Government of Ontario: Green Conscience Games

Green Conscience Games at Government of Ontario, October 22, 2010

Green Conscience Games at Government of Ontario, October 22, 2010

“Franke’s messages aren’t preachy or heavy-handed”

“Franke was adept at presenting how our actions today will truly affect our world of tomorrow. My colleagues and I had lots of fun, but I think we all came away learning things we may have all been taking for granted.” Casey Palmer, Project Planning Coordinator, Ministry of Education, Government of Ontario

Franke James presenting at Ontario Government Staff Day, Ontario October 22, 2010

“You inspired me to step out of my comfort zone. Now that I have identified the ‘hardest thing’, it’s just a matter of having the courage to act on it!”

Cathy Chae, Application Analyst, Government of Ontario

Staff at Government of Ontario in Toronto, Ontario October 22, 2010
Staff at Government of Ontario in Toronto, Ontario October 22, 2010

Franke presented “Our Disposable World” and then asked a challenging question for the government staff to think about, “What is the hardest thing you could do for the planet?” In addition to giving a talk, Franke conducted a Green Conscience Game workshop. Everyone got busy drawing, sharing ideas, and then presenting them on-stage. There was terrific enthusiasm all round. The final game included writing postcards to their Future Grandkids, some of which were very touching and powerful. The creative poem (pictured below) from Casey Palmer, to Casey Palmer III, drew much laughter and rousing applause.

Casey Palmer's postcard at the Green Conscience Games, Government of Ontario in Toronto, Ontario October 22, 2010

“Franke’s eco-friendly messages aren’t preachy or heavy-handed, making them accessible to a wide audience. And the fantastic artwork leaves a lasting impression.”Onil Patel, CSC Business & Financial Services Office, Govt of Ontario

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