Newtonbrook High School
What’s the hardest thing you can do for the planet? from Franke James on Vimeo.
What is the hardest thing you could do for the planet?
After Franke’s presentation at Newtonbrook High School, she asked students, “What is the hardest thing you could do for the planet?” Here are some of the ideas they responded with…
“I will recycle and eat less meat.”
“I think I’ll start my own recycling bin. (I live in an apartment and they don’t have recycling bins.)
“I could probably walk to and from school.”
“Another really hard thing would be to stop shopping for new fashions.”
“I am considering taking the one month vegetarian challenge.”
“I’m going to ask my parents to try foods produced locally.”
“All the small things make a difference.”
“I will not buy a car when I grow up. Instead I will save my money to buy an eco-friendly house.”
Follow-up feedback from Newtonbrook students:
“Franke James presentation was made in a friendly way, which made it easy to understand.”
“It was fun and unique because she used pictures to replace words.”
“It was so interesting about the government telling Franke that she couldn’t turn her driveway into a garden.”
“Giving up your SUV is a huge sacrifice.”
“Franke James inspired me that anything is possible.”
“Franke inspires students.”
“The climate change message ceases to be all doom and gloom when they see Franke’s combination of whimsical art and serious personal action. She shows students that they have the power to make real change for the betterment of the planet. Franke inspires students.” Tim Langford, Grade 10 teacher, Newtonbrook High School
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