Do lower gas prices put Friedman’s ‘green revolution’ in jeopardy?
by Franke James
Hot, Flat & Crowded: Why We Need a Green Revolution–and How It Can Renew America
When Thomas Friedman’s new book “Hot, Flat, and Crowded” was published on September 8th, the price of gas was $3.65 a gallon, and a barrel of oil was $106. Today, less than two months later, gas has dropped to $2.73, and oil to $62 (a 17-month low). For many, the pain at the pump has been replaced with sighs of relief. Lower gas prices are widely seen (except by environmentalists) as one of the few bright spots in a dire economic landscape. Does this put the green revolution in jeopardy?
Melting Financial Markets vs Melting Ice Caps
Ironically the melting financial markets are causing more consternation than the melting ice caps. But unlike Wall Street, Mother Nature can’t be bailed out. The financial panic we’re seeing now is nothing compared to what we’ll see if the world reaches the tipping point, and the climate goes really haywire.
Some would like to believe that lower gas and oil prices mean that we can forego the green revolution, concentrate on our stock portfolios and skip reading “Hot, Flat, and Crowded.” But I believe it’s more urgent than ever. Going green is the best way to help the economy recover — and preserve a livable planet for our children and grandchildren. Personally, I’ve found that going green puts money in my pocket. We’ve saved thousands by going car-free and by insulating our house (and others have been employed as a result. e.g. insulation manufacturers, window manufacturers, Energy Auditors, etc.).
Friedman offers a plan that could revitalize America. I found it so fascinating my copy is already dog-eared and decorated with margin notes.
What did I learn?
Well, here are just a few of my must-turn-over-page-corner-and-mark-this-to-remember-it moments:
Invisible greenhouse gases: Page 34
A visual analogy by Nate Lewis, California Institute of Technology, on invisible greenhouse gases where he compares driving in your car to throwing a bag of garbage out the window — for every mile you drive. Hummers toss two garbage bags out the window!
Why worry about the world warming a degree or two? Page 37
“Your body temperature is normally 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit, and when it goes up just a few degrees to 102 degrees Fahrenheit, it is a big deal — it tells you something is wrong,” says John Holdren, who is a professor of environmental policy at Harvard…. “The same is true with changes in the global average surface temperature.”
The meaning of ‘hot, flat and crowded’: Page 37
“CNN founder Ted Turner is not a scientist, but in his own blunt way he summed up what it means when the world gets hot, flat and crowded. “We’re too many people — that’s why we have global warming.”
We are the proverbial ‘boiled frog’: Page 48
Friedman writes about the proverbial boiled frog syndrome: “I hope we will write a different ending, but let’s not fool ourselves: We are the frog, the pail is getting hot, flat and crowded, and we need a long-term survival plan — a ladder out of the pail.”
Home Sweet Home: Page 49
Friedman comments on the profound realization that we’d entered the Energy-Climate era. “I am reminded of something Bill Collins, one of the top climate modelers at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory in California, said to me after showing me a supercomputer-aided simulation of climate change over the next century: “We’re running an uncontrolled experiment on the only home we have.”
Our addiction to oil: Page 81
Friedman writes, “Our addiction to oil makes global warming warmer, petrodictators stronger, clean air dirtier, poor people poorer, democratic countries weaker, and radical terrorists richer. Have I left anything out?”
Many questions popped into my head as I read through the book.
I wondered how I could keep track of global warming statistics. I follow the economic indicators and can tell you what the price of oil is, whether the DOW went up or down, how the real estate market is doing, and what the GDP is versus past years.
But what are the global warming indicators? What is the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere, today? Is it higher than the IPCC’s number of 379 ppm in 2005? How much higher? Will 450 ppm cause a rise of 2 degrees and represent a tipping point? Or are we already seeing negative feedback loops such as melting polar ice, that mean humans are underestimating the speed of climate change? How fast are species disappearing? Friedman writes that one species is going extinct every 20 minutes. How bad is that? Well, it’s a thousand times faster than the norm during most of earth’s history. Clearly there’s a lot of education needed to bring each of us up-to-speed on the impact of global warming. I’m starting with “me” — I am going to learn these numbers so I can understand just how hot the water is getting… (BTW, I found a site that tells me what the CO2 in the atmosphere is now. To see for yourself go to:
Part III of ‘Hot, Flat and Crowded’ is where Friedman outlines 205 ‘easy’ ways to save the earth. He’s partly poking fun at the multitude of newspapers and magazines that promise that going green is easy but underneath that is a brilliant strategy on what we can do individually — and what the ‘powers-that-be’ should do. If they were smart and listened. Which brings me to my “big wish”.
Hot, Flat & Crowded should be “Required Reading” for Politicians
The group that should be required to read “Hot, Flat & Crowded” are our political leaders (and they should be tested on their understanding of it afterwards!). Politicians have the legislative power to make the green revolution happen — but do they have the knowledge and the political will?
Green is the new Red, White, and Blue
We need the brightest (and most ethical) political leaders to read Friedman’s book, and use it to explain to the American public why going green is in their best interests. Why kicking the fossil fuel addiction can simultaneously protect their security, their incomes, their childrens’ future health… And let the USA shine once again as global leaders. In fact, Friedman argues that ‘going green’ is the most patriotic thing Americans can do, and that “green is the new red, white, and blue.”
Just as JFK ignited the passion and commitment to ‘land a man on the moon and return him safely to the Earth’, in 1961, we need a new generation of leaders to commit to a race to be the clean energy superpower within a decade. Friedman says that the best way for America to ‘get its groove back’ is to solve the world’s problems.
“If we take the lead in solving the world’s problem, we will solve our own problem. We will precisely be generating the kind of innovation, competitiveness, respect, security, breakthroughs to help the world in the most fundamental challenge it faces today; and in so doing, we will make ourselves more respected, stronger, more secure, entrepreneurial, richer, and competitive. And I think this is the ball game; who claims that industry in a world that’s hot, flat, and crowded.” Thomas Friedman, Scientific American, 09.09.08
The World needs Leadership on Climate Change. Can the USA be that Leader?
Now, some readers will know that I’m Canadian, and wonder why I’m speaking of Friedman’s message mainly in terms of the U.S. Do I not see a huge opportunity for Canada too? Well, I do believe that Canada could be one of the clean energy leaders, but currently we lack the political will. (See my recent Dear Prime Minister essay to understand what we’re up against. The Conservatives won the recent election, despite 62% of Canadians voting for other parties that pledged to reduce greenhouse gases and combat global warming.) Canada has lost its leadership position on environmental matters. We will likely do what we so often do — and only adopt green policies after the United States has already paved the way. And after we have been embarrassed internationally. Which is why I’m urging U.S. politicians to seize the opportunity and run with it. Please set an example that the whole world can follow.
Making the green revolution a reality is going to take a huge amount of effort beyond politicians. All levels of society will need to be enlisted to do their part. Raising awareness and educating people about the scientific facts behind climate change — and how their lives will be changed by it — is crucial. Towards that goal, reading “Hot, Flat, and Crowded” is a great start.
The Garden of Earthly Delights or Hell?
In closing, I cannot resist commenting on the book cover which features the middle panel from Hieronymus Bosch’s The Garden of Earthly Delights triptych. As a young child I discovered this artwork in a book at home. I was both intrigued and frightened by it. What was this decadent world of bodies cavorting around in the nude, with animals and fantastical fruit? What was its’ meaning? But the panel that made the most searing impression on me was the 3rd panel with its hollow ‘Tree-man’.
It’s perhaps a relief and sign of hope that Friedman chose to feature the more luscious and decadent 2nd panel on his book cover. Will Bosch’s 3rd panel below be the bookcover for a Friedman sequel…
“Hotter, Flatter & Unbelievably Crowded: Why did we blow the Green Revolution and hand the Green Energy crown to China?”
“Hot, Flat & Crowded” review by Franke James
Book link: Hot, Flat & Crowded: Why We Need a Green Revolution–and How It Can Renew America
Image credit: The Garden of Earthly Delights by Hieronymus Bosch (c. 1450—1516) courtesy Wikimedia Commons.
I haven’t read this book yet. It’s on my booklist…
Your review reminds me of two posts I wrote this week on this very topic. A new Apollo Program and a global green New Deal: UNEP initiative. I hope that all these voices (I am not thinking about mine, but the UNEP’s ones) will finally get the message through.
Very great post Franke. Keep up the good work. I look forward to reading more from you. Meanwhile, enjoy ! ;)
Fabulous review Franke. I’d love to see the US take it on, be the example – I share your wish. I about fell off my chair when I read the hummer and garbage statistic. Somethings really just need to be abolished! How does one abolish a hummer? I parallel the Bosch pieces to the works of Dali. Wonderfully odd, peculiar, fascinating and frightening all in the same breath.
I’ll check it out…
Atmosphere Monthly’s November 2008 issue features comments from the IPCC Chairman, Rajendra Pachauri, on Hot, Flat & Crowded — and my thoughts as well….
Hi again Franke,
I’m glad Friedman’s book is connecting with people. And I was very pleased to see your link to CO2 Now, which was created by a new friend of ours in Victoria, Michael McGee, a wonderful young father who has created that website for the sake of his children’s future.
I take issue with Ted Turner’s assertion that “We’re too many people — that’s why we have global warming,” as well as Friedman’s promotion of this fallacy. Global climate change is *not* because of too many people, it’s because of too many people living the profligate EuroAmerican lifestyle that binges constantly on carbon.
Have a look these stats from Barry Saxifrage’s article, “Carbon: Life & Death Styles of the Rich,” in a recent issue of Watershed Sentinel (
“Professor Stephen Pacala of Princeton University calculated the emissions per person for all six and a half billion of us. His surprising results reveal that the three billion poorest people in the world emit essentially nothing. Meanwhile, the wealthiest 500 million people (8% of humanity) are responsible for half of greenhouse gas emissions.
Furthermore, the wealthiest 15% are responsible for three quarters of global emissions. The remaining 85% of humanity emit one fourth of the total.”
Yup, those 500 million include most Americans and Canadians, and a whole whack of Europeans and Australians, etc. A frightening statistic, but as Saxifrage points out, it’s math.
So there, Ted Turner and Thomas Friedman and anyone else who wants to blame it all on the human species. It’s not about the poor farmer in Nepal with 8 kids — it’s about us!!
Franke, thank you once again for setting the example as someone living amongst the 15 percent who has had the compassion to start being part of the solution.
GreenHeart Education
[…] Many thanks to Franke James for her brilliant review. […]
Hi Franke,
Nice review of Thomas Friedman’s excellent book… or rather, the abiding wisdom of his arguments therein. I, too, am Canadian, however, and I’d like to toss up a more hopeful idea about our own county’s opportunity and try to back it up with a few good reasons.
We’re 1/10th the size of the U.S. which is pretty bogged down in partisan politics, especially on long-term issues like climate change. Could Canada not move more quickly and nimbly than the behemoth across our border? And if we did, then what a powerful example we could be to America… in fact, after our numerous and well-deserved “Fossil of the Day” awards at climate conferences over the years, what an example we would be to the world! Dozens of countries would be saying, “Well, if Canada can do it, so can we!”
And isn’t Canada tired of being slammed for our lame climate policies? We could be ripe to turn over a new leaf, you know.
Leadership is already happening in Canada. BC has a well-designed carbon tax, and the government has been re-elected since introducing it. Nova Scotia and Ontario have Feed In Tariffs designed to wean their Provinces off of coal, while decentralizing and stabilizing their electricity grid and creating jobs at the same time. Here in Alberta a dozen Cities and Towns wrote letters last year to the Premier’s Office, asking for an expert panel to look at our renewable power potential and the best policies with which to develop it. With stronger winds and more hours of sunlight than either Ontario or world leader Germany, and at least as much biomass and biogas resources as either of them, Alberta could meet all our expected electricity demands and in fact, wean ourselves off of coal.
Meanwhile, our National Round Table on the Environment and Economy has said that, regardless of what the US does or doesn’t do, Canada should set a price on carbon. Out here in the West, the conservative think tank Canada West Foundation goes further to say that we should do so not with a cap and trade scheme, nor to attempt to duck the issue with expensive and less effective regulations, but rather with a transparent and predictable carbon tax.
“We must price carbon: transparent, unmistakable and extending across the economy. If the industry waits, it will get a command-and-control regulations scheme, a worse alternative.â€â€¨
Michael Cleland, the Nexen Executive in Residence at the Canada West Foundation and former head of the Canadian Gas Association
Thanks for your 2011 comment on my 2008 review. I think I should do a new post so that your comment is read widely. I agree that we need to set a price on carbon, and that a carbon tax is the best choice.
In my review I refer to the website See the collaboration I did with founded Michael McGee in 2009. We created a CO2 Toaster Widget:
CO2 Toaster, Science Exhibit