Guess Who Came To The Blacklisting Party?
by Franke James
Over 100 people from the arts, environmental groups, social justice, law, politics and media came. (And there was lively speculation as to who the ‘Idiot on the Hill’ might be.)

And Guess What They Said…
“So many complain, mostly to each other so that nothing gets heard, or done. It was great to party with people who take action, with Franke leading the charge against exclusion.” ~ Rosalind Ross, Neighbour
“That the current government wishes to silence you is an affront to most fair-minded Canadians. Whenever, I wear the ‘Idiot button’, I invariably get the same reaction: ‘Who are these people who gave this government a majority?'” Tom Sagar
“Back in 1950, President Truman wrote, “In a free country, we punish men for the crimes they commit, but never for the opinions they have.” I grew up secure in the idea I lived in such a country. The blacklisting of Franke James and other so-called dissenters shook this belief. But attending Franke’s party reminded me of the power of courage, conviction, and citizen action. Over 100 people came to celebrate and support Franke — and to let the Prime Minister know we will not go quietly into the night.” Melissa Shin
“Having met the friendly and open Franke and seen her clever and colourful work up close, I can scarcely believe that simply for exercising her democratic rights of political expression and free speech, for questioning Harper’s tar sands promotion, she is branded as “speaking against the Canadian government.” James is neither an insurgent nor a rebel inciting violence – she is merely a thought-provoking artist.”
~ Erich Jacoby-Hawkins, Shadow Cabinet, Green Party of Canada
“I really enjoyed your Blacklisting Party and was so thrilled to see a group of people coming together in solidarity to support you and freedom of speech in general. The vibe at the party was fun, but serious at the same time. This is a serious issue that we cannot and should not ignore. Kudos to Franke for making some noise and for wanting to find out Who The Idiot Was that Blacklisted her!!” ~ Kelly Drennan, Founder, Fashion Takes Action
“It was great to see so many courageous people coming out to the Blacklisting Party to support Franke, her environmental message, and her right to free speech.”
~ Chris Chopik, Evolution Green
“It was my first (so far) invitation to a blacklisting party. I thought it was a great opportunity to promote the cause and showcase your art, your passion and your position on the issue. It also made it very clear (at least in my mind) that the reaction (perhaps ‘overreaction’) on the part of the Government of Canada to actually ‘blacklist’ you and your work was indeed misdirected and a ‘silly’ reaction/decision as it really provided you with a new and more public platform from which to deliver your message. ~ Timothy
“Allow me to congratulate you… I will even consider thanking the Top Harpoon himself for drawing my attention to your wonderful work. In his laughable stab at censorship, Big-Eyes-Wide-Shut has honoured a comic tradition in which dour autocrats promote provocative art pro bono by trying in vain to suppress it. What fun we shall have watching His Stiffness try to wriggle out from under this one! It will also afford me great pleasure to draw attention to your work through my own personal channels. Your light-hearted touch in illustrating so deadly a topic brings credit to every good Canadian.” ~ Douglas Smith
Does Free Speech really matter in Canada?
In a strange twist of fate, James Coburn, the photographer I’d hired from the CIA showed up with a large Amnesty International petition asking if I could have guests sign it at the Blacklisting Party. At first I wondered how my blacklisting problem and a film director’s dilemma in Iran could be connected…
But I quickly learned… Jafar Panahi is an internationally celebrated film director convicted of “propaganda against the state” for having exercised his right to peaceful freedom of expression through his film-making and political activism. He has been sentenced to 6 years in prison, with a 20-year ban on all his artistic activities.
The tragedy of Panahi’s plight is shocking. He’s a storyteller for social justice. If I lived in Iran, that could be me. It certainly puts my blacklisting into perspective. (You can sign the Amnesty petition here.)
Governments all over the world are afraid of the power of art. Because artists can infiltrate the national psyche and change beliefs. Like Bob Dylan’s lyrics — “She’s an artist…. she can take the dark out the nighttime and paint the daytime black.” — Art can wake people up and motivate them to take action. A power that is beyond political control.
Speaking Up for Free Speech
“Franke James has a wonderful way of taking important numbers that give insight to our species’ impact on the planet and boiling them down to an image that resonates powerfully with people from the ages of 5 to 95. The Government of Canada’s apparent censoring of her work is a high mark of praise, indicating the power of her message and the Government’s relative insecurity, which stems from their increasingly tenuous anti-science positions.
As John F. Kennedy, once said: “We are not afraid to entrust the American people with unpleasant facts, foreign ideas, alien philosophies, and competitive values. For a nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.” ~ Toby Heaps
Jim Harris, author of “Blindsided” and former Leader of the Green Party of Canada, spoke about an absurd world…
“It used to be that the Canadian Government supported Canadian artists here and abroad. Today it’s clear that the Harper Government will only support Conservative artists.
“How many Conservative artists do you know? – Artists who create gentle, loving images of Stephen Harper in a sweater holding kittens? We need artists to show the reality of the Tar Sands on our future – as Franke James does.
“It’s unacceptable that the Canadian Government no longer supports Canadian artists – and now only support Conservative ones.” ~ Jim Harris, Strategic Advantage
“I always thought I lived in a free country where you were allowed — and encouraged — to speak your mind. This blacklisting is really shocking, not just for me, but for all Canadians who think differently than our current Prime Minister. In a true democracy multiple points of view are allowed. The Harper Government’s insistence on controlling the message — to the point where artists and scientists are silenced and blacklisted is a serious infringement on our rights in a so-called democratic country. That’s why I’m taking my art to the streets of Ottawa. I want to send a big, loud message to the Prime Minister: Stop Blacklisting Artists and Scientists!”
Franke James, author & artist, Bothered By My Green Conscience
“I have a soft spot for petite people who make a big noise and big change in this world. Perhaps because I too strive to do the same…
I have never met so many wonderfully intelligent, conscious, aware, and forward thinking individuals in a single evening. Spending time with like-minded people is inspiring unto itself — that we came together over the banning of ideas, values and intentions that we all share, made it all the more profound.
What I liked most of all though, was meeting Franke in person. I don’t know if it’s that she welcomed us into her home, that she was styling an awesome ensemble, that all the food served was organic, that the Canadian government wants to take this force down, that she turned her driveway into a garden, or the nature in which she communicates her message, but every time I look at her art work, I kind of want to give her a hug and say “You done good Franke. You done good!” ~ Meghan Telpner
“Thank you Franke for trying to wake up Canadians that this Prime Minister is against you — if you’re not with him! Your art speaks to truth –– Canada’s growing democracy deficit.” ~ Stan Kozak
“I was blown away by your art, thoroughly impressed by your initiatives to make the utmost of this bizarre situation, and thrilled to meet all your supporters and friends. Somehow I am quite sure that “the idiot” on the hill had not the slightest idea what he was in for.” Robert Mout
“It seems almost automatic that people respond to an injustice by gathering the support and validation of others. Where most will rally allies by demonizing their opponent and creating a divisive hatred between sides, the blacklisting party was an inspiring example of the difference a positive and forward looking reaction can make.
Not every idea shared was wrapped in a rainbow but overall the party was an uplifting, fun-filled and inspiring experience that brought light to the brilliant contributions of Franke James; potentially a heck of a lot more than if her opportunity not been inexplicably squashed in the first place.” ~ Randy Sa’d, Strategic Development, Harbourfront Centre
“Seeing Franke’s artwork in large size on display made me realize how very important her messages are. I can’t wait for her art billboard in Ottawa! Hopefully, her visual essays will reach an even larger audience due to the blacklisting publicity. I’ll be following Franke’s story with much anticipation!” ~ Christa Gampp
“Great party! It was wonderful to meet so many like minded people! That’s where I get my energy to keep working for change. I am so proud to be part of the ‘Blacklisted’ support group – if one can call it that? I really would like to help out more. If there is anything I can do please let me know.” ~ Carola Koitz
“Leave it to an artist to take the metaphorical batch of lemons and turn it into a deliciously refreshing pitcher of lemonade. Of course, I shouldn’t have been surprised. Ever since reading Franke’s “Paradise Unpaved” visual essay, I knew she was full of spunk! Her Blacklisting Party simply reaffirmed her incredible resolve to get her message heard regardless of the obstacles put in her path.
Whatever one may think of the progress of international climate change negotiations, the enthusiasm of the people who came out to support Franke demonstrated that at the individual and community level there continues to be intelligent and inspirational work being done to create more sustainable living options for Canadians. My goal in attending was to ensure Franke knows that her work and advocacy is appreciated regardless of what any bureaucrats may have decided.” ~ Rob Wakulat
Thanks to everyone who came to my Blacklisting Party and purchased artwork, books, posters and buttons! We raised over $2600 at the Blacklisting party. Next stop: Ottawa!
Thanks to our sponsors:
Steam Whistle Beer | Front Door Organics | Frog Pond Farm Wines
“Guess Who Came To The Blacklisting Party?” copyright 2011 Franke James
Photography by James Coburn, Central Image Agency, with the following exceptions: D. Stevenson: photos of Jim Harris, Kelly Drennan, Douglas Smith; Franke James: photos of Tom and Jane Sagar, the WWF team, Google hangout, Jim and Carola, Erich the Green, Steam Whistle, Food.
Related Blacklisting Posts by Franke James:
September 10th: Blacklisted by Harper? Get out the Noise-Makers!
“Yes, because the best way to fight shadowy blacklisting is to get noisy, have fun, and tell lots of people. So, to help spread the word, I’m hosting a Blacklisting Party.”
August 17th: Blacklisting Makes News in Ottawa (And beyond)
“More than 20 articles have appeared in major media, blogs and environmental websites since news of my blacklisting broke on July 25th. See some of the news articles.”
August 2nd: Silenced in Europe, Franke Gets Loud in Ottawa!
“My European show is cancelled, thanks to interference from Canada’s Harper Govt — which makes me mad. But I’m not going to let them silence me… I’ve decided some grassroots, guerilla tactics are in order…”
July 25th: Canadian Government Tries to Silence Franke James
“Who was the idiot who approved an art show by that woman, Franke James?”
How do you get in the right headspace for hosting a Blacklisting Party?
Well, I went to a used book shop and lucked into buying a copy of George Orwell’s political satire NINETEEN EIGHTY-FOUR — the first (Canadian) edition — for a mere fifteen bucks. Orwell’s futuristic vision of how governments would rewrite history — and control messaging — is now eerily true. I wonder — if he were here today, what advice would he have for me?
But Orwell was so politically savvy, cloaking his disdain for the powers-that-be in satire, that he’d probably lambast me by saying, “Foolish woman – what were you thinking by openly criticizing your government? Don’t you know Big Brother hates that – and will stop at nothing to shut you down?”
@EdenFisher .@frankejames great thing is they are all such nice people, too far away for us but our thoughts are with you. The ‘nice’ people will win.
@WindSector .@frankejames Congratulations—well done, Franke!
Hi Franke,
The party was really inspiring. Thank you. As cowardly as it sounds, I’m a tad reluctant to add my two cents to the brilliantly crafted post, at least not before my Canadian citizenship comes through. It’s a sad world we live in…
If I were to write something, I’d probably reference McLuhan: “An administrator in a bureaucratic world is a man who can feel big by merging his non-entity in an abstraction. A real person in touch with real things inspires terror in him.”
Thanks for understanding. Hope to connect again soon.
(name withheld to protect the innocent)
@lapplando wish I could have been there! What a milestone RT @frankejames: Guess Who Came To The Blacklisting Party? #cdnpoli
Franke – all I can say is wow. the event was a huge success! Just love seeing your visual messages so boldly displayed speaking ever so Franke like. Look at your home full of people fueling support for you!!
Thanks for your great comment! It was a huge event — literally — I wasn’t sure we could fit 100 people in our house — but the doors were open at the front and back and somehow it all worked out.
It was so fabulous to have so many people’s support. I need every bit of it. This blacklisting is a big challenge and the party gives me more courage.
I finally see it on a big screen! It’s stunning..!!!
I am repeating myself but once again I have to say I am so lucky to have been part of it. It was an amazing event.
I hope it becomes a ‘Blacklisted movement’ in support of free speech and political expression. Count me in:-)
[…] me you know who I am talking about! Franke is the force behind the most splendourific visual essays my eco loving self have ever set eye…. I wrote about her back in the Spring but do you know what happened since then? She was blacklisted […]
[…] the climate in Canada is increasingly fearful. I recently hosted a blacklisting party to celebrate the crowd-funding of my outdoor media show in Ottawa — and to build support for when […]
I am really not sure that this is the most effective way to influence the kind of change you are looking for. Firstly, there is a current illusion that the government is responsible for everything from controlling who does what business, like oil sands, to paying for food of children in schools. From the perspective of the government, if someone was speaking against me and I had to decide whether to fund them or not, I expect I wouldn’t. Funding is generosity. It is a gift. It is not an obligation. I truly don’t know if the government is in favor of the oil sands project, but I think it is a tricky thing for them to impose their will on this enterprise. I wish we could stop this reckless pollution perpetuated by the mining of the oil sands. So, is putting pressure on our government to intervene the way to go? Why not go to the source, the companies who are responsible? You want the government to take responsibility for enabling you to spread a message that will in turn put the responsibility on them and you don’t see that this would be at a cost to the government and the tax payer…because it is we who ultimately pay. So the government should impose more regulations to stop these people, and yet you object when they stop you? If freedom of speech then why not freedom of business? Something isn’t lining up here.
Thanks for your comment. The funding is a non-issue. In fact it’s a red herring that distracts from what really happened. The NGO applied for a small grant and was turned down. No problem. (I’ve applied for arts grants and been turned down too. You win some. You lose some.)
Being rejected for a grant is not the issue.
The blacklisting can best be understood this way: The government interfered by warning the NGO not to exhibit my art. The Canadian Embassy Cultural officer said (in the Toronto Star), “Don’t you know this lady speaks against the Canadian Government?”
Firstly, I do not speak against the Canadian Government, but I do speak against Harper’s polluting policies. We should have stronger laws that force corporations (like ESSO) to pay for the true cost of polluting our air and water — including the damage to the communities that surround the Tar Sands – that’s the only way we’ll get them to clean up their act. One day I believe we’ll see massive class action suits brought against these companies for the terrible damage they are causing to the health of First Nations around the tarsands — and to everyone’s air and water.
Secondly, what the hell is the Government doing warning anyone not to exhibit my art? That’s not fair and it’s not what most Canadians want from their government.
Thirdly, Free Speech: The reason this is a free speech issue is that even if you — and the Harper Govt. — don’t agree with my views on carbon taxes, I should not be silenced or blacklisted. A democracy is all about allowing dissenting voices. It’s by allowing differences of opinion that we can come up with new solutions and better ways of doing things that will benefit everyone in our society.
BTW, the artshow was fully financed with corporate money and a private backer who had 40 years in the gallery business — NO taxpayer dollars were to be used. (I even contacted the Embassies myself to ask if I could RENT space at my own expense, as I am a Canadian citizen and Canadian business-owner. I could not even get a handshake from them.)
I agree that we need to “come up with new solutions and better ways of doing things that will benefit everyone in our society.” I am just not convinced that creating laws that “force corporations (like ESSO) to pay for polluting our air and water” is the way to go. To me it seems that, in a sense “fining” them, will just allow them to continue their operations. If they get fined (pay for polluting) and don’t pay, they have to be taken to court, at government (taxpayer) expense. In the food services industry we have a standard of operation and if businesses fall below it they are forced to shut down. This is for the safety of the consumer. Restaurants don’t “pay” for having inferior, health-threatening foods. They are required to keep up to standard.
I recently spoke with an Esso executive. He said that until the Government brings in tougher regulations, Esso won’t change. I agree. We need tougher environmental laws that force companies to change their polluting ways. Currently they are not (overly) worried as the cost of polluting our air and water are “externalities”.
You may enjoy Tzeporah Berman’s new book “This Crazy Time”. In it she calls for tougher laws to change things on a global scale. She’s also a remarkable woman with an amazing life story.
[…] wearing my “Who’s the idiot who blacklisted Franke James?” button. See my Blacklisting Party for the matching […]
[…] I was joined by Toby Heaps, Editor-in-Chief of Corporate Knights Magazine. Toby also spoke at my Blacklisting Party in September so he was up-to-speed on all the developments. Toby commented, “It seems like […]