Do Brazilians have a Green Conscience? And will it motivate them to take action?
by Franke James
The double-page color spread featured six artworks by Franke James, plus a photo.
“Our daily newspaper,O Estado de S. Paulo, in São Paulo, Brazil, is working on a story about guilt and global warming. In fact, it’s about the actions that we try to do in order to “minimize” or “neutralize” our guilty conscience”
Recently, a Brazilian journalist, Karina Ninni, contacted me about an article she was doing on sustainability and the environment — in particular whether your conscience can motivate you to take action for the planet…
“Our daily newspaper, O Estado de S. Paulo, in São Paulo, Brazil, is working on a story about guilt and global warming. In fact, it’s about the actions that we try to do in order to “minimize” or “neutralize” our guilty conscience (for emissions, for the waste of energy and materials)… The main subject we want to talk about is what are we trying to do, to be “greener”, to discover if these actions really make sense and to distinguish actions that are selfish or lead by greenwashing, from actions that have the power to change things (including our behavior).”
Karina has posed a great question that crosses ALL countries and continents! I’d like to hear from you… Does a green conscience motivate you to take action for the planet? If so, is that true for your neighbors and fellow citizens, too? Let me know in the comment box, or send me an email: franke AT
Below are links to Karina’s articles in Portuguese…
Guilty feelings can lead people to do more for the environment
Culpa companheira: sentimento pode levar pessoas fazer mais pelo meio ambiente
Canadian car swapped for a more sustainable pattern of life
Canadense trocou carro por padrão de vida mais sustentável
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Great Q for all! RT @frankejames: Do Brazilians have a Green Conscience? Will it motivate them to act?
New @frankejames : Do Brazilians have a Green Conscience? And will it motivate them to take action?: Recently, a...
Thnx! R: @windshare Do Brazilians have a Green Conscience? And will it motivate them to take action?: Recently, a...