MPs! http://t.co/T4lhSSsx #cdnpoli #c38 #tarsands #ngp(about 4644 days ago)
- jimbobbysez @jimbobbysez
Yowzers! -> 4,360 constituents have sent "What is Harper Afraid Of?" letters to their MPs! http://t.co/T4lhSSsx #cdnpoli #c38 #tarsands #ngp(about 4644 days ago)
- A. Rivers @ae_rivers
great visual essay feat. everyone's fave CM: Joe "you'll be able to drink tailings water" Oliver http://t.co/fJzwg4T7 @frankejames #NGP(about 4644 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
RT @ae_rivers great visual essay feat. everyone's fave CM: Joe "you'll be able to drink tailings water" Oliver http://t.co/JQruSfzY #NGP(about 4644 days ago)
- Larry Oliver @tweetingdonal
Yowzers! -> 4,360 constituents have sent "What is Harper Afraid Of?" letters to their MPs! http://t.co/T4lhSSsx #cdnpoli #c38 #tarsands #ngp(about 4644 days ago)
- bill layton @canimbill
Yowzers! -> 4,360 constituents have sent "What is Harper Afraid Of?" letters to their MPs! http://t.co/T4lhSSsx #cdnpoli #c38 #tarsands #ngp(about 4643 days ago)
- Michael Marsh @etenebrislux
TY to everyone! Keep spreading the word. MP letters are flying out. RT @pmero What is Harper Afraid Of? #cdnpoli http://t.co/T4lhSSsx #c38(about 4643 days ago)
- Danno @___danno
TY to everyone! Keep spreading the word. MP letters are flying out. RT @pmero What is Harper Afraid Of? #cdnpoli http://t.co/T4lhSSsx #c38(about 4643 days ago)
- Bob Beck @mycatsheds
TY to everyone! Keep spreading the word. MP letters are flying out. RT @pmero What is Harper Afraid Of? #cdnpoli http://t.co/T4lhSSsx #c38(about 4643 days ago)
- Robert Jensen @robertjensen2
TY to everyone! Keep spreading the word. MP letters are flying out. RT @pmero What is Harper Afraid Of? #cdnpoli http://t.co/T4lhSSsx #c38(about 4643 days ago)
- Daniela Aum @daniela_aum
TY to everyone! Keep spreading the word. MP letters are flying out. RT @pmero What is Harper Afraid Of? #cdnpoli http://t.co/T4lhSSsx #c38(about 4643 days ago)
- CdnCrone @canadiancrone
TY to everyone! Keep spreading the word. MP letters are flying out. RT @pmero What is Harper Afraid Of? #cdnpoli http://t.co/T4lhSSsx #c38(about 4643 days ago)
- Kay Vee @kayvee1000
TY to everyone! Keep spreading the word. MP letters are flying out. RT @pmero What is Harper Afraid Of? #cdnpoli http://t.co/T4lhSSsx #c38(about 4643 days ago)
- paul zacharias @tweetishcitizen
TY to everyone! Keep spreading the word. MP letters are flying out. RT @pmero What is Harper Afraid Of? #cdnpoli http://t.co/T4lhSSsx #c38(about 4643 days ago)
- bill layton @canimbill
Manditory reading for all Canadians: http://t.co/lNGWlbsl via @FrankeJames(about 4643 days ago)
- E.Smith @eagle3300
Yowzers! -> 4,360 constituents have sent "What is Harper Afraid Of?" letters to their MPs! http://t.co/T4lhSSsx #cdnpoli #c38 #tarsands #ngp(about 4643 days ago)
- Judyth Mermelstein @gadflyquebec
TY to everyone! Keep spreading the word. MP letters are flying out. RT @pmero What is Harper Afraid Of? #cdnpoli http://t.co/T4lhSSsx #c38(about 4643 days ago)
- Ashlee CunsoloWillox @cunsolowillox
So very fitting for what is happening right now with Cdn enviro regulations: What is Harper Afraid Of? #cdnpoli http://t.co/ktpGDz08(about 4643 days ago)
- Su @urban_su
So very fitting for what is happening right now with Cdn enviro regulations: What is Harper Afraid Of? #cdnpoli http://t.co/ktpGDz08(about 4643 days ago)
- michael parker @mishajpar
So very fitting for what is happening right now with Cdn enviro regulations: What is Harper Afraid Of? #cdnpoli http://t.co/ktpGDz08(about 4643 days ago)
- Vetrimagal @vetrimagal
@frankejames takes on Canada's PM in her latest (powerful & brilliant) visual essay: "What is Harper Afraid Of?": http://t.co/nlvTaNdj(about 4642 days ago)
- Rob Miller @robmiller19
What is Harper Afraid Of? #cdnpoli http://t.co/eb2LJa2B via @FrankeJames #enbridge #notankers(about 4642 days ago)
- Kendall Currie @kendallcurrie
What is Harper Afraid Of? #cdnpoli http://t.co/3VrW2LNn via @FrankeJames(about 4642 days ago)
- Bear_Code @webwildink
What is Harper Afraid Of? http://t.co/Z956ZDJR(about 4642 days ago)
- jimbobbysez @jimbobbysez
RT @robmiller19: What is Harper Afraid Of? #cdnpoli http://t.co/8JayTyuS via @frankejames #enbridge #notankers(about 4642 days ago)
- Ras Livity @raskenbo
RT @robmiller19: What is Harper Afraid Of? #cdnpoli http://t.co/8JayTyuS via @frankejames #enbridge #notankers(about 4642 days ago)
- Nexstar8SE @nexstar8se
What is Harper Afraid Of? #cdnpoli http://t.co/QMvltOKk via @FrankeJames\nTar Sands in words and pictures.(about 4642 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
RT @robmiller19: What is Harper Afraid Of? #cdnpoli http://t.co/8JayTyuS via @frankejames #enbridge #notankers(about 4642 days ago)
- Brandon Laraby @bclaraby
RT @robmiller19: What is Harper Afraid Of? #cdnpoli http://t.co/8JayTyuS via @frankejames #enbridge #notankers(about 4642 days ago)
- Cinny @cinny_27
THIS! THIS! THIS! RT @frankejames Someone sent a "What is Harper Afraid of?" letter to MP Bev Oda. http://t.co/mMZTvHNB #cdnpoli #tarsands(about 4642 days ago)
- Rouge Menace @rougemenace
#PMHarper #conservatives wage war on #Environmental policy in 425 page budget bill http://t.co/QVC0I6XB June 4th #BlackOutSpeakOut #Canada(about 4641 days ago)
- Iris Zimmer @healthyiz
Amazing. RT @lisaborden: I don't like politics. But I do like this visual essay by @frankejames about them --> http://t.co/wFd1FPhL(about 4641 days ago)
- Scott @scott451
What is Harper Afraid Of? #cdnpoli http://t.co/bcF9OGgh via @FrankeJames(about 4641 days ago)
- Spencer Allerton @beaubeaubenny
What is @pmharper afraid of? http://t.co/kWMi3tpK #cdnpoli #c38 #blackoutspeakout #environment(about 4641 days ago)
- Sarah-Jean @sarahjchicken
Alice in Wonderland takes on Stephen Harper. What is Harper Afraid Of? #cdnpoli http://t.co/AstjtQvL via @FrankeJames(about 4641 days ago)
- Bill Hillier @billhillier
Alice in Wonderland takes on Stephen Harper. What is Harper Afraid Of? #cdnpoli http://t.co/AstjtQvL via @FrankeJames(about 4641 days ago)
- Stephen Page @bait_and_switch
Stephen Harper is afraid of beavers. http://t.co/UaAlhcH3 via @FrankeJames So good!!(about 4641 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
Spoiler Alert! MT @Bait_and_Switch Stephen Harper is afraid of beavers. http://t.co/y2Na6gSO So good! http://t.co/T4lhSSsx #blackoutspeakout(about 4641 days ago)
- V. Jobson @softgrasswalker
Spoiler Alert! MT @Bait_and_Switch Stephen Harper is afraid of beavers. http://t.co/y2Na6gSO So good! http://t.co/T4lhSSsx #blackoutspeakout(about 4641 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
Thnx for the tweet Canadian Rivers Institute! #cdnpoli #blackoutspeakout RT @CRI_News What is Harper afraid of? http://t.co/T4lhSSsx(about 4641 days ago)
- Mrs.N.M.H @truthlives4ever
Thnx for the tweet Canadian Rivers Institute! #cdnpoli #blackoutspeakout RT @CRI_News What is Harper afraid of? http://t.co/T4lhSSsx(about 4641 days ago)
- Little Bites Big @littlebitesbig
I hope this goes viral. A great visualization by @frankejames for why the pipeline is terrifying: http://t.co/160h7ceI(about 4641 days ago)
- Denise Nielsen @denielsen
my kids LOVE this visual essay by @frankejames. They have plans to do one of their own as a summer project http://t.co/Hx0y4Ick(about 4641 days ago)
- Nikki Hill @hillnikki
What is Harper Afraid Of? #cdnpoli http://t.co/y73HzuZg via @FrankeJames(about 4641 days ago)
- Michelle Haslehurst @myhasle
What is Harper Afraid Of? #cdnpoli http://t.co/NjPZJrJw via @FrankeJames(about 4640 days ago)
- Kate Omstead @komstead
Thank you #frankejames for this incredible story! http://t.co/SPpOdsT5 #blackoutspeakout(about 4640 days ago)
- Kate Omstead @komstead
What is Harper Afraid Of? #cdnpoli http://t.co/SPpOdsT5 via @FrankeJames(about 4640 days ago)
- Tracie Edward @tracieedward
Visual Essay - What is Harper Afraid Of? #cdnpoli http://t.co/FpEVaY06 via @FrankeJames(about 4640 days ago)
- Green Elect @greenelect
Thank you #frankejames for this incredible story! http://t.co/SPpOdsT5 #blackoutspeakout(about 4640 days ago)
- Scott @scott451
What is Harper Afraid Of? Visual Essay #cdnpoli http://t.co/bcF9OGgh via @FrankeJames(about 4640 days ago)
- Brendan Corey Benson @brendancoreyb
#Canadian eco and political criticism of the #government through an excellent #infographic and #story. Thanks... http://t.co/aAhloHF2(about 4640 days ago)
- Maiji/Mary Huang @maiji
A visually powerful - and powerful - letter ... What is Harper Afraid Of? #cdnpoli http://t.co/2xYLeHNs via @FrankeJames(about 4640 days ago)
- Kay Gumsley @itskaynotkate
Great visual essay and worth a read (particularly if you voice disagreement with the PM's opinion on the oil sands) http://t.co/qI2Dfpf9(about 4640 days ago)
- Kay Gumsley @itskaynotkate
Great visual essay for Canadians who want to voice their disagreement with the PM's opinion on the oilsands http://t.co/qI2Dfpf9(about 4640 days ago)
- carolyn thomas @heartsisters
Hey Prime Minister Harper! Canadians are asking: "What are you afraid of?" http://t.co/wXKG1U1f @frankejames(about 4640 days ago)
- Todd Blayone @tblayone
Franke James What is Harper Afraid Of? - http://t.co/76INmhbd(about 4640 days ago)
- Teresa Marrello @osstf27
Visual Essay - What is Harper Afraid Of? #cdnpoli http://t.co/FpEVaY06 via @FrankeJames(about 4640 days ago)
- Mrsinister @mrsinisterlefty
An awesome summary of the Environmental Issues this government is ducking. Please share. http://t.co/D9znlAPW via @FrankeJames(about 4640 days ago)
- Cynthia Chambers @cynthiamaude
Pls read! What is Harper Afraid Of? #cdnpoli #tarsands #enbridge http://t.co/9k0WIhbG via @FrankeJames(about 4640 days ago)
- LM Little @miki_lou
Pls read! What is Harper Afraid Of? #cdnpoli #tarsands #enbridge http://t.co/9k0WIhbG via @FrankeJames(about 4640 days ago)
- Stephanie Hazlitt @stephhazlitt
I know my MP (@elizabethmay) is awake, is yours? Let's wake up those elected beavers today: http://t.co/IgUomHy8(about 4640 days ago)
- L. K. Below @lbelowtheauthor
This person makes a good point. http://t.co/p7bIDpuz(about 4640 days ago)
- Souljah Fyah @souljahfyah
Beautifully done http://t.co/1RgfDwUc(about 4640 days ago)
- Silversides_Fishing @sturgeonguide
What is Harper Afraid Of? #cdnpoli #tarsands #northerngateway Sign Petition http://t.co/7wSiyLs7 via @FrankeJames(about 4639 days ago)
- Silversides_Fishing @sturgeonguide
A wonderful visual essay exposing the darkness that Harper gov't is, and a petition to sign http://t.co/14UMNU6j(about 4639 days ago)
- The Next Canada @thenextcanada
What is Harper Afraid Of? #cdnpoli #tarsands #northerngateway Sign Petition http://t.co/7wSiyLs7 via @FrankeJames(about 4639 days ago)
- Pete Quily @pqpolitics
Phenomenal BC infographic What is Harper Afraid Of? http://t.co/hK6hm4Ru #bcpoli #enbridge #encana #foreignradicaltarbarons(about 4639 days ago)
- Interesting Times @intrstngtimes
@Shoq @sansivera Could you show them this? http://t.co/MaUwMRxz Over 5000K ppl so far have used it to send msg to their MPs(about 4637 days ago)
- Lindsay Willson @linzdoubleu
What is Harper Afraid Of? #cdnpoli http://t.co/N9u2tjBh via @FrankeJames(about 4637 days ago)
- Jacquie @jacquielgreen
"What is Harper Afraid of?" http://t.co/ITEcmwff\ncheck this out!(about 4636 days ago)
- Ed Chutter @yakounmain
http://www.frankejames.com/debate/?p=11818(about 4635 days ago)
- Diane McNally @dianemcn
Hoping everybody's read this: Franke James' illustrated essay What is Harper Afraid Of? http://t.co/OlgcbDsf #cdnpoli #oilsands #deathsands(about 4635 days ago)
- Diane McNally @dianemcn
>What will happen to [US] schools that fail their national security readiness audit? Will they be closed?" http://t.co/OlgcbDsf #bced(about 4635 days ago)
- TWCP @twcp
Great! What is Harper Afraid Of? #cdnpoli http://t.co/Hr9E0qEp via @FrankeJames(about 4635 days ago)
- Haida Gwaii CoASt @hgcoast
What is Harper Afraid Of? #cdnpoli http://t.co/BLW44pqj via @FrankeJames #NGP #KMP #tarsands #cdnpoli(about 4634 days ago)
- Katrina Shannon @katrinashannon
What is Harper Afraid Of? #cdnpoli http://t.co/BLW44pqj via @FrankeJames #NGP #KMP #tarsands #cdnpoli(about 4634 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
What is Harper Afraid Of? #cdnpoli http://t.co/BLW44pqj via @FrankeJames #NGP #KMP #tarsands #cdnpoli(about 4634 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
TYVM! @hgCoASt News--> Wow! *6,101 letters sent to MPs!* from "What's Harper Afraid of?" http://t.co/T4lhSSsx #cdnpoli #NGP #KMP #tarsands(about 4634 days ago)
- Laura Lamond @lemonadebylaura
TYVM! @hgCoASt News--> Wow! *6,101 letters sent to MPs!* from "What's Harper Afraid of?" http://t.co/T4lhSSsx #cdnpoli #NGP #KMP #tarsands(about 4634 days ago)
- Tesseract @cascadetessa
What is Harper Afraid Of? #cdnpoli http://t.co/BLW44pqj via @FrankeJames #NGP #KMP #tarsands #cdnpoli(about 4634 days ago)
- LaurenceCRichard @lcrich1
What is Harper afraid of? http://t.co/Ub001uDK #cdnpoli(about 4633 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
@DarbyCar @ecojustice_ca My question: "What is Harper afraid of? See my visual essay: http://t.co/T4lhSSsx Over 6,300 letters sent to MPs(about 4633 days ago)
- Penny Mills @pennyvane10
@DarbyCar @ecojustice_ca My question: "What is Harper afraid of? See my visual essay: http://t.co/T4lhSSsx Over 6,300 letters sent to MPs(about 4633 days ago)
- Norma G @nojgr
RT @nojgr: Canadians should tweet @joeoliver1 let him know we are aware: http://t.co/Ptxgj9k2 #cdnpoli(about 4632 days ago)
- Valerie Hearder @africanthreads
http://t.co/2817dDaR Brilliant artist response to Tar Sands oil development in Canada. by franke.james, via Flickr http://t.co/ceiwgQEA(about 4632 days ago)
- Jon Lloyd @jonrlloyd
Cool graphic essay: What is Harper Afraid Of? #cdnpoli http://t.co/Op3jcRAU via @FrankeJames(about 4631 days ago)
- Laura Lamond @lemonadebylaura
@DarbyCar @ecojustice_ca My question: "What is Harper afraid of? See my visual essay: http://t.co/T4lhSSsx Over 6,300 letters sent to MPs(about 4631 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
@laurelrusswurm You can read it as a visual essay too: http://t.co/T4lhSSsx Let me know if that works for you.(about 4630 days ago)
- Laurel L. Russwurm @laurelrusswurm
Thanks @frankejames It makes me want to cry but you've done a great job: http://t.co/ByXTjMTR #CDNpoli #C38 #Canada(about 4629 days ago)
- Lindz Marsh @lindzmarsh
A must-read (& must-sign) - What is Harper Afraid Of? "I've got this sinking feeling about Enbridge" http://t.co/FSF5Fu5L by @frankejames(about 4628 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
RT @lindzmarsh A must-read (& must-sign) - What is Harper Afraid Of? "I've got this sinking feeling about Enbridge" http://t.co/T4lhSSsx(about 4628 days ago)
- Brandon Laraby @bclaraby
RT @lindzmarsh A must-read (& must-sign) - What is Harper Afraid Of? "I've got this sinking feeling about Enbridge" http://t.co/T4lhSSsx(about 4628 days ago)
- Bear_Code @webwildink
What is Harper Afraid Of? #cdnpoli http://t.co/hL7hVkfC via @FrankeJames(about 4628 days ago)
- Wendy Butler @wbutler2011
Canadians RT @webwildink: What is Harper Afraid Of? #cdnpoli http://t.co/nvYT5TQn via @FrankeJames(about 4628 days ago)
- ~ IJK ~ @canada2k12
What is Harper Afraid Of? #cdnpoli http://t.co/hL7hVkfC via @FrankeJames(about 4628 days ago)
- cheena1 @cheena1
What is Harper Afraid Of? #cdnpoli http://t.co/hL7hVkfC via @FrankeJames(about 4628 days ago)
- Mike Callahan @mikecallahan933
Canadians RT @webwildink: What is Harper Afraid Of? #cdnpoli http://t.co/nvYT5TQn via @FrankeJames(about 4628 days ago)
- Amy @rhetoric8d
Canadians RT @webwildink: What is Harper Afraid Of? #cdnpoli http://t.co/nvYT5TQn via @FrankeJames(about 4628 days ago)
- Bergg69 @bergg69
What is Harper Afraid Of? #cdnpoli http://t.co/hL7hVkfC via @FrankeJames(about 4627 days ago)
- Wendy Gabriel @mygreenside
RT @lindzmarsh A must-read (& must-sign) - What is Harper Afraid Of? "I've got this sinking feeling about Enbridge" http://t.co/T4lhSSsx(about 4627 days ago)
- Henry Boyce @brokenrock2010
Manditory reading for all Canadians: http://t.co/lNGWlbsl via @FrankeJames(about 4627 days ago)
- Bill Layton @onemanscarbon
Manditory reading for all Canadians: http://t.co/lNGWlbsl via @FrankeJames(about 4627 days ago)
- Ray Lalonde @cleanawaydispos
Manditory reading for all Canadians: http://t.co/lNGWlbsl via @FrankeJames(about 4627 days ago)
- EcoManDan @ecomandan
http://t.co/qrkNHteC Thanks @_Wawia_ @frankejames(about 4627 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
Send a letter to your MP --> Is Harper Afraid Of Rivers that Turn Black and Run into the Sea? #cdnpoli http://t.co/T4lhSSsx Please RT(about 4626 days ago)
- Robert Jensen @robertjensen2
Send a letter to your MP --> Is Harper Afraid Of Rivers that Turn Black and Run into the Sea? #cdnpoli http://t.co/T4lhSSsx Please RT(about 4626 days ago)
- Wayne Brideaux @lechefwayne
Send a letter to your MP --> Is Harper Afraid Of Rivers that Turn Black and Run into the Sea? #cdnpoli http://t.co/T4lhSSsx Please RT(about 4626 days ago)
- Susan @susanfelicity
Send a letter to your MP --> Is Harper Afraid Of Rivers that Turn Black and Run into the Sea? #cdnpoli http://t.co/T4lhSSsx Please RT(about 4626 days ago)
- The Dead Sparrows @thedeadsparrows
RT @frankejames: Send a letter to your MP --> Is Harper Afraid Of Rivers that Turn Black and Run into the Sea? #cdnpoli http://t.co/M8haS2pi(about 4626 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
TY! mt @RobertJensen2 Send a letter to your MP --> Is Harper Afraid Of Rivers that Turn Black... #cdnpoli http://t.co/T4lhSSsx Please RT(about 4626 days ago)
- S @steveaustin1971
Send a letter to your MP --> Is Harper Afraid Of Rivers that Turn Black and Run into the Sea? #cdnpoli http://t.co/T4lhSSsx Please RT(about 4626 days ago)
- Halo #PardonManning @haloefekti
Send a letter to your MP --> Is Harper Afraid Of Rivers that Turn Black and Run into the Sea? #cdnpoli http://t.co/T4lhSSsx Please RT(about 4626 days ago)
- Junji Hiroma @thesonofhokuto
Send a letter to your MP --> Is Harper Afraid Of Rivers that Turn Black and Run into the Sea? #cdnpoli http://t.co/T4lhSSsx Please RT(about 4626 days ago)
- Brandon Laraby @bclaraby
Send a letter to your MP --> Is Harper Afraid Of Rivers that Turn Black and Run into the Sea? #cdnpoli http://t.co/T4lhSSsx Please RT(about 4626 days ago)
- Colin Jagoe @colinjagoe
RT @frankejames: Send a letter to your MP --> Is Harper Afraid Of Rivers that Turn Black and Run into the Sea? #cdnpoli http://t.co/M8haS2pi(about 4626 days ago)
- LM Little @miki_lou
TY! mt @RobertJensen2 Send a letter to your MP --> Is Harper Afraid Of Rivers that Turn Black... #cdnpoli http://t.co/T4lhSSsx Please RT(about 4626 days ago)
- Garth Boyd @garthoid
TY! mt @RobertJensen2 Send a letter to your MP --> Is Harper Afraid Of Rivers that Turn Black... #cdnpoli http://t.co/T4lhSSsx Please RT(about 4626 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
TY for RTs on Send a letter to your MP! @haloefekti @BCLaraby @lechefwayne @steveaustin1971 @SusanFelicity #cdnpoli http://t.co/T4lhSSsx(about 4626 days ago)
- Daniel Finnis @danielfinnis
Send a letter to your MP --> Is Harper Afraid Of Rivers that Turn Black and Run into the Sea? #cdnpoli http://t.co/T4lhSSsx Please RT(about 4626 days ago)
- Katrina Shannon @katrinashannon
TY! mt @RobertJensen2 Send a letter to your MP --> Is Harper Afraid Of Rivers that Turn Black... #cdnpoli http://t.co/T4lhSSsx Please RT(about 4626 days ago)
- RobInVan @robinvan
Send a letter to your MP --> Is Harper Afraid Of Rivers that Turn Black and Run into the Sea? #cdnpoli http://t.co/T4lhSSsx Please RT(about 4626 days ago)
- clicks n' whistles @oceancries
Send a letter to your MP --> Is Harper Afraid Of Rivers that Turn Black and Run into the Sea? #cdnpoli http://t.co/T4lhSSsx Please RT(about 4626 days ago)
- Janine Doxsee @janinedoxsee1
Send a letter to your MP --> Is Harper Afraid Of Rivers that Turn Black and Run into the Sea? #cdnpoli http://t.co/T4lhSSsx Please RT(about 4626 days ago)
- Ari Phillips @re_ari
Effective and powerful visual essay on risks of Canadian oil sands pipeline @frankejames http://t.co/JJiUnROt(about 4626 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
Big Thnx to you in Texas! mt @re_ari Effective & powerful visual essay on risks of Canadian #oilsands pipeline http://t.co/T4lhSSsx(about 4626 days ago)
- Janine Doxsee @janinedoxsee1
Big Thnx to you in Texas! mt @re_ari Effective & powerful visual essay on risks of Canadian #oilsands pipeline http://t.co/T4lhSSsx(about 4626 days ago)
- Michael Marsh @etenebrislux
Send a letter to your MP --> Is Harper Afraid Of Rivers that Turn Black and Run into the Sea? #cdnpoli http://t.co/T4lhSSsx Please RT(about 4626 days ago)
- Joe Solomon @engagejoe
MT @thewitchofbliss: Witty & artistic campaign against oil tanker/pipelines by @frankejames. http://t.co/8u1RvHaV #350ppm(about 4626 days ago)
- willy bach @willybach2011
Big Thnx to you in Texas! mt @re_ari Effective & powerful visual essay on risks of Canadian #oilsands pipeline http://t.co/T4lhSSsx(about 4626 days ago)
- Game Over @vansopinion8ted
TY for RTs on Send a letter to your MP! @haloefekti @BCLaraby @lechefwayne @steveaustin1971 @SusanFelicity #cdnpoli http://t.co/T4lhSSsx(about 4625 days ago)
- Game Over @vansopinion8ted
TY! mt @RobertJensen2 Send a letter to your MP --> Is Harper Afraid Of Rivers that Turn Black... #cdnpoli http://t.co/T4lhSSsx Please RT(about 4625 days ago)
- Ryan Clark @__ryanclark
Send a letter to your MP --> Is Harper Afraid Of Rivers that Turn Black and Run into the Sea? #cdnpoli http://t.co/T4lhSSsx Please RT(about 4625 days ago)
- PEAR, LLC @pearenergy
Even though it's geared toward Canadian citizens, this visual essay/animated video is worth watching! We are... http://t.co/kdBmSFKm(about 4625 days ago)
- James Sutton @bloomtrigger
We always knew a picture said a thousand words, but an illustrated essay can say it better http://t.co/AcMZF5sy(about 4625 days ago)
- John Luton @johnluton
Fun with pictures. Illustrating tar sands and the environmental and political challenges therein, simple but powerful.\nhttp://t.co/c7IwV4MI(about 4625 days ago)
- D. Meredith @dlmmeredith
What is Harper Afraid Of? #cdnpoli http://t.co/6hZ8Gvrc via @FrankeJames(about 4625 days ago)
- Shannon M Houle @smhoule
What is Harper Afraid Of? #cdnpoli http://t.co/380oe7YS via @FrankeJames(about 4624 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
TY! 6,884 letters sent to PM Harper and MPs! mt @smhoule What is Harper Afraid Of? #cdnpoli http://t.co/T4lhSSsx #cdnpoli #ableg(about 4624 days ago)
- M. Shea @melshea
Compelling visual essay from her perspective, by the artist who continues to be blacklisted by the Canadian government: http://t.co/16gP3CYZ(about 4624 days ago)
- Fake Enbridge @fakeenbridge
This is the sort of thing it's just too dangerous to allow Canadians to say: http://t.co/PyzaIxEw Protecting the oil sands must come first!(about 4624 days ago)
- Gerri Schmidt @gerrischmidt1
TY! 6,884 letters sent to PM Harper and MPs! mt @smhoule What is Harper Afraid Of? #cdnpoli http://t.co/T4lhSSsx #cdnpoli #ableg(about 4624 days ago)
- pmagn @pmagn
RT @lindzmarsh A must-read (& must-sign) - What is Harper Afraid Of? "I've got this sinking feeling about Enbridge" http://t.co/T4lhSSsx(about 4623 days ago)
- Jocelyn Egan @jegan4
What is Harper Afraid Of? #cdnpoli http://t.co/t1i97iUZ via @FrankeJames(about 4622 days ago)
- Larissa Milo-Dale @larashka
envtl decision-making in Canada has nonsensical parallels to #Wonderland http://t.co/L8hNewKr Alice questions the NorthernGatewayOilPipeline(about 4622 days ago)
- Mike Bettiol @basilisk2222
What is Harper Afraid Of? #cdnpoli http://t.co/a2YOIdDE via @FrankeJames(about 4621 days ago)
- Al Sinclair @ajssinc
What is Harper Afraid Of? #cdnpoli http://t.co/az8q32NJ via @FrankeJames(about 4620 days ago)
- 404 System Error @404systemerror
Read, read again, and share >> RT @ajssinc: What is Harper Afraid Of? #cdnpoli http://t.co/wuwpUo6G via @FrankeJames(about 4620 days ago)
- Kay Vee @kayvee1000
Read, read again, and share >> RT @ajssinc: What is Harper Afraid Of? #cdnpoli http://t.co/wuwpUo6G via @FrankeJames(about 4620 days ago)
- Game Over @vansopinion8ted
Read, read again, and share >> RT @ajssinc: What is Harper Afraid Of? #cdnpoli http://t.co/wuwpUo6G via @FrankeJames(about 4620 days ago)
- Frederick Oliver @fredoliver245
Read, read again, and share >> RT @ajssinc: What is Harper Afraid Of? #cdnpoli http://t.co/wuwpUo6G via @FrankeJames(about 4620 days ago)
- TenuousGreyMatter @tvwerdal
Read, read again, and share >> RT @ajssinc: What is Harper Afraid Of? #cdnpoli http://t.co/wuwpUo6G via @FrankeJames(about 4620 days ago)
- sara @swy_lie
What is Harper Afraid Of? #cdnpoli http://t.co/oBSHr8Kq via @FrankeJames(about 4620 days ago)
- Michael Marsh @etenebrislux
Read, read again, and share >> RT @ajssinc: What is Harper Afraid Of? #cdnpoli http://t.co/wuwpUo6G via @FrankeJames(about 4620 days ago)
- Danno @___danno
Read, read again, and share >> RT @ajssinc: What is Harper Afraid Of? #cdnpoli http://t.co/wuwpUo6G via @FrankeJames(about 4620 days ago)
- K. Brown, Director @heiltsukirmd
Harper is very afraid.. and so he should be! http://t.co/gd42cuAI http://t.co/6rCcrmCj(about 4620 days ago)
- Tom Johns @johnsey02
Whichever side of the fence your on regarding 'the pipeline'...This raises some interesting points http://t.co/zOxQT3wO(about 4619 days ago)
- Scootch Mobile Media @scootchmm
Whichever side of the fence your on regarding 'the pipeline'...This raises some interesting points http://t.co/zOxQT3wO(about 4619 days ago)
- Wayne Smith @dont_feel_easy
Read, read again, and share >> RT @ajssinc: What is Harper Afraid Of? #cdnpoli http://t.co/wuwpUo6G via @FrankeJames(about 4619 days ago)
- Lesley Thomas @flightgoose
What is Harper Afraid Of? #tarsands #oil http://t.co/1BEg5e1V via @FrankeJames(about 4619 days ago)
- Tim Querengesser @timquerengesser
Rather than write yet another story, artist uses art to confront tar sands: What is Harper Afraid Of? http://t.co/aO9BkdJh via @FrankeJames(about 4618 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
TY! 7,039 Letters Sent! MT @timquerengesser Artist uses art to confront tar sands: What is Harper Afraid Of? http://t.co/T4lhSSsx #cdnpoli(about 4618 days ago)
- Michael Marsh @etenebrislux
TY! 7,039 Letters Sent! MT @timquerengesser Artist uses art to confront tar sands: What is Harper Afraid Of? http://t.co/T4lhSSsx #cdnpoli(about 4618 days ago)
- yiming @yimingr
Rather than write yet another story, artist uses art to confront tar sands: What is Harper Afraid Of? http://t.co/aO9BkdJh via @FrankeJames(about 4618 days ago)
- Jessie Fraser @fraserjess
Rather than write yet another story, artist uses art to confront tar sands: What is Harper Afraid Of? http://t.co/aO9BkdJh via @FrankeJames(about 4618 days ago)
- Climate Mama @climatemama
Congrats! MT @frankejames TY! 7,039 Letters Sent! Artist uses art 2 confront tar sands http://t.co/DQGN8hfT #cdnpoli @timquerengesser(about 4618 days ago)
- Gerri Schmidt @gerrischmidt1
TY! 7,039 Letters Sent! MT @timquerengesser Artist uses art to confront tar sands: What is Harper Afraid Of? http://t.co/T4lhSSsx #cdnpoli(about 4618 days ago)
- Natalie O\'Grady @natalieogrady
Rather than write yet another story, artist uses art to confront tar sands: What is Harper Afraid Of? http://t.co/aO9BkdJh via @FrankeJames(about 4618 days ago)
- Natalie O\'Grady @natalieogrady
Hey @pmharper , what are you afraid of? http://t.co/I3pgsDGn #cdnpoli(about 4618 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
TY @oceanCRIES No comment from @MeganLeslieMP on my #NGP essay. But about 50 people have sent her letters. http://t.co/T4lhSSsx #cdnpoli(about 4617 days ago)
- jimbobbysez @jimbobbysez
MT @frankejames: No comment from @MeganLeslieMP on my #NGP essay. But about 50 people have sent her letters. http://t.co/8JayTyuS #cdnpoli(about 4617 days ago)
- V. Jobson @softgrasswalker
TY @oceanCRIES No comment from @MeganLeslieMP on my #NGP essay. But about 50 people have sent her letters. http://t.co/T4lhSSsx #cdnpoli(about 4617 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
TY! @jimbobbysez 7,068 MPs & Harper have been sent letters from my essay. No politician has left a comment. http://t.co/T4lhSSsx #cdnpoli(about 4617 days ago)
- Gerri Schmidt @gerrischmidt1
TY! @jimbobbysez 7,068 MPs & Harper have been sent letters from my essay. No politician has left a comment. http://t.co/T4lhSSsx #cdnpoli(about 4617 days ago)
- Game Over @vansopinion8ted
TY! @jimbobbysez 7,068 MPs & Harper have been sent letters from my essay. No politician has left a comment. http://t.co/T4lhSSsx #cdnpoli(about 4617 days ago)
- K Fry @kenpusha
TY! @jimbobbysez 7,068 MPs & Harper have been sent letters from my essay. No politician has left a comment. http://t.co/T4lhSSsx #cdnpoli(about 4617 days ago)
- jimbobbysez @jimbobbysez
MT @frankejames: 7,068 MPs & Harper have been sent letters from my essay. No politician has left a comment. http://t.co/8JayTyuS #cdnpoli(about 4617 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
@elizabethmay 7,075 MPs & Harper have been sent letters from my essay. No politician has commented. Would you? http://t.co/T4lhSSsx #cdnpoli(about 4616 days ago)
- emily cummings @memebee
mT @frankejames: @ElizabethMay 7,075 MPs & Harper have been sent letters from my.. http://t.co/Lv1HY6WK #cdnpoli // lovely. #occupyvancouver(about 4616 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
.@ElizabethMay is 1st MP to comment "Brilliant. It carries a strong message. We all need to get active" http://t.co/T4lhSSsx #cdnpoli(about 4616 days ago)
- Gerri Schmidt @gerrischmidt1
.@ElizabethMay is 1st MP to comment "Brilliant. It carries a strong message. We all need to get active" http://t.co/T4lhSSsx #cdnpoli(about 4616 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
TY! mt @elizabethmay 7,075 letters to MPs & Harper from my essay. No politician has commented. Would you? http://t.co/T4lhSSsx #cdnpoli(about 4616 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
Update @jimbobbysez 7,079 letters to MPs & Harper from my essay. Just 1 MP has left a comment: @ElizabethMay http://t.co/T4lhSSsx #cdnpoli(about 4616 days ago)
- cheena1 @cheena1
.@ElizabethMay is 1st MP to comment "Brilliant. It carries a strong message. We all need to get active" http://t.co/T4lhSSsx #cdnpoli(about 4616 days ago)
- Graham Chivers @deepgreendesign
Update @jimbobbysez 7,079 letters to MPs & Harper from my essay. Just 1 MP has left a comment: @ElizabethMay http://t.co/T4lhSSsx #cdnpoli(about 4616 days ago)
- Scott Elcomb @psema4
Update @jimbobbysez 7,079 letters to MPs & Harper from my essay. Just 1 MP has left a comment: @ElizabethMay http://t.co/T4lhSSsx #cdnpoli(about 4616 days ago)
- Randell C. @northernsooner
.@ElizabethMay is 1st MP to comment "Brilliant. It carries a strong message. We all need to get active" http://t.co/T4lhSSsx #cdnpoli(about 4616 days ago)
- trapdinawrpool @trapdinawrpool
Update @jimbobbysez 7,079 letters to MPs & Harper from my essay. Just 1 MP has left a comment: @ElizabethMay http://t.co/T4lhSSsx #cdnpoli(about 4616 days ago)
- Bill Hillier @billhillier
TY! mt @elizabethmay 7,075 letters to MPs & Harper from my essay. No politician has commented. Would you? http://t.co/T4lhSSsx #cdnpoli(about 4616 days ago)
- Rob Burton @oakvillemayor
Franke James What is Harper Afraid Of? [illustrated essay] http://t.co/V5Uor42k Now, this is some awesome work. Take a look.(about 4616 days ago)
- Mike Belmore @happy_belmore
Franke James What is Harper Afraid Of? [illustrated essay] http://t.co/V5Uor42k Now, this is some awesome work. Take a look.(about 4616 days ago)
- Ugottabekiddin(Kim) @ugottabekiddin
.@ElizabethMay is 1st MP to comment "Brilliant. It carries a strong message. We all need to get active" http://t.co/T4lhSSsx #cdnpoli(about 4616 days ago)
- V. Jobson @softgrasswalker
Update @jimbobbysez 7,079 letters to MPs & Harper from my essay. Just 1 MP has left a comment: @ElizabethMay http://t.co/T4lhSSsx #cdnpoli(about 4616 days ago)
- V. Jobson @softgrasswalker
.@ElizabethMay is 1st MP to comment "Brilliant. It carries a strong message. We all need to get active" http://t.co/T4lhSSsx #cdnpoli(about 4616 days ago)
- E.Smith @eagle3300
Update @jimbobbysez 7,079 letters to MPs & Harper from my essay. Just 1 MP has left a comment: @ElizabethMay http://t.co/T4lhSSsx #cdnpoli(about 4616 days ago)
- clicks n' whistles @oceancries
@frankejames @MeganLeslieMP I bet @justinpjtrudeau would comment on your "What is Harper Afraid Of" essay! http://t.co/8ebpXFIu(about 4616 days ago)
- clicks n' whistles @oceancries
@frankejames Has @FinDonnelly commented on your "What is Harper Afraid Of" essay? http://t.co/8ebpXFIu Believe he cares about envt. #sharks(about 4616 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
.@oceanCRIES Great idea! @FinDonnelly can you please comment on my pipeline essay: "What is Harper Afraid Of?" http://t.co/T4lhSSsx #sharks(about 4616 days ago)
- David Paterson @davidpatersonca
@GeorgeMonbiot Ur tweet of Nikiforuks piece is spot on\nHarper is out of control. Now how about a tweet on @frankejames http://t.co/aQaByn2p(about 4616 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
.@DavidPatersonca Thnx! @GeorgeMonbiot "What is Harper afraid of?" Complaints about #Tarsands: 7,091 letters to MPs http://t.co/T4lhSSsx(about 4616 days ago)
- Bear_Code @webwildink
.@DavidPatersonca Thnx! @GeorgeMonbiot "What is Harper afraid of?" Complaints about #Tarsands: 7,091 letters to MPs http://t.co/T4lhSSsx(about 4616 days ago)
- Steph K. P. @oikosaficionado
What is Harper Afraid Of? #cdnpoli #art #environment http://t.co/WHY7CLeA @FrankeJames @AlternativesJ(about 4616 days ago)
- Gerri Schmidt @gerrischmidt1
.@DavidPatersonca Thnx! @GeorgeMonbiot "What is Harper afraid of?" Complaints about #Tarsands: 7,091 letters to MPs http://t.co/T4lhSSsx(about 4616 days ago)
- Gerri Schmidt @gerrischmidt1
.@oceanCRIES Great idea! @FinDonnelly can you please comment on my pipeline essay: "What is Harper Afraid Of?" http://t.co/T4lhSSsx #sharks(about 4616 days ago)
- megan van buskirk @m_cvb
What is @pmharper afraid? Another killer visual essay by @frankejames. http://t.co/j8HwStWr #cdnpoli @joeoliver1(about 4615 days ago)
- Tug @tugthetether
.@ElizabethMay is 1st MP to comment "Brilliant. It carries a strong message. We all need to get active" http://t.co/T4lhSSsx #cdnpoli(about 4615 days ago)
- Bear_Code @webwildink
.@ElizabethMay is 1st MP to comment "Brilliant. It carries a strong message. We all need to get active" http://t.co/T4lhSSsx #cdnpoli(about 4615 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
TY Megan! 7122 Letters so far rt @m_cvb What is @pmharper afraid of? ...killer visual essay by @frankejames http://t.co/hQNwf2BU #cdnpoli(about 4615 days ago)
- megan van buskirk @m_cvb
TY Megan! 7122 Letters so far rt @m_cvb What is @pmharper afraid of? ...killer visual essay by @frankejames http://t.co/hQNwf2BU #cdnpoli(about 4615 days ago)
- Carreh Rouge @swissguy5
TY Megan! 7122 Letters so far rt @m_cvb What is @pmharper afraid of? ...killer visual essay by @frankejames http://t.co/hQNwf2BU #cdnpoli(about 4615 days ago)
- Alexandra Epp @eppalexandra
Happy Canada Day, illustrated essay about the #enbridge pipeline from @frankejames http://t.co/uuGM2A9o #cdnpoli(about 4614 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
TY! rt @EppAlexandra Happy Canada Day, illustrated essay about the #enbridge pipeline from @frankejames http://t.co/Xc2yNH2j #cdnpoli(about 4614 days ago)
- CC @canadiancynic
It wouldn't be Canada Day without asking what Stephen Harper is so scared of. http://t.co/JBF85G6H(about 4614 days ago)
- GABA @monica_tellezr
It wouldn't be Canada Day without asking what Stephen Harper is so scared of. http://t.co/JBF85G6H(about 4614 days ago)
- Randell C. @northernsooner
It wouldn't be Canada Day without asking what Stephen Harper is so scared of. http://t.co/JBF85G6H(about 4614 days ago)
- Orla Hegarty @ohegarty
@frankejames and her #denounceHarper comic book is the bestest Canada Day read :) http://t.co/CR5InS5P(about 4614 days ago)
- Olivier @casper_m76
@frankejames and her #denounceHarper comic book is the bestest Canada Day read :) http://t.co/CR5InS5P(about 4614 days ago)
- Kenton @kentonham
What is Harper Afraid Of? #cdnpoli http://t.co/dDJxWmbI via @FrankeJames(about 4614 days ago)
- Brad Koegler @oytamarind
It wouldn't be Canada Day without asking what Stephen Harper is so scared of. http://t.co/JBF85G6H(about 4614 days ago)
- deBeauxOs @debeauxos1
Yes! RT @canadiancynic It wouldn't be Canada Day without asking what Stephen Harper is so scared of. http://t.co/pzHI8fmZ via @frankejames(about 4614 days ago)
- Pamela Allard @pam_unapathetic
It wouldn't be Canada Day without asking what Stephen Harper is so scared of. http://t.co/JBF85G6H(about 4614 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
TY! mt @deBeauxOs1 Yes! RT @canadiancynic It wouldn't be Canada Day without asking what Stephen Harper is so scared of. http://t.co/T4lhSSsx(about 4614 days ago)
- Universenme Peter C @universenme
TY! mt @deBeauxOs1 Yes! RT @canadiancynic It wouldn't be Canada Day without asking what Stephen Harper is so scared of. http://t.co/T4lhSSsx(about 4614 days ago)
- msanthropics @saulssister
TY! mt @deBeauxOs1 Yes! RT @canadiancynic It wouldn't be Canada Day without asking what Stephen Harper is so scared of. http://t.co/T4lhSSsx(about 4614 days ago)
- dan murphy @dnmr1
TY! mt @deBeauxOs1 Yes! RT @canadiancynic It wouldn't be Canada Day without asking what Stephen Harper is so scared of. http://t.co/T4lhSSsx(about 4614 days ago)
- pmagn @pmagn
@frankejames and her #denounceHarper comic book is the bestest Canada Day read :) http://t.co/CR5InS5P(about 4614 days ago)
- Michelle Mainwaring @luvlaffen
TY! mt @deBeauxOs1 Yes! RT @canadiancynic It wouldn't be Canada Day without asking what Stephen Harper is so scared of. http://t.co/T4lhSSsx(about 4614 days ago)
- Victor R. Smith @victorrsmith
TY! mt @deBeauxOs1 Yes! RT @canadiancynic It wouldn't be Canada Day without asking what Stephen Harper is so scared of. http://t.co/T4lhSSsx(about 4614 days ago)
- Sandra Harris @sandra_harris
TY! mt @deBeauxOs1 Yes! RT @canadiancynic It wouldn't be Canada Day without asking what Stephen Harper is so scared of. http://t.co/T4lhSSsx(about 4614 days ago)
- Anti Corruption @samadino
TY! mt @deBeauxOs1 Yes! RT @canadiancynic It wouldn't be Canada Day without asking what Stephen Harper is so scared of. http://t.co/T4lhSSsx(about 4614 days ago)
- Teresa Baldwin @map_maker
It wouldn't be Canada Day without asking what Stephen Harper is so scared of. http://t.co/JBF85G6H(about 4614 days ago)
- P.R. @plrstweet
TY! mt @deBeauxOs1 Yes! RT @canadiancynic It wouldn't be Canada Day without asking what Stephen Harper is so scared of. http://t.co/T4lhSSsx(about 4614 days ago)
- Jim Roberts @jmrob
TY! rt @EppAlexandra Happy Canada Day, illustrated essay about the #enbridge pipeline from @frankejames http://t.co/Xc2yNH2j #cdnpoli(about 4614 days ago)
- Brett Lamb @br3ttlamb
It wouldn't be Canada Day without asking what Stephen Harper is so scared of. http://t.co/JBF85G6H(about 4614 days ago)
- Damien Clarkson @damienclarkson
I'm not even Canadian but enjoying #DenounceHarper he loves dirty tar sands as this story by @frankejames illustrates. http://t.co/k8Lkl6zZ(about 4614 days ago)
- Joe Mohr @greencartoons
As an eco-activist artist I LUV @FrankeJames look @ her illustr8ed essay of her visit w Canadas Min of NaturalResources http://t.co/Fu2vQTZ5(about 4613 days ago)
- Cindy @thegreenpagesbc
As an eco-activist artist I LUV @FrankeJames look @ her illustr8ed essay of her visit w Canadas Min of NaturalResources http://t.co/Fu2vQTZ5(about 4613 days ago)
- V. Jobson @softgrasswalker
It wouldn't be Canada Day without asking what Stephen Harper is so scared of. http://t.co/JBF85G6H(about 4613 days ago)
- The Mad Bomber @vicpopuli
It wouldn't be Canada Day without asking what Stephen Harper is so scared of. http://t.co/JBF85G6H(about 4613 days ago)
- janekleeb @janekleeb
In todays @boldnebraska roundup of news, Chelsea included this great piece of art on the pipeline from Canada http://t.co/B6oOwr3G #nokxl(about 4612 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
Update! 7,200 Letters sent to Harper and MPs! [Counter: http://t.co/HbYCtaRi ] Story: http://t.co/T4lhSSsx #cdnpoli #ngp #northerngateway(about 4610 days ago)
- Su @urban_su
Update! 7,200 Letters sent to Harper and MPs! [Counter: http://t.co/HbYCtaRi ] Story: http://t.co/T4lhSSsx #cdnpoli #ngp #northerngateway(about 4610 days ago)
- V. Jobson @softgrasswalker
Update! 7,200 Letters sent to Harper and MPs! [Counter: http://t.co/HbYCtaRi ] Story: http://t.co/T4lhSSsx #cdnpoli #ngp #northerngateway(about 4610 days ago)
- John Bennett @john__bennett
Update! 7,200 Letters sent to Harper and MPs! [Counter: http://t.co/HbYCtaRi ] Story: http://t.co/T4lhSSsx #cdnpoli #ngp #northerngateway(about 4610 days ago)
- StopGlobalWarming @savetheearth69
What is @pmharper afraid of? Find out here http://t.co/TMvcNc8L #cdnpoli #abpoli #bcpoli #onpoli #mbpoli #cpc #ngp #northerngateway(about 4610 days ago)
- Judyth Mermelstein @gadflyquebec
Update! 7,200 Letters sent to Harper and MPs! [Counter: http://t.co/HbYCtaRi ] Story: http://t.co/T4lhSSsx #cdnpoli #ngp #northerngateway(about 4609 days ago)
- Zoe Grams @zoegrams
What is Harper afraid of? A beautiful illustration essay on the Tar Sands/Pipeline: http://t.co/y2kfHyXy(about 4609 days ago)
- tobyfour @tobyfour
Update! 7,200 Letters sent to Harper and MPs! [Counter: http://t.co/HbYCtaRi ] Story: http://t.co/T4lhSSsx #cdnpoli #ngp #northerngateway(about 4609 days ago)
- Ashley Arden @ash_arden
Update! 7,200 Letters sent to Harper and MPs! [Counter: http://t.co/HbYCtaRi ] Story: http://t.co/T4lhSSsx #cdnpoli #ngp #northerngateway(about 4609 days ago)
- Paulina Zelazny @paulinazelazny
Hey @pmharper, what are you afraid of? http://t.co/FR113rs2 #cdnpoli(about 4609 days ago)
- D. Meredith @dlmmeredith
What is Harper Afraid Of? #cdnpoli http://t.co/6hZ8Gvrc via @FrankeJames saw it today live Elora Art Gallery GREAT;(about 4607 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
TYVM! rt @dlmmeredith What is Harper Afraid Of? #cdnpoli http://t.co/T4lhSSsx via @FrankeJames saw it today live Elora Art Gallery GREAT;(about 4607 days ago)
- Rabbitupnorth @rabbitupnorth
TYVM! rt @dlmmeredith What is Harper Afraid Of? #cdnpoli http://t.co/T4lhSSsx via @FrankeJames saw it today live Elora Art Gallery GREAT;(about 4607 days ago)
- DeathOfEvidence @deathofevidence
What is Harper Afraid Of? #cdnpoli http://t.co/WIBrV6N7 via @FrankeJames(about 4607 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
TY! Great to see the White Coats Rallying http://t.co/Y1kMt3Us RT @DeathOfEvidence What is Harper Afraid Of? #cdnpoli http://t.co/T4lhSSsx(about 4607 days ago)
- Gerri Schmidt @gerrischmidt1
TY! Great to see the White Coats Rallying http://t.co/Y1kMt3Us RT @DeathOfEvidence What is Harper Afraid Of? #cdnpoli http://t.co/T4lhSSsx(about 4607 days ago)
- diane wallrich @quaker_diane
TY! Great to see the White Coats Rallying http://t.co/Y1kMt3Us RT @DeathOfEvidence What is Harper Afraid Of? #cdnpoli http://t.co/T4lhSSsx(about 4607 days ago)
- Graham Chivers @deepgreendesign
What is Harper Afraid Of? #cdnpoli http://t.co/WIBrV6N7 via @FrankeJames(about 4607 days ago)
- T.C. Smith @smit314
@DeathOfEvidence: What is Harper Afraid Of? #cdnpoli http://t.co/MObPncin @MPLoisBrown got any answers for your constits?(about 4606 days ago)
- Danno @___danno
@DeathOfEvidence: What is Harper Afraid Of? #cdnpoli http://t.co/MObPncin @MPLoisBrown got any answers for your constits?(about 4606 days ago)
- Pearce @pearceman
@DeathOfEvidence: What is Harper Afraid Of? #cdnpoli http://t.co/MObPncin @MPLoisBrown got any answers for your constits?(about 4606 days ago)
- Pamela Allard @pam_unapathetic
@DeathOfEvidence: What is Harper Afraid Of? #cdnpoli http://t.co/MObPncin @MPLoisBrown got any answers for your constits?(about 4606 days ago)
- Damien Clarkson @damienclarkson
@sandyd68 #lushfest was energising. This is the Tar Sands story by @frankejames I was talking about http://t.co/k8Lkl6zZ(about 4606 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
@damienclarkson @sandyd68 #lushfest TY! My latest: http://t.co/T4lhSSsx Here's my Fat Cat Canada from 2009: http://t.co/SV2xksuQ #TarSands(about 4606 days ago)
- engelmaus humperdink @sandyd68
@damienclarkson @sandyd68 #lushfest TY! My latest: http://t.co/T4lhSSsx Here's my Fat Cat Canada from 2009: http://t.co/SV2xksuQ #TarSands(about 4606 days ago)
- engelmaus humperdink @sandyd68
@sandyd68 #lushfest was energising. This is the Tar Sands story by @frankejames I was talking about http://t.co/k8Lkl6zZ(about 4606 days ago)
- Gérard J.L.Delisle @fotognique
What is Harper Afraid Of? #cdnpoli http://t.co/WIBrV6N7 via @FrankeJames(about 4605 days ago)
- engelmaus humperdink @sandyd68
http://t.co/pzrsSBaW #environment #canada #tarsands < this is awesome RT(about 4604 days ago)
- Bear_Code @webwildink
@SheilaGunnReid http://t.co/hL7hVkfC(about 4604 days ago)
- gabe @smgab
A brilliant, worrying, must-see piece of illustrated activism: What is Harper Afraid Of? #cdnpoli http://t.co/LL2BG61B via @FrankeJames(about 4604 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
7267 letters R @smgab A brilliant, worrying, must-see piece of illustrated activism: What is Harper Afraid Of? http://t.co/T4lhSSsx #cdnpoli(about 4604 days ago)
- Jenny Ryan @jryancsp
What is Harper Afraid Of? #cdnpoli http://t.co/mmhT8f87 via @FrankeJames(about 4604 days ago)
- celticperegrini @celticperegrini
7267 letters R @smgab A brilliant, worrying, must-see piece of illustrated activism: What is Harper Afraid Of? http://t.co/T4lhSSsx #cdnpoli(about 4604 days ago)
- Michael Marsh @etenebrislux
7267 letters R @smgab A brilliant, worrying, must-see piece of illustrated activism: What is Harper Afraid Of? http://t.co/T4lhSSsx #cdnpoli(about 4604 days ago)
- matt walker @mattcwalker
What is Harper Afraid Of? #cdnpoli http://t.co/pzWGWBuC via @FrankeJames(about 4603 days ago)
- Alicia Dubrawski @vibrantalicia
What is Harper Afraid Of? #cdnpoli http://t.co/vMK3zeMM via @FrankeJames(about 4602 days ago)
- Spencer Allerton @beaubeaubenny
Update! 7,200 Letters sent to Harper and MPs! [Counter: http://t.co/HbYCtaRi ] Story: http://t.co/T4lhSSsx #cdnpoli #ngp #northerngateway(about 4601 days ago)
- Danno @___danno
Update! 7,200 Letters sent to Harper and MPs! [Counter: http://t.co/HbYCtaRi ] Story: http://t.co/T4lhSSsx #cdnpoli #ngp #northerngateway(about 4601 days ago)
- JB @jbierm02
Update! 7,200 Letters sent to Harper and MPs! [Counter: http://t.co/HbYCtaRi ] Story: http://t.co/T4lhSSsx #cdnpoli #ngp #northerngateway(about 4601 days ago)
- Herbert Pimlott @herbert_pimlott
Update! 7,200 Letters sent to Harper and MPs! [Counter: http://t.co/HbYCtaRi ] Story: http://t.co/T4lhSSsx #cdnpoli #ngp #northerngateway(about 4601 days ago)
- G.E. LaGaffe @gelagaffe
Update! 7,200 Letters sent to Harper and MPs! [Counter: http://t.co/HbYCtaRi ] Story: http://t.co/T4lhSSsx #cdnpoli #ngp #northerngateway(about 4601 days ago)
- cynthia harbour @smell3roses
Update! 7,200 Letters sent to Harper and MPs! [Counter: http://t.co/HbYCtaRi ] Story: http://t.co/T4lhSSsx #cdnpoli #ngp #northerngateway(about 4601 days ago)
- ricole fedyna @ricolefedyna
What is Harper Afraid Of? #cdnpoli http://t.co/8YKaSol9 via @FrankeJames #TarSands #Enbridge(about 4601 days ago)
- Christina Toth @christoth7
What is Harper Afraid Of? #cdnpoli http://t.co/9tcknTF2 via @FrankeJames #abbotsford #missionbc What do you think?(about 4590 days ago)
- William U Regan @wuregan
Canada needs more open honest environmental impact reporting, I see govt blindness,corp cover up & worse down the road http://t.co/EbvgdrqT(about 4590 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
What Harper is Afraid of: http://t.co/T4lhSSsx Damming Tar Sands Report 2010 http://t.co/eeCRyeEe #cdnpoli #tarsands ht @Argthemuse(about 4587 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
@Argthemuse YW. Did you look at what Harper is afraid of? http://t.co/T4lhSSsx(about 4586 days ago)
- Allison Argy-Burgess @argthemuse
@Argthemuse YW. Did you look at what Harper is afraid of? http://t.co/T4lhSSsx(about 4586 days ago)
- diane wallrich @quaker_diane
What is Harper Afraid Of? #cdnpoli http://t.co/Oy4mC3uu via @FrankeJames(about 4576 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
@HelioCurrent TY! I took my MFA at UVic. Love BC, hence "What is Harper afraid of?" http://t.co/T4lhSSsx I'm following @KitsEcoArts now.(about 4573 days ago)
- Joanna Lord @jomlord
What is Harper Afraid Of? [illustrated essay] - http://t.co/e7qXPdh3(about 4572 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
Signed? "What Is Harper Afraid Of?" *7,432* letters sent to Harper & MPs! http://t.co/T4lhSSsx #Notankers http://t.co/HbYCtaRi #bcpoli #NGP(about 4563 days ago)
- James M. @j34baller
Signed? "What Is Harper Afraid Of?" *7,432* letters sent to Harper & MPs! http://t.co/T4lhSSsx #Notankers http://t.co/HbYCtaRi #bcpoli #NGP(about 4563 days ago)
- Barry Loewen @barryloewen1
Signed? "What Is Harper Afraid Of?" *7,432* letters sent to Harper & MPs! http://t.co/T4lhSSsx #Notankers http://t.co/HbYCtaRi #bcpoli #NGP(about 4563 days ago)
- Larry Oliver @tweetingdonal
Signed? "What Is Harper Afraid Of?" *7,432* letters sent to Harper & MPs! http://t.co/T4lhSSsx #Notankers http://t.co/HbYCtaRi #bcpoli #NGP(about 4563 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
What is Harper Afraid Of? http://t.co/T4lhSSsx 7,454 letters sent to PM Harper & MPs http://t.co/HbYCtaRi #cdnpoli #ngp(about 4549 days ago)
- clicks n' whistles @oceancries
What is Harper Afraid Of? http://t.co/T4lhSSsx 7,454 letters sent to PM Harper & MPs http://t.co/HbYCtaRi #cdnpoli #ngp(about 4549 days ago)
- Suzanne FisherMurray @sfishermurray
7,454 letters sent to #Canada 's PM Harper & MPs Read @frankejames "What is Harper Afraid Of?" & sign: http://t.co/I05A43aS #cdnpoli #ngp(about 4549 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
7,454 letters sent to #Canada 's PM Harper & MPs Read @frankejames "What is Harper Afraid Of?" & sign: http://t.co/I05A43aS #cdnpoli #ngp(about 4549 days ago)
- Laurie Cashmore @libminded
Thx@frankejames: What is Harper Afraid Of? http://t.co/1G0S8oVa 7,454 letters sent to Harper & MPs http://t.co/3bjKhJmv #cdnpoli #ngp(about 4549 days ago)
- LindieO @dolphinssos
What is Harper Afraid Of? http://t.co/T4lhSSsx 7,454 letters sent to PM Harper & MPs http://t.co/HbYCtaRi #cdnpoli #ngp(about 4549 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
Excellent! @MarcGarneau Delighted to hear it got your attention! http://t.co/T4lhSSsx(about 4544 days ago)
- Caroline Wilson @carolinevireo
Excellent! @MarcGarneau Delighted to hear it got your attention! http://t.co/T4lhSSsx(about 4544 days ago)
- Denyse Pez @coteter
Excellent! @MarcGarneau Delighted to hear it got your attention! http://t.co/T4lhSSsx(about 4544 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
@darrenshirley Thnx! The WWF "Bears" are fighting hard to protect the #GreatBearRainforest in Canada. Here's my story: http://t.co/T4lhSSsx(about 4530 days ago)
- Darren Shirley @darrenshirley
Check out this on #tarsands & the #GreatBearRainforest in Canada from @frankejames http://t.co/HyMoNofe <- this is how to tell a story!(about 4530 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
Check out this on #tarsands & the #GreatBearRainforest in Canada from @frankejames http://t.co/HyMoNofe <- this is how to tell a story!(about 4530 days ago)
- Heather Clay @beeseyeview
What is Harper Afraid Of? [illustrated essay] - http://t.co/e7vlHvZh(about 4530 days ago)
- Lorelei Boyce @aborigempower
@darrenshirley Thnx! The WWF "Bears" are fighting hard to protect the #GreatBearRainforest in Canada. Here's my story: http://t.co/T4lhSSsx(about 4530 days ago)
- Mariaschnee @svukusic
Check out this on #tarsands & the #GreatBearRainforest in Canada from @frankejames http://t.co/HyMoNofe <- this is how to tell a story!(about 4530 days ago)
- Highwayqueen @highwayqueen
What is Harper Afraid Of? [illustrated essay] - http://t.co/aaNqagrf(about 4530 days ago)
- Gerri Schmidt @gerrischmidt1
Check out this on #tarsands & the #GreatBearRainforest in Canada from @frankejames http://t.co/HyMoNofe <- this is how to tell a story!(about 4530 days ago)
- Damien Clarkson @damienclarkson
@MammasaurusBlog @BeingMrsC @dorkymum this visual essay by the super talented @frankejames is a great starting point http://t.co/k8Lkl6zZ(about 4528 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
TY @damienclarkson I'm sure Harper would LUV this as an intro to Canada http://t.co/T4lhSSsx @MammasaurusBlog @BeingMrsC @dorkymum #cdnpoli(about 4528 days ago)
- MrGenier @mrgenier
TY @damienclarkson I'm sure Harper would LUV this as an intro to Canada http://t.co/T4lhSSsx @MammasaurusBlog @BeingMrsC @dorkymum #cdnpoli(about 4528 days ago)
- Michael Marsh @etenebrislux
TY @damienclarkson I'm sure Harper would LUV this as an intro to Canada http://t.co/T4lhSSsx @MammasaurusBlog @BeingMrsC @dorkymum #cdnpoli(about 4528 days ago)
- Simon & Finn @simonandfinn
Great visual essay by Franke James! Canadian pipeline policy by cartoon http://t.co/fXoGrHJV(about 4527 days ago)
- Mike Special @newfiepoet
http://t.co/2zBnVHp2(about 4523 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
@Nanobozho TY! Very kind of you! Here's one for @2012NextSteps to look at: What's Harper afraid of? http://t.co/T4lhSSsx(about 4520 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
@RobertJensen2 It calls to mind -- What is Stephen Harper afraid of? http://t.co/T4lhSSsx Over 7,477 people have sent letters! @IvisonJ(about 4520 days ago)
- Robert Jensen @robertjensen2
@RobertJensen2 It calls to mind -- What is Stephen Harper afraid of? http://t.co/T4lhSSsx Over 7,477 people have sent letters! @IvisonJ(about 4520 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
@JohnVaillant TY for the tweet on my quizzical review! You may enjoy my NGP pipeline essay: What is Harper Afraid Of? http://t.co/T4lhSSsx(about 4518 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
John Honderich: Why Northern Gateway shouldnt go near Great Bear Rainforest http://t.co/7Ic3Bu6q Send Harper a letter http://t.co/T4lhSSsx(about 4516 days ago)
- Murray Lumley @mlinto
What is Harper Afraid Of? [illustrated essay] - http://t.co/VdIj616D(about 4516 days ago)
- Larry Oliver @tweetingdonal
MT @frankejames: Why Northern Gateway shouldnt go near Great Bear Rainforest http://t.co/KD3FlIpu Send Harper a letter http://t.co/AvqIKu5h(about 4515 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
"Tar-sands pipelines are not a pathway to Canadas future" @MMFlint http://t.co/7s52I5GB ht @leadnowca Harper's Fear: http://t.co/T4lhSSsx(about 4504 days ago)
- Gerri Schmidt @gerrischmidt1
"Tar-sands pipelines are not a pathway to Canadas future" @MMFlint http://t.co/7s52I5GB ht @leadnowca Harper's Fear: http://t.co/T4lhSSsx(about 4504 days ago)
- tobyfour @tobyfour
"Tar-sands pipelines are not a pathway to Canadas future" @MMFlint http://t.co/7s52I5GB ht @leadnowca Harper's Fear: http://t.co/T4lhSSsx(about 4504 days ago)
- Thomas Milne @thomasmilne
"Tar-sands pipelines are not a pathway to Canadas future" @MMFlint http://t.co/7s52I5GB ht @leadnowca Harper's Fear: http://t.co/T4lhSSsx(about 4503 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
@phirephoenix Let’s do biz w/ China – but make it in Canada’s best interests Fat Cat Canada http://t.co/B1YSo0q0 … And: http://t.co/idrqb7uo(about 4496 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
@kootsac Thank you! This one is for B.C. --> http://t.co/idrqb7uo(about 4469 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
@kootsac TY! Glad that over 7,500 have written to Harper from the story. http://t.co/idrqb7uo(about 4469 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
@njsh2008 Could be that the 7,507 letters sent from my @NorthernGateway story got noticed. @joeoliver1 starred in it. http://t.co/idrqb7uo(about 4460 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
.@___Danno Maybe @climatebabes has not seen --> \"What is Harper afraid of?\" http://t.co/idrqb7uo I\'ll let them know I\'m Canadian! #cdnpoli(about 4441 days ago)
- Jenny @jenandrews3
What is Harper Afraid Of? #soamazing #climatechange #savethegreatbearrainforest #savethearctic #savetheearth - http://t.co/BdpVhO3M(about 4435 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
@RayBeckerman Thnx Ray! I\'d love to be in a Canada /USA art exchange! #Political #Art #Environment http://t.co/idrqb7uo @agotoronto #cdnpoli(about 4423 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
TY! @PriscillaJudd Here\'s my story about What Harper is afraid of... http://t.co/idrqb7uo You can send a letter too. (Over 7,500 sent)(about 4404 days ago)
- Eden @bohemianeden
RT @frankejames: TY! @PriscillaJudd Here\'s my story about What Harper is afraid of... http://t.co/idrqb7uo You can send a letter too. ( ...(about 4404 days ago)
- V. Jobson @softgrasswalker
RT @frankejames: TY! @PriscillaJudd Here\'s my story about What Harper is afraid of... http://t.co/idrqb7uo You can send a letter too. ( ...(about 4404 days ago)
- la Nitpickette @nitpickette01
RT @frankejames: TY! @PriscillaJudd Here\'s my story about What Harper is afraid of... http://t.co/idrqb7uo You can send a letter too. ( ...(about 4404 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
Harper\'s Conservatives should heed Washington’s climate change message http://t.co/mQAJdLFS What Does Harper Fear? http://t.co/idrqb7uo(about 4380 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
@knoxkp The truth is too dirty to advertise. See Environment Canada report; http://t.co/fqhpWBiDUQ cc @walrusmagazine @AdamskiPeter(about 4369 days ago)
- Dr Marcia J Epstein @acousticate
RT @frankejames: @knoxkp The truth is too dirty to advertise. See Environment Canada report; http://t.co/fqhpWBiDUQ cc @walrusmagazine @ ...(about 4369 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
Canada gives full-court press to Keystone approval http://t.co/f8bQqGqn7w What\'s Harper afraid of? http://t.co/fqhpWBiDUQ #cdnpoli #KXL(about 4367 days ago)
- SamSolar @samsolar1
What is Harper Afraid Of? - #cdnpoli">http://t.co/sNBspUcGTK\n#cdnpoli(about 4366 days ago)
- Not Given @can_ada
RT @SamSolar1: What is Harper Afraid Of? - #cdnpoli">http://t.co/sNBspUcGTK\n#cdnpoli(about 4366 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
TY @TwocentsCanada Here\'s my latest: What is Harper Afraid Of? - http://t.co/I9Sjr9HhxD (It and Dear PM will be in my new book)(about 4363 days ago)
- B.L. McMillan @politicalbee
RT @frankejames: TY @TwocentsCanada Here\'s my latest: What is Harper Afraid Of? - http://t.co/I9Sjr9HhxD (It and Dear PM will be in my ...(about 4363 days ago)
- Stephen Leahy @stephenleahy
RT @frankejames: TY @TwocentsCanada Here\'s my latest: What is Harper Afraid Of? - http://t.co/I9Sjr9HhxD (It and Dear PM will be in my ...(about 4363 days ago)
- CdnCrone @canadiancrone
RT @frankejames: TY @TwocentsCanada Here\'s my latest: What is Harper Afraid Of? - http://t.co/I9Sjr9HhxD (It and Dear PM will be in my ...(about 4363 days ago)
- Pauline Richard @paulinedrichard
Please check out this site and fill in the information on the bottom and let your MP\'s know we want Harper gone... http://t.co/DJVHvxMRrQ(about 4346 days ago)
- Pauline Richard @paulinedrichard
Please check out this site and fill in the information on the bottom and let your MP\'s know we want Harper gone... http://t.co/Ois2XBqGjv(about 4346 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
@Urban_Su Yep. I drew the Queen of the North underwater in my \"What\'s Harper afraid of\" essay. http://t.co/fqhpWBiDUQ(about 4307 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
@electIndGary Both are a concern. See my story about pipelines and tankers... http://t.co/fqhpWBiDUQ(about 4307 days ago)
- V. Jobson @softgrasswalker
RT @frankejames: @electIndGary Both are a concern. See my story about pipelines and tankers... http://t.co/fqhpWBiDUQ(about 4307 days ago)
- Donna Chevrier @donnachevrier
What is Harper Afraid Of? - http://t.co/ARnUovL6tk(about 4285 days ago)
- Not Given @can_ada
What is Harper Afraid Of?\nby Franke James\n#cdnpoli #environment \nhttp://t.co/FLRAzynTwz(about 4267 days ago)
- Jackie @jackier1963
RT @Can_ada: What is Harper Afraid Of?\nby Franke James\n#cdnpoli #environment \nhttp://t.co/FLRAzynTwz(about 4267 days ago)
- Daly de Gagné @dalydegagne
RT @Can_ada: What is Harper Afraid Of?\nby Franke James\n#cdnpoli #environment \nhttp://t.co/FLRAzynTwz(about 4267 days ago)
- G.S.M. @great_scott204
This is worth the read. Frankie has it right. http://t.co/u3YSsH6GNj(about 4267 days ago)
- Daly de Gagné @dalydegagne
Well worth looking at! RT @Can_ada What is Harper Afraid Of?\nby Franke James\n#cdnpoli #environment \#CDNPoli">nhttp://t.co/TGc9ujndld#CDNPoli(about 4267 days ago)
- Anum @ausyeda
.@Frankejames’ “Banned on the Hill” campaign: http://t.co/Oraa3eVw4F 6 more days to go! One of my fav essays by her: http://t.co/ie3CBGOOjr(about 4257 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
RT @ausyeda: .@Frankejames’ “Banned on the Hill” campaign: http://t.co/Oraa3eVw4F 6 more days to go! One of my fav essays by her: http://t.…(about 4257 days ago)
- Rab Newol @rabnew
RT @ausyeda: .@Frankejames’ “Banned on the Hill” campaign: http://t.co/Oraa3eVw4F 6 more days to go! One of my fav essays by her: http://t.…(about 4257 days ago)
- Joanna Lord @jomlord
RT @ausyeda: .@Frankejames’ “Banned on the Hill” campaign: http://t.co/Oraa3eVw4F 6 more days to go! One of my fav essays by her: http://t.…(about 4256 days ago)
- Laurel Windover @laurelwindover
What is Harper Afraid Of? - http://t.co/iDdr1txmRh(about 4253 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
@cdns11 I do live in a Conservative riding. Joe Oliver is my MP. See my story about my face-to-face meeting w/ him: http://t.co/rBFlO4Y2Cg(about 4232 days ago)
- V. Jobson @softgrasswalker
RT @frankejames: @cdns11 I do live in a Conservative riding. Joe Oliver is my MP. See my story about my face-to-face meeting w/ him: http:/…(about 4232 days ago)
- Doris @vinoit
RT @frankejames: @cdns11 I do live in a Conservative riding. Joe Oliver is my MP. See my story about my face-to-face meeting w/ him: http:/…(about 4232 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
@clarke_74 Welcome to twitter. My story to protect the Great Bear Rainforest - What is Harper Afraid Of? - http://t.co/I9Sjr9HhxD(about 4213 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
Yes! @Rabnew Did @ThomasMulcair read \'What is Harper Afraid Of?\' http://t.co/rBFlO4Y2Cg #cdnpoli @dskok(about 4198 days ago)
- Budd Hall @buddhall
Great piece Cdns“@MurrayRankin \'What is Harper Afraid Of?\' http://t.co/ahazWkJbmo #cdnpoli @dskok”(about 4198 days ago)
- Christine Huddleston @chuddles11
RT @theviennacafe: What is Harper Afraid Of? | Franke James - http://t.co/CtVQRHHal0 #HamOnt #Line9 #Enbridge(about 4198 days ago)
- Koreen Scott @koreenscott
RT @frankejames: Yes! @Rabnew Did @ThomasMulcair read \'What is Harper Afraid Of?\' http://t.co/rBFlO4Y2Cg #cdnpoli @dskok(about 4198 days ago)
- Rab Newol @rabnew
RT @frankejames: Yes! @Rabnew Did @ThomasMulcair read \'What is Harper Afraid Of?\' http://t.co/rBFlO4Y2Cg #cdnpoli @dskok(about 4198 days ago)
- gariovich @gariovich
RT @frankejames: Yes! @Rabnew Did @ThomasMulcair read \'What is Harper Afraid Of?\' http://t.co/rBFlO4Y2Cg #cdnpoli @dskok(about 4198 days ago)
- Mark Taliano @mataliano
What is Harper Afraid Of? - http://t.co/xGp54Kxh6W(about 4194 days ago)
- Scott Monette @monettescott
What is Harper Afraid Of?\nhttp://t.co/zqvemecidK(about 4175 days ago)
I'm not a radical either but I'm concerned and wish the Federal Government would care and pay attention to the opinions of many Canadians. I feel like we are being bamboozled and ignored. Forcing ahead with unpopular policies and laws is not representative of the voters. Remember who you are representing. Everyday Canadians.
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Thank you for this excellent petition done in such an effective way. Keep up the great work. If they have blacklisted you it's because they really are afraid of people speaking the truth.
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Franke, this is amazing, disturbing and beautiful all at the same time. You are awesome and I want to do everything I can to help get your message out to Canadians.
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[...] Franke James ” What is Harper Afraid Of? TAKE ACTION: The Green Party of Canada: Sign the Petition to Stop Bill C-38Lead Now: Tell Finance Minister Jim Flaherty: Stop the Budget … [...]
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Very nice! I do secretly wish that you had video of him saying these things. Are you keeping an eye on SinoPec's SCC appeal of its charges for killing workers? I believe the claim is that Alberta has no jurisdiction because SinoPec doesn't really have a Canadian presence. If they win, can you imagine what that would mean to their obligations to clean up any tanker spills? It boggles my mind. The only comfort I can take is that people must wake up and this nightmare must end in 3 years. And then, these laws will be against them when they are in opposition. They will be hopping mad. Karma. In the meanwhile, maybe we should start petitions to have all House of Commons water supplied from the Athabasca River, immediately adjacent to the oilsands and the fish served in the cafeteria and have it presented by an MP to the House. Maybe we should get the garbage floating ashore from Japan and ship it to Peter Kent, Joe Oliver and Harper. Then they would understand that nature doesn't recognize borders.
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Engineering firms do pre development studies for clients. Within six months they are purchased by firms such as Enbridge and other agencies. Now when a problem hits due to a poor environmental impact study, guess who gets the blame? It's not the one who did the study! It's the agency who purchased the data believing it was good. Enbridge gets blames for pipe breaks when sometimes it's NOT THEIR FAULT. Any pipe could break if it's built on top of PEAT MOSS, or on shifting grounds of an Aquifer. In the Canada and the US: NO ENGINEERING FIRMS are held accountable for bad baseline data. And when leaks happens guess who profits? By UNDERESTIMATING RISKS these firms can profit from remediation. SOLUTION 1: To solve this issue, we need to hold engineering firms accountable for the work they do. Make them liable so they will have no choice but to good studies. SOLUTION 2: Create manditory standards for what is deemed REASONABLE TESTING CRITERIA. Currently there are not standards. By mandating test times and methods including proper bore hole depth, spring thaw water levels, multi year creek assessments we can go a long way to making sure our environment stays safe.
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[to Mr. Harper] I know you will not read this, it is the way of the coward. We will however rise up in righteous indignation if you harm so much as one creature in the Great Bear Forest. There will be a tipping point and revenge will surely come.
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The sad part about this whole affair is that there is already a route through the mountains to the coast that is readily available, only partly polluted, and would result in much lower construction costs. By building a pipeline alongside the Trans-Canada Highway, Mr. Harper could get his "sell Canada's resources down the drain" pipeline much more cheaply and with much less environmental risk. The Port of Vancouver can handle big ships much more effectively than Kitamat. Just don't tell Joe Oliver that *burning* that oil in China will produce much more CO2 than refining it in Alberta, but the effect on global climate will be the same no matter where it comes from. Sigh.
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Mr. Harper... Do you think we do not notice you are removing all agencies who monitor pollution of our land, sea and air, muzzling scientists and the press and showing a blatant disregard for MP's of the Opposition Parties in Parliament? We are watching you, Mr Harper, and we are not pleased! Your actions are, once again, contemptible.
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Absolutely excellent! Thank you for all the facts, fabulous drawings and creative display of this crucial message. I'm sending this to everyone I know, and hope we can get rid of Harper's government asap! Obviously the corporate agenda is running things, with no care about people and environment. The Great Turning is starting to happen and thanks to all those taking critical action!
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Totally awesome in content, creativity and critical timing.... Now.... to act.... let's send this to everyone we know!
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An incredible presentation. I have emailed my MP, and have shared this on Face Book, and with friends, not on Face Book. Let the Beavers all join together, and get this job done!
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[...] May 27, 2012 by Zephr What is Harper Afraid Of? [...]
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[...] I just stumbled across Franke James visual essays of environmental issues: http://www.frankejames.com/debate/?p=11818 [...]
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1. Let's remind PM Harper that: "A Conservative is, by definition, a conservationist." After all, Brian Mulroney was given an award for the best environmental policies of the 1980s. 2. What think you of this 'alternative' (addition?) to Keystone and Northern Gateway pipelines: "Future of TransCanada’s Mainline could spur Canada’s next great energy debate" http://business.financialpost.com/2012/05/25/retooling-transcanadas-mainline-could-spur-canadas-next-great-energy-debate/ Claudia Cattaneo: With TransCanada looking to switch its namesake pipeline from gas to oil, this country could be heading for its own Keystone-XL-sized controversy .... 3. Let's remember that ALL of us burn electricity and transport ourselves ... USING FOSSIL FUELS! What exactly are WE doing -personally- to Reduce our Nuclear and Fossil Footprints? Where do we think our electricity, oil and natural gas originate? Surely we don't want to ban them and return to the era of wood smoke! As Franke and others have noted, it's Not that we shouldn't harvest the resources, but How we get them to market Safely, and deal with the waste by-products: - Nuclear waste hasn't been solved since they built the Pickering CANDU plant 50 years ago. - Fracking contaminates ground water in Alberta, but Ontarians have warm winter homes. - Oil can pollute air, water and ground, but we like to commute to/from our jobs. 4. And is there anyone Not complaining about the rising cost of gasoline and electricity, and all of the grocery and other products and jobs that are affected? How much more would it cost for us to have absolutely clean, downstream nature? Would it drive our employers to leave Canada? Don't we all look for the Cheapest Price when we shop? Can clean Canadian companies compete globally? (Canada is the world's highest per-capita trading nation - that trade employs us.) What DO we do? Harper & company seems to be going too far, but what Are the solutions? Does anyone have them, or will they all promise the moon just to get elected?
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Keep up the important work of telling the truth about what Harper and his cronies are up to. You give hope and inspiration to others who sometimes feel like they are screaming at people to wake up, and still they go unheard or are muted and derided. Thank you!
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[...] threat to our well being, not to mention our sacred headwaters and our coastal environment. Check this out. [...]
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Ms Truppe: Have you seen this? I just went through it. What is the matter with Harper? Is he insane - or just stupid? Are you and your fellow Cons so spineless, so cowardly, and so brain-dead that you will let this evil psychopathic madman determine our country's future? Are you so happy to have jobs as MPs that you will not lift a finger to stop him or, at least, try to influence his traitorous policies? If you have a drop of courage or an iota of conscience, please use it to stop this man's bizarre view of reality! Sincerely, John Turner
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While I agree that a pipeline to source oil for China is fundamentally flawed, and that oil sands are not the answer to our dependence on far east oil, I am also thoughtful enough to educate myself on the verbiage and terms at hand. Fact: There are no tar sands in Alberta. It may seem like a subtle mistake but the oil sands are not tar and the people behind the corporations will never listen (last time I checked the feds didn't own a major oil company) until the protest is educated enough - cares to be educated enough - to properly describe the issue. Ban OIL sands...one day I hope we will, stop a cross BC pipeline to supply oil to China, yes, but first - and I mean this seriously, stop buying everything you use from your computer, to your car, to the clothes on your back, to your oranges and kids toys (and most of the plastic junk in the world) that is feeding the demand to produce over seas. Protest, yes. EDUCATE YES! And moreover, stop and think about the source of the issue. It's easy to your finger...but we are all part of the problem. I ride the bus, our bikes and the 4 cylinder car we share are made in Canada, and I only buy apples grown in BC. Do your part!
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[...] do not want to get in trouble and I do not want to be labelled a “radical“, but this cartoon by Franke James is simply too good pass up. Share this:TwitterFacebookPinterestLike this:LikeBe [...]
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Franke, Fabulous visual essay. Here's s few more items to add to your list of science programs being cut from the government (which the Vancouver Sun today has Minister Goodyear will have "no impact" on science in Canada): -Cuts to NSERC programs (major source of funding for Science and Engineering research in Canada) -Closure of the Experimental Lakes Area -Shutting down national contaminants program within Fisheries and Oceans Canada Who will the managers in our government have left to manage?
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hi there, this is really well done. i am wondering if it would have better impact if you put the slides with voice over on youtube? just easier to share and people will be more apt to view a 2 min vid then read through the slides. i think it's really cool and compelling but i'm one of the few who will read to the end. have you heard of thought bubble? they're in TO and they do similar type videos with awesome graphics etc. (i don't work for them, i just know their work) but this could be something similar. maybe yu can get some ideas from them??? just a thought. again, great work here!
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Jacquie, Thanks for your suggestions! Some people love the visual essay format and some prefer video. So, I have an animated video with voiceover of "What is Harper afraid of?" that is on exhibit in an art gallery in Elora right now. http://www.frankejames.com/debate/?p=11781 I'm planning on posting the video later this week on Vimeo (and maybe YouTube). Cheers, Franke
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Never stop fighting for our Wildlife and our beautiful Country CANADA
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Wonderful, powerful and strikes to the heart~not of the Harper Government because it seems they do not have one (like the tin man). Keep up the stunning truth of your graphics. You are superb!
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[...] http://www.frankejames.com/debate/?p=11818 [...]
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Never have I felt such a sense of dread about something. This is ecological disaster waiting to happen. This just can not be. Please do what you can to help the people of BC in this war that has been waged on our province. Sincerely, Susan MacLean.
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Thank you so much for putting this magnificent essay together. It's everything I believe in... saving Canada from Haper's destruction. Our children and their children will look back on this piece and thank us. I can see this essay being printed in history books for all to read.
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Those of us who have watched in horror as the Conservative Party has incrementally attempted to silence the voices of Canadians... whether through the firing of scientists, the shutting down of watch dogs, the attempt to silence respected environmental groups, the demonization of First Nations, the attempt to paint ordinary Canadians as radicals and terrorists, and the arrogant move to give parliament the right to override any decision coming out of hearings headed by democratically appointed committees - are appalled. Many of my friends in Alberta have sworn they will NEVER vote conservative again. SHAME ON YOU, Stephen Harper, Joe Oliver, Peter Kent! This will not be forgotten. Thank you to Franke James for her dedication, passion and talent.
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Wow! Franke - what an awesome amount of work, both research-wise and artistically. Well done going to your MP AND what a "coincidence" it is Joe Oliver! You are an inspiration to go deeper, make more links and fight harder to both stop the pipelines and make the tar sands development slow down, clean up their act, and proceed responsibly (if that's not an oxymoron...)
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Brilliant piece of work! I'm sending a message ti my MP, John Duncan (who I think should have the courage to stand against this these egregious acts), as well. Faint hope, I suppose but one can only try.
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It is very scary what Harper and his government are doing to the environment which in turn affects negatively the lives so many animals. I'm afraid his changes will take years to reverse.
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Thank-you for this well-researched document. I will be happy to forward this to my contacts and really hope that a massive response from everyone out there, Canadians and other concerned friends will resonate with our government. We can only hope, Karen K.
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I am Canadian but live, currently, in the US. I will try to make my American friends aware if these issues so that they can oppose the pipeline here.
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[...] The full content of this pictograph is available here on Franke James website. Please read it, send a letter, even if you live outside Canada, to let the Canadian Prime Minister [...]
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This is brilliant. It's simple and concise. The two ingredients that our society and its leaders seem to need in order to take the time to digest information. Thank you for producing it. I've emailed my MP and hope it wakes the Harper Government up, although I know it much, much more than my voice will be required.
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And what exactly is wrong with Alberta making trillions? You say it like it is a bad thing. FYI - There is and never has been an area known as the "Great Bear Rain Forest". That is just a name some hippies made up for cut block 67334. We do agree that President Harper must go. He is a radical and he is ruining our country as fast as he can.
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Mr. Harper, You have made Canada an environmental pariah on the world stage. We should be building a green economy with a national energy strategy based on new green technologies and doing it as if we were fighting a war. A recent article in National Geographic quoted scientific research as stating that ocean acidification from burning fossil fuels at the present rate would destroy the world's coral reefs by 2050 (that's less than 40 years away) Do you not love your children? Is this the world you would leave them? What kind of a monster have you become?
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Wow you put it all together so well.
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WONDERFUL WONDERFUL WONDERFUL, I love it. Spreading this around. THANK YOU!! And to those of you who point the finger about how we get around, it's the gov'ts that have stopped the production of alternatives. We cannot buy, what is not there.
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It is more important for me to get this message out and inform people .... than to sleep! There is no time to remain "silent", "sleeping", and the worst "stupid". Wake Up!
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WE DO NOT HAVE TIME TO REMAIN "sleeping", "silent", and "stupid". Prime Minister ...... WAKE UP ........ and LISTEN
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It is time to look out for our fellow Canadians! We are being taxed to death! Which is why the rich get richer and the working class get poorer....Not to mention our poor health system! Thank you for sharing...
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A brilliant way to make people take notice. Well done
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Fantastic stuff Franke, a truly enlightening piece of work.
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Thank you especially to Dr. John Stockner (above May 27, 11:11 PM) for having the courage to speak out the truth in it's most raw and basic way. We no longer recognize the Canada we knew and loved, and under the Conservative Harper Government it will continue to decline to the point where those of us who care deeply for our country, and its environment, will no longer feel safe, secure and protected in the manner to which we were previously privileged. Shame on you Stephen Harper and your ill advised ministers.
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Wonderful visuals and message - many thanks for illustrating so graphically and powerfully the devastation the Harper government is bringing to democracy and the environment. Thank you Franke - you are great!
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I suggest we scrap the party system and make politicians personally responsible for their decisions and if these bad decisions lead to this change then good for you. While you are at it make us so angry we want to get rid of the monarchists altogether and perhaps invent a democratic process to replace it.
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Franke This Canada Day I think I will be flying a new flag. Something which more closely represents what is happening to this land. Any ideas? Lets toss this one around and see what people come up with.
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[To Prime Minister Harper] I was a proud Canadian until you got voted back in. I am disgusted with Canadian Politics and I personally think you Mr. Harper should be held accountable for your actions and or inactions. The Albera Tar Sands are but one of the horrid scabs left by you and your disease is traveling throughout our precious system. If you have a shred of decency you will stop this cancer from spreading any further. Please remember, there are a billion futures depending on the decision only a few make. And by billion I do mean years this glorious earth can bring us if we treat it with RESPECT.
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Failed democracy!!
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Chock-full of excellent research as well as delightful artwork and poignant prose. The responses are enlightening as well. People do care. Fabulous!
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great stuff!
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This is an amazing pictorial essay, powerful in a way that words cannot match. Last month I participated in a small meeting with John Carmichael, conservative MP in Toronto to discuss the government's position on climate change. He was polite enough to sit and discuss for over an hour, but was clearly not swayed from the party line... However, every concerned citizen needs to keep up a constant barrage of facts in spite of the apparent futility. Eventually there will be an impact.
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To Susan Lee Hem: Not all Canadians voted for him. I sure didn't and I don't think all who did realized his evil intentions. Thank you Franke! Mr Harper couldn't care less what we think, never has, never will. He's like so many other world leaders who only care about money, power and massaging their egos. They say they care about their own children and families but they obviously don't. Actions speak louder than words. If they don't care about their own families why would you ever expect them to care about the rest of us?
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Fear separates people from one another and separates people from the earth. I actually want to stand with you Mr Harper from a place of mutual concern for Canadians and for all people. Regret is always too late. Please pay attention to Canadians now. Thank you.
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How accurate - Harper/Conservatives = the puppet government of Canada. I cringe to think of our descendants thoughts of us if we allow this government to have their greedy, oil-soaked way on any of these issues. Power to the people as they once said and what sure holds true again now!
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Harper is afraid of the truth. That's why he's muzzled and fired all the scientists.
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Changing our ways for the environment will never be convenient or easy but it needs to happen now! Using the excuse that the economy is unstable to not make changes is just that, an excuse. If we act now, we can be one of the leading countries to make renewable energy a priority. Let's make a beautiful line of solar panels instead!
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[...] 26, 2012 – What is Harper afraid of? – oil spill pictorial by Franke [...]
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Stephen Harper won't be in office much longer if he ignores environmental issues - it has gone global and what would that say about Canada if our Prime Minister (whoever that is and will be in the future) does nothing to support and promote Green? Canada will be at the bottom of the list of "developed" countries. Then, who will want to invest in our country? No one!
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This should precipitate a great deal of thought. We in British Columbia honour the natural esthetics of our province. Unfortunately the folks in Ontario are not aware of what we have here. It is about time those who dictate our future wake up and realize that they are throwing away our most valuable heritage... our future and the future of those who follow us. How about "protection" instead of "destruction"?
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Thank you Franke for your humorous, artistic and well researched attempt to sum up the trail of on-going and impending destruction being wreaked on Canada by the Harper Government. I have really appreciated being able to read the eloquent responses of your readers as they share their horror of what the consequences of these actions mean for Canada and the world. In particular, what I really appreciate about your piece is the collation of what the Harper Government has been doing since it took office. Looking at a chronology of the legislation since they have been in office forms a more cohesive picture of what they are up to. The more solidly this can be presented to people, the harder it becomes to deny what you are claiming that the Harper Government is up to in your piece. Bravo
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Nobody talks about the sea-water ballast that the tankers would bring back and dump in our waters, with oil residue and god knows what else!
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I am most afraid of the secrecy and circumvention of democracy that seem to be the hallmarks of the Harper Conservatives (where is our census and numerous regulatory agencies???).
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This is an excellent pictorial explanation of the harm Harper ahd his underlings are doing to Canada, and the threat to future generations. I fear for the Canada my greatgrandchildren, now a year old, will inherit. Mr Harper, you should be afraid of the contempt in which you are held. The worst dictatorial PM Canada ever had. May our own courage save us from what you want to destroy.
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I am so encouraged to see these issues put together in such an effective way, and to read many of the comments in reply to this visual essay. Thanks you, everyone! I feel like every day I learn a new change enacted by the conservatives that is quickly destroying the Canada I know and love. I often feel hopeless as it seems that everyone is so numb to politics that we aren't even willing to stand up and hold our politicians accountable. People act as though this is just normal. I feel like shaking people and telling them WAKE UP! PAY ATTENTION!!! This is NOT NORMAL! A few more years of this and I won't even recognize the country I have lived in all my life. What kind of a democracy silences the voices of any of their citizens, much less scientists that are supposed to provide us with knowledge to base our decisions upon. What kind of a democracy exists when the average people just accept what is happening instead of holding their representatives accountable for their actions/inactions? What kind of leader holds the interest of a few multinational (mostly foreign owned!) corporations over the interests and needs and health of their own citizens? I feel like I'm in a nuthouse when I think about what is going on. It truly is insane! Just a note to everyone out there who cares to fight and make a difference: Try to write (physical) letters whenever you can! You might like the convenience and paper-less method of emails, but unfortunately it seems paper letters are more effective. It is also FAR more effective to write letters in your own words. Good luck to you all! Let's be strong and make our voices heard! We will not be silenced or censored! Together we can defend the Canada we know and love from greed and insanity.
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I am not an activist or a radical. I am a Canadian who wants to preserve our beliefs and values. This includes democracy and a functional Parliamentary system - it's not the best system but it has worked for us until now. Now that ideology and greed have taken over the PMO, Canadians are under attack. There are 36 million of us. Only a few thousand of them (MPs, Lobbyists, Oil and Gas execs, etc). Thank you for your great work and your contribution to the resistance. It is NOT futile! WE. WILL. WIN.
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Thank you very much Franke for your beautiful art protest, I would have liked to forward it to my friends to signed your protest too. Unfortunately it does not give me the option just to e-mail it. I am not into Facebook as I do not even trust them anymore. Thanks again, Birgit
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Bonjours M. Harper ! Félicitation pour tenir tête au mouvement féministe et a ceux et celles qui s en servent pour s'emplire les poches et se faire passer pour des gens qui prétent être la pour le bien-être de nos enfants ... Ces gents, politiciens politicienne (Poline Marrois) DPJ, avocat en matière familliale, Fonctionnaire a la RRQ, fonctionnaire à l'aide juridique, contrôleuse des arme à feux voila tous ces gens qui coûte une fortune à l'état. Cette perte économique est sens aucun doute dévastatrice, pour notre planette. SVP. Continuer a leur tenir tête et a faire un bon ménage dans le mouvement féministe qui s'associe au mouvement gay pour vous menacer et ce donner du pouvoir lors des élections. Ce mouvement s'infiltre a grand pas dans notre gouvernement: aide juridique, DPJ, alocation familiale, revenus québec et canada, contrôleur des arme à feux, etc. je suis avec vous et malheureusement je suis un des rares citoyens a avoir compris ce fléau et a avoir voter pour vous au Québec. Ne laisser pas cette vermine continuer a nous contaminer, couper leur le budjet et poursuive les en justice, j 'ai en ma possection un bon dossier qui pourrait vous être tres utile. Si vous avez besoin de moi je suis la en tout temps Je vous souhaite bon courage et percéverrence, félicitation Mario Brouillard
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[...] background and support information (links, research papers and news reports) for What Is Harper Afraid Of? [...]
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I'm simply AFRAID
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I am a radical Christian, and I have lived in BC all my life. God gave us creation to use and enjoy, but not to abuse, and we live in God's world, not ours, we are a part of it. I know that many Conservatives, including Stephen Harper, are sure that this world is going to end before we pollute all the water, use up all the oil, and raise the temperature and wreck the whole planet, but this is sure a proud and selfish way of looking at prophecy, the Bible, and God. I'm not kidding, this is how they think, just because Jews are back living in Israel again, and other things like the United Nations existing! We have to work together, because we all need air, water, and clean soil. None of us can afford the cost of even one tanker spill on our West Coast, and oil pipelines leak almost like sieves. You don't have to look far beyond the "Oil Sands are jobs for the future" glossy happy ads to find out that the whole place is a great location shoot for Mordor if anyone wants to remake "Lord of the Rings". Just do a little bit more to help stop the Enbridge Northern Pipeline, and keep more bitumen in the tar sands any other way you can.
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excellent presentation... i makes me wonder how much money enbridge is promising prime minister harper and other members of the government for silently sneaking this through... most of us already know that the prime minister is not the kind of man that worries about the future as we do. he worries about how much money he will make. the article didn't mention anything about the native people that are suffering higher rates of sickness, including cancers as well as an increased infant mortality rate and aborted pregnancies. after all this time, the canadian government is also still trying to wipe out the first nations people too buck
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Buck, Thanks! The huge issue of people downstream (which includes First Nations) being poisoned was the focus of the section about whether Joe Oliver about would eat the fish from the Athabasca River.... and whether he had seen the "secret" report. Look at that section again and you'll see the First Nation complaint to the UN about racism, and my question to the government and the oil industry about "the cost of doing business". Also, the issue of class action lawsuits -- which the govt should be afraid of. See my Fat Cat Canada essay for more on the toxic impact of the tar sands: http://www.frankejames.com/debate/?p=964 Franke
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Good work and thank you Franke!
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You've done an incredible job here with this visual essay / infographic! Can you convert it to a slideshow or video? if so i would be happy to help you post it. P.S., my mom, who is also not a radical (and passed away in April) made 10 green toques with the idea that we could create a cool campaign against the Northern Gateway. Please contact me if you can think of how to make use of the toques! Bill
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[...] Here is a brilliant look at the world of Steve and his radical friends! Thank you for this Frank James. [...]
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Thank you to everyone for your passionate and thoughtful comments on "What is Harper afraid of?" They are all fascinating to read! What Harper is really afraid of is YOU speaking out, and talking to your friends! My Facebook friend Bruce Elkin said this after reading my essay, "Rise up Beaver Nation! Rise up!" We need to demand that our "leaders" put the environment on equal footing with the economy -- because you cannot have a healthy economy if you have a sick environment. Congrats to all of you for speaking out here! Franke
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Thank You for Putting All This Very Important Information Together in Such an Accessible and Captivating Way!!! May Your Message Reach Many Millions and Be of Benefit!
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[Prime Minister Harper] As an Albertan Canadian, I cannot countenance the damage you are doing to Alberta & Canada.
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Very beautifully done. Thanks Franke :D
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Sad to say that, despite the overwhelming and growing mass of evidemnce (facts!), the current government will do exactly as they wish to support the Oil Industry's wishes. the answer, though it will take some time, is to overturn this group through the ballot box.
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Dear Mr Harper, I wish to submit that your support for the Alberta tar sands, for the Enbridge oil pipeline (“Northern Gateway” project) and for shipping oil down a hazardous coastline is a terrible threat to the environment. I have been informed that this pipeline plan to source oil for China is flawed. Globally, you and your government are quite unpopular for the continued support to killer chrysotile asbestos industry and hazardous waste trade. Your support for this pipeline makes you further unpopular. It is clear that you and your government is insensitive towards the incurable diseases caused by environmental factors. This is reflected in the Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement under negotiation between India and Canada. Now it has come to light that you are cruel towards your fellow citizens and their environment as well. In view of the facts, I urge you and your government to do a rethink about your support for Northern Gateway” project in particular and other regressive environmental policies and projects in general.
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I hope together we can STOP all this insanity that rips at the heart of every Canadian and many others as well. Our precious Democracy is fast eroding! It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see our beautiful planet being destroyed at an alarming rate!The Harper Team has slammed the book shut and turned a deaf ear to the people who in fact-pay their wages!!This smacks of CONTROL and we know what that means!----As the "Eagles" sing these words--"There is no NEW FRONTIER, we've got to make it here!"--"They talk of PARADISE, while kissing it GOODBYE!" As Carl Sagan so aptly described it,"our beautiful "pale blue dot". We are basically alone at the far end of the Milky Way galaxy. This is our only home.E.T. is only in the movies!! Together we can change things!Hope springs eternal!! I urge you Mr.Harper please listen to your people and scrap the "Northern Gateway Project!"
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Thank you Franke James. Your post prompted me to reformat for my MP, a letter I was writing to UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon as this solar cycle comes to a close. My message includes a well researched essay 'Why does the World Shadow Government destroy its own home (planet)?' one of many essays to help us understand where we are, how we got here, the urgency of transparency, integrity, clarifying where we choose to go next as a species, and how to get there from here. http://cosmicconvergence.org/?p=900 Beyond mainstream media disinformation, everything hidden is being revealed organically to clear negativity and preserve life, which require us to unite and speak up peacefully for justice, peace, and the natural good of all life forms including Earth, as a new sustainable world emerges foretold as 2012 by many indigenous cultures, every major religion, and perceived by consciously aware scientists to greatly alter the course of evolution. People who have the privilege to know have a duty to act.
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We need a new paradigm to fight these "amoral assholes who do business the 1% way". We are in a medium to long-term WAR and can't afford to lose it to these "greedy bastards". We have to start bringing the fight to their home front by interjecting ourselves into their personal lives in many creative ways...to embarrass them publicly among their peers, social cycles, clubs, etc., etc. It's obvious that the usual ways are really working and aren't sustaining any critical momentum in the environmental movement to reverse the tide of these Gaia violators. We have to step it up with greater efficiency, effectiveness, and urgency.
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[...] Franke James » What is Harper Afraid Of? [...]
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[...] Franke James » What is Harper Afraid Of? [...]
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Thank you Franke for your great effort to wake us all up. We are fortunate on the Gulf Islands to have Elizabeth May as our MP but she needs support from more Canadians.I'm passing it on......
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Thank you for your information and your work -- it really gives us thought. Hope the beautiful and peaceful nature will not be destroyed because of endless greed.
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Until the NDP, Liberals, Bloc and Greens unite, with a voting strategy that guarantees that the majority of Canadians who do NOT vote Conservative will elect the next federal government, we will be condemned to the erosion of our rights, including the protection of the environment. MP Nathan Cullen, who advocates for such a system, is now the Federal NDP House Leader--perhaps this position will allow him to persuade others of the absolute necessity for the parties of reason to unite.
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I am from the UK but I am also sick of conservatives trying destroy MY country and I would gladly give my life to clear this beautiful planet of the human plague that is destroying it. Moonwolf. May peace dwell in our hearts, Druid.
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Excellent! Blindingly clear and to the point. Congratulations. This is so much more meaningful and easy to read than a whole lot of written verbiage.
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Well Done Franke. Mulroney had a private dream of becoming an American, and Harper may like to become Chinese with his pipeline deal. Except he may be arrested in Beiijing for impersonating a human being, [over there any excuse will do to harvest hardly used organs] and his brain should bring a high price in Moscow, it's hardly been used. As for a heart, he doesn't possess one, just look at his eyes.
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[...] anti-democratic policies). You can find Franke’s essay, What is Harper Afraid Of?, at FrankeJames.com, Here’s the animated [...]
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The biggest risk of all is that us folks will get whipped into a frenzy, that will scare Harper off his game a little, and he'll cancel the Pipeline. Why is that the biggest risk? Because his "regime" (for that's what the PMO has become) would gain some sort of twisted Enviro-Cred from such a move, and he might then get re-elected, and all the systemic crap he's done would get instilled ever deeper for the next 4 to 5 years. For that reason, the Pipeline itself (while completely ridiculous as a project) can't be the only target of our efforts. I applaud this very effective message (with nice pictures and gathered facts) precisely because it's about more than just the Pipeline. Let's not lose sight of the larger issues, because it's too easy for Mr. Harper's regime to just cancel it as a re-election tactic.
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What a great read! Thank you for a more light-hearted, yet well-informed, approach to a very serious issue.
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You are an amazing soul. Thank you for sharing and creating this masterpiece. I will be sure to share with everyone I know! STAND UP FIGHT BACK!
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Please vote responsibly! No amount of money can fix this scale of environmental degradation, nor mend the souls of Canadians.
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Thank you, Franke James! A few thoughts: I live in an area close to the proposed Northern Gateway pipeline route. There is already a natural gas line on our part of the route, and it has ruptured many times, usually because of landslides. (Fortunately for the salmon streams and rivers in our very rugged area, natural gas evaporates.) A friend of mine was one of the workers who has had to deal with the severed lines. He reminded us that the ruptures tend to happen during severe weather, on unstable ground, in VERY deep snow, and in the most inaccessible places. Typically, the weather is so rough that a helicopter cannot land. The diluted bitumen (dilbit) that will be flowing through and leaking from Enbridge's pipeline is FAR more toxic, abrasive, and corrosive than conventional crude oil--which dramatically increases the rate of pipeline deterioration. Enbridge alone has had more than 800 leaks or ruptures in its pipeline network going back just over ten years. Being that the proposed pipeline is anticipated to create about $4 billion per year in profits for shareholders, I guess they think the risk is worth it. Well, Canada doesn’t tend to enforce environmental laws. It took Environment Canada twenty years to collect 2.4 million in fines from major polluters. By comparison, the Toronto Public Library collected $2.6 million in just one year on overdue book fines. Typically, environmental offenders aren’t held accountable. They’re like little kids roaring ahead looking neither right nor left, taking absolute risks, and then saying, Oh gee, sorry, later. And speaking of kids, as parents, we usually tell our children to clean up the stuff they already have out before adding to the mess in their room. Well in the news recently, it came out that there is currently a 7.7 billion price tag on the cost of cleaning up tens of thousands of federally owned contaminated sites. We know that as little as one litre of oil contaminates one million litres of water. It does seem like we should try to clean up what we have already wrecked before we trash some more sites. Almost everyone in my area of BC (certainly including our awesome, hardworking MP, Nathan Cullen) believes passionately that the land and water are too important to be risked by Harper's/Enbridge's too risky ventures.
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[...] the Northern Gateway Pipeline. As a visual artist, Franke uses pictures and not words. Go to her Website to see her pictorial commentary on Joe Oliver’s performance as Minister of Natural [...]
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Artists -- visual artists, writers, Caravan Farm actors, songwriters and all creatives -- have great power to expose truth in ways that engage the public. I do my little bit to expose facts about clean-energy alternatives, via books like Breakthrough Power. If there was the political will to support development of revolutionary energy systems, people would realize there's no justification for these pipelines, oil tankers, fracking, radioactive wastes or any of the disasters created in the name of "energy scarcity". Instead of spending on oil wars, society could create countless jobs in restoring our environment, cleaning up rivers, repairing the web of life. Thank you Franke for employing your talents like this!
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Our beloved CANADA is quickly becoming a wasteland as well as an impoverished country due to the cutbacks of our government. This is no longer a people's government. This is quickly becoming a repressive state where you do as the government says or you get arrested or worse. We have to collectively speak to be heard. NO TO ENVIRONMENTAL DISASTER.
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[...] illustrated article that takes a leaf from “Alice in Wonderland” has gained something of an online following, [...]
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[...] illustrated article that takes a root from “Alice in Wonderland” has gained something of an online following, call [...]
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Well done, I have shared this link with my environmental colleagues at Bloomsburg University. Between Tar Sands and Fracking we seem bent on destroying North America. Keep up the good work.
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We the People must be heard! I agree with everyone else’s responses. Our government is destroying our environment in the name of the almighty dollar. The environment is the very least concern when it comes to greed. There is a day arriving when fossil fuels will be no more and then what??? Sure, we will find a new source of energy that makes the money roll in as the waves do each and every day. The wave that is proposed with be waves of crude oil. When will man learn. How many disasters do we have to experience to see that Corporate Greed is a never ending disaster its self. CANCER is the number one killer in this world and it is the oil industry that has created so much of the worlds pollution. What we eat, drink, and breathe is fully contaminated by oil. The airplanes that fly over this planet on a daily basis is enough to destroy each and everyone here. Because we see no oil in the air, water and our foods we are ignoring the fact that this toxic mess is killing our planet. When will it be too late??? We are living a lie from Corporate Greed. CANCER is caused by the Oil and Gas Industry. The Pipeline will go through and we all know it. It is just a matter of time when we here OOOOOPS !! We did it again. And we will all say We told you so. There is no way for us people to stop the rich from getting richer and the the destruction of our garden of Eden. All this has been foretold for Centuries. We are on a a very BIG PLANE that is taking a Nose-Dive and it is another disaster in the making. Not only will our voices be heard they will be ignored.
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Well - all of this is very nice - for someone who clearly hasn't ever visited Alberta, and who freely defined our Province on in terms of language and graphics that are simplistic at best and delibrately misleading at worst. Of course, all of us should be concerned about environmental protection. However, let's talk about facts vs. contrived fiction. Fact: Pipelines are the most effective, efficient and safe way to transport large volumes of products. Pipelines have leaked. But does that mean all pipelines are inherantly unsafe? Of course not - but if 99.9 % of products flows safely - should we stop all pipelines because of incidents (as rare as they are?). Fact: What moritorium do you refer too? Do you mean the mortitorium that allows Kinder Morgan to load tankes in the Burrard Inlet and to ship crude oil every month by tanker through the waters of the Burrard Inlet - by Vancouver? And - by the way - doing so safely for 50 years? Fact: Oh - how does the crude oil get there? Inconvenient fact again - by pipeline, for more than 60 years. Ummm - lets see - a pipeline that transverses Alberta, crosses the Rockies Mountains, through a National Park (jasper), crisscrossing hundreds of highly sensitive water course crossings including the Fraser River (mulitiple times), through pristine environments. Um - does sound vaguely familiar. We denigrate Northern Gateway as a pipeline that surely cannot possibly exist in BC - why conveniently ignoring another pipeline that essentially has every component of Northern Gateway. Why? Of course - because it works. It has worked for 60 years. It just doesn't flow with the narrative that radical environmentalists want to to spin. Fact: Don't you know - when you drove to the MP's office, your vehicle was powered by pixie dust. And when you take a vacation (if you ever have flown) you might have used the wings of angles - but never evil, evil oil. You world exists in your own mind - oblivious to the realities that Canadian live every day. You denigrate Alberta and the Oil Sands (oh - right - your narrative must use Tar Sands) yet you freely accept the benefits of economic development in terms of the taxes and transfer payments that result from such activity. Fact: As fish in the Athabasca River - you might be surprise (well shocked) to learn that the Athabasca River cuts through the oil sands. That's right - when you walk the banks of the Athabasca River in Fort McMurray - you will see an oil substance leaching into the river. It has forever. And that may well affect fish and downstream users. But again - it doesn't fit into the eutophian narrative that you wish to spin. Because only industry is responsible for environmental effects - never simply the nature processes of Mother Earth. So - cute, uninformed, delibrately misleading and entirely predicatable "narrative". I'm sure, when you drive downtown (in a car) for a latte - you can smugly do so knowing you've done your part to denigrate Alberta, denigrate the oil sands, denigrate the government, denigrate industry and freely benefit from all the hard work that results from such activity. It must be very nice to live in your world where you can pretend that your activities are pristine and all others - essentially evil
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Interesting that my comments weren't posted - presumibly because the countered "the mythology and mindless adherance to environmental arguments" against Northern Gateway, against Alberta, against the Oil Sands (oh - sorry Tar Sands) against the government. By many of the people, who have never visited alberta, never visited the oil sands, never acknowledge the existing on a crude oil pipeline running through BC for 60 years and the shipment of crude oil by tanker from Vancouver for 50 (oops - inconvenient truth). And of course - by people who never drive a car, never fly, never turn down the benefits of equalization which accrues primarily off the back of Albertans
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Please everyone - take a breath. Canada is a fine country. Its not perfect but in comparison to pretty everything around us - its pretty damn good. I expect that those who denigrate Canada, Alberta and in particular the oil sands, likley have never set foot in the oil sands. For our American friends who see Canada primary in terms of a giant park designed only for them to visit - understand that the liveblood of our nation is and will continue to be - resource development. We don't need any lectures from the United States regarding environmental management - because frankly you are in no better position at all - to preach to us. If we have oil sands, you have Alaska north slope development. If we have pipelines - ummmm - surpise you have hundreds of thousands of kilometres of pipelines. If we are proposing marine oil terminals - where do you think Saudi crude arrives in the United States from?....submarines? Insofar as those here, who feel such venom towards the Harper government, Alberta and the oil sands, I urge to pause and consider that our national economy benefits enormously from development of this resource and through equalization payments - all of Canada has benefited from Alberta's development. So, you can "kill the oil sands" - you can "drive Alberta in economic bankruptcy" and you can strangle any form of economic activity in Canada. But I'm sure that at some point - you'll wonder ..... after you have accomplished these fine idealistic and eutopian goals ....who then pays for social services, education, medicare and equalization payments and a host of other fine programs that all Canadians benefit from. And - why is it possible to export to the world markets wheat, or minerals or cars or a host of other products - but not crude oil? So - can we have a reasonable discussion about resource development. No development exists without impacts and I'm fine if you say - no to the oil sands and no to northern gateway. But then it is reasonable for you to in turn, outline after you have done that - where do taxes then come from, who will pay for equalization, where will the hundreds of thousands of well paying jobs associated with oil sand development next be found? Wind farms in toronto? Special levies on cafe lattes? So - my last blog. The article was interesting, its was creative. In so far as being accurate....well - - - some additional work is required. Thanks for you time.
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I have responded in a post to the three comments from Doug Ford, the Principal and Senior Consultant at Communica. His clients include Enbridge Northern Gateway, Exxon Mobil, Encana, Shell Canada and Kinder Morgan. Enbridge Spin Doctor Snarls about “Dirty Oil” http://www.frankejames.com/debate/?p=12759
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The tar sands development is the wrong direction at great expense, both financially and moral. I love my homeland and am generally proud to let people know I am Canadian. Try not to let the dollar bill be your soul. Thank you for listening.
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I feel for the Canadian people - we are fighting the same fight here in the Northern Rivers of NSW where we have the most beautiful country and the Coal Seam Gas mining companies are trying to destroy it with CSG mining. They have already succeeded in destroying Queensland's farming communities (see Tara - Darling Downs). I pray we can all be successful in our fight against the destruction of the Earth. This is WWIII.
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I agree with wanting to advance the Industry and hopefully create more Jobs for those who will be wanting work in the future. I am retired but I think that the youth and up and coming graduates of the Industry realize that the Oil Industry is not the future of Canada..
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I think it is time to organize a GENERAL STRIKE! In protest of the Pipeline and Bill C-38! Who is with me?
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I will be sharing your essay on Facebook!
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This is the kind of "Governing" that seems to prevail these days, unfortunately! LOOK what is happening to the ONCE GREAT, United Police States of America! Looks at the mess that EUROPE is in!!! We now have BIG CORPORATIONS and BIG BANKS running Govts!! Lets call it what is! Harper is doing the same basic thing by ramming thru regulation changes, in Bill C38, with little to no debate and WITHOUT CONSULTING US, WE THE PEOPLE of CANADA! HIS BOSS!! WHY? Because most of us DO NOT want this pipeline to go thru, as surveys have shown, BUT BIG BUSINESS DOES! By changing the Environmental Regulations they will RAM the pipeline thru! Just watch and see what they do! We can do SO MUCH BETTER than we are, of that there is NO doubt! REALLY, is there ANYONE in Govt who actually TELLS THE TRUTH!? I am so sick of being fed a crock of crap! TELL US THE TRUTH!
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I am ashamed to be a Canadian for the first time in my long life. What will be left for my children and grandchildren if this government does not care about the earth.
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Corporate government is the enemy of the environment which includes every supportive life-form necessary to human life ... maybe the time has come to fight fire with fire, to fight 'dirty' ... what have you got to lose ? short term some liberty, long term, your self respect and that of your kids ...
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I think, someone that is in the know should arrange to, when parliment next meets, have all of their water come from the Athabasca River. Then make a toast to Canada and when throughout the meeting they are drinking the water that the tar-sands is polluting, just maybe they will get the drift. These people have to be involved, to really understand. I am a 70 year old used to be proud Canadian, but my grand children will never know the country our relatives and friends fought for, and we as children grew up in. I think we should look at some of our polititions and charge them with TREASON, and act accordingly..
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I'm going to do my part to stop this insanity at the polls.
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Please think of our future. There is more to life than this money!
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[...] Or pipelines? [...]
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Don't wreck our earth! Our granchildren would like a place to live!
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[…] her essay What is Harper afraid of?, James includes the above image to help people “remember and really feel the scale of the […]
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If you have ever been to the Great Bear Rainforest and experienced the beauty of the nature and wildlife you would not want to ruin it. I understand that oil creates jobs for people and creates a great profit, but there is not reason to kill everything beautiful in Canada just for profit. I really hope this stupid plan does not go through. If Harper as never been Whale watching or just taken a walk and inhaled the freshness of the trees. I think he needs to and maybe would have a change of heart.
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Dear Mr. Harper, I am greatly concerned about Canada's role in contributing to climate change. Here in Canada we are lucky enough to posses 9% of the worlds supply of fresh water-the lifeblood of our very existence here on Earth. What I find beyond belief is that as we extract tar bitumen oil from the tar sands, which are about the size of all of England, we waste trillions of gallons of water! We waste 3 million barrels of our precious water every single day to extract 1 million of tar bitumen oil which I understand has the consistency of peanut butter. Then to add insult to injury, it turns out that 90% of the water used by the oil industry to extract tar bitumen oil ends up in tailing ponds that scar the Albertan landscape. These toxic tailing ponds turn out to be death traps for our waterfowl that land on them. The chemical soup found in these ponds seeps into the ground water. Could that be en explanation to why he Fort Chipeyyan Natives that live nearby are suffering from high rates of rare cancers? One of the most potent of all green house gases is methane. It is 23 times more potent than carbon dioxide. It turns out that one single tailing pond produces the same amount of methane as 500 000 cows. And one cow produces about 70 and 120 kg methane per year. Not only are we contributing to climate change by increasing the carbon load in our environment when we burn oil , but our tailing ponds are directly responsible for the increase of the most potent gas responsible for the catastrophic effects of climate change. As Prime Minister of Canada, please display the kind of determination and passion it takes to create a plan that will mitigate the catastrophic result of a climate running amok. The clock is ticking. Act while we still have a chance to reverse all the climate-triggered disasters occurring around the globe on a daily basis. Sincerely,
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Dear Mr. Harper, I'm worried that insurance companies will get out of business as their profits are eroded year after year!! In the last 10 years Toronto residents have suffered through more unprecedented heat waves, more damaging storms, more raging floods, more crop- losing droughts and more invasions of crop- damaging pests that any time in history. How much longer will the insurance companies be able to compensate people as the climate related damages keep skyrocketing? That worries me! Mr. Prime Minister before the insurance companies pull the plug please takes action today! Climate change experts, innovators, entrepreneurs, inventors, engineers, architects, etc. from all around the world have a plethora of compelling solutions. Mr. prime Minister you have the power to make Canada a country that becomes part of the solution and not a part of the problem. Sincerely, Gwen Petreman
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Dear Mr. Harper, As polluters continue to dirty the air we breathe, the water we drink, and the soil that sustain us, I wonder what is the morally correct thing to do. Why are you unwilling to make polluters pay for the damage they are causing. If huge, polluting oligopolies are forced to pay a tax, perhaps they will quickly figure out ways to drastically reduce their pollution? And if they don't take ownership and pay for their dirty feeds, whom do you think should pay the price? Should I, as a taxpayer, have to pay to what dirty oil has done to my beautiful Earth? Should my children have to pay for an Earth that was polluted before they were even born? Should the elected officials pay out of their own pockets since they are our leaders? If a robber robs a bank he/she usually pays the price by returning the money and going to jail. If I'm caught speeding I have to pay the price by accepting a fine and maybe even lose points. If a businessman is caught cheating his customers he has to pay the price with a fine and maybe jail time. So why do polluters get off scot free for causing unprecedented damage to planet we all share. It is not their Earth to pollute at free will. Governments need the money from billionaire polluters to help mitigate some of the costly effects all of us must suffer needlessly. Mr. Prime Minister please endorses legislation that will tax polluters today! Sincerely, Gwen Petreman
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Dear Mr. Harper, Can we afford to continue to develop the tar sands? Can we continue to afford to pay the staggering amounts of money needed to repair the colossal damage caused by unprecedented flooding, ice storms, and other climatic catastrophes triggered by climate change? To mitigate the devastating effects of climate change are we as Canadian reducing our green house emissions? NO! As a matter of fact the tar sands turns out to the fastest growing source of green house emissions in all of Canada. What is the point of a rising GDP if we are hopelessly impoverished by the very industries that create jobs for us? On Jan. 14 2014 the Global Forest Watch reported in the Star that Alberta has disturbed more natural landscape than any other province!! In your ads Mr. Prime Minister you display pictures of blossoming native plants, towering, leafy trees and a lush vibrant landscape arising out of the tar sands. But, the truth is that 99 % of the tar sands have not been reclaimed. It remains a ravaged wasteland where no wildlife or humans for that matter can exist. To preserve our health, our boreal forests, save billions of dollars in damage control, keep our landscapes pristine for all wildlife, please do stop all future development of the tar sands. Your children's children will not inherit the massive profits accumulated by the oil oligopolies! All they will inherit is a ravaged Alberta landscape and a world trying to survive one climatic catastrophe after another. Sincerely, Gwen Petreman
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Thanks, this is a great summation. Couldn´t get the email my MP to work, though.
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My heart breaks with the knowledge of what Harper plans to do to our Country. We have all seen what kind of damage the oil spill make to our planet and to all the animals that live~ there we have seen birds dropping from the sky whales dying and washing up to shore. We hear that they have no idea why birds and fish were dying~ but we Canadians sure know this is happening so others from another Country get rich ~and when the damage has been done to out Country they just go home to theirs . We will stand together because we have had enough prof we rather have our Country our fish and sea, our trees and fresh air then all the money in the world and really we Canadians wont be reaping the rewards of the death of our Country. As a matter of fact we the poor will paying for this for the rest of our lifes through cancer death, poison ...
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Amazing work Franke! I just emailed my MP. Thank you!
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I am furious about the secrecy and lack of consultation with constituents of BC (Canadians)about Enbridge pipeline. Bill 38 is poisonous bill that must be stopped!
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I don't live in Canada, but this angers me so much I had to write Harper! Keep up the good work, Franke! Proud to know you!
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Wow. As usual, Franke, you sum it up in an extraordinarily thorough and clear way. Thank you.
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Great work Franke... I will ask everyone I know to get on it!
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Thank You So Much!
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Thank you for your creative efforts to get our message to Harper, to anyone who will listen, take action, pray for a miracle. I've never been so worried for our country, our environment, our people, in the hands of Harper. Our pompous leader who yawned his way through the G8 as though he didn't have a care in the world, let alone any respect for it.
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I commend you Franke, on this great piece of TRUTH! This government needs to listen to the people - this pipeline will not ever see fruition; there will be more lawsuits and class action suits than they can begin to imagine!! This government has tried to lead Canadians down the garden path - but no more!! Our country is carrying a $64 billion deficit ...... the sheer number of lawsuits will not only bankrupt the Conservative Party, but will do the same to the foreign investors who were made promises by this government - promises they had no legal right to make! I fervently hope there are at least 13 Conservative MP's smart enough to know when to jump ship; cross the floor to another party, or sit as an Independent, because if there aren't, and this Bill 38 passes - the Conservatives are toast!
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Wonderful expose of how a failed government works to justify their ends. Hopefully we can help accelerate the end of the Harper government before it is too late for our beautiful Canada!
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Great creative expose Franke, with strong clear arguments. Thank you!
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I love it when artists speak out. They make it clear and memorable. Thank you Franke!
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Excellent! Thank you so much for the creative way all this material has been presented!
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Very well done!!! Message sent!
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Great Letter,I sent mine off to my MP also..
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Thank you very much for this creative message.
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AMAZING! I just emailed my MP. What a great way to present all of this information and the incongruence of government environmental policies.
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Thank you so much! Your art and information is so powerful!
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Brilliant! I salute you as a fellow Canadian, environmentalist, artist. I have many friends who are not on Facebook who would forward this. Can you send me a copy by email please?
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Please Please Please Let us wake up together and stop this terrible travesty. The lack of transparenecy of this government is feeling very dangerous to our well being Can he not know how this will affect our environment.? The conscience of our leader is greatly in question. More and more of us must understand the falsity of the claims and the dissembling nature of this government.
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Thank you so much for posting this. I hope and pray that Harper and his government can be stopped. Canada is such a beautiful place to live and it's our natural resources that make it that way. I am, however, believing that Stephen Harper doesn't give a damn for anything except that "great green god" we call currency....and it makes my heart sad. Does he not think of his children and their future....and our children and their future??? I think not. I will be sharing this and hoping everyone I know shares it as well. WAKE UP PEOPLE!!! We are the only ones who will make the change happen - and we need to GET RID OF THE HARPER GOVERNMENT!!!!
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Thank you, Franke, for this excellent and concise statement fully prepared for us to send off to our MP. Will now share with everyone I can. We cannot give up our efforts to make things better again before we are so far off course it might be impossible to reverse the destruction of our planet.
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[To Mr. Harper] As a recently retired government scientist with DFO working on Sockeye Salmon habitat and developing and greatly enhancing their juvenile production for 29 yrs in over30 BC lakes, I am in awe at the actions of the conservative government in muzzling scientists, whose basic tenant is to "search for the truth' the mandate of science. When in USSR in the 70's I saw first hand the muzzling of scientist that did not follow political policy and found their science was silenced; and the fear in the scientist's eyes who were afraid to talk to me for fear of prosecution even imprisonment, haunts me to this day. Is that what you wish my country Canada to become, a non-democratic soviet style state? I'm sorry, but I can no longer remain silent and tolerate the secrecy associated with your party policy and the untruthfulness as well. I will do all within my power as a citizen and still working as an aquatic scientist to resist passage of the underhanded and fraudulent way you hope to pass the budget bill without public discussion. If passed this will effectively undo what for 30 yrs I have done to preserve and enhance salmon habitat in British Columbia. Your government is a disgrace to me and to the world view of Canadian 'democracy'.
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Thanks for this inspirational and enlightening essay. When are we going to realize that we are only a part of the whole earth, but we can do unmitigable damage that lasts forever? All in the name of what exactly? Nothing that will last nearly as long that's for sure!
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Thank you for doing this. I e-mailed my MP and am sharing this.
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From one busy beaver to another - Thanks for doing this!
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A gift. Truly a gift. Thank you.
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Thanks Franke for the "outsider" radical artistic perception and burning questions that are so needed in this debate. As McLuhan said: We have all the answers, what are the questions? Love and light to you! Never stop drawing on it and drawing for us!
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Thank you for guiding us on how to take positive political action!
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Well done, Franke! Thank you so very much. I added a personal note to my MP Joe Preston. Mr. Preston, some friends and I would like to meet with you to discuss Bill C-38. Are you available during the next week in your constituency office in St. Thomas? If not, we can arrange a conference call. I will appreciate a reply as soon as possible. I hope you aren't afraid to talk to us. We are actually NICE Canadians that just happen to want to preserve both our democracy and the environment.
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Great Work! Thanks for making this and sending it to me.
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Beautifully done! I emailed my MP and the Conservative MP one ward over. Thank you for putting you time and care in delivering this message so informatively and creatively.
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Cartoon format!! Why didn't we think of this before? And if they don't "get" this, maybe stick figures will work! Well done, Franke! I have posted about it on our website.
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I really think you have hit the nail on the head with this. Canadians ARE waking up and we're mad as hell and not going to take it anymore!!!! An informed electorate his Harperlands worst nightmare. Montreal is so much more than tuition fee's and it's spreading across the country.
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This is a great thing that you've done Franke but I fear it will fall on deaf ears. The problem of greed is so rampant throughout the world and the right thing rarely gets done when these kinds of dollar amounts are attached. I have emailed this and called my MP's office regarding this issue but she ("DR." Kellie Leitch) has a proven track record of standing behind the Harper government no matter how strong of a case you present. It is so rare to have 1 MP do the right thing and separate from the party let alone 13. The fundamental problem is our system of 1 party (or 1 person) being able to make these types of decisions that will adversely affect the country as a whole. The harmful effects of these decisions are generational and I fear what future generations will think of us for not doing more to prevent these greedy decisions. We need to do more than just write letters. We need to march together as a nation on Parliament Hill and demand satisfaction and if they dont listen then throw them out on their collective asses. This is the only way true progress can be accomplished as seen in recent (and past) events around the world. I truly appreciate the attention your emails bring to this and other issues however we cant rely solely on writing letters. We need to get off the safety of our chairs and gather together to have any hope of changing things. Please keep up the good work and lets move to the next crucial step to be able to look in the mirror with pride.
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What a very good message... I totally agree. I have emailed my local MP.. I will urge all of my friends on Facebook to do the same.. Thank you for your time and efforts in putting together the message.
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Great effort here, I emailed my MP... but it appears we are crying into the wilderness, our cries are falling on deaf ears. Harper is not my Prime Minister as he and other conservatives lied and cheated at the polls, how can we trust him to run our country? His recent actions prove that he is out to destroy this beautiful country of ours... We need to rid ourselves of this "PARIAH".
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Harper is but a part of a global power structure fighting with significant resources to hang onto a paradigm, no longer viable, that is rooted in an economic system of exploitation and competition. This Dinosaur, though dying... in it's death throes is still powerful enough to wreak havoc with humanity and the planet. All we can do is gather our kin, keep our hearts open and try to stay clear of fear in the face of so much to be afraid of. Thank you for all your valiant, loving efforts.
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Thank you for doing all of the leg work. I sure HOPE many will be sending their email as well. Keep up the great work. Thanks again.
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You've obviously put a lot of effort and energy into this message, and for that I commend you. I have sent it on to my member of parliament, Mr James Lunney, whom I understand is in favour of this bassackwards way of boosting the economy of 'certain parts" of the country (not British Columbia!!!) Who knows...perhaps he will develop a backbone and stand up for what is right. One can always hope.
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Franke, you rock. This is fantastic. Great work.
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...and the Arts saved the world, not finance nor politics...! Thank YOU!!
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Great work! I just emailed my MP. I cannot believe that as a parent as well, Harper is happy with leaving this earth in shambles not only for our kids but his as well. No soul.
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thank you for making it so easy to say something. It's hard to take action and I'm glad you are advocating for this cause.
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Franke your graphic art is a powerful way of telling the story of what Harper and Co. are doing. Thanks. I've come to the realization that there is a "Harper Government," as so often it is referred to. But it is NOT the Canadian Government as the Canadian Government is composed of ALL the MPs regardless of their party affiliation. This is an important distinction, one I would like to see promoted. I think it is time to take back the Government and make it Canadian once again.
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Thank you for a concise to the point message that is easy for EVERYONE to understand and hope it will be just as easy for our elected officials. Thank you for making the page drop dead easy for every Canadian to write to their MP RIGHT NOW! So now it's time for me to share this message with every single contact I have. I hope it's just as easy to do that :) You so rock!
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I am Confused.....I followed the directions re: mailing my MP, James Lunney only to find it has been forwarded to the Leader of the Opposition Thomas Mulcair...anyone else got the same problem?
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Bill, All of the party leaders are cc'd on the letters. I am cc'd too. Franke
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Thank you Franke. The only thing not mentioned so far is that the CON government is being controlled by the Chinese government, so that in the name of money ("the economy"), all these moves are to satisfy a larger corporation. Many responses have suggested that we need to go beyond writing letters. I would suggest that if we write the Conservative MPs and also the BC government, and encourage those who do not agree with the direction their party whips are forcing them to go, that if they will go independent, and support those citizens who are fighting to preserve the pride and reputation of our wonderful Canada, that their electors will continue to support them and true justice will be served.
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I'm so happy to see your educational, factual and amusing presentation.... it seems that this issue is bringing Canadians together to speak to each other about what and how our so called "government" is trying to pull the wool over our eyes. I think many of us are catching on to their agenda, and the TarSands/Pipeline is uniting us in ways they could never have predicted. Thank you for your caring and talent.
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Excellent job! <3
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This is crucial we take action...any action! There is no such thing as sitting on the fence when it comes to protecting the source of our own health and well-being. We kill the earth.... we kill ourselves!
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[To my MP] Mr. J. Comartin, please tell Mr. Harper to get out of bed and stop sleeping with the Corporations that could not care less about the people of this country or any other country for that matter. Have some pride in this country. This land, that was a beacon of light to many other countries that envied our glorious gifts, resources and pristine vitas! Do 'YOU' wish to be held responsible for such blatant rape?
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Any time any government squashes, squelches, or otherwise silences some "independent studies" while endorsing others the general public can be certain that big business - in this case the oil industry- is behind it. This is not conspiracy theory, it is observation over time. To think that the Canadian government is stooping so low as to be paid off by oil companies is a disgusting and disturbing testimony to the fact that those who "lead" our country are incapable of discovering a healthy means of pulling our country out of the financial quagmire that preceding governments have placed us in...oh wait...that would be Harper too... nevermind. Keep up the good fight, Franke
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Thank you Franke for creating this page. Have sent an email to my MP and will share online as well. It will take decades to undo the damage this majority government is doing but we need to start immediately!
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Thank you for making this the hardest hitting page I have ever seen regarding what our government (Harper) is doing to the planet. Even conservatives are starting to question this governments agenda and what it will do to this country.
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It is completely unfathomable to me that this corrupt, ruthless, completely amoral creature managed to rig the system and convince sufficient people to vote for him that he was elected with a majority. It saddens me that his minions like Joe Oliver and others are forced to formulate hollow non-answers when confronted by others and forced to cover up their unethical actions. These people know that they are completely wrecking the natural environment, and they just don't care!! Will it be too late by the time people realize what is going on? None of this surprises me in the slightest. Harper will do anything - legal or illegal in order to realize his selfish goals.
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It seems like people are starting to wake up and realize that we have a dictatorship in Ottawa. Harper thinks he can do whatever he wants to do. I am so disgusted with this government, they are ruining Canada, generations to come will have to pay for their greed. We need an uprising in this country, and we need to be out there with the young kids, supporting them and letting the government know that we the people will not stand for the deceit that is so evident with this government right now. Time for them to go. I would like to see the CONS totally dissolved and no longer a party of Canada. Perfect name CONS, because that's what they are. People do not forget, remember when Mulroney went down, there were only 2 seats left. We don't forget, the next time there will be NO seats left.
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Thanks for the great art.
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Way to go Franke James!! I'm proud of ya. Ditto with Tim Gorgichuk. We need to march on Parliament Hill.
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This message is awesome and well put together, loved seeing the references too. My only worry is that it's still not enough to stop this. When i look at what the students are doing in Quebec, it reassures me that the power is with the people and i just hope this is only the beginning. Just can't believe people voted for Harper. We face all the risk as British Columbians and Alberta, big oil and the Harper Gov't receive all the benefits! Its an absolute joke. I feel helpless down in Vancouver, but hopefully our MP's will listen. I grew up in northern BC and feel detached a bit down here. I just pray we can find a way to stop this. All kinds of wrong written all over it.
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There is no thought or reasoning behind Harper's decisions. Water, is the source of all life, and Harper does not care about the environment. When Harper has made decisions that will inevitably contaminate the waters and all forms of life start dying, how will he balance the budget? The Canadians gave the Conservatives the power and now they are destroying all things; environmental regulatory process, freedom of speech, taken away Union Rights .............. Where is the freedom of being a Canadian Citizen ? China needs our energy, what about the future generations of unborn Canadians? Large Corporations, many foreign investors ......... who gave Harper the right to sell Canadians for the sake of Exporting our Resources only to have it sold back to us?
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Thank you for creating this excellent essay. Your visuals are very engaging and the ideas are communicated clearly. I'm going to share it with a bunch of people.
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Great job Franke. Keep it up.
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The length to which the Prime Minister will go to silence any criticism is astounding. I was deeply saddened to learn that the latest budget announced the end to the National Round Table on the Environment and the Economy. I have had the privilege of editing some of its reports over the past decade and can attest to their scientific rigour, impartiality, measured consideration of the issue, and long-term perspective. But the NRTEE's message was inconvenient, so it had to go. This is another example of the government killing the messenger when it could not control the message.
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Awesome job Franke, keep up the Great and Honorable work. You are inspiring a nation to fight back at this fraudulent and illegal government.
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I'm from Denver, Colorado. This site was referred to me by some Canadian friends. You bet I signed the petition! A line has to be drawn somewhere, and the voice of We the People must be heard! (American reference - sorry...) Keep fighting!! ****
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Thanks for this! I live in southwestern Ontario, in an area still containing Carolinian forest cover. I often walk through this forest cover with my 15 year old granddaughter. I wish, with all my heart, that this opportunity, to "walk in the woods", will still be available to me when my grandson, age four, is a teenager. Please stop the madness.
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Thanks. during the past 3 or so years, the Harper Gov. has become more fascist than any other Gov. in Canadian history. He surrounds himself in secrecy, even from his own ministers and controls every decision and demands total power over every issue that comes to his Gov.. He refuses to give authority to his backbenchers and they aren't allowed access to anything substantial. Harper has all info on each issue bound in secrecy not only from his backbenchers but most if not all his ministers. I dont understand how his Gov. can do their work. Like all good fascists Harper demands everyone just do exactly what he says. Furthermore, the last election was bound in fear and most senior citizens voted not for the person of their choice but rather for someone Harper told them to vote for, or else there would disaster. That kind of election is deplorable and should be against the law.There were so many excellent members of parliament who were defeated unjustly and now who are so dearly needed. May I suggest that you can reach Harpers E mail site (check Canadian Gov..ca) for his address and E mail him giving him your views and fears of the direction he is taking the Canadian people. Thanks
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As I shared with my MP when I signed and sent him your graphic essay, Franke - I wish I believed any of what you, and other inspiring Canadians, are doing would make a difference. I despise the fact politics has made me so deeply cynical.
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Franke. I can't thank you enough for the excellent job you have done exposing these idiots. I am ready to march with you to Parliament. Please keep me posted.
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Steve, Thanks for your comment. All of the letters sent to the MPs are cc'd to Harper -- and the other party leaders (Mulcair, May and Rae.) Over 2500 letters have been sent so far, so Harper will definitely get the message -- however we need to keep the letters coming -- so please spread the word. Franke
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Canadians voted Mr. Harper and the Conservatives into power and gave him a majority government ... He and his party is a manifestation of the wishes and values of those voters. It is too easy to continue blaming our leaders. This is the time for all people to reflect on why human beings have created such disruption on our planet. There is something fundamentally off kilter when "in the blink of an eye" the choices and actions of one species has disrupted the exquisite planetary balance that evolution has taken millions of years to arrive at. We all need to question our fundamentals "What is truly important to me and my future generations?" and be willing to do what it takes to attain that equilibrium. We need to find a way of being and living on this planet that brings us back into alignment with all other living systems ... where our intake and out put are equal and we are not using more than our share of resources to the detriment of other fellow creatures and ecosystems. We need to each become self aware and understand how we are each in our own small way either part of the problem or part of the solution.
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In my Dene language we say Mussi Cho, which means Big Thanks. This is an amazing post that speaks straight to my Dene Heart. I commit to passing this along to as many people as I can for as long as I can. I hope that all Canadians wake up and stand up to this crime being perpetuated daily and openly on a global scale. As Native people, we are taught from birth to respect and honor Mother Earth. It is my hope that ALL people stand together in her defense. United we Stand...divided we fall.
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I did not vote for Harper's party. I will not ever vote for any party who is slowly selling out my country. They are taking away all freedom from us the people. Why are you in bed with China.. a communist country who only want to eventually take my country over? My wish is for Harper's so called government to resign. We will not stop in our endeavor to stop killing wildlife, poisoning our waters and taking away what little freedom we have. We will revolt!
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Hi Franke, Joey O. is my MP too. Heaven help us...
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I think the only way to get Harper to step down, is to find the Conservative M.P's that are not afraid to speak out. Surely, there are a few of you that are not afraid of Harper's hoods. C'mon now, Do you think so little of your kids and grandkids, and their kids, that you will hide and do nothing about the total ruination of Our Canada? Is the thought of belonging to This cabinet something that gives you pride? Are you proud of being affiliated with the Government that is destroying Canada's environment? Get off your knees and stop genuflecting to Steven Harper! Get some guts and stand up for Canadians AND Canada. Between the destructive new budget, the Oil sands, the loss of thousands of jobs, the cuts to pensions, the damaging changes to EI, the "super prison ideology" that even the U.S. is abandoning. The closure of productive prison farms. The suppression of leading scientists opinions. The secrecy and total disregard of the Canadian people's wishes! I could go on and on, but who cares? Stand up and be counted - Liberal, Conservative, N.D.P., Green Party, GOD HELP US IF HARPER ISN'T BEAT IN THE NEXT ELECTION! But even that might be too little , too late.
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This is fantastic! Thank you so much for such a creative way of getting at the truth. Aaron White, North Vancouver
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I no longer recognize my adopted country. SOMETHING must be done before its too late to reverse the damage created by the Conservative government.
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Thank you Franke. So many people want to do something about this but don't know where to start. Thank you, this will help a lot.
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Men like Harper and Oliver are all over the world..they are empty suits controlled by corporations. We have them here in Aust also and they are getting more and more dangerous to our planet. They are not very bright and are easily manipulated when given power.
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Thank you for putting this together. He even sounds like a puppet!
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I think it is time for Canadians to realize that it is US who have the power to stop the pollution going from the tar sands. Speak up, voice your concerns to the government and let's get them working on a solution to this HUGE problem!
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Thank for putting this together so that I can share it and remind Canadians that we can't afford to be complacent about the damage this government is doing to the environment and to so many wonderful aspects of our society.
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So let us pose the question...why IS money so important to this Conservative government while the environment does not even get a back seat? Or is it? Could it be part of another more sinister agenda? One that, when you connect the dots and include foreign policy matters, you see an agenda that perhaps includes the misguided notion that we can hasten the return of Jesus Christ by creating a world where disaster after disaster becomes the new paradigm in hopes that He will clean up the mess that we have left behind. I believe that this dangerous path of trying to speed up Armageddon lies at the heart of all these horrible and misguided policy decisions. Otherwise why would these decisions be made? It flies in the face of reason. I am disgusted and ashamed of my government.
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Amazing. Thank you so much for this. I'm starting to feel hopeful that together, maybe we can do something about this situation.
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Let's get a ground swell of a wave moving against this government that will stop them cold. If they don't listen to the science involved, maybe they will listen to civil disobedience of such a scale that will shake HARPER'S world to the core and demonstrate his mandate to destroy environments is nonexistent.
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What a unique and powerful way of presenting the facts. Thank-you, on behalf of all Canadians, for doing this for us. Harper and his criminal conspirators must go.
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This government has run wild with intent to harm Canada worse than any disaster to date. I cannot see how any human with a brain or a heart can possibly do this. It certainly begs the question how many Canadians must be asleep at the wheel to allow it. Please Canada, wake up and notice who is calling these shots... We are letting this happen, and this is totally unacceptable given how much is known about the consequences...vote these people out, or create such a "ground swell" like Dennis said....we need to fight for our planet, we have to be the solution...
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Thank you for taking our collective concerns and giving them voice and vision much better than many of us can. I signed and am forwarding it on and on and on.... We have to keep on keeping on ... We have to.
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I live in Seattle now but hope to soon return home to Canada. I sail every summer in the waters of Northern British Columbia. Please don't risk destroying one of the most beautiful places on this Earth.
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The science base must be restored to this country, without it civilization will not move beyond tribal and secular coflicts, with gated communities. Lack of or no science will be and is a backward step into the dark ages. Without good sciece this country will lose its place as a modle of what the world would like to be. We have that influence, lets not lose it.
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I am overjoyed to see that people are speaking out and going viral about what this government is doing to our beautiful country, Canada. Unfortunately, I have John Baird as my MP and although i spoke out against his policies when he came campaigning, I felt I was talking to a wall of indifference. I do everything in my own life to help preserve our environment but I feel my impact is of no consequence when I look at what the government is doing. We need to bring this government down on the issue of secrecy and environmental concerns but how can we do it? Apparently a recent poll still puts the Conservatives in the lead if there was an election today. I refuse to believe that the Canadian public is that stupid. They must just have their heads in the sand? I am totally frustrated, appalled and afraid for our childrens future.
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Did not wish to send the email to my MP, Joyce Murray, as she is an environmentalist already. I decided to annoy Stephen Harper, so I clicked "do not live in Canada" in order to do so. Sent this link to Joyce Murray for her amusement if she had not seen it already.
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This is an excellent piece of work. I've shared it on Facebook and have sent the letter. Note that the tactics used by the Conservatives against environmentalists are very reminiscent of a totalitarian propaganda technique called "The Big Lie". This Wikipedia entry sums it up nicely. In particular, take a look at the extract from the OSS (now CIA) psychological assessment of Hitler, and ask which contemporary Canadian politician fits the description best. Best wishes. John
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I really hope that the pipeline can be stopped. I am so sick of Harperism destroying this country and muddying up our good name. from dropping out of Kyoto to his lack of respect for unions to the joke that this green incentives he has which only the big polluters are getting anything out of it. what a waste of tax payer dollars it has been to keep him and his yes men in power. I could not believe my eyes last election when this useless, arrogant, excuse of a Canadian got back in power, WAKE UP CANADA! It makes me crazy that such Bush like tactics are accepted and that the Canadian population doesn't just push him out of office. Enough is enough! A big THANK YOU to Franke James for putting this message together. I hope we can make a change for the better!
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Amazing work. Your message is more powerful than any parliament gathering would care to admit. There is a great travesty being allowed in our country and it must be stopped. Trying to stay informed and stay away from oil produced products is a hard job for anyone. I think the waste is what bothers us most. While natural lifeforms are dying so we can produce better plastics, the Prime Minister and his ministers are criticizing any average citizen who speaks against this toxifying environmental ignorance. We need to squash this money making scheme and find a way to reverse or at least try to reduce the damage. Humans only see when they have experienced loss. When we have lost everything then we will know. Waste is what we are producing in a BIG way. It is time to halt production of the non essential and start finding ways of nurturing again before it is too late... Great work Franke. Give them hell.
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What amazes me is that the Conservative caucus still supports this tyranny. I would have thought that even conservatives would see what is happening and push back. Unfortunately, Harper has succeeded in convincing far too many people that the economy (ie, personal greed) is far more important than the future that our children must live in. History will not be kind to Canada if we allow this to continue.
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This is MY Province, and a whole lot of other citizens of BC don't want our land spoiled, or our ocean polluted, so, NO PIPELINE!!!
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So proud YOU'RE Canadian. It's great to have someone put together the words and phrases milling about our heads and PIPELINE them into the ears of those who need to hear it. TY so much! Very Fun and punchy. Loved it.
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I'm afraid that we'll make OUR Country like the USA, dirty and environmentally distroyed. But look how rich the politicians are!
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If it were not for the censure for Croatia, my native land, I wouldn't have known about you, although I reside in North York too. I enjoyed every detail in your painting essays and have become your fan already! Very truthful, passionate and compassionate. Way to go! I am on your side!
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Brilliant analysis and art form. thanks
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Awesome way of explaining the problem in a clear and entertaining way, Franke. I am forwarding this not to just "the choir", but to EVERYONE on my contacts list. We Beavers must stand up for our rights! NO PIPELINE!!! And, hey, all you other Beavers, please support the Council of Canadians. They are an independant citizen's group advocating on behalf of all Canadians to protect our environment, universal health care, clean water, energy security, pensions and so much more. (www.canadians.org) Thank you.
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All my love and respect. You have a loving soul much needed in these dark days. Souls like yours are the reason we will win this fight. Light always trumps darkness, it's the natural order. Love and Peace.
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Wanted to say thanks for this, and all you do. More generally - I strongly suspect that this is no longer a question of how many future generations will have to suffer before whatever remains of nature recovers. Life on this planet is under genetic as well as toxic assault by petrochemicals as well as GM contagion, and I wonder how long we, and other animals, will be able to breed true and/or have the capacity to produce (superficially) healthy young... If democracy is not reclaimed by the people now, and industry not eliminated from governance and adequately regulated, I fear that anyone alive in 10-20 years may be very unhappy that they have survived... We do not elect dictators in our various democracies - any public servant who fails to act in the interest of the public and country their office exists to serve does not merit that office, and those who betray their office/people/country in such manner, especially when callously damaging and/or destroying human and environmental health and life, must be immediately removed from that office they have betrayed and should be charged at a higher degree of culpability for injuries/illness, damage and deaths occurring under destructive policies that could reasonably be expected to have such results, than would any individual doing so, yet not betraying the public trust in that manner. Had we in our various democracies done this sooner, with previous administrations, we would not now be suffering the degree of irreparable harm now accumulated.
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Excellent illustrated essay - thank you for your hard work and creativity!
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Dear Franke, I was deeply moved by your work and your passion. I have just written to my MP and will distribute it further. Please keep up your amazing work! Thank you.
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Thank you for your work. I would love to see you do something about asbestos, for Canada is truly becoming a pariah on the world stage by not banning the export and use of it. Please visit www.asbestos.cattran.ca to learn more about what we are doing to try to stop this criminal act. Harper needs to wake up!
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We all knew that when Harper was elected with a majority government that his true colors would come out ... the first step was backing out of the Kyoto Accord. That is shameful to me as a Canadian who believes in honoring commitments.
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Merci de défendre ainsi l'environnement. / Thank you for caring about our environment.
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Thank you for explaining this so artfully!
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This is a fabulous use of creativity in the service of love and truth. Thank you SO much. It artfully and intelligently touches the hearts and minds of those who have not become completely disconnected from their own compassionate awareness and caring for our beautiful and endangered planet. This is an important part of a broader, but essential need for "awakening" at this point in our evolutionary development as a species. Those who have become immersed in the "fear/denial/power/control/money" paradigm cannot see holistically. They look at reality through dark and fragmented lenses but believe they are seeing objectively. So it is up to the rest of us to clear our own vision and collectively change direction to heal the imbalanced structure we've unconsciously co-created in order to restore sanity and align with a deeper, organic harmony within our seamless, interdependent wholeness. Our sacred yes and our sacred no are one integral unity.
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Very well done, this is a great way to get peoples attention to a matter that is of utmost importance. Not only does this focus on the "hidden environmental issues" that are being carried on Bill C-38, it also creates an awareness of a dangerous precedence for future "hidden issues" to be attached to future bills. My understanding is that this has been a common practice in the United States for some time now. What are we thinking?.........what are we doing!
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Great job on this illustrated essay.... very informative and put together very well.....
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Just sent one to my MP, for all the good it will do. I mean Gordon O'Connor? Give me a break.
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Good work Franke! Thank you for posting, and providing the option to e-mail your MP!
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All I can do is hope that Franke's will be the message that finally gets all of us apathetic, over fed, over stimulated, distracted Canadians to pull their heads out of "where the sun don't shine" and DO something... SAY something... actually BE the RADICALS we are accused of being if that's what it takes. What is happening to this beautiful land at the hands of The Harper Government is beyond appalling. This government has declared war on the health, prosperity, well being and future of it's people. We need to fight back, or LOSE EVERYTHING. I Don't know how to say it any clearer than that. Wake Up Canada!!!
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Beautifully said. I just sent it to my wonderful MP, Brian Jean of Fort McMurray. Gee I wonder what he thinks of this (or is he allowed to think under the present regime)?
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Surely with the power of the people we can do something. Current media makes it so easy that we no longer have any excuse not to let our wishes be known.
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AMAZING, your artistry, your commitment, your voice INSPIRES ME INTO GREATER ACTION, I will be forwarding this to all my community. It's time for Harper to step down, this is disgrace to Canadian values and ethics, and I am appalled by the Minister's words.. he is a chicken shit. Thank you, Anna
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“The most sensible and jealous people are so little attentive to government that there are no instances of resistance until repeated, multiplied oppressions have placed it beyond a doubt that their rulers had formed settled plans to deprive them of their liberties; not to oppress an individual or a few, but to break down the fences of a free constitution, and deprive the people at large of all share in the government, and all the checks by which it is limited.” ~John Adams ”The sin of silence when they should protest makes cowards of men.” ~ Abraham Lincoln
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Well done! Factual and easy access with great visuals. Not a huge effort on my part to start actually participating in our "democratic" society. Thank you! Shelley
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I agree with everyone else's responses. The Harper government is a complete and utter failure and the fact that they have tried to enact this bill without the majority of the populace even knowing is a really snakey move. Let's put an end to C-38! for the betterment of Canada.
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Vote Your Conscience
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This matter is very serious and affects all of us. Our government is destroying our environment in the name of mighty $$$. Bravo to all who are finally standing up and speaking about wrong decisions being made by our government!
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Better we admit that this PM is the worst ever for the nation now......than wait until he's gone when the damage has been done.
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Thank you, Franke, for the work you've done. I've emailed my MP and I keep emailing my MP in the hope that one day he will actually take note. The environmental damage, current and future, is unacceptable and yet the government focuses only on the short term gain. We all have to stand up and be counted.
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Share this, or in the future there won't be anything left to share. I am standing up, and I'm happy to see everyone else is too. Thanks for this easy format letter to MPs. Please spread the word.
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This is tragic. This is the most heartbreaking representation of where our country, planet and global mentality are headed. What will stop it?? People waking up, as they say, and opening their eyes. Doing far more feeling than they do thinking. Rampant thinking only gets us into trouble. When was the last time you FELT the answer? Industry will only take us so far. Industry gives us nothing if we have no planet to put it on.
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At what point does the government stop making harsh sacrifices with our environment and start making a harsh stand with policies that will put the environment ahead of foreign profits?
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I do not live in Canada, but as a resident of Michigan and surrounded by the Great Lakes I feel the same bitterness towards government officials who allow tragedies like this to occur all to turn a profit. It is not right to sacrifice our natural resources and futures for their gain. The United States and Canada both have a stake in this fight and it is only by rallying people and making sure they know the truth that something will be done to stop these monsterous deeds.
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This is scary stuff....and we should all be worried.
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Dear Franke, Your artwork is compelling and gets the message out loud and clear. Thank you... We all feel the Tar Sands are a ticking time bomb, but we are still apathetic as Canadians. I hope this message reaches all Canadians. I for one, have for the first time in my life, a deep distrust of our Conservative government: I see Conservatives today much likened to Republicans in the US: they are insidiously changing our values as a nation without our consent and, without our knowledge. Bravo Franke: this is one fight we cannot afford to lose. Our wildlife, our nature depends on us.
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[Harper] It's time to wake up. You are killing wildlife, the food we grow, and all of humanity. the GMO in our seeds and the food we buy, may kill us first. This planet will be barren, it will be a big GARBAGE DUMP. Only the rich MIGHT survive in a glass bubble. Clean up your act MR. Harper.
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this is just crazy we all know this wrong bringing an oil tanker into these water is just wrong having a pipeline across the rockies is wrong but who is going to stop this we the people not just canadians but the world has to stop it we must put pressure on the canadian government. let's not let this happen
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This is an incredible and very important piece of work. I thank you very much Franke!
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There are many hunters in that area where the pipeline is to be built. I can just see accidents waiting to happen caused by stray bullets hitting the pipe. If Harper wants all these jobs in Canada, then build secondary industry and refine the oil here. But then again the oil barrons wouldn't have an excuse for creating artificial shortages, now would they. The biggest joke on Canadians is this notion of competition. Their is only one refinery in Edmonton that produces all the gas for western Canada (Suncor), so Excuuuuuuuse me if I say bull to this constant rhetoric of competition. There is none and hasn't been for years, so it would be good if the MPs could get that in their thick sculls or hire better researchers. I'm up for dibs. The last major gas refinery was in Kamloops BC. The refinery closed in 1983 under the ownership of Gulf Oil Company. The pipeline that fed oil to the refinery now ships gas instead and all the companies use the same gas stock and add their additives to it when it is put into their fuel truck carriers. So much for this bull of competition.
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Great work Franke… I will ask everyone I know to get on it!
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I don't live in Canada, but I wrote to Harper as many other non-Canadians have. As here in America, citizens get what they deserve (we voted for our leaders, after all). When will there be enough citizens that care about our environment that all the money in the country can't sway an election? Unfortunately, by the time that happens, it will be too late to save us from ourselves. Sad.
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The spin job of the mainstream media is getting scary. Even Canada's own CBC is pumping out the stories, putting the Enbridge "more jobs" message in the victim light. All we hear is officials who are scared for Canada's financial future. I smell a stand off
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