Canadian Government Tries to Silence Franke James
by Franke James
by that woman, Franke James?”
Memorable words from one of Canada’s top officials on hearing that
the Canadian Embassy in Croatia had offered support for Franke’s art show.
MAY 28, 2013: Please see my new book, Banned on the Hill: a True Story of Dirty Oil and Government Censorship, and the new Indiegogo campaign to get people talking about climate change — even the head honchos in Ottawa.
NOVEMBER 10, 2011: Please see the latest news about the Access to Information Documents and the billboard/poster show in Ottawa.
July 25, 2011 – Summary of the Problem:
The Canadian Government, led by Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s Conservative Party, is actively working to shut down my solo European art exhibition, which is set to tour 20 cities in Europe. [Update Nov.10, 2011: Please see latest news about the Access to Information Documents]
Canadian officials have also bullied the NGO, Nektarina, and warned them repeatedly to cancel the exhibition because they are opposed to “Franke James.” They are doing everything in their power to make sure my show is killed. An employee with Amnesty International in Croatia reacted to the news by saying, “This is a sad day for Canadian democracy.”
“Franke James is tackling a great Canadian taboo with humour and culture – insisting Canadians must act on climate protection despite polluting profits from the tar sands. She should be celebrated and supported as a Canadian treasure – instead our diplomatic circles are told to blacklist her from Canadian international auspices. Artists, environmentalists and anyone who cares about Canada’s reputation in the world should rise up to support Franke’s efforts.” ~ Beatrice Olivastri, CEO, Friends of the Earth Canada
Please read the post below to understand the petro-state politics that are underlying this censorship — and see how you can lend your support.
My Reaction to the Blacklisting:
At first I couldn’t believe it. Me? Blacklisted? What?!
I’m the person who wouldn’t even build a green driveway without getting permission from City Hall! I believe in working with the system to change laws, not break them.
How does it make sense to blacklist me? This is crazy!
But apparently, I’ve ignited the Harper Government’s fury by telling the truth about Canada’s footdragging on climate action. And having the audacity to advocate pollution taxes and tougher environmental policies on Alberta’s Tar Sands! (recommendations which are in line with many respected environmental NGO’s including the Pembina Institute.)
Since May 2011, the Canadian Government has been using underhanded, behind-the-scenes tactics to get my “What can one person do?” art show in Europe cancelled.
The goal of the ambitious show, organized by Nektarina Non Profit, is to raise environmental awareness with youth, and inspire teens to make their own climate change art. The show has the support of the Ministry of Culture in Latvia and the Croatian Agency for Environment. It’s a huge honor for me — but I can also see that it’s a direct result of the visual essays I’ve written, and the green conscience workshops I’ve done with students in Canada and the USA.
You would think that Canada would be proud of me. And in fact, the show initially received enthusiastic responses from Canadian embassies in Europe, and a promise of funding. But in mid-May this support was suddenly cancelled by Canada’s Department of Foreign Affairs in Ottawa, with the words, “Who was the idiot who approved an art show by that woman, Franke James?”
Here are two examples of the government’s interference to date:
This past May, a Canadian Embassy official met with the show’s organizer, Nektarina Non Profit, in Croatia. She advised them to abandon the show because my Dear Prime Minister visual essay — created independently by me for the 2008 Federal Election — offended the Harper Government. It did not support any political party. It only asked that carbon polluters pay. (See my press release from 2008.) - NGO BULLIED BY CANADIAN EMBASSY OFFICIAL
On July 13th, a Canadian Embassy official called Sandra Antonovic at Nektarina, and pressured her. The official reminded Sandra that she could apply for more grants in the future — and said that it was the artist (Franke James) they objected to. On July 22nd, Nektarina published an official statement on the bullying by the Harper Government. Here is an excerpt:
“In the past few months we have encountered many difficulties in organizing the exhibitions, usually connected to interventions of the Canadian Government or institutions under Canadian governmental control. We continued to look for ways to collaborate with the homeland of the artist, although at times we felt patronized and even intimidated, as a small NGO trying to reach an understanding with a powerful state. This was most surprising given Canada’s reputation over many decades as a leader in promoting democratic freedoms, the right of free expression and also supporting the international community (through its role as a peacekeeper and in many other ways). It is clear that Canada has a difficult position to resolve in relation to its narrower national interests (in particular the exploitation of natural resources) and its wider responsibility in the international community.” ~ Sandra Antonovic, Nektarina Non Profit
Canadian Embassies can’t even offer me a Handshake
At first I was skeptical that the Canadian Embassies would be so hostile to “me”, a Canadian citizen and business-owner. I’ve even led a Trade Mission to Los Angeles a few years ago… So, I approached them myself asking if they would host a press conference to announce my show (as they do for other artists and authors). Surely, they will greet a Canadian artist with open arms?
But no… I was rebuffed on the phone, and by email. None of the Canadian embassies wants anything to do with me or the show. Not one embassy has agreed to honor the event. They can’t even offer me a handshake, which seems very strange and very ‘un-Canadian’.
Is the show being blocked because the Harper Government doesn’t want Canadians to worry about the tar sands, our largest and fastest growing source of greenhouse gas pollution? All I can think is that it’s a wee bit inconvenient for them if my work shows up just when the European Union is deciding on the EU Fuel Directive which could slap a “dirty oil” label on the Tar Sands. Or the CETA negotiations.
Or maybe, they simply don’t want kids to learn how to protect the environment? Because that’s what the show is about.
Is this the Canada we want? A country that cracks down on artists who speak up when they see a government policy that’s wrong, and that’s endangering our children’s futures?
Dirty oil is making for dirty politics and it’s soiling Canada’s reputation – destroying the Canada we know and love.
This climate change art show is a tremendous opportunity to make a difference. But it’s all at risk because of the blacklisting and interference by the Harper Government.
I could use your help. Whatever nationality you are, and wherever you are in the world, you can help to spread the news of this shocking interference and blacklisting by the Canadian Government. It’s an abuse of power, and a threat to free speech and freedom of expression. In many countries, artists and writers are afraid to speak out for fear of being punished. But few would point the finger at Canada as that type of oppressive country. Sadly, I am being punished for speaking out. I believe this attempt to muzzle me calls for immediate and strong action. Please see ideas below on how you can lend your support.
How can you help? Updated August 8th with news of the billboard art in Ottawa. Here are some ways:
- Make a pledge on LoudSauce.
- Leave your comment below about this blacklisting.
- PEN International and PEN Canada work to protect writers and artists right to free speech. Consider a donation.
- Share this blog post on Google Plus, Twitter and Facebook.
Support for Franke James
“Franke James is among the tiny handful of really powerful and profound artists who have taken on climate change – the most important topic on the planet, but one so big and all-encompassing that it often defies artistic interpretation. Her work is incredibly important for many of us around the world.” ~ Bill McKibben, Founder
“Franke James’ work is honest, powerful and funny. She has a rare ability to sweep past the polarization and complexity of critical issues and shine a stark spotlight without over simplifying. Her work is not be missed by anyone interested in climate change or the future of Canada!” ~ Tzeporah Berman, Co-director Climate and Energy Greenpeace International
“Artistic communicator par excellence, Franke James is a Canadian visionary and master of inspiration for lighting the passions around the epochal realms of our time. Her visual essays brilliantly pare the broad complexities of climate change down to a human scale narrative that resonates with the Canadian public.” Toby A. A. Heaps, Editor-in-Chief, Corporate Knights Magazine
“The words ‘visual artist’ do too little justice to Franke James. She is a commentator and educator, an entertainer and provocateur. Her thoughtful and thought-provoking work is whimsical, accessible and resolutely non-confrontational – sometimes indignant, but never impolite. Franke can’t make me feel better about climate change, but she’s one of the few people around who gives me hope.” ~ Richard Littlemore, co-author of Climate Cover-up: The Crusade to Deny Global Warming
“Franke James is a unique asset to the climate movement: a fearless artist whose work simultaneously bursts with joyfulness and hard-hitting rationale about the current crisis to our planet. Without fail, after reading one of her visual essays, I’m always freshly motivated to address these challenges head-on.” ~ Jess Leber, Environment Editor,
“Franke James is a Canadian treasure whose art has helped to explain the global climate crisis in understandable and even humorous ways. She is meticulous about the facts and substance, but her voice is eminently refreshing and approachable. I love her art, and that she uses it for story-telling to raise awareness of humankind’s urgent challenge.” ~ Michael Noble, Fresh Energy
“Franke James’ artwork is a vital and beautiful tool to awaken greater consciousness and action on the part of people all over the world to confront our greatest challenge: climate change.” ~ May Boeve, Executive Director,
“Franke James has an extraordinary talent for mixing engaging stories and the latest science to make action-provoking climate art. Naturally, it has been a pleasure to work with Franke and Bill James on the CO2 Toaster website widget that has helped get the attention of hundreds of thousands of people to think more about humanity’s single most important environmental data.” ~ Michael McGee, Creator of Earth’s CO2 Home Page
“Our climate experts are desperate to explain their science in a way that promotes action. So are environmentalists, social justice activists, and intellectuals of all stripe. Franke James just might have the key. Her visual essays make detailed, sound arguments, but they are delivered in a way that lets people hear. She eschews polemics, admits her own uncertainties, and draws everyone into the circle of change. Here’s one voice I’d like the whole world to hear.” ~ Cathryn Wellner, This Gives Me Hope
“I have long been a fan of Franke James’ unique brand of storytelling – so much so that I’ve borrowed from one of her best – Paradise Unpaved – and made it a centerpiece of more than 30 presentations on environmental leadership I have made to more than 4,500 people from across Canada. Her story of taking on City Hall for the right to build a green driveway is exceptional for its ability to engage diverse audiences on a very sensitive matter. Her literally “grassroots” activism gets people thinking how each of us contribute to the environmental challenges we face, and also to the solutions – and for doing so in a way that is empowering.” ~ David Noble, Principal, 2degreesC
For more information contact:
Franke James, Artist
Tel: 416-256-9166
Lisa Borden at Borden Communications.
Tel: 416-484-6489
594 Responses: 105 Comments and 489 Tweets
Twitter: 1 (Showing 489)
- Franke James @frankejames
Canadian Government Tries to Silence Franke James via @FrankeJames(about 4956 days ago)
- Kenji Miyajima @kenji_in_texas
Way to go, Franke! RT @frankejames: Canadian Government Tries to Silence Franke James 4956 days ago)
- WindShare @windshare
New @frankejames : Canadian Government Tries to Silence Franke James: Tweet Share “Who was the idiot who approve... 4956 days ago)
- The Biotic Vector @bioticvector
Canadian Government Tries to Silence Franke James via @FrankeJames(about 4956 days ago)
- Percy Monteiro @wiredal
Shocking! Canadian Government Tries to Silence Franke James via @FrankeJames (please RT to lend your support)(about 4956 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
Shocking! Canadian Government Tries to Silence Franke James via @FrankeJames (please RT to lend your support)(about 4956 days ago)
- Leonieke Aalders @leonieke
Shocking! Canadian Government Tries to Silence Franke James via @FrankeJames (please RT to lend your support)(about 4956 days ago)
- Janet Webb @janetnorcal
Canadian Government Tries to Silence Franke James via @FrankeJames(about 4956 days ago)
- Dan Pagan @danpagan
Shocking! Canadian Government Tries to Silence Franke James via @FrankeJames (please RT to lend your support)(about 4956 days ago)
- Black Spruce @blackspruce47
Canadian Government Tries to Silence Franke James via @FrankeJames(about 4956 days ago)
- wordwhacky @wordwhacky
Shocking! Canadian Government Tries to Silence Franke James via @FrankeJames (please RT to lend your support)(about 4956 days ago)
- bill davidson @macdade2
The Canadian Gov't tries to silence artist Franke James. #cdnpoli RTSVP(about 4956 days ago)
- bill davidson @macdade2
Please read this & help. Franke James is an artist, a #climate activist & a friend. #freespeech #cdnart(about 4956 days ago)
- Risovic Liliana @risovic
RT @frankejames: Canadian Government Tries to Silence Franke James via @FrankeJames(about 4956 days ago)
- Lis Duarte @lisduarte
RT @risovic: RT @frankejames: Canadian Government Tries to Silence Franke James via @FrankeJames(about 4956 days ago)
- bill davidson @macdade2
.@ElizabethMay hi Elizabeth, thought you needed to know that @frankejames is being bullied by our government: #climate">\n#climate(about 4956 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
.@ElizabethMay hi Elizabeth, thought you needed to know that @frankejames is being bullied by our government: #climate">\n#climate(about 4956 days ago)
- miranda @mirandababy
RT @frankejames: Canadian Government Tries to Silence Franke James via @FrankeJames(about 4956 days ago)
- Emily Berk @armadillosoft
Sigh. RT @frankejames: Canadian Government Tries to Silence Franke James 4956 days ago)
- Saskboy K. @saskboy
.@ElizabethMay hi Elizabeth, thought you needed to know that @frankejames is being bullied by our government: #climate">\n#climate(about 4956 days ago)
- dusty gedge @greenroofsuk
RT @risovic: RT @frankejames: Canadian Government Tries to Silence Franke James via @FrankeJames(about 4956 days ago)
- Nektarina Non Profit @nektarina
RT @frankejames: Canadian Government Tries to Silence Franke James via @frankejames(about 4956 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
RT @frankejames: Canadian Government Tries to Silence Franke James via @frankejames(about 4956 days ago)
- Adam J @shadowcatsalem
sad,just sad.I honestly believed I lived in a "better" country than this..silly me..Canadian Gov Tries to Silence artist 4956 days ago)
- Justin Beach @justinsb
RT @frankejames: Canadian Government Tries to Silence Franke James via @frankejames(about 4956 days ago)
- Saskboy K. @saskboy
sad,just sad.I honestly believed I lived in a "better" country than this..silly me..Canadian Gov Tries to Silence artist 4956 days ago)
- Charles Edouard @argus27
Canadian Government Tries to Silence Franke James via @frankejames @nektarina(about 4956 days ago)
- Suchitoto Tours @ecoturismo
Rt @risovic: #Canada Government Tries to Silence @FrankeJames #eco(about 4956 days ago)
- bill davidson @macdade2
@CTVnews @CBCnews @GlobalTV Canadian Gov't tries to silence Canadian artist. \n#eventhekitchensink(about 4956 days ago)
- Mark C. Robins @markcrobins
.@ElizabethMay hi Elizabeth, thought you needed to know that @frankejames is being bullied by our government: #climate">\n#climate(about 4956 days ago)
- Mark C. Robins @markcrobins
RT @frankejames: Canadian Government Tries to Silence Franke James via @frankejames(about 4956 days ago)
- Delta @m1a_____
Please read this & help. Franke James is an artist, a #climate activist & a friend. #freespeech #cdnart(about 4956 days ago)
- Alex M. Pruteanu @lx69
Canadian Government Tries to Silence Franke James via @FrankeJames(about 4956 days ago)
- Edouard Stenger @edouardstenger
RT @nektarina: Canadian Government Tries to Silence Franke James via @frankejames BOOOOH !(about 4956 days ago)
- Edouard Stenger @edouardstenger
Shocking! Canadian Government Tries to Silence Franke James via @FrankeJames (please RT !)(about 4956 days ago)
- Scott @scott451
Canadian Government Tries to Silence Canadian artist Franke James 4956 days ago)
- Edouard Stenger @edouardstenger
Canadian Government Tries to Silence Franke James via @FrankeJames(about 4956 days ago)
- Lonnie Judah @lonniehodge
Canada tries to silence environmental activist/artist @frankejames Amnesty says sad day for #Canada(about 4956 days ago)
- charlottelai @sregnifnet
Canada tries to silence environmental activist/artist @frankejames Amnesty says sad day for #Canada(about 4956 days ago)
- Shael Sharma @shaels
Canada tries to silence environmental activist/artist @frankejames Amnesty says sad day for #Canada(about 4956 days ago)
- Kelly Drennan @ecofashionista
Outrage! You are a national treasure! RT @frankejames: Canadian Government Tries to Silence Franke James 4956 days ago)
- JLC @nanobozho
Shocking! Canadian Government Tries to Silence Franke James via @FrankeJames (please RT to lend your support)(about 4956 days ago)
- Ed Gunther @edgunther
Outrage! You are a national treasure! RT @frankejames: Canadian Government Tries to Silence Franke James 4956 days ago)
- Kyle Ronald Freund @krfreund
#Conservative #Canadian government tries to clip #conservation #commentary! Grrr...(about 4956 days ago)
- uiceberg @syhum
Canada tries to silence environmental activist/artist @frankejames Amnesty says sad day for #Canada via @lonniehodge(about 4956 days ago)
- Shakeup Wakeup @carolaik
R @ecofashionista Outrage! You are a national treasure! R @frankejames Canadian Government Tries to Silence Franke James 4956 days ago)
- Lisa Borden @lisaborden
Shameful --> Canadian Government Tries to Silence @FrankeJames 4956 days ago)
- Iris Zimmer @healthyiz
An artist blacklisted?! RT @lisaborden: Shameful --> Canadian Government Tries to Silence @frankejames 4956 days ago)
- phdinparenting @phdinparenting
RT @LisaBorden: Shameful --> Canadian Government Tries to Silence @FrankeJames 4956 days ago)
- Tom Flemming @tomflem
sad,just sad.I honestly believed I lived in a "better" country than this..silly me..Canadian Gov Tries to Silence artist 4956 days ago)
- KarenHanrahan @karenhanrahan
Artist@frankejames silenced by the canadien government. What? Imagine the government silencing you? #uncool #fb #blono(about 4956 days ago)
- Rob Storm @robstorm
An artist blacklisted?! RT @lisaborden: Shameful --> Canadian Government Tries to Silence @frankejames 4956 days ago)
- berryplus @berryplusclean
See this @justinptrudeau? RT @lisaborden: Shameful --> Canadian Government Tries to Silence @frankejames 4956 days ago)
- berryplus @berryplusclean
See this @justinpjtrudeau? RT @LisaBorden: Shameful --> Canadian Government Tries to Silence @frankejames 4956 days ago)
- Farmer\'s Daughter @farmdaughter
Franke James » Blog Archive » Canadian Government Tries to Silence Franke James 4956 days ago)
- UK Tar Sands Network @notarsands
Canadian artist @FrankJames set to come on Euro tour speaking out on climate & env being silenced Show Support!(about 4956 days ago)
- Francie McGlynn @frazzee1
RT @frankejames: Canadian Government Tries to Silence Franke James via @frankejames(about 4956 days ago)
- BordenTeam @bordenteam
Shocking!!! (and sad!) RT @lisaborden: Shameful --> Canadian Government Tries to Silence @frankejames 4956 days ago)
- Laura Felstiner @lauraleedap
Shocking!!! (and sad!) RT @lisaborden: Shameful --> Canadian Government Tries to Silence @frankejames 4956 days ago)
- Shakeup Wakeup @carolaik
That's our Canada? \n“Who was the idiot who approved an art show by that woman, Franke James?” #cdnpoli(about 4956 days ago)
- Risovic Liliana @risovic
RT @carolaik: That's our Canada? \r“Who was the idiot who approved an art show by that woman, Franke James?” #cdnpoli(about 4956 days ago)
- Risovic Liliana @risovic
I have also been surprises from Canada! My support for @frankejames Toronto, Canada - #freedomofspeech @carolaik(about 4956 days ago)
- Shakeup Wakeup @carolaik
R @risovic I have also been surprises from Canada! My support 4 @frankejames Toronto, CA- #freedomofspeech @carolaik(about 4956 days ago)
- Frances Policarpio @supahfran
Good luck @frankejames! RT @BordenTeam: Shocking!! (and sad) RT @lisaborden: Shameful! ->CAD Govt tries to silence James 4956 days ago)
- Stig Nasty @stignasty
sad,just sad.I honestly believed I lived in a "better" country than this..silly me..Canadian Gov Tries to Silence artist 4956 days ago)
- Orneryboy @orneryboy_comic
RT @frankejames: Canadian Government Tries to Silence Franke James via @FrankeJames(about 4956 days ago)
- doug rogers @dougsamu
Canadian Government Tries to Silence Franke James via @zite(about 4956 days ago)
- Alexandra Marshall @am_canadian
sad,just sad.I honestly believed I lived in a "better" country than this..silly me..Canadian Gov Tries to Silence artist 4956 days ago)
- Val Joiner @valinreallife
Canadian Government Tries to Silence Franke James via @FrankeJames(about 4956 days ago)
- thezedword @thezedword
If this is true, I am ashamed to be a Canadian: “@frankejames: Canadian Government Tries to Silence Franke James 4956 days ago)
- Jos Yule @josyule
RT @frankejames: Canadian Government Tries to Silence Franke James via @FrankeJames(about 4956 days ago)
- Heikki Hyppänen @mandrl
RT @mirandababy: RT @frankejames: Canadian Government Tries to Silence Franke James 4956 days ago)
- Sean D @thornlord
If this is true, I am ashamed to be a Canadian: “@frankejames: Canadian Government Tries to Silence Franke James 4956 days ago)
- Ramona Chu @ahchu
This is y I was scared of the Harper Gov't.ByeBye our right 2 free speech. Canadian Gov Tries 2 Silence artist #cdnpoli(about 4956 days ago)
- Greentalk @greentalk
Artist@frankejames silenced by the canadien government. What? Imagine the government silencing you? #uncool #fb #blono(about 4956 days ago)
- Martin Kumquat @k4m4
Outrage! You are a national treasure! RT @frankejames: Canadian Government Tries to Silence Franke James 4956 days ago)
- Trevor @trevor_ccw
Via @AhChu Canadian gov't tries to muzzle artist for speaking out on climate change #cdnpoli #cpc(about 4956 days ago)
- Leigh Hanssen @leighhanssen
Outrage! You are a national treasure! RT @frankejames: Canadian Government Tries to Silence Franke James 4956 days ago)
- Dan @riteandan
If this is true, I am ashamed to be a Canadian: “@frankejames: Canadian Government Tries to Silence Franke James 4956 days ago)
- Bart Soroka @bartsoroka
sad,just sad.I honestly believed I lived in a "better" country than this..silly me..Canadian Gov Tries to Silence artist 4956 days ago)
- Dorian Baldwin @i11uminatus
Canadian Government Tries to Silence Franke James via @FrankeJames(about 4956 days ago)
- Accidental Rob @accidentalrob
Canadian Government Tries to Silence Franke James via @FrankeJames via @Accidental_Mel(about 4956 days ago)
- Politiganda @politiganda
Artist Franke James accuses Canadian Government of blacklisting #cdnpoli(about 4956 days ago)
- Green Bean @iamgreenbean
Canadian Government Tries to Silence Franke James via @FrankeJames(about 4956 days ago)
- Annabelle Waugh @annabellewaugh
Canadian Government Tries to Silence Franke James via @FrankeJames(about 4956 days ago)
- Martin Kumquat @k4m4
So much for free speech. Gov't of #Canada needs to defend and promote democracy. Not stifle it. #cdnpoli #CAPP(about 4956 days ago)
- Cathryn Wellner @storyroute
And here I thought Canada was a democracy: Gov. trying to silence @frankejames 4956 days ago)
- Billiam James @billiamjames
Free Speech in Canada? Not available if you ask questions about the Tar Sands! @frankejames 4956 days ago)
- Tracy Seeley @tracy_seeley
RT @StoryRoute And here I thought Canada was a democracy: Gov. trying to silence @frankejames 4956 days ago)
- Richard @rwpickard
RT @StoryRoute And here I thought Canada was a democracy: Gov. trying to silence @frankejames 4956 days ago)
- Mark @markfromslap
Harper selectively denies funding to artists that criticize the government. This is very worrying! #canpoli(about 4956 days ago)
- Arthur Schenck @amerinz
Harper selectively denies funding to artists that criticize the government. This is very worrying! #canpoli(about 4956 days ago)
- mchlstvns @mchlstvns
More Harper Government free speech violations (and latent sexism): via @FrankeJames(about 4956 days ago)
- Sheen A. @oycharlie
Harper selectively denies funding to artists that criticize the government. This is very worrying! #canpoli(about 4956 days ago)
- Djan Saisse Masson @santnamor2013
"Canadian Government Tries to Silence Franke James" via @FrankeJames @SierraActivist(about 4956 days ago)
- Djan Saisse Masson @santnamor2013
"Canadian Government Tries to Silence Franke James" via @FrankeJames @SierraActivist #Canada #environment(about 4956 days ago)
- Thornlords Lady @thornlordslady
If this is true, I am ashamed to be a Canadian: “@frankejames: Canadian Government Tries to Silence Franke James 4956 days ago)
- Alex Chamberlain @alexkristof
@pmharper Why?(about 4956 days ago)
- Djan Saisse Masson @santnamor2013
RT @frankejames: Canadian Government Tries to Silence Franke James via @frankejames(about 4956 days ago)
- Draught WISE @draughtwise
sad,just sad.I honestly believed I lived in a "better" country than this..silly me..Canadian Gov Tries to Silence artist 4956 days ago)
- Petrelli Pierre @pierrepetrelli
RT @frankejames: Canadian Government Tries to Silence Franke James via @frankejames(about 4956 days ago)
- AFreeMansLife @afreemanslife
Stephen Harper Canadian Government Tries to Silence Franke James @frankejames @pmharper WHY!?(about 4956 days ago)
- AFreeMansLife @afreemanslife
Stephen Harper Canadian Gov't Tries to Silence Franke James @frankejames @pmharper WHY!? #cdnpoli #climate #tarsands(about 4956 days ago)
- Christopher @sarcasmking
Harper selectively denies funding to artists that criticize the government. This is very worrying! #canpoli(about 4956 days ago)
- Beari8it @beari8it
Stephen Harper Canadian Gov't Tries to Silence Franke James @frankejames @pmharper WHY!? #cdnpoli #climate #tarsands(about 4956 days ago)
- L. Lea @yukongale
Stephen Harper Canadian Gov't Tries to Silence Franke James @frankejames @pmharper WHY!? #cdnpoli #climate #tarsands(about 4956 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
Thnx to everyone who is tweeting this news: Canadian Government Tries to Silence Franke James: #cdnpoli #freespeech(about 4956 days ago)
- Justin Beach @justinsb
Thnx to everyone who is tweeting this news: Canadian Government Tries to Silence Franke James: #cdnpoli #freespeech(about 4956 days ago)
- Nick Matthews @maplemuse
Harper selectively denies funding to artists that criticize the government. This is very worrying! #canpoli(about 4956 days ago)
- Universenme Peter C @universenme
Thnx to everyone who is tweeting this news: Canadian Government Tries to Silence Franke James: #cdnpoli #freespeech(about 4956 days ago)
- QUASHme @quashme
This cannot be tolerated!!! RT @lisaborden: Shameful --> Canadian Government Tries to Silence @frankejames 4956 days ago)
- bmaggiemay @bmaggiemay
Stephen Harper Canadian Gov't Tries to Silence Franke James @frankejames @pmharper WHY!? #cdnpoli #climate #tarsands(about 4956 days ago)
- Beari8it @beari8it
Thnx to everyone who is tweeting this news: Canadian Government Tries to Silence Franke James: #cdnpoli #freespeech(about 4956 days ago)
- Michael Kieran @michaelkieran
Shame. Canadian Government Tries to Silence Franke James: #cdnpoli #freespeech(about 4956 days ago)
- Mark McCaw @bigpicguy
Thnx to everyone who is tweeting this news: Canadian Government Tries to Silence Franke James: #cdnpoli #freespeech(about 4956 days ago)
- Beari8it @beari8it
Shame. Canadian Government Tries to Silence Franke James: #cdnpoli #freespeech(about 4956 days ago)
- Beari8it @beari8it
absolutely pathetic! Canadian Government Tries to Silence Franke James: #cdnpoli #freespeech #facsism(about 4956 days ago)
- Green Roof Growers @greenroofgrower
Canadian Government Tries to Silence Franke James via @FrankeJames(about 4956 days ago)
- Dan Smallbeer @dansmallbeer
Canadian Government Tries to Silence Franke James via @FrankeJames <-- support an important environmentalist artist now!(about 4956 days ago)
- bill davidson @macdade2
The Canadian Gov't tries to silence artist Franke James. #cdnpoli RTSVP(about 4956 days ago)
- Beari8it @beari8it
The Canadian Gov't tries to silence artist Franke James. #cdnpoli RTSVP(about 4956 days ago)
- Karen Hamberg @karenhamberg
Stay strong Franke! Canadian Government Tries to Silence Franke James via @FrankeJames(about 4956 days ago)
- Jerome Comeau @heronymus
Thnx to everyone who is tweeting this news: Canadian Government Tries to Silence Franke James: #cdnpoli #freespeech(about 4956 days ago)
- newmania @newmania
Thnx to everyone who is tweeting this news: Canadian Government Tries to Silence Franke James: #cdnpoli #freespeech(about 4956 days ago)
- David Noble @davidnoble
Canadian Government Tries to Silence @FrankeJames #cdnpoli #freespeech(about 4956 days ago)
- firefangled @firefangled
Thnx to everyone who is tweeting this news: Canadian Government Tries to Silence Franke James: #cdnpoli #freespeech(about 4956 days ago)
- bill davidson @macdade2
Another step in the degradation of democracy is taken. CDNGov attempts to silence artist, @FrankeJames. #cdnpoli #art(about 4956 days ago)
- zteve t evans @ztevetevans
RT @frankejames: Canadian Government Tries to Silence Franke James via @frankejames(about 4956 days ago)
- John Knox @johnt_knox
Thnx to everyone who is tweeting this news: Canadian Government Tries to Silence Franke James: #cdnpoli #freespeech(about 4956 days ago)
- Adam One @maddadam
RT @frankejames: Thnx to everyone who is tweeting this news: CDN GOV Tries to Silence Franke James: #cdnpoli #freespeech(about 4956 days ago)
- jimbobbysez @jimbobbysez
Thnx to everyone who is tweeting this news: Canadian Government Tries to Silence Franke James: #cdnpoli #freespeech(about 4956 days ago)
- jimbobbysez @jimbobbysez
.@ElizabethMay hi Elizabeth, thought you needed to know that @frankejames is being bullied by our government: #climate">\n#climate(about 4956 days ago)
- jimbobbysez @jimbobbysez
Shocking! Canadian Government Tries to Silence Franke James via @FrankeJames (please RT to lend your support)(about 4956 days ago)
- Daly de Gagné @dalydegagne
RT @macdade2: Another step degradation of democracy: CDNGov attempts to silence artist, @FrankeJames. #cdnpoli #art(about 4956 days ago)
- Future Specific @arthursmid
Thnx to everyone who is tweeting this news: Canadian Government Tries to Silence Franke James: #cdnpoli #freespeech(about 4956 days ago)
- ANTIFA @deadhead1776
.@ElizabethMay hi Elizabeth, thought you needed to know that @frankejames is being bullied by our government: #climate">\n#climate(about 4956 days ago)
- ANTIFA @deadhead1776
Thnx to everyone who is tweeting this news: Canadian Government Tries to Silence Franke James: #cdnpoli #freespeech(about 4956 days ago)
- Our Green Home @our_green_home
RT @macdade2: .@ElizabethMay hi Elizabeth... @frankejames is being bullied by our government: #climate(about 4956 days ago)
- Anika Sparling @anikaeggenhofer
Thnx to everyone who is tweeting this news: Canadian Government Tries to Silence Franke James: #cdnpoli #freespeech(about 4956 days ago)
- jimbobbysez @jimbobbysez
@RosieBarton Have you been following what PMSH is doing to Cdn artist @FrankeJames? #cdnpoli(about 4956 days ago)
- min reyes @min_reyes
Canadian Government Tries to Silence Franke James via @FrankeJames #cdnpoli #censorship(about 4956 days ago)
- min reyes @min_reyes
@brit_newsman help me honey... plz! "Canadian Government Tries to Silence Franke James via @FrankeJames "(about 4956 days ago)
- Sandra M. Reimer @canworldchange
Thnx to everyone who is tweeting this news: Canadian Government Tries to Silence Franke James: #cdnpoli #freespeech(about 4956 days ago)
- whitehouse @justplaincarrie
Shocking! Canadian Government Tries to Silence Franke James via @FrankeJames (please RT to lend your support)(about 4956 days ago)
- jimbobbysez @jimbobbysez
@kady While you're waiting for Jack, have a look at this outrageous action by PMSH: #cdnpoli(about 4956 days ago)
- Bryan Bondy @bryan_gpo
Canadian Government Tries to Silence Franke James via @FrankeJames #cdnpoli(about 4956 days ago)
- Joan Russow @joanrussow
Canadian Government Tries to Silence Franke James via @FrankeJames #cdnpoli #censorship(about 4956 days ago)
- trapdinawrpool @trapdinawrpool
Canadian Government Tries to Silence Franke James via @FrankeJames #cdnpoli #censorship(about 4956 days ago)
- Eileen Kinley @eileenottawa
Canadian Government Tries to Silence Franke James via @FrankeJames(about 4956 days ago)
- Bryan Bondy @bryan_gpo
RT @frankejames: Thnx to everyone who is tweeting this news: Canadian Government Tries to Silence Franke James: #cdnpoli(about 4956 days ago)
- collin grasley @mode23
RT @macdade2: Another step degradation of democracy: CDNGov attempts to silence artist, @FrankeJames. #cdnpoli #art(about 4956 days ago)
- bmaggiemay @bmaggiemay
Canadian Government Tries to Silence Franke James via @FrankeJames #cdnpoli #censorship(about 4956 days ago)
- Danno @___danno
Blacklisted! Anti-democratic Harper gvt: "Who was the idiot who approved art show by that woman Franke James?” #cdnpoli(about 4956 days ago)
- pogge @pogge411
My Green Conscience: Canadian Government Tries to Silence Franke James via @FrankeJames #cdnpoli(about 4956 days ago)
- Beari8it @beari8it
My Green Conscience: Canadian Government Tries to Silence Franke James via @FrankeJames #cdnpoli(about 4956 days ago)
- Beari8it @beari8it
Blacklisted! Anti-democratic Harper gvt: "Who was the idiot who approved art show by that woman Franke James?” #cdnpoli(about 4956 days ago)
- Beari8it @beari8it
RT @frankejames: Thnx to everyone who is tweeting this news: Canadian Government Tries to Silence Franke James: #cdnpoli(about 4956 days ago)
- Beari8it @beari8it
Canadian Government Tries to Silence Franke James via @FrankeJames #cdnpoli(about 4956 days ago)
- Beari8it @beari8it
Canadian Government Tries to Silence Franke James via @FrankeJames #cdnpoli #censorship(about 4956 days ago)
- Cam @carbonfixated
RT @EileenOttawa: Canadian Government Tries to Silence Franke James #climate #canada(about 4956 days ago)
- Peter @ggulo
Canadian Government Tries to Silence Franke James via @FrankeJames #cdnpoli(about 4956 days ago)
- Beari8it @beari8it
RT @macdade2: Another step degradation of democracy: CDNGov attempts to silence artist, @FrankeJames. #cdnpoli #art(about 4956 days ago)
- rainbow goddess @rainbow_goddess
Canadian Government Tries to Silence Franke James via @FrankeJames(about 4956 days ago)
- Halo #PardonManning @haloefekti
Canadian Government Tries to Silence Green Conscience @FrankeJames( ) Art #environment #cartoon #freespeech #climate(about 4956 days ago)
- Krystalline Kraus @krystalline_k
Another step degradation of democracy: CDNGov attempts to silence artist, @FrankeJames. #cdnpoli #art(about 4956 days ago)
- TanNerfHerder @tannerchuk
Thnx to everyone who is tweeting this news: Canadian Government Tries to Silence Franke James: #cdnpoli #freespeech(about 4956 days ago)
- tibettruth @tibettruth
Canadian Government Tries to Silence Green Conscience @FrankeJames( ) Art #environment #cartoon #freespeech #climate(about 4956 days ago)
- Harald Grönstrand @skillahofvaasa
Canadian Government Tries to Silence Green Conscience @FrankeJames( ) Art #environment #cartoon #freespeech #climate(about 4956 days ago)
- Bryan Eaton @b_grade
RT @frankejames: Thnx to everyone who is tweeting this news: CDN GOV Tries to Silence Franke James: #cdnpoli #freespeech(about 4956 days ago)
- Bryan Eaton @b_grade
.@ElizabethMay hi Elizabeth, thought you needed to know that @frankejames is being bullied by our government: #climate">\n#climate(about 4956 days ago)
- rschick @rschick
RT @frankejames: Canadian Government Tries to Silence Franke James via @FrankeJames(about 4956 days ago)
- Anum @ausyeda
Canadian Government Tries to Silence Franke James via @FrankeJames(about 4956 days ago)
- Jeff Tamsin @westmassgrp
Canadian Government Tries to Silence Green Conscience @FrankeJames( ) Art #environment #cartoon #freespeech #climate(about 4956 days ago)
- Ken Mandzuik @angrylkenny
Canadian Government Tries to Silence Franke James via @zite / probably a misunderstanding.(about 4956 days ago)
- uiceberg @syhum
Canadian Government Tries to Silence Franke James: #cdnpoli #freespeech(about 4956 days ago)
- Beari8it @beari8it
Canadian Government Tries to Silence Franke James: #cdnpoli #freespeech(about 4956 days ago)
- Jesse Farrell @_jfarrell
Thnx to everyone who is tweeting this news: Canadian Government Tries to Silence Franke James: #cdnpoli #freespeech(about 4956 days ago)
- Cultivating Capital @cultivatingcap
Outrageous! RT @frankejames: Canadian Government Tries to Silence Franke James: #cdnpoli #freespeech(about 4956 days ago)
- uiceberg @syhum
@Tymlee read this : Canada tries to silence environmental activist/artist @frankejames Amnesty says sad day for #Canada(about 4956 days ago)
- Amber Strocel @amberstrocel
Canadian Government Tries to Silence Franke James via @FrankeJames(about 4956 days ago)
- Cheryl Burr @findantruth
Stephen Harper Canadian Gov't Tries to Silence Franke James @frankejames @pmharper WHY!? #cdnpoli #climate #tarsands(about 4956 days ago)
- Cheryl Burr @findantruth
Thnx to everyone who is tweeting this news: Canadian Government Tries to Silence Franke James: #cdnpoli #freespeech(about 4956 days ago)
- Michael Lewkowitz @igniter
Unreal. -> “Who was the idiot who approved an art show\nby that woman..." ~ Cdn Govt -> #cdnpoli #leadnow(about 4956 days ago)
- Dennis @brit_newsman
#Canadian government bullies try to silence artist Franke James via @FrankeJames(about 4956 days ago)
- William Jordan @wjordan
#Canadian government bullies try to silence artist Franke James via @FrankeJames(about 4956 days ago)
- Todd Sieling @corvustweets
Learn how the Canadian government is actively suppressing art by pressuring private donors to withdraw (via @Igniter)(about 4956 days ago)
- Caroline Harte @caroline_harte
#Canadian government bullies try to silence artist Franke James via @FrankeJames(about 4956 days ago)
- hctroubador @hctroubador
RT @frankejames: Cdn Govt Tries to Silence Franke James. May not agree but #censorship is wrong: #freespeech #cdnpoli(about 4956 days ago)
- Alice MacGillivray @4km
Franke James tells us Canadian Gov't led by PM Harper is trying to shut down her European #art exhibition. #canpoli(about 4956 days ago)
- Dennis @brit_newsman
Spread the word! #Canadian government in global bid to censor Franke James via @frankejames #Dictatorship #Toryscum(about 4956 days ago)
- Chris Whitside @clarionwave
Harper gov't pressures sponsor to silence an art show. 4956 days ago)
- sara jane austin @justplainjena
Spread the word! #Canadian government in global bid to censor Franke James via @frankejames #Dictatorship #Toryscum(about 4956 days ago)
- brenda shillington @brendajeans
More attacks from Harper & his crew - Canadian Government Tries to Silence Franke James via @FrankeJames(about 4956 days ago)
- sara jane austin @justplainjena
Canadian Government Tries to Silence Franke James via @FrankeJames(about 4956 days ago)
- Saskboy K. @saskboy
Thnx to everyone who is tweeting this news: Canadian Government Tries to Silence Franke James: #cdnpoli #freespeech(about 4956 days ago)
- the problem child @the_problematic
Canadian Government Tries to Silence Franke James via @FrankeJames #cdnpoli #censorship(about 4956 days ago)
- Bede Wellford @bedewell
Thnx to everyone who is tweeting this news: Canadian Government Tries to Silence Franke James: #cdnpoli #freespeech(about 4956 days ago)
- Natalie @nataliese
Unreal. -> “Who was the idiot who approved an art show\nby that woman..." ~ Cdn Govt -> #cdnpoli #leadnow(about 4956 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
Thnx to everyone for your support. It's such a big help to have you speaking out about this Govt censorship! #freespeech(about 4956 days ago)
- Justin Beach @justinsb
Thnx to everyone for your support. It's such a big help to have you speaking out about this Govt censorship! #freespeech(about 4956 days ago)
- Les Jupes @lesjupes
Stephen Harper vs artists telling it how it is, the rematch. #frankejames #cpc #cdnpoli(about 4956 days ago)
- Les Jupes @lesjupes
Thnx to everyone for your support. It's such a big help to have you speaking out about this Govt censorship! #freespeech(about 4956 days ago)
- min reyes @min_reyes
RT @lesjupes: Stephen Harper vs artists telling it how it is, the rematch. #frankejames #cpc #cdnpoli(about 4956 days ago)
- E. A. Wilson @eawilsonca
Stephen Harper vs artists telling it how it is, the rematch. #frankejames #cpc #cdnpoli(about 4956 days ago)
- ShireenJ @shireenj
Govt interference w sponsors is so wrong. RT @frankejames Canadian Govt Tries to Silence Franke James: #freespeech(about 4956 days ago)
- Matthew Barlow @matthew_barlow
Govt interference w sponsors is so wrong. RT @frankejames Canadian Govt Tries to Silence Franke James: #freespeech(about 4956 days ago)
- Sallie Caufield @cupedoll_500
RT @lesjupes: Stephen Harper vs artists telling it how it is, the rematch. #frankejames #cpc #cdnpoli(about 4956 days ago)
- RKD @takebackthright
Franke James » Blog Archive » Canadian Government Tries to Silence Franke James: via @addthis(about 4956 days ago)
- bill davidson @macdade2
RT @frankejames: Thnx to tweeting this news: Canadian Government Tries to Silence Franke James: #cdnpoli #freespeech(about 4956 days ago)
- Brad @sellib
Thnx to everyone who is tweeting this news: Canadian Government Tries to Silence Franke James: #cdnpoli #freespeech(about 4956 days ago)
- Ben Babcock @tachyondecay
Govt interference w sponsors is so wrong. RT @frankejames Canadian Govt Tries to Silence Franke James: #freespeech(about 4956 days ago)
- . @kootenayphotos
Another step degradation of democracy: CDNGov attempts to silence artist, @FrankeJames. #cdnpoli #art(about 4955 days ago)
- Matthew Barlow @matthew_barlow
Thnx to everyone for your support. It's such a big help to have you speaking out about this Govt censorship! #freespeech(about 4955 days ago)
- 350orBust @350orbust1
RT @EileenOttawa: Canadian Government Tries to Silence Franke James #climate #canada(about 4955 days ago)
- Eric Blais @eric_blaze
RT @lesjupes: Stephen Harper vs artists telling it how it is, the rematch. #frankejames #cpc #cdnpoli(about 4955 days ago)
- Matthew Barlow @matthew_barlow
RT @lesjupes: Stephen Harper vs artists telling it how it is, the rematch. #frankejames #cpc #cdnpoli(about 4955 days ago)
- . @kootenayphotos
#Canadian Government Tries to Silence Franke James via @FrankeJames #cdnpol(about 4955 days ago)
- Danno @___danno
@FrankeJames Everyone must look at Franke James' site Learn how Harper's censoring Cdn artists Then follow her #cdnpoli(about 4955 days ago)
- jimbobbysez @jimbobbysez
@FrankeJames Everyone must look at Franke James' site Learn how Harper's censoring Cdn artists Then follow her #cdnpoli(about 4955 days ago)
- Darryl Gold @darrylgold
@FrankeJames Everyone must look at Franke James' site Learn how Harper's censoring Cdn artists Then follow her #cdnpoli(about 4955 days ago)
- bmaggiemay @bmaggiemay
@FrankeJames Everyone must look at Franke James' site Learn how Harper's censoring Cdn artists Then follow her #cdnpoli(about 4955 days ago)
- Reverend Blair @reverendblair
Canadian Government Tries to Silence Franke James via @FrankeJames(about 4955 days ago)
- Steve May @sudbury_steve
Artist @FrankeJames has sponsors and NGO supporters bullied by Harper gov't over lack of action on climate change: 4955 days ago)
- Adrienne C @aaadriennec
Canadian Government Tries to Silence Franke James via @FrankeJames(about 4955 days ago)
- Nancy Leblanc @impolitical
Thnx to everyone who is tweeting this news: Canadian Government Tries to Silence Franke James: #cdnpoli #freespeech(about 4955 days ago)
- Nicole Winchester @noizangel
Thnx to everyone who is tweeting this news: Canadian Government Tries to Silence Franke James: #cdnpoli #freespeech(about 4955 days ago)
- Esther Jakiel @estherjakiel
Thnx to everyone who is tweeting this news: Canadian Government Tries to Silence Franke James: #cdnpoli #freespeech(about 4955 days ago)
- Martin Lavallée @martinlavallee5
Thnx to everyone who is tweeting this news: Canadian Government Tries to Silence Franke James: #cdnpoli #freespeech(about 4955 days ago)
- Gene Lane @genesplace
Thnx to everyone who is tweeting this news: Canadian Government Tries to Silence Franke James: #cdnpoli #freespeech(about 4955 days ago)
- Grebnekkah Hakeber @grebnekkah
This is outrageous...Canadian Government Tries to Silence Franke James via @FrankeJames(about 4955 days ago)
- Sarah Stevenson @sarahastevenson
So much for freedom of expression! Infuriating! Canadian Government Tries to Silence Franke James via @frankejames(about 4955 days ago)
- Kathryn Hall @kathrynhallpr
I find this really shocking! CANADA??? Canadian Government Tries to Silence Franke James via @FrankeJames(about 4955 days ago)
- tripleman @tripleman
Canadian Government Tries to Silence Franke James. 4955 days ago)
- Gopher Illustrated @gophermagazine
+ 1! RT @frankejames Thnx to everyone who is tweeting this news: Canadian Government Tries to Silence Franke James: 4955 days ago)
- Jaye Byrd @bloojaye
Thnx to everyone who is tweeting this news: Canadian Government Tries to Silence Franke James: #cdnpoli #freespeech(about 4955 days ago)
- Kevin Yuen Kit Lo @lokidesign
related to exactly what I was talking about on @CKUT earlier: 4955 days ago)
- meta EJ @22meta
Thnx to everyone who is tweeting this news: Canadian Government Tries to Silence Franke James: #cdnpoli #freespeech(about 4955 days ago)
- Colin White @colinwhite
@lokidesign that link was via @Min_Reyes - you two should probably be following each other...(about 4955 days ago)
- Adam Worrall @remedy
Canadian Government Tries to Silence Franke James via @FrankeJames(about 4955 days ago)
- Teri Hague @terican
Thnx to everyone for your support. It's such a big help to have you speaking out about this Govt censorship! #freespeech(about 4955 days ago)
- Megan @thewherefores
Canadian Government Tries to Silence Franke James via @FrankeJames(about 4955 days ago)
- Lori Popkewitz Alper @lorialper
Canadian Government Tries to Silence Franke James via @FrankeJames(about 4955 days ago)
- AFreeMansLife @afreemanslife
Stephen Harper Canadian Gov't Tries to Silence Franke James @frankejames @pmharper WHY!? #cdnpoli #climate(about 4955 days ago)
- Reverend Blair @reverendblair
Stephen Harper Canadian Gov't Tries to Silence Franke James @frankejames @pmharper WHY!? #cdnpoli #climate(about 4955 days ago)
- EastCoastMusic TV @ecmusictv
Opposite spectrum, @PMHarper halting artists @FrankeJames European exhibit. 4955 days ago)
- AFreeMansLife @afreemanslife
CDN Gov't Tries to Silence Franke James @frankejames @jacklayton @VivianBarbot @bobraeMP @ElizabethMay WTF!?(about 4955 days ago)
- AFreeMansLife @afreemanslife
CDN Gov't Tries to Silence Franke James @frankejames @kady @RosieBarton @rickmercer @petermansbridge @evansolomoncbc(about 4955 days ago)
- chaplinscourage @chaplinscourage
CDN Gov't Tries to Silence Franke James @frankejames @jacklayton @VivianBarbot @bobraeMP @ElizabethMay WTF!?(about 4955 days ago)
- chaplinscourage @chaplinscourage
Canadian govt tries 2 silence @FrankeJames [discredit scientists, silence/censor artists] #p2 #eco #green #climatehawks(about 4955 days ago)
- AFreeMansLife @afreemanslife
CDN Gov't Tries to Silence Franke James @frankejames @mikedesouza @dsmartin56 @rogersmithctv @RobertFife @Jean_Lapierre(about 4955 days ago)
- AFreeMansLife @afreemanslife
CDN Gov't Tries to Silence Franke James @frankejames @TheOnion @TheDailyShow @ColbertReport @billmaher @BarackObama WTF(about 4955 days ago)
- Reverend Blair @reverendblair
CDN Gov't Tries to Silence Franke James @frankejames @TheOnion @TheDailyShow @ColbertReport @billmaher @BarackObama WTF(about 4955 days ago)
- Brad Koegler @oytamarind
This is outrageous...Canadian Government Tries to Silence Franke James via @FrankeJames(about 4955 days ago)
- ɹɑbɪnoʊ, ɹ @guiltycross
This is outrageous...Canadian Government Tries to Silence Franke James via @FrankeJames(about 4955 days ago)
- toker @toker57
Canadian Government Tries to Silence Franke James via @FrankeJames(about 4955 days ago)
- Gord McLeod @gordmcleod
Thnx to everyone for your support. It's such a big help to have you speaking out about this Govt censorship! #freespeech(about 4955 days ago)
- Gord McLeod @gordmcleod
Thnx to everyone who is tweeting this news: Canadian Government Tries to Silence Franke James: #cdnpoli #freespeech(about 4955 days ago)
- Norma G @nojgr
Canadian Government Tries to Silence Franke James via @FrankeJames(about 4955 days ago)
- N. Black @black_nancy
Team Harper leans on corporate sponsor of "objectionable" environmental artist about to tour EU. #cdnpoli #dirtytricks(about 4955 days ago)
- min reyes @min_reyes
@der_bluthund ^^ cud u help me spread the work in EU about this? #Canadian govt in global bid to censor @frankejames 4955 days ago)
- O.S.C. HQ @der_bluthund
@der_bluthund ^^ cud u help me spread the work in EU about this? #Canadian govt in global bid to censor @frankejames 4955 days ago)
- TheHarperGovernment @theharpergov
Sweetest part of this is that absolutely no media will muster the courage to chase story. I win. ROFLMAO #cdnpoli(about 4955 days ago)
- Susan @susanfelicity
Sweetest part of this is that absolutely no media will muster the courage to chase story. I win. ROFLMAO #cdnpoli(about 4955 days ago)
- BaaLLS @getbaalls
#WTF?! RT @afreemanslife: CDN Gov't Tries to Silence @frankejames @TheOnion @TheDailyShow @ColbertReport @billmaher(about 4955 days ago)
- Shane Chadder @shanechadder
Thnx to everyone who is tweeting this news: Canadian Government Tries to Silence Franke James: #cdnpoli #freespeech(about 4955 days ago)
- Sandro Stealth @mutalabala
Canadian Government Tries to Silence Franke James via @FrankeJames Put the cartoonists in prison! #cdnpoli(about 4955 days ago)
- whowantstoknow? @msanthropics
Canadian Government Tries to Silence Franke James via @FrankeJames #cdnpoli #censorship(about 4955 days ago)
- JB @jbierm02
@der_bluthund ^^ cud u help me spread the work in EU about this? #Canadian govt in global bid to censor @frankejames 4955 days ago)
- EcoAdvocates @ecoadvocates
Franke James » Blog Archive » Canadian Government Tries to Silence Franke James #climatechage #eco #green(about 4955 days ago)
- boatsie @boatsie
Franke James » Blog Archive » Canadian Government Tries to Silence Franke James #climatechage #eco #green(about 4955 days ago)
- Climate Mama @climatemama
Doing the hardest thing first! U know u r making a difference when. RT @frankejames Cdn Gov Tries 2 Silence Franke James 4955 days ago)
- Jim O\'Leary @jim_oleary
Does this latest example of Harper douchiness surprise anyone? Canadian Government Tries to Silence Franke James 4955 days ago)
- uoLallɘN @nellalou
Canadian Government Tries to Silence Franke James via @FrankeJames Put the cartoonists in prison! #cdnpoli(about 4955 days ago)
- MM @buddhaontheroad
It's like Summerworks, but with tar sands instead of "terrorists": Canadian Government Tries to Silence Franke James 4955 days ago)
- Todd Trann @toddtrann
Does this latest example of Harper douchiness surprise anyone? Canadian Government Tries to Silence Franke James 4955 days ago)
- Maggie Murphy @heartaglow
#cdnpoli MUSTREAD via @shadowcatsalem.#PMSH bullies sponsors/shuts down artshow #FrankeJames PLS RT+forward #artists(about 4955 days ago)
- min reyes @min_reyes
RT @HeartAGlow: #cdnpoli MUSTREAD via @shadowcatsalem.#PMSH bullies sponsors/shuts dow… (cont) 4955 days ago)
- Universenme Peter C @universenme
Thnx to everyone for your support. It's such a big help to have you speaking out about this Govt censorship! #freespeech(about 4955 days ago)
- Tynan Phillips @thekoopabros
Need another reason to distrust Harper and his government, try black listing a canadian artist while in Europe: #cdnpoli(about 4955 days ago)
- Everett Coldwell @everettcoldwell
Canadian gov tries to silence Franke James environmental awareness art tour by intimidating sponsors - 4955 days ago)
- Everett Coldwell @everettcoldwell
Need another reason to distrust Harper and his government, try black listing a canadian artist while in Europe: #cdnpoli(about 4955 days ago)
- Not Given @can_ada
Canadian Government Tries to Silence Franke James\n\n 4955 days ago)
- Eli Cymet @eeleyesee
Canadian Government Tries to Silence Franke James via @FrankeJames - I'm glad nothing like happens in Cana-- oh wait.(about 4955 days ago)
- Mark Archibald @markarchibald
Canadian Government Tries to Silence Franke James via @zite(about 4955 days ago)
- Pat Barclay @auntbeulah
Thnx to everyone who is tweeting this news: Canadian Government Tries to Silence Franke James: #cdnpoli #freespeech(about 4955 days ago)
- Cass 크리스티나 周婉蓮 @feymorgaina
Canadian Government Tries to Silence Franke James: #cdnpoli #freespeech(about 4955 days ago)
- grizzelda thegood @grizzelda3
@der_bluthund ^^ cud u help me spread the work in EU about this? #Canadian govt in global bid to censor @frankejames 4955 days ago)
- Beari8it @beari8it
Need another reason to distrust Harper and his government, try black listing a canadian artist while in Europe: #cdnpoli(about 4955 days ago)
- Beari8it @beari8it
RT @HeartAGlow: #cdnpoli MUSTREAD via @shadowcatsalem.#PMSH bullies sponsors/shuts dow… (cont) 4955 days ago)
- Beari8it @beari8it
Canadian Government Tries to Silence Franke James via @FrankeJames #cdnpoli #censorship(about 4955 days ago)
- Tracey Kent @traceykent
Canadian Government Tries to Silence Franke James via @FrankeJames #cdnpoli #censorship(about 4955 days ago)
- whitehouse @justplaincarrie
Canadian Government Tries to Silence Franke James via @FrankeJames #cdnpoli #censorship(about 4955 days ago)
- De8or4h @de8or4h
Canadian Government Tries to Silence Franke James via @FrankeJames #cdnpoli #censorship(about 4955 days ago)
- Catherine Dussault @catherineduss17 4955 days ago)
- Tom Flemming @tomflem
Canadian gov tries to silence Franke James environmental awareness art tour by intimidating sponsors - 4955 days ago)
- Tom Flemming @tomflem
Need another reason to distrust Harper and his government, try black listing a canadian artist while in Europe: #cdnpoli(about 4955 days ago)
- Earl Dunbar @earldunbar
Canadian Government Tries to Silence Franke James via @FrankeJames #cdnpoli #censorship(about 4955 days ago)
- Shakeup Wakeup @carolaik
Hey @CBCPolitics something for your p&p:Canadian Government Tries to Silence Franke James #cdnpoli(about 4955 days ago)
- Aslihan Tumer @aslihantumer
Canadian government tries to silence art criticizing their climate policies via @FrankeJames(about 4955 days ago)
- jimbobbysez @jimbobbysez
Hey @CBCPolitics something for your p&p:Canadian Government Tries to Silence Franke James #cdnpoli(about 4955 days ago)
- Tarmageddon @tarmageddon
Harper government attempts to silence artist Franke James seems more like something the Chinese government would do!(about 4955 days ago)
- piantagrano @piantagrano
Harper government attempts to silence artist Franke James seems more like something the Chinese government would do!(about 4955 days ago)
- Dr.Dawg @drdawg
Hey @CBCPolitics something for your p&p:Canadian Government Tries to Silence Franke James #cdnpoli(about 4955 days ago)
- Alex Eddington @alex_eddington
Sweetest part of this is that absolutely no media will muster the courage to chase story. I win. ROFLMAO #cdnpoli(about 4955 days ago)
- Alex Eddington @alex_eddington
“@TheHarperGov: Sweetest part of this 4955 days ago)
- Alex Eddington @alex_eddington
Another example of censorship of art that is critical of the Harper Government. Awful. 4955 days ago)
- John FitzGerald @jfitzgeraldca
Sweetest part of this is that absolutely no media will muster the courage to chase story. I win. ROFLMAO #cdnpoli(about 4955 days ago)
- Dennis Schvejda @dschvejda
Canadian Government Tries to Silence @FrankeJames #activism #climate #Canada #censorship Please RT!(about 4955 days ago)
- LifeCouldBeBetterHug @lcbb_hug
Canadian Government Tries to Silence @FrankeJames #activism #climate #Canada #censorship Please RT!(about 4955 days ago)
- Life Could Be Better @kate_lcbb
Canadian Government Tries to Silence @FrankeJames #activism #climate #Canada #censorship Please RT!(about 4955 days ago)
- Barry Dalgleish @barrydalgleish
Canadian Government Tries to Silence Franke James via @FrankeJames(about 4955 days ago)
- Maggie Murphy @heartaglow
Need another reason to distrust Harper and his government, try black listing a canadian artist while in Europe: #cdnpoli(about 4955 days ago)
- Maggie Murphy @heartaglow
Canadian gov tries to silence Franke James environmental awareness art tour by intimidating sponsors - 4955 days ago)
- Mark C. Robins @markcrobins
Shocking! Canadian Government Tries to Silence Franke James via @FrankeJames (please RT to lend your support)(about 4955 days ago)
- Brian Stedman @brianthingy
Canadian Government Tries to Silence Franke James via @FrankeJames(about 4955 days ago)
- Katie Hood @katiethehood
Sweetest part of this is that absolutely no media will muster the courage to chase story. I win. ROFLMAO #cdnpoli(about 4955 days ago)
- Everett Coldwell @everettcoldwell
Shocking! Canadian Government Tries to Silence Franke James via @FrankeJames (please RT to lend your support)(about 4955 days ago)
- jimbobbysez @jimbobbysez
Sweetest part of this is that absolutely no media will muster the courage to chase story. I win. ROFLMAO #cdnpoli(about 4955 days ago)
- Lisa Borden @lisaborden
RT @theharpergov: Sweetest part of this is absolutely no media will muster the courage to chase story. I win. #cdnpoli(about 4955 days ago)
- pogge @pogge411
Sweetest part of this is that absolutely no media will muster the courage to chase story. I win. ROFLMAO #cdnpoli(about 4955 days ago)
- frank kocis @yoyodyne
RT @theharpergov: Sweetest part of this is absolutely no media will muster the courage to chase story. I win. #cdnpoli(about 4955 days ago)
- Brian Vrolyk @vyskol
Despicable: Canadian Government Tries to Silence Franke James via @FrankeJames #cdnpoli(about 4955 days ago)
- jimbobbysez @jimbobbysez
RT @vyskol: Despicable: Canadian Government Tries to Silence Franke James via @FrankeJames #cdnpoli(about 4955 days ago)
- Jesse Farrell @_jfarrell
RT @vyskol: Despicable: Canadian Government Tries to Silence Franke James via @FrankeJames #cdnpoli(about 4955 days ago)
- Karen Pearson @kshelbypearson
RT @theharpergov: Sweetest part of this is absolutely no media will muster the courage to chase story. I win. #cdnpoli(about 4955 days ago)
- Jacques Lesage @chacoura
Who was the idiot who approved an art show by that woman, Franke James? 4955 days ago)
- Meghan Telpner @meghantelpner
RT @LisaBorden @theharpergov: Sweetest part of this is absolutely no media will muster the courage to chase story.(about 4955 days ago)
- Maral Yazdandoost @drmaralnd
The Harper Gov't stifling CDN climate-protection news at home & abroad 4955 days ago)
- Chris Herborth @taffer
Thnx to everyone who is tweeting this news: Canadian Government Tries to Silence Franke James: #cdnpoli #freespeech(about 4955 days ago)
- Hubert Figuière @hfiguiere
Thnx to everyone who is tweeting this news: Canadian Government Tries to Silence Franke James: #cdnpoli #freespeech(about 4955 days ago)
- Tom Flemming @tomflem
RT @vyskol: Despicable: Canadian Government Tries to Silence Franke James via @FrankeJames #cdnpoli(about 4955 days ago)
- Irfon-Kim Ahmad @twmaize
RT @frankejames: Thnx to everyone tweeting this: Canadian Government Tries to Silence Franke James: #cdnpoli(about 4955 days ago)
- bill davidson @macdade2
@jianghomeshi BIG story being missed in the media: Artist @FrankeJames bullied by Cdn Gov't What do U say? #freespeech(about 4955 days ago)
- Rojan Seth @trelayne
RT @frankejames: Thnx to everyone tweeting this: Canadian Government Tries to Silence Franke James: #cdnpoli(about 4955 days ago)
- psmom @psmom
RT @LisaBorden: RT @theharpergov: Sweetest part of this is absolutely no media will muster (cont) 4955 days ago)
- Amy Chapeskie @chapeskie
RT @LisaBorden: Shameful --> Canadian Government Tries to Silence @FrankeJames 4955 days ago)
- Beari8it @beari8it
RT @frankejames: Thnx to everyone tweeting this: Canadian Government Tries to Silence Franke James: #cdnpoli(about 4955 days ago)
- Beari8it @beari8it
Despicable: Canadian Government Tries to Silence Franke James via @FrankeJames #cdnpoli(about 4955 days ago)
- LadyLeftwing @ladyleftwing
RT@Beari8it RT@twMaize: RT @frankejames: Thnx 2 every1 tweeting this:Canadian Government Tries 2 Silence Franke James: 4955 days ago)
- Andre Beriault @andreberiault
Canadian Government Tries to Silence Franke James via @zite(about 4955 days ago)
- Daniel Quinn @searchingfortao
GODDAMNIT CANADA: Canadian Government Tries to Silence Franke James (via @FrankeJames)(about 4955 days ago)
- Maggie Murphy @heartaglow
RT @vyskol: Despicable: Canadian Government Tries to Silence Franke James via @FrankeJames #cdnpoli(about 4955 days ago)
- Maggie Murphy @heartaglow
Shocking! Canadian Government Tries to Silence Franke James via @FrankeJames (please RT to lend your support)(about 4955 days ago)
- Emy @mookalina
RT @LisaBorden @theharpergov: Sweetest part of this is absolutely no media will muster the courage to chase story.(about 4955 days ago)
- bmaggiemay @bmaggiemay Harper trying to silence woman artist because he's afraid of her drawings! #FrankieJames(about 4955 days ago)
- Rojan Seth @trelayne
BTW, Beatrice Olivestri [powerhouse] of FOE Canada vouches for this. So this is pretty real: #cdnpoli #tarsands(about 4955 days ago)
- Circle Home & Design @circle_home
Canadian Government Tries to Silence Franke James via @FrankeJames(about 4955 days ago)
- Amara Possian @amarapossian
Cdn Gvmt tries to silence @FrankeJames for telling the truth about inaction on #climate change #ART #cdnpoli #censorship(about 4955 days ago)
- Beari8it @beari8it
Cdn Gvmt tries to silence @FrankeJames for telling the truth about inaction on #climate change #ART #cdnpoli #censorship(about 4955 days ago)
- jimbobbysez @jimbobbysez
Need another reason to distrust Harper and his government, try black listing a canadian artist while in Europe: #cdnpoli(about 4955 days ago)
- Peter @ggulo
Sweetest part of this is that absolutely no media will muster the courage to chase story. I win. ROFLMAO #cdnpoli(about 4955 days ago)
- Larry Jones @klondike_red
Canadian Government Tries to Silence Franke James via @FrankeJames(about 4955 days ago)
- Colin White @colinwhite
apparently the Harper Gov doesn't know attempted censorship brings more attention to an artists work: @frankejames(about 4955 days ago)
- Émilie Sartoretto @emilielinda
RT @colinwhite: apparently, Harper Gov doesn't know attempted censorship brings more attention to artists @frankejames(about 4955 days ago)
- Little Red Umbrella @littleredu
Harper government tries to quash environmentally-friendly art show by pressuring private donor to withdraw support: 4955 days ago)
- Adam Bunch @adamtbunch
Harper government tries to quash environmentally-friendly art show by pressuring private donor to withdraw support: 4955 days ago)
- Adam Bunch @todreamsproject
Harper government tries to quash environmentally-friendly art show by pressuring private donor to withdraw support: 4955 days ago)
- Geoff Gilmour-Taylor @gilmourtaylor
Harper government tries to quash environmentally-friendly art show by pressuring private donor to withdraw support: 4955 days ago)
- EnvironmentalDefence @envirodefence
State (control) of the arts? #tarsandsca(about 4955 days ago)
- MaryClareHunt @maryclarehunt via @FrankeJamesCanadian Ya know you hit a nerve when the Canadian Gov gets upset with your Eco-Art Show.(about 4955 days ago)
- Lisa Lagace @lisa_ttro
Harper government tries to quash environmentally-friendly art show by pressuring private donor to withdraw support: 4955 days ago)
- Martin Lavallée @martinlavallee5
@metromontreal Le gouvernement canadien contre @FrankeJames 4955 days ago)
- Michael Clifford @cliffordstudio
Harper government tries to quash environmentally-friendly art show by pressuring private donor to withdraw support: 4955 days ago)
- Adam Rawlings @adhr
Apparently, Stephen Harper's Canada believes in state censorship. How else do you explain this? 4955 days ago)
- Robin Tress @more_tress
Cdn Gvmt tries to silence @FrankeJames for telling the truth about inaction on #climate change #ART #cdnpoli #censorship(about 4955 days ago)
- scott olson @njhighlands
Canadian Government Tries to Silence Franke James via @FrankeJames Read (and learn how you can help) and retweet!(about 4955 days ago)
- Sharon Poelstra @sharonjsings
Canadian Government Tries to Silence Franke James via @FrankeJames(about 4955 days ago)
- bill davidson @macdade2
I'm still shocked by the vicious treatment that @FrankeJames is receiving from the petrosexual power elite. Write MP's.(about 4955 days ago)
- Deb Sholdice @debsholdice
Harper government tries to quash environmentally-friendly art show by pressuring private donor to withdraw support: 4955 days ago)
- Scott @scott451
RT @TheHarperGov Sweetest part of this is that abso#cdnpoli(about 4955 days ago)
- Scott @scott451
RT @TheHarperGov Sweetest part of t #cdnpoli(about 4955 days ago)
- Scott @scott451
RT @TheHarperGov bullies international NGOs and organizers in attempt to censor Canadian artist #cdnpoli(about 4955 days ago)
- jimbobbysez @jimbobbysez
Attn @dsmartin56: PMSH govt bullies international NGOs and organizers in attempt to censor Canadian artist #cdnpoli(about 4955 days ago)
- Beari8it @beari8it
Attn @dsmartin56: PMSH govt bullies international NGOs and organizers in attempt to censor Canadian artist #cdnpoli(about 4955 days ago)
- Peter @ggulo
Hey @JamesMoore_org is this your bailiwick? MT attempt to censor Canadian artist #cdnpoli(about 4955 days ago)
- Jymn @jymn
RT @Ggulo: Hey @JamesMoore_org is this your bailiwick? MT attempt to censor Canadian artist #cdnpoli(about 4955 days ago)
- Karen @kkrisfalusi
Hey @JamesMoore_org is this your bailiwick? MT attempt to censor Canadian artist #cdnpoli(about 4955 days ago)
- jimbobbysez @jimbobbysez
RT @Ggulo: Hey @JamesMoore_org is this your bailiwick? MT attempt to censor Canadian artist #cdnpoli(about 4955 days ago)
- Andrew Doyle @crocodoyle
Cdn Gvmt tries to silence @FrankeJames for telling the truth about inaction on #climate change #ART #cdnpoli #censorship(about 4955 days ago)
- 350orBust @350orbust1
Hey @CBCPolitics something for your p&p:Canadian Government Tries to Silence Franke James #cdnpoli(about 4954 days ago)
- Miriam @miriamgoat
Thnx to everyone who is tweeting this news: Canadian Government Tries to Silence Franke James: #cdnpoli #freespeech(about 4954 days ago)
- Geoff Holden @brightloudnoise
RT @frankejames: Thnx to everyone tweeting this: Canadian Government Tries to Silence Franke James: #cdnpoli(about 4954 days ago)
- Ryan Thomas @ryantylerthomas
Canadian Government Tries to Silence Franke James via @FrankeJames(about 4954 days ago)
- Lance Schonberg @writingdad
Canadian Government Tries to Silence artist Franke James via @FrankeJames(about 4954 days ago)
- Barbara Kyle @bkyleauthor
State (control) of the arts? #tarsandsca(about 4954 days ago)
- Thomas Bollmann @seed9
Canadian Government Tries to Silence Franke James via @FrankeJames(about 4954 days ago)
- Doug Symington @dougsymington
My Canada allows dissent @frankejames: Canadian Government Tries to Silence Franke James: #cdnpoli(about 4954 days ago)
- Heather Ross @mctoonish
My Canada allows dissent @frankejames: Canadian Government Tries to Silence Franke James: #cdnpoli(about 4954 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
TY! Rt @dougsymington My Canada allows dissent @frankejames: Canadian Government Tries to Silence Franke James: #cdnpoli(about 4954 days ago)
- min reyes @min_reyes
Rt @dougsymington My Canada allows dissent @frankejames: Cdn Gov Tries to Silence Franke James: #cdnpoli(about 4954 days ago)
- Matthew Barlow @matthew_barlow
Rt @dougsymington My Canada allows dissent @frankejames: Cdn Gov Tries to Silence Franke James: #cdnpoli(about 4954 days ago)
- scott olson @njhighlands
@sojerseygreen Check these out: & & follow @frankejames - Inspiring & talented!(about 4954 days ago)
- Anonymous @anonymous_2oo
Rt @dougsymington My Canada allows dissent @frankejames: Cdn Gov Tries to Silence Franke James: #cdnpoli(about 4954 days ago)
- ☮ @hittheroadca
Canadian Government Tries to Silence Franke James via @FrankeJames(about 4954 days ago)
- Wolf/Sheep Arthouse @wolfsheep_art
Franke James » Blog Archive » Canadian Government Tries to Silence Franke James 4954 days ago)
- Michael Anschel @michaelanschel
Canadian Government Tries to Silence @FrankeJames: - Unbelievable!(about 4954 days ago)
- Karen Scarlett @karenscarlett
Shame! RT @dougsymington My Canada allows dissent @frankejames: Canadian Govt Tries to Silence Franke James: #cdnpoli(about 4954 days ago)
- revdrob @revdrob
Canadian Government Tries to Silence Franke James 4954 days ago)
- Anthony Marco @anthonymarco
My Canada allows dissent @frankejames: Canadian Government Tries to Silence Franke James: #cdnpoli(about 4954 days ago)
- Rdhd @rdhdedthoughts
#NEWS #CANADA #WTF #ClimateGate Canadian Government Tries to #Silence @FrankeJames' Art Show #FrankeJames(about 4954 days ago)
- Bobbi June Martin @bemtig
Rt @dougsymington My Canada allows dissent @frankejames: Cdn Gov Tries to Silence Franke James: #cdnpoli(about 4954 days ago)
- Guillaume Marceau @gmarceau
Mymymy... how far Canada has fallen. Harper is censoring my friend @frankejames's art show because it's too political. 4954 days ago)
- graphictruth @graphictruth
Canadian Government Tries to Silence Franke James via @FrankeJames(about 4954 days ago)
- Jennifer Pollock @jcpollock
Canadian Government Tries to Silence Franke James- an artist advocating for the environment @FrankeJames #cdnpoli #lpc(about 4954 days ago)
- Beari8it @beari8it
Canadian Government Tries to Silence Franke James- an artist advocating for the environment @FrankeJames #cdnpoli #lpc(about 4954 days ago)
- Stephen ^Not Harper @theoneharper & Canada: pay no attention 2 the crazy ladies. Media: Stop - U are undermining my censoring #cdnpoli(about 4954 days ago)
- Beari8it @beari8it & Canada: pay no attention 2 the crazy ladies. Media: Stop - U are undermining my censoring #cdnpoli(about 4954 days ago)
- Lucas Tisshaw @theelucast
Canadian Government Tries to Silence Franke James via @FrankeJames(about 4954 days ago)
- Daniel MacDonald @danielmacdonald
Franke James blog 4954 days ago)
- EcoLabs @ecolabs
Canadian Government Tries to Silence Franke James via @FrankeJames(about 4954 days ago)
- notPICNIC @notpicnic
RT @EcoLabs: Canadian Government Tries to Silence Franke James via @FrankeJames #topsectoren #unibrennt #demo2011(about 4954 days ago)
- notPICNIC @notpicnic
RT @EcoLabs: Canadian Government Tries to Silence Franke James via @FrankeJames #cultuurbezuinigingen(about 4954 days ago)
- Lorcan Lyons @lorcan
Canadian Government Tries to Silence Franke James via @FrankeJames(about 4953 days ago)
- Ms. Verty Green @thegreenpages
Canadian Government Tries to Silence Franke James via @FrankeJames(about 4953 days ago)
- Ms. Verty Green @thegreenpages
Franke James » Blog Archive » Canadian Government Tries to Silence Franke James 4953 days ago)
- Jane Weeks @smallbonesjane
Canadian Government Tries to Silence Franke James via @FrankeJames(about 4953 days ago)
- Jen @jnjgogreen
Canadian Government Tries to Silence Franke James via @FrankeJames(about 4953 days ago)
- Rabbitupnorth @rabbitupnorth
This is very good stuff. Canadian Government Tries to Silence Franke James via @FrankeJames(about 4953 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
.@tuxforpm Well, I heard the Mayor of Moscow offered me asylum -- but I think he was joking. #cdnpoli 4953 days ago)
- Maggie Murphy @heartaglow
#NEWS #CANADA #WTF #ClimateGate Canadian Government Tries to #Silence @FrankeJames' Art Show #FrankeJames(about 4953 days ago)
- Tim Mollison @biggianthead
Harper goons bully corporate art sponsor to pull sponsorship or lose govt contracts 4953 days ago)
- RayBeckerman @raybeckerman
Canadian Government Tries to Silence Franke James (our @frankejames) 4953 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
Thnx Ray! Love the "our" RT @RayBeckerman Canadian Government Tries to Silence Franke James (our @frankejames) 4953 days ago)
- Makaveli Sixx Fatale @theusedmisfit
Canadian Government Tries to Silence Franke James (our @frankejames) 4953 days ago)
- Herr Moose @dermoosealini
Canadian Government Tries to Silence Franke James (our @frankejames) 4953 days ago)
- Graham Chivers @deepgreendesign
Thnx Ray! Love the "our" RT @RayBeckerman Canadian Government Tries to Silence Franke James (our @frankejames) 4953 days ago)
- bmaggiemay @bmaggiemay
Thnx Ray! Love the "our" RT @RayBeckerman Canadian Government Tries to Silence Franke James (our @frankejames) 4953 days ago)
- The Woolly Shepherd @woollyshepherd
Canadian Government Tries to Silence Franke James via @FrankeJames(about 4953 days ago)
- Tom Sommerville @misterscience
Canadian Government Tries to Silence Franke James via @FrankeJames(about 4953 days ago)
- ITE UCAM @itecursos
RT @RayBeckerman Canadian Government Tries to Silence Franke James (our @frankejames) 4953 days ago)
- Kathleen Ralph @calliopesmuse
@CBCRadioQ Are you guys looking into this? 4953 days ago)
- Marcelo Marques @urbanofellippe
RT @itecursos: RT @RayBeckerman Canadian Government Tries to Silence Franke James (our @frankejames) 4953 days ago)
- Ella Ryan @zzelladonatella
Canadian Government Tries to Silence Franke James via @FrankeJames(about 4953 days ago)
- dandellion Kimban @dandellion
Canadian Government Tries to Silence environmental artist Franke James #environment #censorship #ecology(about 4953 days ago)
- Chris Howard @chris_dfs
Canadian Government Tries to Silence Franke James via @FrankeJames\nHarper fears art.(about 4953 days ago)
- Faye Hansen @fansen
Canadian Government Tries to Silence Franke James via @FrankeJames(about 4953 days ago)
- Martin Lavallée @martinlavallee5
@JoseeLegault Le gouvernement canadien contre @FrankeJames #cdnpoli(about 4953 days ago)
- Beari8it @beari8it
@JoseeLegault Le gouvernement canadien contre @FrankeJames #cdnpoli(about 4953 days ago)
- Kathryn-Jane Hazel @kathrynhazel
Canadian Government Tries to Silence Franke James via @FrankeJames(about 4953 days ago)
- Claire Eamer @ceamer
Climate change action plus art equals trouble in Canada: 4953 days ago)
- Sharon Fulton @sfulton8
Canadian Government Tries to Silence Franke James via @FrankeJames(about 4953 days ago)
- Emma Pullman @emmacaroline_
Unreal. Canadian Government Silences Artist critical of #Harper's environmental record (cc @frankejames) #cdnpoli(about 4953 days ago)
- Beari8it @beari8it
Unreal. Canadian Government Silences Artist critical of #Harper's environmental record (cc @frankejames) #cdnpoli(about 4953 days ago)
- Maggie Murphy @heartaglow
Canadian Government Tries to Silence Franke James via @FrankeJames(about 4952 days ago)
- mBloging Tester @check_mbloging
RT @EcoLabs: Canadian Government Tries to Silence Franke James via @FrankeJames #topsectoren #unibrennt #demo2011(about 4952 days ago)
- HforHardratta @hforhardratta
Canadian Government Tries to Silence Franke James via @FrankeJames(about 4952 days ago)
- Cindy Mitchell @cindymitchell
Canadian Government Tries to Silence Franke James via @FrankeJames(about 4952 days ago)
- Kate Storey @organickate
Harper government is afraid of constructive criticsm. Tries to silence artist. via @FrankeJames(about 4952 days ago)
- Sherif Karama @s_karama
Canadian Government Censors environmental artist; sad and disappointing via @FrankeJames(about 4952 days ago)
- Sherif Karama @skarama_music
Canadian Government Censors environmental artist; sad and disappointing via @FrankeJames(about 4952 days ago)
- Christopher Guglick @guglickmusic
THIS IS INFURIATING! Canadian Government Tries to Silence Franke James via @FrankeJames(about 4952 days ago)
- Ksenia @aeonstrategies
Disturbing! Canadian Government is actively working to shut down @frankejames (environmental/political artist)exhibition 4952 days ago)
- Dan Turner @dantatg
Canadian Government Tries to Silence Franke James via @FrankeJames(about 4950 days ago)
- Jenny Tuazon @heyjenihey
Canadian gov't tries to silence @FrankeJames: #censorship #freespeech #cdnpoli(about 4950 days ago)
- indyish @indyish
Canadian Government Tries to Silence Artist and Writer Franke James via @FrankeJames(about 4950 days ago)
- Loretta Dugaro @loretta_jolene
Canadian Government Tries to Silence Artist and Writer Franke James via @FrankeJames(about 4950 days ago)
- paigewolf @paigewolf
Canadian Government Tries to Silence Franke James via @FrankeJames(about 4949 days ago)
- SherryH @sherryh
oh yeah. Steven Harper, lover of the arts gets his own. 4949 days ago)
- CTilgner @restorecanada
#NEWS #CANADA #WTF #ClimateGate Canadian Government Tries to #Silence @FrankeJames' Art Show #FrankeJames(about 4949 days ago)
- CTilgner @restorecanada
Canadian gov tries to silence Franke James environmental awareness art tour by intimidating sponsors - 4949 days ago)
- Not Given @can_ada
#NEWS #CANADA #WTF #ClimateGate Canadian Government Tries to #Silence @FrankeJames' Art Show #FrankeJames(about 4949 days ago)
- Larry Oliver @tweetingdonal
Canadian Government Tries to Silence Franke James via @FrankeJames(about 4949 days ago)
- Larry Oliver @tweetingdonal
Canadian Government Tries to Silence Franke James via @FrankeJames(about 4948 days ago)
- fj @gecko39
Canadian Government Tries to Silence Franke James via @FrankeJames(about 4948 days ago)
- Dan Moutal @scruffydan
Canadian Government Tries to Silence Franke James via @FrankeJames(about 4948 days ago)
- Irregular Climate @irregclimate
Canadian Government Tries to Silence Franke James via @FrankeJames(about 4948 days ago)
- Dr.Dawg @drdawg
Canadian Government Tries to Silence Franke James via @FrankeJames(about 4948 days ago)
- Swanson, C.E. @dizzlski
Canadian Government Tries to Silence Franke James via @FrankeJames(about 4948 days ago)
- backofthebook @backofthebook
Canadian Government Tries to Silence Franke James via @FrankeJames(about 4948 days ago)
- Mike McCormick @9chicago
Canadian Government Tries to Silence Franke James via @FrankeJames(about 4946 days ago)
- Lesley @landersondelt
Canadian Government Tries to Silence Franke James via @FrankeJames(about 4943 days ago)
- Robert van Waarden @rvanwaarden
Canadian Gov't trying to silence Cnd Artist Franke James over her #tarsands n env message #cdnpoli #climate(about 4942 days ago)
- Nic Seton @nicseton
Canadian Gov't trying to silence Cnd Artist Franke James over her #tarsands n env message #cdnpoli #climate(about 4942 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
TY! MT @rvanwaarden Canadian Gov't trying to silence Cdn Artist Franke James for her #tarsands + enviro message #cdnpoli(about 4942 days ago)
- Love Honour Respect @halibutron
How #Harper #censor s #Canadian #artists by @FrankeJames ◀FOLLOW ! #cdnpoli V @___Danno @darrylgold(about 4941 days ago)
- Petra Leinemann @petriedish
Have to throw my support behind this woman: Canadian Government Tries to Silence Franke James via @FrankeJames(about 4934 days ago)
- sanjeev @sanjeevn
I had no idea this was going on, @frankejames! "Sad day for Canadian democracy" indeed! #Freedoms #Art #Issues #Outrage(about 4888 days ago)
- Franke James @frankejames
RT @sanjeevn I had no idea this was going on, @frankejames! "Sad day for Canadian democracy" indeed! #Art #Outrage(about 4888 days ago)
- CC @canadiancynic
In which Stephen Harper is not above bullying women, #cpocbullies(about 4868 days ago)
- Lindy Lynn @graphicnature
In which Stephen Harper is not above bullying women, #cpocbullies(about 4868 days ago)
- Kev Carney @karmaclay
In which Stephen Harper is not above bullying women, #cpocbullies(about 4868 days ago)
- Mark C. Robins @markcrobins
In which Stephen Harper is not above bullying women, #cpocbullies(about 4868 days ago)
- Jef Sev @tbaggingjesus\nJust another example of the Harper Government injustices towards women.\nAnd truth.(about 4868 days ago)
- Eric Dillane @tor_grit
In which Stephen Harper is not above bullying women, #cpocbullies(about 4868 days ago)
- Jeremy Brown @thatjeremybrown
Ahh, the Harper Cons, denouncing bullying while they actively take part in it: #cpocbullies(about 4868 days ago)
- Steve Kubien @greenleafwood
Freedom of expression no longer exists in Canada. 4842 days ago)
- uh8myzen @uh8myzen
Canadian Government Tries to Silence Franke James via @FrankeJames(about 4842 days ago)
- MBurrett @mburrett Canadian govt blacklists artist for speaking up on climate change #FrankeJames #climatechange #CanPoli(about 4591 days ago)
- Brandon Laraby @bclaraby
For trying to silence @frankejames - and who knows how many other Canadian Artists I #DenounceHarper #Cdnpoli(about 4249 days ago)
[…] artist Franke James discovered the consequences of objecting to government policies when her international tour had to […]
[…] Franke James is a visual artist with a strong ecological leaning whose federal government funding for a show in Croatia was suddenly cancelled by Canada’s Department of Foreign Affairs in Ottawa, with the words, “Who was the idiot who approved an art show by that woman, Franke James?!” She has asked and is currently awaiting a meeting with her MP, Joe Oliver, who announced he would meet with environmentalists if asked. […]
[…] Franke James is a visual artist with a strong ecological leaning whose federal government funding for a show in […]
I think Franke is a hero. Full stop.
[…] […]