Canadian Ecology Centre 2010
In February, Franke gave a Green Conscience talk & workshop to Science teachers at the Canadian Ecology Centre.
“Franke’s talk and workshop was the highlight of the 3 day professional development workshop at the Canadian Ecology Centre.” Coral Mason, OCT, Program Coordinator, CEC.
What did the Science teachers think about making green conscience artwork? Read teacher feedback here and below…
Remarkable way to communicate
“I just wanted to thank you for sharing your creative process with us. It is a truly remarkable way to get people to start reflecting upon the ways in which we affect the environment and then to communicate our own thoughts in a visual, high-impact manner. I will most definitely be using it with my students at the first opportunity.” Andy Wang, Science teacher
Makes climate change and ecology personal
“For me, the most important aspect of the activity is that it makes the whole climate change and ecology thing personal. The students own up to what bothers his/her ecological conscience, then thinks about the options they have to change the situation that bothers them. Thank you for the different approach that allows me to grab the attention of some less-sciencey students.” Barbara Gaudet, Science teacher
Here’s one example of a teacher who is a “POP-o-holic.”
You don’t have to move mountains to make a difference
“Your presentation and the “Bothered by my Green Conscience” activity had me motivated and wanting to do more to promote being green to my students and show them how by my example. It really had me feeling that anyone can be green, and you don’t have to be able to move mountains to make a difference. I also loved tying creativity to science in our activity and I’m excited about bringing it into my classroom and have the students really feel that they could make a difference too.” Sarah Lovsin, Teacher
I keep telling myself that “I’m not that creative…”
“I was so inspired by your talk at the Canadian Ecology Centre. I found the activity on “What’s bothering my Green conscience” extremely engaging. Initially, I wasn’t sure as to how I would represent my thoughts, because I keep telling myself that “I’m not that creative…” However, the activity steps that you made us go through, really made me think about my issue: what it is that we are eating in my household and the whole notion of a ‘fast food’ nation. I would like to advocate for more wholesome, nutritious options that are better for our health and environment. As we worked through the activity, I realized how easy it was to come up with ideas. I will definitely use this activity with my grade 8 class since it incorporates art and gets them to think critically about an issue. Thanks again for sharing your time and ideas with us…” Tanya Williamson, Teacher
Related Links
Watch the teachers talk about their work in this post: “What Bothers a Science Teacher’s Green Conscience?”
See also Franke’s visual essay about the Canadian Ecology Centre event: My Green Conscience in North Bay
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