Wait a minute Mr. Postman! Do you have a letter for me? From my favourite MP?

by Franke James

Mr. Postman look and see. Do you have a letter in your bag for me? Please Mr. Postman… There must be some word today from my MP so far away….

Joe Oliver loves environmentalists illustration and photo by Franke James, copyright 2012

On January 27, my very own Member of Parliament, Minister Joe Oliver told the Toronto Star that he would meet with environmentalists…

“I said I’m open to meet with them, and I am. When they ask, I will say yes,” Oliver told reporters.

“No environmental group has requested a meeting with me.”

So, I sent him a letter taking him up on his offer! Here’s a snippet…

“I am writing to request the opportunity to meet with you in Toronto concerning research for my new book which will have a story on Canada’s Energy Future and the Northern Gateway Pipeline. Specifically I want to help the “average Canadian” (including my neighbours in Eglinton-Lawrence) to understand the issues at play, and what’s at stake from an economic and environmental perspective.”

His offices in Toronto and Ottawa confirmed they got my letter, but they couldn’t promise I’d get a meeting…

Mr. Postman, I’ve been standing here waiting so patiently, for just a card or just a letter, saying Joe’s ready to see me. I’ve been waiting such a long time since I heard from that MP of mine.

So, I’m sending Dear Joe this Valentine…

illustration by franke james

I am wai-ai-ai-aiting with a tear in my eye,
for Mr. Postman to deliver my MP’s letter
telling me he’ll mee-ee-t with me.

“Wait! Mr. Postman look and see (oh yeah)
You got a letter in your bag for me (please please Mr. Po-o-o-stman)
I’ve been waiting such a long time (oh yeah)
Since I heard from that MP of mine.”
(Please Mr. Postman lyrics: Dobbin/Garrett/Garman/Brianbert)

Send me a letter, the sooooner the better.


46 Responses: 3 Comments and 43 Tweets

  • Franke James says:

    I just heard from Minister Oliver’s office with an update on my meeting request….

    ———- Forwarded message ———-
    Date: Fri, Feb 10, 2012 at 1:55 PM
    Subject: RE: Request for meeting with Minister Oliver
    To: franke james

    Thank you for the email. Your meeting request is with the Minister’s scheduling assistant. I will send her your reminder.

    With thanks
    Steven Cooke
    Office of the Hon. Joe Oliver, P.C., MP

    From: Franke James
    Sent: February-10-12 1:04 PM
    To: Oliver, Joe – Riding 1
    Subject: Re: Request for meeting with Minister Oliver


    Mr. Cooke,

    My latest blog post regarding my proposed meeting with Minister Oliver is a Valentine…

    Wait a minute Mr. Postman! Do you have a letter for me? From my favourite MP?

    I’m looking forward to hearing from your office.



    Franke James, MFA
    Bothered By My Green Conscience
    Environmental Visual essays
    Inventor, ethics and empathy game:
    Dear Office-Politics, the game everyone plays
    Twitter: @frankejames

    On Mon, Jan 30, 2012 at 1:19 PM, Franke James wrote:
    Mr. Cooke,

    Excellent. Thank you.


    On Mon, Jan 30, 2012 at 12:05 PM, wrote:
    Ms. James

    Thank you for the email. It has been forwarded to the Ministers scheduling assistant whom will be in contact with you in the near future.

    With thanks
    Steven Cooke
    Office of the Hon. Joe Oliver, P.C., MP
    Eglinton – Lawrence

  • […] Open file has a bit of a who’s who on the Northern Gateway issue but forgot to mention one of Canada’s treasures, Franke James, who is still awaiting confirmation for a meeting with her MP, Joe Oliver. Remember him? He’s the oily MP who offered to meet with environmentalists, the one whose slippery words really got the ball rolling on this campaign. […]

  • Horst Reda says:

    Nice… and powerful too. Reminds me of some of Mendelsohn Joe’s trials and tribulations in the (supposedly green) Mulroney era.

    More power to you!

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